Work Text:
Maybe going golfing without jackets on a cold day in the UK wasn't the best idea for either of them.
The weather took an unexpected turn for the worst when they arrived at the course, their warm morning spoiled with heavy grey clouds and wild winds at high speed.
Only when it started to rain they decided to call it a day and go home... after 6 hours of coldness overwhelming their senses in the open air.
So here they sit, two days later.
Both have a bit of diarrhea, and stomach pain, but one is asleep, and the other is setting up his cameras for his stream on Twitch.
"Hi chat," Max says as he starts his stream.
While he talks, Lando is still fast asleep on Max's bed, though he doesn't seem to be too bothered about that.
The poor man can sleep anywhere at any time, so it's not exactly unusual that he's fast asleep, but it does set Max a bit off at the fact that he knows Lando is a bit sicker that himself... so he does need the rest.
Maybe he does too... but it's too late now.
Half and hour into the stream, Lando stirs and groans as he wakes up.
He immediately winced at his sudden stomach and head pain.
Max mutes his mic and turns to face Lando.
"Mate... You look like you haven't slept in 4 days..."
"Yeah... I don't feel very great... Think I have to go buy some meds."
"Uh... You sure you should be going places? Seems like you're about to pass out again"
"Yeah yeah... Shouldn't be out too long in any case."
Lando stands up and staggers a bit and after regaining a bit of balance, he puts on a hat and sunglasses.
Max gives him a bit of a grimace, but only hums in acknowledgement as he turns back to his chatroom.
"Alright, Bob's gonna go buy us some medicine... Say bye chat!"
Lando only waves as he turns to leave.
Max mutes again as he calls out to Lando,
"Call if something happens."
"Yeah yeah alright, dad."
Lando feels shit.
Plain and simple.
His eyes stung, his stomach bugged him, he felt exhausted and everything seemed too bright for comfort.
Safe to say he's not only wearing sunglasses to hide his face from the public.
The streets are horrible, with many cars on the roads. Lando only wanted to get the outing over with.
He (as quickly as humanly possible) got his medication and he was immediately out of the store in no time.
There was a fan or two who recognized him, but they luckily only wanted autographs.
He couldn't handle the media being fed with him being sick.
After speeding down the streets, he finally stopped back at his apartment in the UK.
But he felt dizzy and tired, hot and sweaty and the dull acge in his abdomen didn't ease his mind.
Climbing the stairs seemed like too much of an effort, so he took the elevator.
Suddenly his claustrophobia didn't feel as bad as always.
He dragged his body towards the door and caught his breath as he turned the knob.
He opened the door and stumbled in.
He saw Max coming out of his room and come up to him.
He dropped his bags and then it's just dark.
Max heard someone opening the door and he paused his stream to go see who was there.
He muted for the umpteenth time after he claimed that he would check if it was Lando.
His chat had been worriedabout Lando, so he sent a text or two to Lando to hear if he's still okay, but only to feed his own worry.
He left the room and there he saw Lando, staggering and faltering before dropping the bag to the floor and fall forward.
Max ran forward and caught him in his arms, wincing as pain shot through his abdomen.
"Woah woah woah! Mate, hey, are you alright?"
He heard no response and panicked a bit at how warm Lando felt in his arms.
"Shit mate, I knew you shouldn't have gone out!"
Max said as he basically dragged Lando over towards the couch.
He left him there as he quickly went back to his stream to say that something came up and that he had to end his stream early. After taking care of that, he went into the bathroom to get the still packaged thermometer.
He returned back to the living room and found that Lando hadn't stired yet.
"Alright buddy, time to get up!"
He lightly tapped Lando's cheek, but he got no answer.
"Hey, c'mon mate, I know you're tired, but it's time to get up. I have to get your temperature."
He got more anxious as he still got no answer.
After another 30 secondsof calling out to him, Lando's eyes fluttered and he slighlty groaned.
"Ok, there you go, open your eyes for me,"
Max let out the sentence full of relief in his voice, tapping on his cheek again.
