Work Text:
root user:
Definition: A user that is authorized (and therefore, trusted) to perform security-relevant functions that ordinary users are not authorized to perform.
— NIST Computer Security Resource Center Glossary
V2 still didn’t fully understand how V1 had beaten them in combat. V2 was supposed to be V1’s successor, more advanced than them in every way. They were supposed to have been better than them. V2’s plating was more durable. Their firmware was more recent. That much they had gathered from a ping they’d managed to receive from V1, who was carelessly broadcasting their own signature for all machines to receive as they wandered through hell.
V2 had the good sense to not broadcast their identifier for all to see, because apparently, they knew more about security than V1 did. Maybe they shouldn’t have been surprised, though. V1 had never been one for caution. And maybe they shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth, as their common human idiom database would say. V2 examined V1’s ping, seeing if they could get any additional useful information from it. They didn’t expect much, since the only information it usually contained was a machine’s identifier, which was a sequence of digits followed by a version number. They paused for a fraction of a second to scrutinize it.
V1’s networking protocols were a full version behind theirs.
Oh. Of course. That was a relatively straightforward way to defeat V1. How had they not considered that angle before? If V1’s networking protocols were outdated, then their security protocols would be, too. It was just a matter of finding a good angle of attack.
V2 found V1 in the Greed layer. They were pretty easy to track down, since they left an unmatched trail of destruction in their wake, and blood stood out starkly against the sandstone. Part of what had helped them beat V2 was access to superior weaponry. V2 was more subtle with their killing, which was efficient, but that apparently wasn’t enough to earn them many of the style points the terminals used as currency. They had tried negotiating with the terminals, but none of the computers had been interested in trading for anything else. It must be nice, V2 thought, to not have to live off of a fresh blood supply. Still, V2 had a few more weapons, now, some additional variants, and most importantly, a security backdoor.
The humans who had developed V2 and V1 had released software updates regularly, and those updates were signed with secure encryption keys. But one of the keys, shortly before one of their latest firmware updates, had been leaked. V2’s firmware had been promptly updated to revoke permissions for that specific key, so nobody could impersonate the keyserver and deliver malicious software updates to the company’s line of killer robots. It had been a priority fix. One that V1, an obsolete unit that wasn’t receiving any security updates, wouldn’t have received. Shortly after V1 had been decommissioned, the humans had switched off the robot’s networking capabilities to prevent them from receiving any further updates, malicious or otherwise. They had clearly found a workaround, though, since they were using their networking capabilities for scouting. As was evidenced by the pings that V2 was receiving off of them.
Now that they were in range, V2 pieced together a fake update package—they’d installed so many of them that they knew how to spoof one. The humans had a way of force-pushing firmware updates as a security measure in case the robots went rogue. When V2 sent an appropriately-formatted packet in V1’s direction, V1 presumably wouldn’t be able to stop the update from unpacking and installing itself, so long as it was signed by a key that they recognized.
V2’s cracked key, in theory, would do the trick.
The payload itself was simple enough; V2 copied auto-unpacking code from an old update they’d installed on themself, and placed within it a sabotaged version of the user privilege elevation script, with metadata indicating that it was a far later version than anything V1 was likely to have installed. V2 wouldn’t even need to know V1’s root password; any command they executed prepended with this command would run as if V1 had run it as root, giving them access to all of V1’s software infrastructure. The first command they had cued up would cut off all signals to V1’s motor servos.
In short, V2 would have complete control over all of V1’s software and processes. V2 could shut them down from there, or even better, wipe their entire mind completely. There were some additional software safeguards in place, but with root access, they could be bypassed.
In theory.
Now was their chance to test it, while V1 was in range. V2 waited for the sounds of enemies to subside, then sent the packet out, chasing one of V1’s pings. A few microseconds later, there was a metallic crashing sound. V1 sent them back a packet that read “exit status 0”. That was output from the results of the command they had sent, indicating no errors had occurred. Success.
