My fuckbuddy is kind to my cats and my cats like him. I’m starting to have feelings for him because of that
Every time he comes to my place he’d greet my cats first, all three of them, crouch down like “heyyyy buddy how is it going?” and scratch their little faces while they purr. Then after a little while he’d just stand up and kiss me hard and go straight to business. Like…he’s dominant in bed but kinda cute around my cats. He also has dimples. And they show when he smiles. My cats love him for some reason. My cats don’t take kindly to strangers but they would jump on his lap when we were making out. And when he was about to leave, my cats, two of them at least, wouldn’t stop following him and meowing at him. It was a bit embarrassing. My youngest cat was screaming at him one time when he was leaving. He laughed and said “hey what do you want? Wanna come with me?” My youngest doesn't even treat me this nicely. I feel I’m starting to like him more than I’m supposed to because my stupid cats like him.