Lando opened his eyes, but they looked dazed, confused and glassed over.
It creeped Max out.
"Hello? You there? Earth to Lando?
Lando couldn't find Max's eyes and he talked to himself... Or did he talk to him?
"Noooo don't goooooo"
Lando slurred his words and he suddenly started crying.
"Hey hey hey, no, don't cry! It's okay bud, I'm not going anywhere, but I do need you to open your mouth for me and stay still for a bit okay?"
Lando groaned and Max isn't sure if he heard or understood him, until he complied and opened his mouth.
Max slipped the thermometer into his mouth and held his head still.
It didn't take long before the machine beeped.
Seeing the numbers made Max swear under his breath.
"Alright mate, we need to get you into a cold shower, c'mon... 1... 2... 3... Up!"
He lifted Lando up and held him steady with his hands on his shoulders.
"You still with me, bud?"
He only received something of a moaning sound in response.
He led the practically limp Lando to his bedroom and laid him down on his bed.
"Stay here, I'm going to get the shower running... Just... Don't do anything while I'm gone."
He received a moan again and went to get the shower going.
He mentally curses them for not having a bathtub... But it wasn't like he expected one of them to be having a fever of 40.5°C now did he?
He got the shower running and made his way back to the room.
The sight made him want to throw up.
Lando was crying again, with bile trailing down his mouth and a puddle of his vomit laying beside him, dripping off of the bed.
Max made his way over and sat Lando up.
He tried talking to him to calm him down, but it did nothing.
He helped him to the washroom and put him in the shower fully clothed.
He sat him down and started a timer for 5 minutes on his watch, lightly trying to keep Lando awake by calling out to him a few times.
After the alarm rang, he turned the water off, causing Lando to groan a bit.
"Mum... 'm col'"
"Yeah yeah, I know," Max answered, not commenting on the name.
He dried him off and undressed him untill he was only in his wet boxers and led him back to the bedroom. He gave Lando a pair of boxers,
"Do you think you can put these on?"
For the first time, Lando seemed to acknowledge Max's presence and he looked confused and happy.
"Oh 'ey Max... Wha' you doin' here?" Lando asked with a smile which looks more like a grimace.
"Alright... I guess that's a no then," Max sighs as he quickly replaces Lando's boxers with dry ones, ignoring the comments made along the way, such as, "O' mah go' 'm ge' in layed" and "Take m' to dinner first."
Max got Lando dressed into some comfy clothes and he took his temperature again.
Alright, it's a bit beter... But not by a lot.
He looked up to see Lando fast asleep.
"Damn it mate... how'd you get so sick all a sudden? You're really worrying sometimes..."
He goes back to the bathroom to also take a shower, but not as cold. He forgot that he too was sick and was so caught up in taking care of Lando that he'd worked himself up and was now exhausted and his stomach wasn't helping.
He felt heavy and tired as he stood in the shower.
He should probably get out.
He does just that, gets dressed, and heads to his bedroom where Lando is still asleep... With a pile of bile right next to him... Ahh shit... He needs to clean that up!
But he just feels so tired right now...
So he ignores his duties, takes out the spare mattress from under his bed and immediately falls asleep.
He wakes up to a start.
He feels his stomch rolling and sweat rolling down his neck.
Why'd he wake up?
He looked up at his bed and he froze.
The sight was... Horrible.
There Lando was... Seizing in his bed, eyes rolled back and spit and blood dripping out of his mouth.
This wasn't good.
He lay there frozen for a bit, before he sprang to action.
Big mistake.
His vision swam for a bit, but after he came to again, his attention was back to Lando.
The smell of urine, bile and blood filled his senses and he felt sick.
He didn't know what to do!
His phone was broken and he doesn't know where Lando's was.
He remembered that he had his watch and started to dial for emergency services.
He was feeling hopeless, tired, hot, cold... Everything but good.
He stuttered over his words as he talked to the operator.
He claimed that he was asleep while it started and the movements probably woke him up.
Max started feeling dizzy.
