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Edge of the Multiverse: Sunrise at the Edge

Chapter 3: Integration


Roxan and Mezri meet the rest of the crew occupying the crashed Jupiter vessel.

Chapter Text

                The Chariot slowly backed into the garage of the crashed Jupiter vessel.  Once it was fully in, a Twi’lek girl pressed a button next to the garage door to close it off from the bitter cold storm raging outside.  Meat Stick flipped a few switches to power down the vehicle as the passengers unbuckled their harnesses.  “Home sweet home,” Ula commented as Elsear lifted open the door to the cabin.

                The passengers exited the Chariot, with Meat Stick, Ula, and Roxan unloading the supplies that had been gathered.  “Ya know, we really need to stop picking up strangers,” the Twi’lek stated as she lift up her goggles and pulled down her cowl.  She had pink skin, blue eyes, and what seemed to be pale pink freckles over her face.  “I don’t think we’re going to be able to feed everyone if we keep this up.”

                “I have to agree,” a hooved, four legged creature stated as it approached to look over the supplies.  The creature had a neon green coat of fur, with a black mane and tail, green eyes, a horn protruding from its forehead, and was wearing a pair of glasses.

                “Its charitable work,” Elsear said with a smile.

                “Is that a talkin’ horse?” Roxan said dropping the supplies she was holding and backing away from the creature.

                “Uh unicorn, thank you,” the creature replied with a glare at Roxan before turning back to look over the supplies.  A green aura appeared around its horn as items from the supplies were lifted with a similar green aura and brought closer for inspection.

                “Overclock and Zan’jori,” Elsear said as she motioned to the hooved creature and then the Twi’lek respectively.  “Please welcome our guests Mezri and Roxan,” she then said while motioning to the two new arrivals.

                The Twi’lek, Zan’jori got close to Mezri and bent down to take a look at the lightsaber at the hip of the Twili woman.  “Oh wow!  Don’t think I’ve ever seen a lightsaber design like that with the crystal outside and placed at the top of the hilt,” she commented before standing up and eyeing Mezri.  “Though the materials make me think you’re a Sith and not a Jedi.”

                “There is a saying amongst my people.  ‘Light and dark are two sides of the same coin,’” the Twili woman stated.  “While my teacher claimed to be a Jedi, I myself am neither Jedi nor Sith.”

                “Ah you’re one of those people that thinks there is no light side or dark side, and that there is just the Force, aren’t you?” Zan’jori asked.  She then looked over Mezri once more.  “You also aren’t from my universe either.”

                Mezri nodded.  “I am not indeed.  Though my teacher was a Twi’lek much like yourself.  He may have come from your universe even.”

                “That has so many implications about the nature of all universes,” Roxan commented as she backed away more from the Unicorn named Overclock and approached.  “I believe Twi’leks are from that Star Wars franchise I was tellin’ you about, Miss Mezri,” she said finally facing the two.  She then looked around the garage of the ship.  “An’ this is definitely a Jupiter Class spacecraft from that early 21st century Lost in Space series.”

                Zan’jori looked over Roxan and smirked.  “You seem like a smart one.  I’ve heard Elsear, Meat Stick, and Noodle discuss the idea when we all first met up,” she said with a chuckle.

                “Gotta be to be a pilot where I come from,” Roxan stated.

                Zan’jori then narrowed her eyes.  “I’m the pilot of this ship understand, Roxy girl?”

                Roxan scowled at Zan’jori.  “She does not like to be called that, Zan’!” Ula called out as she lifted up some supplies to carry to the upper decks.  “Where’s Blas?”  It was then a bipedal, humanoid creature covered in light brown hair slid down the ladder leading to the upper decks seeming to communicate with a series of growls and howls.  The creature stood about a couple inches taller than Ula did.  “Come on, buddy.  We need to get this upstairs,” Ula said to the creature as it approached which responded with more growls and howls.  “Because we’re the two strongest people in this hulk of metal,” Ula seemed to reply while flexing with a chuckle.  The creature seemed to sigh and reply with a series of low growls in disdain and defeat.

                “A Wookiee?” Roxan said wide eyed in shock at the creature.

