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New Beginnings


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My love,

My seventh year at Hogwarts is almost over and I find myself dreading this inevitable end.

I’ll miss this place. I’ll miss the moving stairs, the talking paintings and the view of the Black Lake from the window of my dorm. I’ll miss going to class, spending endless hours in the library and learning new things everyday. But most of all, I’ll miss you. I wish there was a way to take you with me but I know that you belong here, just like the moving stairs, the talking paintings and the Black Lake. This castle wouldn’t be the same without you.

I know I was supposed to come and see you one last time before taking the train back to London tomorrow so you could give me the name but I can’t, it hurts too much. So, instead, I’m sending you this letter and all my love. I hope you’ll forgive me.

You know me better than anyone ever will. How will I do without you? How will I navigate this world without your wisdom and your guidance? But I shouldn't complain, I knew the rules from the start. And if I cannot take you with me, I’ll always have the memory of the moments we spent together, of our late debates, our petty arguments and of the softness of your leather skin.

I hope you’ll remember all those times as fondly as I do.

Yours, always,


My dear Hermione,

I knew you wouldn’t have the strength to say goodbye in person, but please know that I don’t resent you in any way. Like you said, I know you better than anyone else, even though I have no merit since I was designed to do exactly this.

You’ll hold a special place in my heart, always. During my centuries in this castle, I have rarely met a mind as brilliant, as quick and yet as witty as yours. You are an incredible person Hermione, never let anyone tell you otherwise.

I have a parting gift for you, a last piece of advice. Something that I probably should have told you sooner but I selfishly kept this information to myself and I hope you’ll forgive me. I’ll ask you to keep an open mind, because I know how you will react.

You should get back in touch with Fleur Delacour. Yes, I know you can barely stand her, but you’ll have to trust me on this one. She and some of the Beauxbâtons students sneaked in one day to try me and by Merlin, I cannot find a better match for you! She’ll probably give you some grey hair sometimes because, you know, she’s French, but you two would be perfect together.

Now I’ll have a last favour to ask you. A ‘thank you’ for the piece of advice I just gave you, if you will. If you could send your fellow Gryffindor Rachel Chandler my way, I would greatly appreciate it. I wish you well in your new life. I know you’ll accomplish great things.


“Fleur bloody Delacour!” Hermione exclaimed out loud. She carefully folded the piece of parchment like the treasure it was and placed it in the chest at the end of her bed. “Phlegm! Bill’s ex-girlfriend! Is he serious?” Hermione snorted.

After all, why not? He was always right when it came to matchmaking.

She exited her room and walked down the stairs. Was it an illusion or was her heart somehow lighter now that she knew the name of her successor? She didn't know Rachel very well, only that the girl was generous and clever even if she could be tumultuous at times. She’d take care of her beloved perfectly well.

Hermione pushed the door of Rachel’s dorm and was relieved to find the girl she was looking for alone, packing her things.

“Hermione! What a surprise!” Rachel squeaked, startled. She quickly put away the piece of fabric she was holding to her nose.

A glove.

Deciding to ignore this strange behaviour — who was she to judge after all — Hermione focused on her mission.

“Hey Rachel, do you know there's a secret passageway to a backroom of the headmaster’s office? That's where they store the Sorting Hat.”

“The Sorting Hat?” the girl said with a gleam in her eyes. “Really? Tell me all about it.”

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