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The wind blowing against his face. The distant remnants of debris crumbling off of the Temporal Tower as it restored itself, bit by bit. The sound of his oh-so-tired paws stepping along the pathway towards the Rainbow Stoneship. The calm that arrived after the storm of Temporal Tower seemed to do nothing but unnerve the Riolu. Primal Dialga had proven to be an arduous and painful battle for both him and his partner, proving to starve them over their Reviver Seeds and nearly the same for their Oran Berries. Long story short, the both of them were very beat... But alive. He did, however, feel a weird sense of fatigue about himself. He felt tired, and oddly heavy. He payed it no mind though, simply choosing to press on. He and his partner were homeward bound... And yet. Something felt deeply wrong in his mind. To get here, so much needed to be sacrificed. The Relic, Grovyle, Celebi... And yet, their sacrifice was not in vain. He could take comfort in that, for now. "Look, Bastian!" Aura yelled out, bringing attention back to the world as Bastian looked forward, "I can see the Rainbow Stoneship ahead!" The Eevee yelled, excitement lacing his voice. Bastian couldn't blame him. Finally, their once-in-a-lifetime adventure could come to a definitive conclusion. They could get back to their own lives, as a team, as partners, as friends. A small smile crept onto Bastian's face as he tried to catch up to Aura, however... Something was definitely wrong. His body felt heavy, impossibly so now. Every movement was an effort, and now it was directly a detriment. Bastian's mind felt as if it were going blurry, slowing his senses, as if they were dying off. As if he were dying... As if he was fading away.
Tremors hit suddenly, shaking the ground. Bastian's body couldn't hold itself up, collapsing onto the ground with a thud. The Riolu grunted. He felt this searing pain in his body as he hit the ground, as if his body was both numb and sensitive at the same time. "A-Ahh! Tremors!" Aura called out in panic, his legs shaking in place as he tried to keep himself upright. He looked back to find Bastian struggled to get up, and as fast as his little brown paws could move, he went over to help the Riolu up. "B-Bastian, partner, are you alright?!" He asked, his panic now directed exactly at him. He looked weakly up at Aura, "Y-Yeah, I... I guess the battle on Temporal Tower knocked alot outta me, heh..." He said, struggling to his feet. Aura had this look in his face which disturbed Bastian. Seeing Aura so off-put by his current state, it made it hard to deny that he was off. He didn't like acknowledging it. "C'mon Bastian, we only have a little ways to go now. It'll be all over soon, we'll be back at the Guild and we can be happy together!" Aura said, a hint of pleading in his voice. Bastian kept a small smile on his face, "Thank you, I... I appreciate the concern." He said, them both continuing to walk along the path. It wasn't long now. It'd be all over soon. Not long now, Bastian his mind rang out to him. Eventually, his body grew heavier, and heavier, and heavier, until it was too much to bear. There was a light that clouded the rims of his vision as he collapsed once again, back on all fours. A metalic taste filled Bastian's mouth, though as much as it tasted, there was no blood that laid on his tongue. He coughed hard, his throat hoarse. Aura looked back at Bastian and the panic returned to him, rushing over again. "B-Bastian, what's wrong man?! Y-You're in a horrible state, what happened?" He asked
Bastian could only continue to gag and cough in response, his whole body feeling like it was killing itself bit by bit. "I-I-I... A-Au... Ra..." He forced out, the light in his vision growing. He coughed once more, and sparks of the light flew out, rose in the air and dissipated. The same light began to emanate from his body and Bastian's body began to feel light. The heaviness was gone, he felt almost weightless. "Bastian... P-Partner..." Aura said, his voice breathless and impossibly quiet. There was real, tangible fear in his voice. Is this death? His mind was going blank. "A-A... Aura... Listen to me..." He said weakly, "I-I'm sorry, but I... I think it's time... for me to go..." He explained, Aura's eyes pricking with tears. "I-I don't understand... What's wrong, wh-what's going on?!" Aura exclaimed. "I-I'm... The future, it's changing... I-I'm going... I'm... Fading..." Bastian responded, the light beginning to encompass him. Aura panicked, holding onto Bastian tightly, "N-No! I won't let you die like this, w-we WON! We beat Primal Dialga, we restored time, th-this isn't fair! This isn't fair!" He lamented loudly, echoing throughout all of the sky. Bastian only smiled at him, "A-Aura... Before I go... P-Please... Listen to me..." He weakly put a paw up to Aura's cheek, "You have been... the best partner I c-could've ever gotten... Wh-When I'm gone... Make sure people know... Know what you did..." Aura could see the tears rolling down Bastian's own cheeks now, "Let them know... The legend of Aura, the Eevee who could-" Before he could finish that statement he coughed more and more. His throat felt dry. All too dry. Aura understood though. He'd come a long way, though he couldn't have done it without the help of the little Riolu... who he loved.