                “A Wookiee!” Mezri said wide eyed in amazement at the creature.

                Elsear laughed at the two newcomers’ reactions.  “That is Blasnelghrirk.  We call him Blas for short,” the Delvian woman stated.

                The creature seemed to take note of the new arrivals and growled out what seemed to be a greeting while waving at the two.  Mezri gave a slight bow in return while Roxan raised a hand back in greeting.  Zan’jori couldn’t help but laugh in amusement either at the reactions.  “You two really are out of your element, aren’t you?” the Twi’lek asked as she watched Meat Stick eyeing Overclock from behind the Chariot.

                “Meat Stick! No!  Leave him alone!” Ula called without even looking as she and Blas carried supplies with Overclock following to a lift that had been put in place of where another ladder should have been.

                “But horsey!” Meat Stick called out from behind the vehicle.

                The Unicorn looked behind himself.  “You know I don’t like being ridden, Meat,” it said.

                “Fiiiiiiiine!” Meat Stick whined as she went to the ladder Blas had slid.  “I wonder if Noodle wants to play,” she stated to herself as she climbed up to one of the upper decks.

                “Noodle’s resting.  Best not disturb them,” Zan’jori called out.

                “NO one lets me have ANY FUN,” Meat Stick sang out in frustration as she climbed the ladder.

                “That girl.  I swear,” Zan’jori said shaking her head.

                Elsear gave a gentle chuckle.  “But we do love her,” she said before turning back to Mezri and Roxan.  “Come.  Zan’ and I can show you to the last of the open rooms we have that you can rest in.”

                “Yeah so this is definitely the last we’re taking on then, right?” Zan said as she followed Elsear to the ladder with Mezri and Roxan close behind.

                Roxan woke up to a knocking at the door to the cabin she had been shown to.  “Hold yer horses.  I’mma comin’,” she said when there was another knock.  She begrudgingly pushed herself out of bed and made way to the cabin door to open it.

                “Took you long enough, Roxy-girl” Zan’jori said with a smirk.

                “What’s this about?” Roxan said while rubbing her eye.  “An’ don’t call me Roxy.”

                Zan’jori chuckled before Meat Stick called out from the central room at the center of the upper most deck down the corridor.  “Hurry up, Zan’!  Before the MEAT! GETS! COLD!”

                Zan’jori chuckled once more before motioning down the corridor.  “Dinner’s on.  Ya coming?”

                Roxan’s stomach seemed to rumble audible in response.  “I’ve only had that ration to eat since getting here,” she said before Zan’jori led her the few feet down the corridor to the central area.  “How long was I out fer?” she asked when entering the central room with Zan’jori.

                “About 10 hours,” Ula stated while grabbing bottles out of a fridge along the wall of the central room.  “Alright.  Let’s go around and get everyone’s age again.  Can’t have any underage drinking.”

                “You know you should never ask a lady her age, but you also know I don’t drink,” Elsear said as she finished prepping the meal with some aid from Mezri.

                “I’m 18!” Meat Stick called out from her seat at the center of the room.

                “Yeah none for you,” Ula laughed.  Blas seemed to call out in agreement sitting on a seat that line the wall of the central.  There appeared to be some kind of device in his lap that he was petting like a cat.

                “Why?” Roxan questioned as she sat in an open seat at the central table across from.  “18’s the legal drinking age for most colonies where I’m from.”

                “Do YOU want to know what Meat Stick is like when she’s inebriated?” the device in Blas’s lap asked.

                “I know I don’t,” Overclock shuddered as he sat in a seat at the table next to Meat Stick.

                “Fair,” Roxan said with chuckle.  “I’m 23.  I’ll take one.”  Ula tossed a glass bottle that she had procured from the fridge to Roxan, who managed to barely catch it having been caught off guard by the through.  “I don’t think I’ve met the machine yet.”

                “24 here!” Zan’jori called out ready to catch a bottle from Ula.

                “Excuse you.  I am an Exocomp,” the machine said as it hovered off of Blas’s lap and quickly made its way over to Roxan.  “I am a highly sophisticated piece of technology with an artificial intelligence capable of solving problems faster than your measly Human brain can comprehend.”