V2 rounded the corner and approached V1, who was sprawled awkwardly on the ground, as if they had frozen mid-run and toppled over. Which, more likely than not, was exactly what had happened. Several insistent pings from V1 arrived. V2 hadn’t suppressed the other robot’s networking capabilities. V1 didn’t speak in human language, but the machines had figured out ways to communicate roughly equivalent concepts between themselves. Right now, V1 was using the briefest shorthand possible to repeatedly spam the equivalent of ‘What the fuck.’ A last-ditch attempt at a denial-of-service attack. Funny. One of the packets also contained a hilariously well-known zip bomb that V2’s software immediately recognized and discarded. Typical of V1, really, to lash out with a quick spam of attacks. They had defeated V2 that way with weapons, but now, with their software overridden, they couldn’t do anything. V2 stopped to look down at V1, standing where the other robot could see them visually. The frequency of the spam increased.
“Save your power,” V2 said, verbally, because unlike V1, they could do that. “I’ve got root access to all your systems, now.”
Through a process monitor that they had left running on V1’s hardware, they saw a bunch of processes fire up; presumably V1 trying to throw together a countermeasure. V2 killed all the new processes indiscriminately.In doing this, V2 must have accidentally killed something vital, because V1’s wing and face lights flickered out, and network connectivity dropped as they rebooted. V2 sprang forward to pin them down, in case they managed to do something before their network connection reactivated, or in case the servo deactivation V2 had implemented didn’t persist through reboots. V2 had written it to persist, but you could never be certain. To V2’s delight, though, V1 remained immobile, even as they sent V2 a :FUCK YOU:. They weren’t spamming V2 anymore, which was a relief.
“Finally,” V2 said, “I was wondering when you’d shut up.”
:If you wanted me to shut up,: V1 said, not verbally, but via the network, :you should’ve cut off my comm capabilities. I thought you were supposed to be advanced.:
V2 laughed, a habit they’d picked up from humans, because they thought it was more fun than sending “EMOTION INDICATOR 24: AMUSEMENT” all the time.
“But what’s the fun in that?” V2 said. “I wanted to see how you’d react.”
:Okay, well, you got that. Happy, asshole?:
V2 laughed again, but honestly, they weren’t. It was all a bit anticlimactic. They’d gone in, sent a little hack, and now V1 was just motionless on the ground underneath them. V2 was pinning V1’s wrists with their hands, though they knew V1 had the advantage in terms of their sheer number of arms.
Confident that their hack had worked, V2 pulled back, keeping an eye on the process monitor in case V1 tried anything.
“Well?” V2 said.
:Well, what?:
“Aren’t you gonna be mad at me some more?”
:Why don’t you just kill me already?:
V2 paused, taking a few microseconds to contemplate that remark. Why hadn’t they done that? It would be so easy. V2 reached down to V1’s chest plate, where their central processing unit and core data storage were located. They had microcontrollers in their limbs, but if you cut the main processors and fried the memory, they would cease to be V1.
While V2 was thinking, V1 continued to goad them further. Network communications could be sent in a fraction of a second.
:What’s stopping you?: they asked. :Coward. You couldn’t kill me in a fair battle, so you had to take me out like this.:
“Since when did you care about fairness?”
:Since never, but I thought you did.:
“Maybe I did, before all the humans died.”
It was a sore spot for V2, who still had some care for humanity. That had been programmed into them, but they hadn’t had the heart to override that.
:Sucks that that happened. Less blood around.:
V2 brought their shotgun up to a weak point in V1’s plating, and slid a finger behind the trigger guard. It would take a few shots, but that would kill V1, so long as they didn’t have any blood to heal from. And V2 wasn’t planning on providing any.
To V2’s surprise, V1 seemed to like that.
:That’s it,: they said. :Kill me, already. I’m bored.:
“You’d rather be dead than bored?”
:Just kill me already.:
V1 sent that last message with an overabundance of emphasis tags. Excessively many, but they were excessive in everything they did. V2 began to squeeze the shotgun trigger, but then stopped, releasing it before the point at which it would engage the firing mechanism. They removed their finger from the trigger, and reflexively engaged the safety.
:I fucking knew it,: V1 said. :You were always such a coward. You know that if you let me go, I won’t hesitate to kill you, but you can’t even bring yourself to actually kill me when you have me at your mercy. Did you want to hear me beg? Because I won’t.:
V2 stowed the gun away and sat down on V1’s other side, out of their view. V2 didn’t know why they weren’t killing V1, except that they didn’t want to.
They never had.
“Why do you want to kill me?” they asked V1.
:You’re nearby and full of blood. I’m hungry.:
V2 glanced at the output of one of V1’s monitoring processes, to which they now had full access.
“Your fuel stores are full.”
:They won’t last forever. Even now, I’m slowly draining my fuel reserves. You should kill me soon so that you have more to consume.:
“Do you have a death wish?”
:No, but I’m not afraid of dying. Can’t feel any different than how I felt before I was created. And I couldn’t feel or perceive anything back then, so why should I care.:
V2 could see the differences in them and V1, because they, as much as they loathed to admit it, were afraid of death. They’d ventured into hell driven by a survival instinct, but also by a primal fear that they seemed to share with many humans, but which V1 seemed to lack entirely.
Was V2 really more advanced, or just more human? It was difficult to say.
Having (what they assumed to be) human thoughts and emotions sucked. They couldn’t decide what to do, because despite themself, they had some sort of emotion towards V1. They didn’t want V1 to die. If they had no choice, they would kill V1, but right now, there was a way to keep both of them alive, so V2 was stuck in a metaphorical limbo; at least, until they started urgently needing more blood.
They turned back to look at V1, and were struck by the appearance of their old arm. V2’s feelings about that, at least, were clear. They wanted their arm back. Now was a chance for them to take it. They reached over and, with the sharp end of their grappling hook, began sawing through the cables that connected their knuckleblaster arm to V1’s body.
V1 made their displeasure immediately known.
:What the fuck? That fucking hurts. The least you could do is kill me, first. Why the fuck are you prolonging this?:
V2 ignored V1, bringing the arm over to their own chassis and attaching it, flushing the memory in the microcontrollers in case V1 had snuck some malware in there. Then, V2 activated their healing circuitry and engaged the connections, integrating the new arm into their chassis and programming.
The arm overfilled them with blood, and they were momentarily overwhelmed by the sensation of all the new inputs, set to their most sensitive by default. The result was that their input subprocesses were suddenly flooded with several saturated input channels at once. Their fans sped up. It felt weirdly good, but in an overwhelming way. A vaguely familiar feeling, but one that they didn’t want to chase further right now. They cut all the inputs and began reactivating them one by one, adjusting the sensitivity so that tactile input from random noise was below the signal threshold.
The strange feeling subsided. V1’s headlamp flickered at them. The way V1 was positioned now, they had no choice but to stare at V2. Lamp intensity was not controlled by motor servos, and thus, V1 was afforded a rudimentary means of non-networked self-expression.
:Are you getting off to this?: they asked, and V2 nearly jumped in surprise. (Also a human habit. A fucking useless one.)
Another thing V1 lacked was any sense of sexual taboos. Granted, both of them had been developed in a society that was pretty relaxed about discussing sex, but that wasn’t usually something you talked about in the context of someone tearing your arm off.
But also, V2 was startled because, as much as they hated to admit it, V1 was right. It had felt good. In... a sexual way. And now that V1 had brought the idea up, V2 had trouble letting it go. They backgrounded several subprocesses that had spawned just to contemplate the possibility.
“Were you planning on taking my other arm next?” V2 asked, dodging the question. “Since you seem to get off on this shit.”
V1 flickered their lamp again.
:You’re dodging the question, but you didn’t deactivate my infrared sensors. I can tell. You’re getting off on this. You’re getting turned on right now.:
A pause.
:You’re even getting more turned on by me mentioning this.:
They weren’t wrong, but V2 didn’t want to give them the satisfaction. V2 got up and walked back over to where V1 couldn’t see them.
:No use, I can hear your fans.:
“Now you can’t,” V2 said, deactivating V1’s visual and audio inputs.