Bastian looked up to the sky. Light. His smile faded as he began to think out loud, "... So much we could've done... So much... We could see..." He looked at Aura, "So much we could've been..." He tears still rolled down his face, "I'm... sorry..." He said quietly, beginning to sob in his own physical and mental pain. Aura watched as his body began to rise, the light continuing to take hold of him. His body seemed to be shifting in and out of reality. He was fading. It's time to go. The Eevee grabbed onto Bastian with all his strength, getting pulled up into the air with him. Bastian stopped feeling anything by now, all except for the raw, painful emotion he was wracked with. "D-Don't go! Don't go! P-Please, I don't want to lose another person, n-not after we already lost Grovyle!" Aura yelled out. Bastian clung onto Aura as they drifted upwards, slowly but surely to his end. Infinite lives he could've lived with his partner, flashing through his mind as only one thing left was able to be said. "A-Aura... Promise me this..." He said, voice racked with grief, though weak and fragile, "Tell me... Please... Don't ever... Forget... M-" Before he could finish though, it was too late. His body completely disappeared, exploding into a dispersement of the same light that took him from this world. Time had fixed itself, and so thus was it stable again... Though it meant the non-existence of the future, and thus, so too Bastian. Both Bastian and Grovyle had achieved their sacrifices now, not of course without grief. And grief there was. As Aura hit the ground with a painful yelp, he watched the light fizzle out, slowly drifting into nothingness. He was silent, unmoving, but to his pain... He was the only survivor. Why... Why... Aura cried out in anguish, a cry that he was sure even Arceus himself could hear from the heavens. He wept. "Why?! Why can't anything I have stay?! I just want to be happy, with those I love! Is that so wrong?! I-I just want to love, I just want... Bastian..." Reality set in. And then he continued to weep. No one would hear his cries.
Through the tears, he trudged across the remaining path. He didn't know if it was because of the actual length of the path or the anguish he was in, but the path seemed to stretch for hours. As he touched down upon the Rainbow Stoneship, it began to descend, and as it did, he watched as the path and Temporal Tower got farther away... "And so is Bastian..." He thought out loud. And then he continued to weep, until he physically couldn't. Until he was all dry. Until he finally touched down back on the Ancient Lands... He walked towards Lapras, who saw the emotion on Aura. He looked hollow. He wasn't himself. "They're gone, aren't they?" Lapras asked simply, voice solemn. Aura just nodded in response, quietly climbing onto the Pokémon's back. Lapras nodded, "I understand... You have my condolences. Shall they forever live on." They spoke, before taking off, back towards Treasure Town. Towards the beach. The beach that Aura had first met Bastian on... Just 9 long months ago... Across the Sea Of Time they rode, and eventually they made it back, in silence. Aura hopped off, looking at Lapras, "... Thank you..." He said, whether it be about the condolences or the ride. Regardless, Lapras nodded in kind. Aura then walked off, towards the trail leading up to Treasure Town. The path was silent, say for the distant sounds of waves that drifted away as he made his way towards the seaside hamlet he called home. The town seemed to pay no mind to his return, and perhaps that was the best given his mood at the time. The world was saved, yes, but everything had never been so dower before. Perhaps, if they hadn't gone to Temporal Tower, he and Bastian could live out the rest of time, as short as it'd be, together... Happy... But then that'd be selfish, wouldn't it? Aura couldn't stomach the thought, despite as much as he wanted to.