                “Didn’t you say you were a secretary, Noodle?” Overclock asked before looking at Ula. “I’m 20 by the way, but I think we already determined that Unicorns don’t tolerate alcohol well.”

                The Exocomp turned to Overclock.  Despite having no visible way to communicate emotions, Roxan could tell the “sophisticated piece of technology” was offended and embarrassed.  “I- Uh- Well-“ What appeared to be feet at the sides of the Exocomp drooped down with the machine itself.  “Yes… I am a secretary,” Noodle said before hovering back to Blas who seemed to be laughing.  “Oh shush, you oversized Tribble.”

                Blas then seemed to state something in a series of growls.  “Blas says he’s 159,” Zan’jori translated for Roxan as the two watched Ula toss a bottle to the Wookiee.

                “Wookiees can drink alcohol?” Roxan asked in surprise before taking a sip of her own drink.

                “He can actually probably drink Ula under the table,” Zan’jori said before taking a sip from her bottle.

                “I’m 31 myself,” Mezri said as she and Elsear put the finished meal on the table.  “We don’t have any alcoholic beverages where I’m from, but I’m certainly willing to give it a try.”

                Ula handed off a bottle to Mezri.  “And I’m 34 here.  Making me the second oldest in the room,” the Gerudo said as she opened her bottle and sat next to Zan’Jori.

                “Third eldest, dear,” Elsear stated with a smile.  “I am about a half a century older than Blas.”  Roxan choked on her drink in surprise.  Ula couldn’t help but laugh at the human.

                “You look quite young for being close to 220,” Mezri stated in surprise, apparently enjoying the beverage Ula had handed her.

                “Delvians can live up to 900 cycles.  So I would hope I look young still,” Elsear replied playfully to Mezri.  “To be precise, I am 217 cycles.”

                “So we can’t ask your age, but you tell us anyway?” Ula asked jokingly.

                “That is very much how it works, my dear Ula,” Elsear said with a laugh.  “Now none of us who have been here for a while have any sort of prayer before eating, but I’d like to check with our two newcomers to see if they have some sort of tradition of that type.”

                “My people do not have such a tradition,” Mezri replied with a shake of her head.

                “Aside from Thanksgivin’, my crewmates an’ I just sort of ate whenever,” Roxan replied.  “We didn’ have these fancy get togethers every night.”

                “Ah yes!  I am familiar with that holiday,” Elsear said she began to carve the roasted creature that had been served.  “Some of the Humans I met back in my universe celebrated it.  Though I do not believe it’s near enough that time of the cycle in my universe.  What about yours, Roxan?”

                “We just passed Easter in mine,” Roxan replied as she watched the Delvian carve.  “May I ask what exactly kinda critter that is there?”

                Elsear shrugged.  “It’s DEAD and SKINNED and COOKED!” Meat Stich shouted from across the table.  “Gimme gimme gimme fleshy SUSTINANCE!” she shouted as she raised her plate for Elsear to put a serving on.

                “We’ve had it before so I assure you it’s quite edible,” Ula stated with a chuckle.  Blas had set the Exocomp named Noodle off to the side of the seat before making his way over to the table with a howl.  “Yes and quite delicious,” Ula said to help translate for the two new guests as the Wookiee sat between her and Mezri.

                “Why don’t you continue the story you were telling us last night about your travels, Ula?” Overclock said as used the magic of his horn to dip himself some of the vegetables.

                “Hm… where did I leave off,” Ula said thinking out loud.

                “You had just told us about how your fiend was POSSESED BY A FUCKING LICH!” Meat Stick said as she removed her respirator for the first time since Roxan and Mezri had met her.  Much to Roxan’s surprise, the girl had perfect teeth.

                “That’s right!” Ula exclaimed.

                Most of the dinner went by with Ula describing her adventures in what sounded like a fantasy world with magic.  She had traveled with a half-demon sorceress named Adara, a Human swordswoman named Marionetta, a turtle person druid named Crush, a half-elf named Nayono who fought with spectral arms when her tattoos glowed, and a person named Cetara who appeared human but was actually an extension of some sort of dream spirit.  Apparently Cetara had joined the group after a Gnome priest warrior named Priwyn had took hold of an ancient weapon and was possessed by a lich.  She had fled in fear of the Phoenix powers Adara seemed to have, teleporting to an unknown location.  The group had met Cetara while looking for clues in a town as to where the possessed Priwyn had fled to.

