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Chapter 15: Kris's Birthday
Close to the end of their journey, Kris has a small celebration with the beasts, and reflects on their relationships and memories seemingly left so far behind.
No content warnings necessary for this chapter!
Phew, and this is what I am currently working on for Deltarune! This has been a fun little experiment; I don't usually try to wildly diverge from canon, but it's cool to try something new. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoy what's to come!
WizardOfRandom, And_Here_We_Are, SirPloofy, Maywether, NJsg, Avid_Reader6425, Saintt_Arrow, Smokeberries, LuckyDuckWrites, Rimler, Mark432, dragonfruityyy, AssassinCat4, lemonlimestoneuwu, Spencer_Goober, I8Chocolatecake, Kit_Kat_0, Z1pperZoomin, FallingNarwhals, AngelKodama, Dqydreamer, astronomicalz, JRaymondOfficial, The_Abukes_One, ByTheSeasAndTheStars, LittleDevilDarlin, EmmaOaihuong, oworms, Steve_Afret, FennFeatherDragon, zztwin02, Skiethemuse, I_want_to_linger_a_little_longer, Pastelblack61218, Starleo, redeyedsheepskull, Soulwasnthere, AlixysBlackfyre, VibarbisRokCandi, DokiWulf, throwaway_hooray, Anon505, MagicPhoenix28, Warhamfan99, VonKrieger, Echo_of_the_Abyss, TheBeckster, nameless_frog, LoosenedArrow, BAAAAKING, and 148 more users as well as 177 guests left kudos on this work!