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Kei looked past Koutarou's head to see Keiji and Tetsurou in the framing of the windowed door leading inside.
Kei rolled his eyes so hard it hurt, how dare Keiji make this face? He was the one lying, not Kei, so he would show him fucking honesty for once.
"I'm obviously trying to make Koutarou admit he's going out with you two, because I'm tired of being treated like a third wheel."
Testurou's mouth opened in a soft, "What?" and Koutarou turned around to look at his alleged boyfriends for answers.
Keiji crossed his arms on his chest, "And are you satisfied with how it is going?"
That fucking bitch.
Kei narrowed his eyes, "Very much, thank you," he deadpanned, "so now if you two could fuck off, we were about to have some fun."
Koutarou's head whipped around, "Tsukki!"
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