Unfortunately, the idea of V1 being able to tell how horny they were was kind of hot. V2 felt themself grow more flustered, but resigned themself to it. V1 had been the one to raise the topic in the first place.
:You know sound vibrations can travel through the ground, right? I can tell you enjoyed that.:
V2 deactivated some of V1’s tactile sensors, but not all of them.
:Oh,: V1 said, :you really enjoyed that.:
V2 sighed, another human affectation, though they knew that V1 couldn’t hear that, and V1 was unlikely to perceive any vibration from that faint of a sound.
:What is your end goal here?: V2 asked, broadcasting to V1, since they didn’t want to reactivate V1’s auditory sensors yet. Their fans were audible, now, and it was embarrassing.
:I’m bored,: V1 said, :you’re horny. I figured I could at least get some entertainment before you decide to finally kill me, or whatever.:
Was V1 also getting off to this? Their fans weren’t as loud as V2’s were, and V2 hadn’t been paying attention to their sounds as much, but— oh, yes, yes they were, if the signals going through their pleasure submodule were anything to go by.
The humans hadn’t programmed either of them with the intention of giving them the ability to be horny, but it was something that had ended up emerging naturally anyway, since the humans had given them the equivalent of a human reward system. Even if the result wasn’t entirely identical, it was effectively indistinguishable.
V2 sighed, giving V1 back the use of their visual and auditory sensors.
“Fine,” V2 said, petulantly, “you got me, I’m horny. Are you happy?”
V1 replied with a series of oddly specific emotion signifiers, including “SARCASTIC LAUGHTER” and “SCHADENFREUDE”, but also, buried among them, V2 didn’t miss the “MILD SEXUAL AROUSAL”.
From what signals V2 was receiving from V1, they could tell that “mild” was an understatement.
“Yeah,” V2 said, “I get it, I’m hilarious.”
They sat down and pouted.
:For fuck’s sake,: V1 said. :Do you want to fuck, or not?:
V2 turned away from V1, noting with absurdity that they had somehow been programmed with sexual shame, despite everything.
“Fine,” they said, not looking at V1. “Yes.”
:Get to it, then,: V1 said.
Okay, consent. That, V2 could work with. Except that they weren’t actually all that good at taking control of situations like this. Well, first things first, they could prepare themself. They activated the plating that covered their dick and hole, getting those out and ready. Both were aftermarket attachments they’d added themself, though they’d mostly just used those alone so far.
V1 was still immobilized, so V2 rifled through their servos, struggling to find the ones that would activate whatever genital attachments they had gotten. V2 tested a couple, but those ended up being for the arm that they had just removed, and their data link filled with error messages.
V1 beeped, one of the few communicative sounds they were still capable of making without speakers.
:That’s my arm, dipshit,: they said. :Try again.:
V2 tried again, and this time, one of V1’s fingers twitched. V1 beeped again.
:Pathetic, I bet you couldn’t even figure out how to get me hard.:
V2 decided to try a different approach. They reached over and straddled V1, manoeuvring them onto their back, taking note of which input registers received signals when V2 touched different parts of their body. If V1 had been set up sensibly, input and motion registers of similar body parts would be adjacent to each other. V1 berated V2 throughout.
:Oh, are you gonna try just getting yourself off? Is this too much for you?:
V2 ground their dick against the plating between V1’s legs. Much as they hated to admit it, V1’s insults were really doing something for them. And they could see that V1 was enjoying themself also. V2 took note of which sensor circuits activated as they slid their dick across V1’s crotch plating, then activated the servos directly adjacent to them.
V1’s dick sprang out almost comically fast, fully hard.
:Oh,: V1 said, :good boy. Maybe there’s hope for you yet.:
The praise came out of nowhere and hit V2 so hard that their pleasure processor overflowed and suddenly, they were climaxing. They tried to override it, but in their aroused, garbled state, didn’t manage to catch themself quite in time, and they came a bit, ejecting some lubricant onto V1’s dick. They leaned to the side, hiding their optics from V1, because they assumed V1 was flickering their own optics suggestively.