So he told the operator.
"I-I'm actually also not feeli g r-really well... I think 'm gonna-"
He didn't finish the sentence as he fell on top off Lando' s still convulsing body, unconcious.
He woke up hearing nothing.
Then, in the far distance, he heard ambulance sirens getting closer and in his ear he heard a woman talk to him through his watch.
"Hello? Sir! Are you still with me?"
"I- Uhm..."
He struggled to find his words.
"Oh... I... I think I'm bleeding,"
He stated as he tasted irony blood on his lip.
"Alright... It's going to be okay sir," the woman calmly stated, "I'm sure the ambulance is nearly there."
"What..." Max started, but stopped as he remebered how he ended up here in the first place.
"He stopped seizing," he chimed, almost finding the strength to smile.
"That's good, that's great. Do you know how to put him into the recovery position?"
"I- I'm sorry, but I don't think I can mve much..."
"Okay, that's okay sir, you did just pass out, it's understandable."
"I think I hear the paramedics,"
"alright... I'll leave them to it. You're going to be okay, yeah? You and your friend."
"Right... Thank you Miss."
"Of course, it's my job."
He ended the call and the paramedics entered the room.
He gets checked out by two paramedics, being told he has a fever of 38.6°C and that he's dehydrated, so they will need to insert an IV drip to his wrist to transfer fluids to his system.
He also has a broken nose.
He apparently fell on top of Lando while he was seizing and his rapid arm movements caused him to hit Max in the face, breaking his nose. It was a clean break though, so it wasn't likely to need surgery after healing.
He sees 4 paramedics working on Lando.
One yelled out a number and another, then a temperature.
"41.6°C fever! Likely caused him to have a febrile seizure."
The rest is a bit of a blur.
They go in the same ambulance, the paramedics having done everything they could've to help Lando already.
Suddenly, Lando stirred.
Max saw the worst about to happen, but was so relieved when Lando rather opened his eyes. Those glazed, fever ridden eyes looked at him, and his heart ached for Lando.
The medics immediately ask him questions, such as the date, his name and if he remembered what happened, but all their questions were met with silence.
Lando seemed to only have eyes for Max.
They shone a light into his eyes to see if he was actually Lucid.
Suddenly, a medic was talking to him.
"He's severely dehydrated, he probably won't be very concious at all, even if he is awake, his brain needs time to recover from the trauma he just underwent."
The stare of Lando's eyes was too much for Max and he averted his gaze.
They arrived at the hospital and they were both wheeled away to be checked out.
Being diagnosed with slight dehydration, a bad cold and a broken nose, and yersinia, a food poisoning, he was left to be alone in a room for two people.
He requested if he and Lando could at least be in the same room.
After being alone for an hour, Lando was wheeled into the room.
He was asleep.
"We see that Mr. Norris here has you, Mr. Fewtrell, saved as one of his emergency contacts... Is it alright if we told you about his condition?" a nice doctor asked him.
"Yes, yeah, of course."
"Right... well, Mr. Lando was experiencing a very high fever when the paramedics arrived, wich most likely caused him to have a febrile seizure."
Right. But what the fuck was a febrile seizure?
As if reading his mind, the doctor answered,
"A febrile seizure is when one has a seizure caused by extremely high body temperatures, "
Oh, okay... That made sense, at least they know the cause.
"He was also diagnosed with yersinia."
Great, they both have it.
"But it's not as bad... Right?"
"It's treatable. I believe I was told that you were also diagnosed?"
"That's correct yes."
"Well, then everyting will be alright. We'll keep you and your friend over for the night for observations, though, I believe your friend will have to stay untill his fever had broken completely."
"That's alright... Whatever is necessary."
"great, I'll leave you to it then, " The doctor said as he left.
Today was a mess, are his first thaughts when he was finally alone again.
He thaught they just had a cold, or flu from the golf outing the other day... Not frickin food poisoning!
Though... He's glad they're alright now and are getting treated. Even if they had to find out in the worst possible ways known to man.