The town seemed just as full of life as usual, so at the least there was that. He walked through the centre, up towards the entrance to the Wigglytuff Guild. Aura wondered what Pukirin would think of this. Knowing the Guildmaster, he probably had the right words to say, he usually did. Despite how slap-dash things at the Guild tended to be, there was always an air of wiseness about the leader. Aura looked up to him more than anyone else. "Pokémon detected! Pokémon detected!" Diglet yelled out from below the pad. He seemed more giddy than usual; probably anticipating the return of Aura. "It's Aura! He's back!" He soon yelled out. Aura couldn't help but atleast crack a small smile at the young Diglet's enthusiasm, though that wouldn't last. "Hey, Aura? Where's Bastian?" The question rang out into Aura's ears, and the smile that threatened his expression faded and died, just as Bastian had. He didn't answer. The gate soon opened and damn near the whole guild rushed out to greet the Eevee. Of course there were cheers of joy and success, though that too quickly faded as everyone had the same question on their mind that Diglet had. Aura still refused to elaborate, just quietly sauntering into the Guild Base. What was once joy turned into concern, and the other members found themselves watching the Eevee abscond from the celebration. Aura just climbed down the ladder and retreated to his room. It used to be his and Bastian's, but... Well, it was just his now. He saw the vacant nest and sighed, laying down on it, curling up. It still smelled like him, vaguely. "Don't ever forget me..." Bastian asked of Aura. The Eevee sighed, "I won't..." He said to himself as he replayed the moment in his head repeatedly. "Let them know the legend of Aura, the Eevee who could." Bastian had also asked of him. Aura just whimpered to himself, "B-But I couldn't... I couldn't save you... or Grovyle... or Celebi..." He felt tears prick at his eyes again.
He'd been through too much grief in such a short time. It hurt. It hurt too much. Every little thing was another prick at the already raw and open wound and, to keep with the metaphor, by now it'd be weeping with blood. The Eevee could only cry. He could on curl up and cry. How pathetic, he thought, how pathetic. How weak, pitiful. You lost your only true friend, no, more than that. You watched him die, and you could do nothing about it. How disappointing you are, little Eevui. These thoughts would haunt him for the remainder of the day. What would your brothers think? You abandoned them all, and for what? Tragedy? What does it matter if you saved the world, without them, what world is it worth living? Maybe you should disappear too. Maybe you should just curl up and die. No one would miss you. Aura cried ever harder. Tormented by his thoughts, he couldn't even fall asleep. No passing out, no freedom, only listening to his own self-hatred. He hated himself for saving no one he loved. Right now, he was as disconnected from the world as all could be. He heard everyone return to base. He heard as they returned to their places. He heard some crack the door open to check on him. He heard their murmurs of concern, all fearing the worst. They weren't wrong to do so. Listen to them. They're concerned, scared for you, and all you can do is cry. Are you proud of yourself? No, he wasn't. Do you feel accomplished knowing that your team is reduced to a mere failure? No, he didn't. Are you so pathetic as to not get up again? You saved the world, you saved everyone, but just because you lost two people, you're reduced to a whimpering mess. Are you that WEAK?! He was... Without them... Him... His partner. He was worthless without them before and so too is he worthless without them now. In his eyes, he'd lost. Truly lost.
Aura had no idea when he had fallen asleep, it was day still when he last remembered, though it seemed he'd ended up passing out at some point. He looked to the window at the side of the room: Early Morning. He could tell because there was a subtle blueness that was seen in the horizon of the dim, starry sky. Aura sighed. Despite the sleep, Aura felt drowsy. He stumbled to his feet and walked out of his room, the silence that lingered being a subject to the Eevee's unease. "I wonder if anyone's awake..." He thought out loud, walking into the main lobby. "Hm... Seems like everyone's asleep still... Shame..." He stopped and stood in the silence. The darkness and the silence, it... left him alone. Truly alone. He sat down and curled up, sighing, "Arceus, why... I'm tired... So tired..." As he lay, he thought about the good times he had with Bastian. He didn't cry this time. He hated that it was all gone. Unfortunately, he just... Had to deal. That was the unfortunate reality of it... He laid there for awhile, he didn't know how long, but then he heard footsteps. He perked up, looking behind him. Guildmaster Pukirin stood with a torch, looking at Aura curiously. "Aura? What are you doing up at this time?" He asked, his voice hushed as to not wake up anyone in the nearby rooms. Aura tried to speak, but no sound came out. Pukirin sighed, "Listen, follow me into my quarters. I believe there's alot you need to get off of your chest. C'mon." He turned around and gestured for Aura to follow. The Eevee just decided to follow with no protest. He wanted to speak to the Guildmaster anyway. Aura stepped into the 'office' of sorts, the torches had already been lit. It looked like day in here, were it not for the early-dawn sky showing in the window.
