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River Soaked


Link shows up at the Dueling Peaks Stable with fish and mushrooms...


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

"Link, you're soaking wet, what happened?" Beedle asked as Link entered the Dueling Peaks Stable.

Link smiled. "Oh, this is nothing, I was at Squabble Lake, killing fish."

"You mean…fishing?" Tasseren asked who was the owner of the stable.

"Yeah, but I was using my arrows," Link said, placing the batch of fish down. "How much will this get me?"

Tasseren hummed as he looked at the fish and a bit of the mushrooms Link had also picked while walking past a forest, "A night and a meal."

"Good enough for me." Link grinned.

"You should clean off your clothes before you walk in here, Link," Sheeko said. A woman who was sitting on a chair nearby. She had been reading a newspaper and was smiling softly at him.

Link peered down at his clothes and chuckled awkwardly. "Ah, yes, my bad…I'll hang them up to dry outside."

Link stepped out and peeled off his clothes and took out a loose blue shirt with a lobster on the front from his bag and pulled them on, including a pair of shorts. His boots will have to remain outside until tomorrow.

He heard music coming from the other side of the stable and spotted Mastro. And Stamm, another traveler, sitting on one of the wooden seats. Link walked over, and Stamm gave him a small smile.

"Heard you jumped into a river recently."

"Yeah, I'm hoping the fish will be cooked soon," Link said, glancing over to see Rensa, Tasseren's twin brother, lighting up the stove, and waving at Link that it was ready. "Did you want any?"

Stamm nodded. "Sure, why not."

Link took some of the fish and mushrooms he had given to Tassaren, and placed them on a skewer, and began cooking them around the pot. Stamm sat across from him, telling him a few stories.

Link smiled as Rensa joined them, and by the time the food was finished, Beedle had come over and taken one of the skewers.

He had gone to sleep within the stable, stomach full, and feeling relaxed.



Weirdly, I like killing fish in game. (I also watch videos about it...some with squids.) LOL.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed~

Series this work belongs to: