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In which Donna understands


When Raquel kisses Donna for the first time, the redhead starts to understand Eric.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

"And fixed!" 

Hyde nodded, sitting on the hood of his El Camino. Lately he had been going out of his mind about Jackie. And it didn't help when seeing Jackie in that blue bikini with a towel around her waist, hugging those sexy curves he'd squeeze when he used to make love to her.

"You really love me, huh?" Hyde whispered while on top of Jackie. After the Valentines dance, they decided to head back down to his room, since no one else was home.

Jackie nodded, cheeks turning red. Whatever unresolved feelings she had for Michael washed away in that instant. Staring into Steven's ocean blue eyes, caressing the cheeks where his stubble used to be.

"I love you Steven. I always will."

"Hyde?" Hyde shook his head, snapping out of it when he saw Raquel in front of him, arms crossed. Whenever his car broke down, She was always the one he'd go to. Aside from Red and Jackie, Raquel was the only person he'd trust with the El Camino.

"Yeah man. What's up?" Raquel scoffed, "You're thinking about that little midget, aren't you?" She asked, arms crossed. Jackie's game was super obvious; she wanted to 'test' Hyde to see if he was worthy or whatever the fuck. Truthfully, to her, they were both just being petty as fuck.

Hyde scoffed, "No." He lied. Raquel crossed her arms, giving her friend a look. That dumbass was obviously still in love with Jackie what's-her-face and he was in denial. And he's being 'stubborn' and 'macho' instead of talking to her. Thank god I'm a lesbian.

Raquel snickered, "You know she's obviously playing you. And you're falling for her little game." She could tell by Hyde's face that he was starting to get sick of this as well. Now all he needs is to tell her.

Hyde lightly punched the car, "Damn it! Jackie made me stupid!" Two could play at that game. He wasn't usually a petty person, moreso vengeful. But he was not gonna let Jackie win.

"Do you wanna go out tonight?" Hyde asked, making Raquel give him a weird look. "You do know that I'm gay, right? Being in closet doesn't magically make me straight." The curly haired man shook his head, "Nah man. It's for something else." The blonde looked intrigued.

Hyde was looking through his record box when Jackie came in. He couldn't help but admire how gorgeous she looked in her summer floral dress. The way her curved showed. Her bangs were still beautiful.

Hyde began to snap out of it. No. Not again. He was not gonna let himself be played again. "Okay. Steven, I'm here to tell you that I've made my decision." Fuck even her smile is still beautiful. Fuck, when is Raquel going to get here?

Raquel agreed to pretend to be his date to make Jackie jealous under the condition that he brings Donna along the next time they hung out. Hyde was a little skeptical, but agreed anyways.

"I choose you." Jackie wrapped her arms around Hyde and kissed him. She let go, putting a hand over her mouth in awe. "Wow." 

"Yeah, I'm a good kisser." Hyde responded, trying to keep his cool. Remember the goal man. Don't let the grasshopper fool you. Stay Zen.

Jackie nodded and smiled. "Here's your gum back." Hyde too the piece out his mouth and put it back in Jackie's. Jackie wrapped her arms around her puddin pop, "Oh Steven, I missed you so much." She kissed him again, Hyde sitting down while his arms were wrapped around Jackie's waist. 

Just then the door opened, revealing Raquel. She put a hand against the wall while the other was on her hip. "Hey." The pair looked at Raquel. Thank god.

"You ready?" Raquel couldn't believe she was going on date with a man, even if it was for show. She just hoped those two idiots get it together and make up. Maybe she could even hook up with Hyde's sexy redhead friend. Then again she was engaged to her neighbor.

"Yeah, let's hit it." Hyde let go of Jackie, walking over to his fake date. "Woah. Wooooah." The curly haired man, who was now next to Raquel, looked at his ex. "Who is this?"

Hyde felt bad doing this to Jackie, but after that shit with Kelso, he was done pining around.

"This is my date." He lied, putting a hand around Raquel. "You didn't think I was gonna wait around for you all summer, did you?" And I almost did. Not anymore.

"Looks like you traded up." Raquel smirked, glancing at Jackie. It was nice seeing a face to the name, even in an encounter as unpleasant as this. 

Jackie's jaw dropped. Who the fuck does blondie think she is? Stealing her man. Well she's not going down without a fight. "Oh you better back off." The brunette warned her.

Raquel smirked. She had to admit that Jackie was impressive. Hyde picked out a good one, that's for sure. "Back off or what?" She continued, playing along with Hyde's scheme. The things I do for my crush.

"I'll call your parents." Jackie retorted. That basic bitch is going down. Raquel continued to smirk, "My parents don't speak midget." That set Jackie off immediately. “Oh.”

Hyde decided to intervene, "Okay, okay. I hate myself for stopping a girl fight. Let’s just…ah screw it! Go! Go!” Raquel gave him a weird look. 

Jackie walked closer, locking her hand with his. “Alright, Steven? You made your point. Now…please stay here with me?” She missed her Puddin pop so much and wanted nothing more than to have him back.

Hyde put both hands on the brunette’s shoulders. “I’m sorry, but I got plans. Hey, maybe you should go work on your tan.”  He suggested before putting his hands on Raquel’s hips briefly and walking out.

