Chapter Text
The night felt long, longer then the doctor hoped. the doctor was never much for sleeping anyways, but he always tried for jamies sake. But to night was harder then most, much harder.
He attempted to closes his eyes but the image of victora, trapped in that small cell alone being brutalised was to much for him. It left him staring blankly at the ceiling as jamies comments circled through his brain, 'will she ever forgive us?'.
Will she? Jamie words, while obviously brash, had some weight to them. She had every right to be mad, at the guard, at the world, at them. But still the though of her blaming them seemed to ach the doctors heart. Their victora, resenting them for life felt like a deadly poisin. 'she spent 30 minutes in that cell and look what happend to her' She barly made it out of there with all her fingers, what would another minute have done to her?.
A rustlying truned his attention. He looked next to him to see victora, who was under jamies limp arm, begain to twist in the sheets. The doctor could see her begin to sweat as she mumbled something unintelligible. The doctor sat up watching her closely as she begin to twist and trun in the bed, becoming more and more disstrested.
The doctor placed a hand on her shoulder "victora?" He shook it gently "victora. Wake up" she didn't respond, only mumbling a word that sounded close to 'please'. The doctor begain to panic as he reached over to jamie and shook him awake
"W-wa-what" jamie stammered awake, sitting up. "Doctor?"
"Jamie" the doctor hushededly exsclamed "its victora"
That seemed to snap him awake as his eyes looked like they where proded open . He looked over to voctora who still truned in her sleep. Jamie placed a hand on her shoulder "victora?" He whispered "its all right", jamie then looked to the doctor for any answers.
"Shes having a nightmere" the doctor lightly shook her shoulder agian "victora, wake up"
Victora begain to mumble louder. "Stop" she cried "ill do it, stop". Tears flowed the side of her cheeks until she sprang up from the bed. Drenched in sweat and tears flowing from her eyes.
Jamie rapped an arm around her tightly "victora, its ok" he spoke softly.
"Yes you safe now" the doctor chimed in keeping his hand on her shoulder.
Victora franticly looked to the two with unsteady breath before breaking down into sobs. Clinging onto the two figures next to her. Sobbing into the shoulder of jamie while clining onto the doctors shirt.
The morning felt long, the doctor was the first up and ready for the day while Jamie and victora where buried under the blankets. While waiting for the other two to wake up the doctor was left paceing the rooms of the tardis, looking for anything to bide his time.
Comming apoun a kicten that the doctor swore wasn't there before. He got an idea, an idea on how to keep his mind occupied. With a giddy smile he ransacked through the cubords looking for anything that hadn't exspire in the last decade.
After an hour or so a sleepy jamie and voctora walked into the kicten room, both still in their pjarmers.
"Doctor?" Jamie questioned rubbing the sleep from his eye. Cleaeing it away to see the two plates being placed delecetly on ether side. On each plate there where three varying shapes of pancakes stacked ontop eachother.
"Oh, finally awake are we?" He said with a wide grin.
"You made, breakfast?" Jamie asked
"Well you too were still asleep and I thought.. " he trailed off, gesturing to the two plates.
The two walked to the table, sitting cautiously down at the seats. though he would never in his life say it to the doctors face jamie wasent very confident with the overall tast of the food but jamie appreciated the sentiment and took a bite of the food, victora following his action.
Jamies eyes lit up almost blinding as the food melted on his tastbuds. It was the most delicious pancakes he had ever had, admitmy he hadent had much of pancakes but he was sure this was always going to be the best for him.
The doctor eyed victora as she greedly gazed down her food. He saw the way she held the utensils. A fork in her right hand, barly gripping on to her bandeged fingers. Her left hand wasent much better seeing as her knife was pinched beaten her free pointer finger and the rest fo her fingers which had been rapped closes togerther. He swore he could see her wince a little as she lifted the fork into her mouth.The doctor forgot she didn't technically eat since yesterday, this is probly the most food she's had in hours, the prison hards thought the luxury of food was too good for them.
The doctor shook his head, looking down at jamie "Do you like it?" He questioned
"This is amazing doctor" jamie said beeming up at him.
"Wounderful" the doctor aped his hands excitedly.
Victora swolled down her last bite "this was very delicious doctor" she said with a smile
The gave a soft smile "Im very glad you liked it" he gave her a small bow.
"How did you make it?" Jamie asked still cutting of a peaice of the pancake.
"Oh there's things around" he gesterd to the room "it was enough to make something up"
"I just never knew you could cook"
"Well nether could i until this morning"
"Oh iye" jamie nodded along before smirking "makes sence, I sware I could tast eggshells" jamie gave him mysrevoues grin.
The doctor rolled his eyes as he leaned on the back of jamies chair "and you still ate it" he gave him a quick peck on the cheek before going to the counter. "There is more if you like victora"
She looked up from her empty plate. "Is there?"
"Oh loads" he smiled "i can even add toppings if you like"
"Oh. I don't know..." she slumped in her chair slightly "I dont want to greedy" victora felt a slight pit in her stomach.
"Oh non sence, there's a pile as big as mount Everest"
"Mount what?" She questiond
"Oh, right just never mind that" he whispered to himself. Takeing a metal note to catch her up on the future discoverys of her race. "What i mean is there's alot here, so you don't have to worrie"
She paused, letting the cogs in her head trun. Then she smiled "well then, yes please"
"Great" he smiled back "would you like some toppings"
"Oh yes please" she beamed.
Her farther would often scold her for going for seconds, saying that it was a greedy habit. Mostly when she was small he would comment on how she could get "fat" from it and how it would, "be harder to find a husband". She knew he was just looking out for her but thoses words still stung in her heart, leaving a lump in her throte whenever she thought about asking for more food. Like just then, but you know what, fuck it. She had been through hell and back, why, while hard she admits she deserves a tear like this.
The doctor brought the plate over, stacking three more pancakes before fishing out of a coubourd some sprinkles and maple sirpy. She almost drowned the food in the siren before adding a little pinch of sprinkles on top.
She smiled, as she delecetly cutting a small knife into her food. Careful to not get her bandages soked in the sirpy