Work Text:
Songxuexiao Exchange gift for Cinnamon Seadragon (katherine1753).
"SongXue pretending to get along for Xiao Xingchen's sake." It's fake until suddenly it isn't.
Dear secret Daozhang
I really hope you like this gift!
Your prompts were extremely fun and I had a great time working on them <3
Swimming3919, pishfish, razz, TopoTheGreenRat, ServerNotFound, deathprincess99, Kuroshi_Okami, Ailelie, YellowCactusFlowers, AddictedToKing, The_Hourglass_Muse, Talluna, Iamthechoosenone24, artsy_girl, Former_Unknown_cinnamon_bun, Mariuca, ikki9117akarose, Aeri520, Stories_for_life, rowanbcrow, ShippingTrashWitch, TimeLadyOnTheRun, AspenIsPoplar, Laniswriting, frost_bubblee, ShadowsPeak, starless_ocean, FanficGenie, Patuxa_do_L, sushi_salmon, InconsistencyAtItsFinest, AliceIsWandering92, deathandchocolate, bazkrekker, Pandaella, Kindbyun, Tyrant_of_Light, SlimeandSnakes, MsHedgehog, nqyuka, Jenevieve, FarrynDecentlyWell, knight_enchanter, redspecs, transgerine, Defixionesss, Blubbermilk, MjMemeX, poppyseeds, mini_shizun, and 34 more users as well as 22 guests left kudos on this work!