                Ula was describing a tomb they had found in a library that they were looking over while walking down a street.  “And that’s when we met…” Ula trailed off for a moment, her expression growing sad.  “…her.”  Everyone sat in silence waiting for Ula to continue.  Ula closed her eyes and wiped a tear away.  “Sorry.  I think we should stop there,” she said as she excused herself from the table.

                Everyone sat stunned in silence a bit more before Eslear said, “I suppose we should clean up and turn in for the night.” 

                Everyone nodded in agreement as they helped pick up the dirty dishes left over from the meal.  Blas and Overclock washed and dried the dishes while Eslear and Mezri meditated together.  Meat Stick had disappeared, while Roxan sat next to Noodle.  She figured Ula had locked herself way in her room for the night.  Zan’jori had seemed to go the cockpit to sit and watch the storm through the frozen over windows.

                “Noodle Strainer,” the Exocomp said to Roxan.

                “Excuse me?” Roxan replied.

                “Full name’s Noodle Strainer.  Hadn’t had a chance to properly introduce myself,” Noodle said hovering up a bit and turning to face Roxan.  “Might as well now.”

                “Roxan Rowels.  Sorry about the machine comment earlier,” Roxan said apologetically.

                “Ah it’s not a problem,” Noodle chuckled as they settled back down into the seat.  “And your friend is?” asking about the Twili woman meditating next to Elsear.

                “That’s Miss Mezri,” Roxan replied.

                “I’d introduce myself to her, but I don’t want to interrupt the meditation session,” Noodle stated with another chuckle.

                “That’s fair,” Roxan said with a chuckle as well.  After a moment of silence filled by only the clanking of dishes and Overclock’s and Blas’s apparent conversation on modifying the second deck from fuel storage to an engineering bay, Roxan suddenly asked, “What’s Zan’s deal?”

                “What do you mean?” Noodle asked in reply.

                “She seemed very defensive about wanting to be the person to fly this crashed ship,” Roxan stated looking out the doorway that lead to the hall and cockpit at the fore of the ship.

                “Don’t know actually,” Noodle said as they sat next to Roxan.  “Why don’t you go ask her yourself?”

                Roxan looked at Noodle with uncertainty before sighing.  “Fine.  I’ll ask her myself,” she said as she got up and made way to the cockpit.  She knocked on the side of the doorway to the cockpit.  “Mind if I come in?”

                Zan’jori had her feet propped up on the pilot console at the front of the cockpit.  “Sure.  Come on down.”  Roxan walked down the ramp to the front of the cockpit and stood next to Zan’jori, looking out into the storm with her.  Before she could ask anything, the Twi’lek said, “Sorry about getting defensive about being the one to fly the ship.  Blas, Overclock, and I have been working on getting it up and running since getting here, and that was long before Ula, Elsear, and Meat joined us.  I just kind of see her like my baby girl.”

                Roxan smiled at Zan’jori.  “I understand what you mean.  I got a bit attached to the ships I’ve piloted myself.”

                Zan’jori looked up at Roxan and laughed.  “Must be a pilot thing.”

                “Must be,” Roxan said with a chuckle.  “But a ship this size, you can’t possibly be the only one to fly it all the time.”

                “That’s why I’ve got Blas,” Zan’jori said jokingly.  Roxan looked at the Twi’lek unamused.  Zan’jori laughed and said, “Sorry!  Sorry.  We can work out a rotation when she gets up and running.”  She then pat the console next to her.

                Roxan shook her head with a smile.  “And how are you going to get this ship flyin’ without any fuel?  Sounds like Overclock already gutted out the fuel tanks for an engineering bay.”

                “He’s working on an experimental engine that doesn’t use fuel.  Problem is he hasn’t found a suitable power source yet,” Zan’jori replied.

                Roxan looked back out the window into the storm.  “So what you’re saying is we might be here for a long time.”