Work Text:
"Come on. I want to show you something. I think you'll like it," Kabuto said with a hint of excitement as he went to grab Takara's hand.
She pulled back in a display of reluctance.
"I have training scheduled with Lord Orochimaru in a few minutes. He's going to be angry if I don't show up."
Kabuto was insistent. "I'll just tell him I needed to borrow you for my research. He'll understand. Besides, it's technically the truth. He's used to me skipping out on weeknight training to work in the lab anyway. Between you and me, I think he secretly appreciates the break."
Takara paused before laughing at Kabuto's suggestion that she should skive off with him. She then cautiously nodded, consenting to Kabuto pulling her down the halls of Otogakure by the hand.
He was being awfully wary as they ducked and wove through the corridors, looking left and right at every doorway, and around every corner they turned to make sure nobody saw them. Before long, they had made it to the central library, which had become one of Takara's most frequented locations in Oto.
"Here we are," said Kabuto.
"The library?"Takara said, looking around. "I've only been in here a hundred times."
He placed his hands firmly on her shoulders from behind as he spoke, "Of course you have."
He guided her into place, prompting her to turn her body and line of vision.
"But one thing I've learned is that the best way to keep a secret is to have it hidden in plain sight."
As if by magic, a hallway appeared to Takara through the shelves that had previously looked to be uniformly sized and evenly aligned. When viewed from the exact angle where Kabuto had positioned her, the illusion was broken and a path previously unknown to her was revealed.
Takara's jaw dropped in surprise as Kabuto laughed knowingly.
"Come on," he said as he grabbed a candle from the wall and walked past her to lead the way.
"Watch your head," he said as he held a curtain at the end of the pathway to the side. Kabuto ducked under and dropped a few feet down into the next room. Kabuto offered his hand so Takara could more easily climb through and drop her feet to the floor as well.
The room she found herself in was hardly even that, though the walls were quite high and outfitted floor to ceiling with shelves crammed with books, scrolls, and a few odd artifacts. A comedically large wooden desk and an old leather couch were stuffed in together, with just enough room to tightly maneuver around and between them. Most noticeable though, was the natural light of the moon and stars coming through the skylight. Natural light of any kind had become quite a commodity to Takara since her move to Otogakure.
Kabuto set to work maneuvering around the room, lighting more candles for additional light. He had to stand on the furniture to reach most of them.
"Kabuto, where are we?" Takara asked as she looked around. The cramped office had a spooky ambience, but there was something that seemed special and cozy about it at the same time.
"It's just my office," he said as he turned, candlelight reflecting off his glasses. "But I wanted to show you something here."
Kabuto casually stood on top of his desk with his hands in his pockets. He acknowledged the wall of ephemera behind him and spoke in an even tone, "These books and scrolls in the section behind my desk here are all artifacts of the Tengai clan. Lord Orochimaru had them all recovered, and there are even more where these came from. They are technically yours by birth right, so I wanted you to know that they're here."
He pulled out a book, then climbed down from the desk and sat across from Takara on the couch.
"This is one of the more recently-compiled ones. It even has some old photographs of your ancestors."
The spine of the book made a cracking sound as Kabuto opened it and passed it to Takara. The pages revealed aged, sepia-toned photographs of people in the traditional kimono of the Tengai clan, holding baskets and shakuhachi in their arms. Some photos were of craftspeople at work on the floor, weaving tengai and carving bamboo into shakuhachi. Some were of graceful figures standing in nature playing shakuhachi, their faces fully obscured under tengai baskets.
Takara took in the images of her ancestors, existing completely immersed in her clan's ancient traditions. Traditions that Takara's own immediate family had mostly abandoned over time due to circumstance.
"I think you really inherited the poise of your clan," Kabuto said, looking over to take in the effortless elegance of his pretty companion.
Takara was amazed at how many resources her clan had left for her to learn from, and Kabuto had mentioned that there were even more?
"How did Lord Orochimaru come by all this?", Takara wondered aloud.
Kabuto explained, "You didn't know? Lord Orochimaru built Otogakure here partly because of the ties to the Tengai clan. That's why he called it Otogakure: The Village Hidden in the Sound. The ruins were full of your clan's artifacts, including a great number of writings on the study of sound release. It was all completely derelict, but he tried to preserve what he could. He really wants you to reconnect with the traditions of the Tengai. It will further benefit our research, and give you something you might find rewarding to focus on. Hey- you know, you can come here any time you want. You can read here or take anything you want back to your room."
"I'd like that," She replied, "I think it's really nice in here, too."
Kabuto perked up, looking around at his small space with pride. "You really like it? I do too. I set this up so I could have a quiet place to come to think or read. The big fireplace in the center of the library is right on the other side of this wall, so there's plenty of warmth. I have been worried about Otogakure being too cold and clinical for you. It's not entirely all that bad though, once you get used to it."
"No, I think this is great!", She interjected, "All these books and this cozy couch. You can even look up at the stars through the skylight. It's actually kind of... romantic." Takara hesitated and gazed up at the sky as she said the last part.
Kabuto watched her as she looked up at the sky. He couldn't believe his luck in finding an unlikely friend in such an enchanting girl. Yes, she was brought in as a valuable specimen for his research, but by now any shred of hope Kabuto had of keeping a cool professional distance had completely gone out the window. Even in the low light, Takara's green eyes sparkled with her own distinctive brand of curious wonder.
"Yeah..." He mused, "... You know, I always kind of wondered what it would be like to kiss someone in here. In secret. Under the stars."
Takara's heart felt as if it had collided with her stomach. She gasped as her head snapped around in shock to meet his gaze. What an uncharacteristic thing for him to say! Was he really trying to drop an obvious hint? Surely not. She would never be so bold as to assume he had that kind of interest in her. She didn't even know what to say in response.
"So," He cautiously prompted, ... How about it?"
He really had just come right out with it! Takara was suspicious that he might be joking with her. What a cruel prank that would be.
"That's not funny, Kabuto.", She admonished dispiritedly, looking down at the book in her hands.
Kabuto was aghast, "Wait, no! I'd never in a million years joke with you about something like that! It was a pretty dumb idea though, sorry."
He laughed nervously, trying to fill the silence.
"... It's not dumb," Takara said softly, still looking down, turning the book in her hands.
"Takara! Does- does that mean you really want to?" He abruptly paused, flustered and embarrassed. "Well, don't laugh, but... I've actually never kissed a girl before. Or anyone."
"Well, I've never kissed a boy before. Or anyone else either," Takara said reassuringly, looking up, but averting her eyes as a strand of her short, wavy hair fell over her face.
Kabuto waited silently until he gained her eye contact. Once she finally did glance up at him, he was determined to hold her gaze there by sheer power of will. Takara's heart fluttered. She found herself unable to look away.
"For science, then?" He asked boldly.
Takara nodded decisively, setting the book aside and turning her attention completely to Kabuto. "For science."
He leaned toward her and gently tucked the errant strand of hair behind her ear as he further studied her soft face.
He closed the distance between them and softly kissed her lips. Takara followed his lead and kissed him back.
They broke the kiss, just taking a moment to let what had just happened between them sink in.
"Does the experiment require a second trial?" Takara asked with a grin that slightly wrinkled
her freckled nose.
Kabuto nodded and said matter-of-factly, "A second trial is most assuredly in order. Perhaps a third as well, to further solidify the consistency of our findings."
They laughed together, quite pleased with themselves and their jokes.
"Just... do me a solid favor and don't mention this part to Lord Orochimaru," Kabuto asked of Takara.
"I'll never tell," she affirmed with a laugh and a smile before they kissed again.