"So, Aura... What's wrong?" Puki spoke, patting the spot next to him as he sat down. Aura sat next to him and sighed, "There's... Alot wrong... I'm sure Bastian and Grovyle's absence clued you all into that." He responded, the Guildmaster nodding in response. "What happened to them?" Puki then asked, making Aura fall silent. Right... "... They're gone." "Gone? What do you-" "They're gone. Time has been restored, and so both Grovyle and Bastian have ceased to exist. They're gone. Forever..." Aura elaborated, not allowing the Wigglytuff the chance to finish. He looked solemn, "I'm... Oh my, that's a... Heavy loss." He spoke, quieting down, "Not only losing Grovyle, but Bastian too... Atleast their sacrifices weren't in vain. The world is finally stable, or well, it'll be stable in the near future." He continued, trying to look on the brighter side. "Well, yeah, I guess, but... I dunno, without Bastian, what am I supposed to do now? There's no more Team HARMONIUM, just... Well, me..." Aura responded, a hint of bitterness in his tone. Pukirin looked deep in thought for a second before he clicked his tongue, "Well, look, out of respect for your grief and respect for Bastian, I believe you should have some time out of the Guild. Your quarters will still be kept and you will keep your place, just no participation in rescue or exploration work... So to speak," He explained before standing up, "What I think you should do is go and explore. Maybe telling your story to others is an option?" Bastian's dying wish... Right. He understood now. "I-I... Yes, yes, it could be... It's what he would've wanted, heh... I mean, you know Bastian, right?" Aura said, his joking rather half-hearted, though Pukirin smiled. "He was always determined to prove himself, much to his detriment. I imagine he had a bit of Imposter Syndrome kicking around in him. I wanted to talk to him, but well..." He smiled waned slightly, "I suppose that's not happening anymore..." He felt silent, a look of contemplating crossing his features, a rare sight for any member of the guild.
"... I believe that, even after the losses you've suffered, you harbour great potential, greater than any other Guild Member, just, y'know, don't tell them that. You'll go far, Aura. So, please, tell everyone you can about the odyssey you and Bastian went on. Preserve his memory for yourself, us and the rest of Treasure Town. It's what he'd want, to be known and respected by others." Aura listened intently to Puki's suggestion, taking in every syllable. Without skipping a beat, he responded in kind, "You got it, Guildmaster. I won't let you down." He said. The Wigglytuff simply chuckled, "Aura, please, no need for the formalities. I may be your Guildmaster, but you are the only master of your own life. Soon you'll be able to graduate, you know. You'll become a bonafide explorer." He spoke, hoping to raise Aura's spirits. It worked, luckily. Aura gave a smile, "Yeah, I... I can't wait. I'd wish for Bastian to be here, but in the end, working with him changed me, made me a stronger person. I won't let him down!" The Eevee exclaimed, a sudden rejuvenation of his confidence sparking within. Suddenly, Bastian's Death felt like a mere stepping stone in his journey of growth. "P-Please, Aura, don't yell, it's still early." "A-Ah, right, sorry, hehe..." The Eevee made a cute face before he stood up, "I suppose it's about time I head back to sleep for a couple more hours, y'know, prepare myself for what's to come." Pukirin yawned, "Yeah, you should, I'm tired myself." He stretched and layed upon his rug, "Try to sleep well, alright? That's an order." His voice had an odd stern hint to it which Aura couldn't help but straighten out and nod enthusiastically at. Puki just smiled, "Really, you don't need to be so into it, relax yourself Aura." He said, "Now, really, go to sleep, you need it." Aura gave an enthusiastic "Yes sir!" and then walked out. The tired Guildmaster layed down, "... That boy has alot of fight in him yet... I hope it lasts." He muttered to himself before he let himself fall asleep, finally.
Aura waltzed back through the Guild's foyer, a renewed pep in his step. Sure, he hasn't stopped grieving yet, but now he was willing to do whatever it took to make it worthwhile. The last thing he wanted was for their effort to be a waste, a footnote in history. As he strolled into his room, he looked at his bed. It was still damp from his much he'd cried earlier. His smile faltered, but he layed upon it peacefully. Gazing at the bed across from him, he swore he could see Bastian smiled back at him. "Are you proud of me, Bastian?" He asked himself, before his consciousness slipped out from under him. He dreamt that night, a life with Bastian, as explorers. Oh how he'd love that...
Aura stepped out through the entrance to the Guild. The torches' embers sizzled softly with a lingering heat as the noon sun bore down upon him. He'd had one last meal before going, and he was seen off by everyone. He was wished luck, given a couple spare supplies. Pukirin and Aura shared a glance before he left. The Guildmaster had confidence in him, he could tell. Climbing up the ladder outside, here he was now, ready to leave. All he had to do was say his goodbyes to Treasure Town and set off... Leave his new home and start anew... He had his doubts still, yes, but this was what he had to do, WANTED to do. For himself, for everyone... For his Bastian.
Are you proud of me?