”Skank!” Raquel stopped, putting both hands on her hips in an attempt to intimidate her. She may want Jackie and Hyde back together, both that doesn’t mean she has to like Jackie. 

Jackie crossed her arms, raising eyebrows in challenge. She wasn’t scared of Little Miss Prissface. With her black leather jacket and tough attitude.

Raquel swung out her hands, making Jackie scream and run up the stairs. Hyde turned around, walking back to his ‘date’. “Gotta admit, Burkhart’s ballsier than I expected.” No wonder Hyde dated her.

Raquel shook her head, “Man, are you sure you wanna do this? I mean, her reaction already seemed to lock it down.” Hyde sighed. He knew Raquel meant well, but didn’t want to hear it. Jackie spent the whole summer making a whole out of him. Now it’s his turn.

Hyde sighed, “Don’t worry about it. She’ll be fine.” He tried to reassure, mostly to himself. But that didn’t stop his heart from smashing into tinier pieces.

“God I can’t believe Hyde’s on a date with that skank Raquel!” Jackie rambled while Donna was driving the car. She and Steven were supposed to make love on the couch and then lie about a rat sneaking in when Eric noticed the smell.

Donna sighed, “Jackie, what’s you expect? Hyde shouldn’t have to wait around for you to choose him? It’s been a whole summer.” She was still rooting for Jackie and Hyde though. Despite not understanding them initially, they really seemed to work as couple and were happy. Now they were just being stubborn and it’s annoying.

Jackie groaned, “Donna, you’re supposed to be in my side. First you and Eric plan to go on a double date with Steven and that skank. Now you’re telling me I’m wrong?”

Donna scoffed, “Jackie, Hyde’s my friend too. Longer than you have. And that’s his girlfriend. Just because I want to be a friend to Hyde doesn’t mean I’m betraying you. What do you want me to do? Pick sides?”

Jackie grumbled, “You had us pick sides after you and Eric broke up.” She retaliated. Donna exhaled, “Touché.” Looking back, that was petty of her and Eric to do. Including them in their drama. 

Donna sighed, “I’m sorry about that and we never should’ve done that. But just because I fucked up that time, doesn’t make what you’re doing magically okay.” She shook her head, stopping at Jackie’s house. “Here’s your stop.”

"When you said Hyde was stubborn, I didn't know that you weren't exaggerating." Raquel laughed. She and Donna were in her car, heading home. They ended up hanging out all night with Hyde and Eric.

"I mean, just because I don't wear dresses and I know how to fix a car doesn't mean I don't like to be told I'm pretty." Raquel said to Donna. Even if Eric and Hyde are there, it was nice just spending time with Donna. Seeing her cute smile, her pretty red hair, her green eyes.

"Wow, it's like I'm reading my own journal." Donna nodded in understanding, happy to have someone around who got her. Someone who didn't just see her as 'one of the guys'. "I think you're pretty. I think you're really pretty."

Raquel giggled, "I think you're pretty." Both girls laughed, the blonde putting her hand on Donna's shoulder.

Donna chuckled, "Yeah, he's always been that way. Not that he doesn't have his reasons." Raquel was really pretty and insightful. The redhead didn't know how, but it was like Raquel was able to understand her more in just a few hours than others in a lifetime. And it was nice, being around someone who understands what it's like to look for more feminine energy and not be just 'one of the guys'.

Raquel smiled, "So you and Eric, huh? Hyde told me you guys were engaged." She wished to be in Eric's position so badly: to get to wake up in her arms, to kiss her awake, to be the victim of her loving gaze. But at the end of the day, Donna was engaged to Eric and was probably straight.

Donna sighed, "Yeah. And we're gonna get married soon. I don't know it's just...we didn't even think about a day. We just wanted to wait and now it's like... we have to get married right away. I have school and we're planning on going to Madison but...I don't know. It's been a stressful whirlwind."

Raquel sighed, "You know, it's okay to be confused Donna. That's life." She tucked a lock of Donna's hair, making the latter stare. Donna sighed, "I just wish things are easier, 'yknow? I can go to school, have some fun, be carefree. Like now! Hanging out with you this night was amazing. You're amazing."

Raquel tucked a lock of Donna's hair away before kissing her. Donna reciprocated for a moment before backing in shock. The blonde covered her mouth in shame and regret. Why did I do that?

"I am so sorry! I shouldn't have done that!" Raquel gulped. She didn't know what she was thinking, except that Donna was the most beautiful woman on Earth.

Donna shook her head, "Y-You're gay? O-Or are you bi or?" She gasped. She didn't know how to process this. Hyde's date just kissed her. Raquel Brown just kissed her. 

Raquel exhaled, "Yeah, I'm gay." Donna and Raquel looked away, trying to process what just happened. The redhead touched her lips and looked back at the blonde. Right then, she started to understand Eric.


Okay this is my first drabble for them! I'm surprised there isn't more content for them, but that might be because there aren't many Donna lovers in the fandom. At least before. But this will not be the last one.

And yes, I used E/B's dialogue. Sue me.