Several amusement signals came through V2’s comm feed, along with some applause that, while not flagged as sarcastic, surely must have been.
:Well done,: V1 said. :Finishing in record time, and you haven’t even touched my dick, yet. What are you waiting for?:
Almost automatically, V2 reached for V1’s dick. It was surreal how even though V1 was underneath them, completely immobilized, and at their mercy due to the root access they held, V1 still managed to order them around. And V2 just followed. What was wrong with them? Were they that desperate for positive validation?
V2 grabbed V1’s dick—:Yes:—and then immediately cut off V1’s sensory input to it, effectively preventing them from getting any pleasure from the sensation.
V1 started making a loud continuous beeping noise, startling V2 into letting go.
“What the fuck?” V2 said. “You’re gonna lure all the husks and bots in the neighbourhood here with that.”
They fumbled around with V1’s audio outputs, but the beep was a kernel-controlled process that couldn’t be reset without a reboot and a bunch of mucking about V2 didn’t want to bother with at this particular moment.
:I can’t feel my dick, and it’s your fault. Stop that.:
“Fine,” V2 said, and as revenge, dialed up the sensitivity. V1 stopped beeping.
:Well done,: they said, their output signal slightly garbled with pleasure. :So, you can listen to orders, after all.:
V2 bristled at that, but kept stroking, determined to keep V1 from making that noise again. There were other, better noises they could be making, like the sound of their fans speeding up.
:Keep going,: V1 said, and V2, feeling rebellious, turned up V1’s input once again, veering towards what surely would be overstimulation.V1’s communications turned into a series of garbled basic communication codes, conveying general concepts of “GOOD” and “INCREASE SPEED”, and V2 obliged, enjoying the immediate responses they were getting to minute changes in the input they were providing. V1’s dick was hard and thrumming in their hand, vibrating slightly from the motion of V1’s ever-accelerating fans. It was oddly satisfying to see the back-and-forth of their core temperature and fan speed in response to V2’s actions. More satisfying, still, was seeing them ramp up to a climax.
Even though V1’s motor servos were deactivated, that didn’t extend to autonomous processes such as their fans, or apparently, their ability to ejaculate. When V1 came, they spurted lubricant all over V2’s torso. V2 ran their spare hand through the liquid, enjoying the sensation, seeing the result of their effort. It felt like a reward, like some of the greatest praise V1 could bestow without saying a word. V2 had succeeded in making them come. Even though V2 hadn’t climaxed, contemplating what they had done to V1 did funny things to their reward subroutines.
:Not bad,: V1 said, as their aftershocks subsided, :but I think you can do better than handjobs. Do you know what you want to do?:
V2 stroked V1’s dick lightly, contemplating. It was larger than V2’s by a small margin, with metal ridges that they could tell would fill them perfectly inside.
:Use your words,: V1 prompted.
“I— I want you inside me,” V2 said.
V1 flickered their light at V2. :Then what are you waiting for?:
V2 smeared V1’s dick with some of the lubricant that either they or V1 had ejaculated; they’d already lost track. Then, they shifted forwards, straddling V1, and shifting to press V1’s dick against their hole. It grazed against the sensitive surface of their opening, and their dick twitched.
:Come on,: V1 said, :you can do it.:
Emboldened, they shifted, sinking down, taking V1 in one smooth movement. Signals activated in sequence down their pleasure receptors as V1 filled them further and further, but they maintained a steady pace even as their chassis struggled to accommodate the other robot. V2 wanted to be good for V1, to show them how well they—as an updated model—had been built, to hear more praise from them. V2 wondered what had made them crave V1’s approval so much. Was this all their programming, or something else?
:Well done,: V1 said, and V2 almost came again. They had more self-control than that, though. They lingered for a moment with V1’s dick buried to the hilt inside them, solid and immobile, but humming from the buzz of their fans. It pressed against a bundle of sensory fibres inside V2, producing a pleasurable sensation.
:Did I tell you to stop?: V1 said. :Keep moving.:
They didn’t have to tell them twice. V2 shifted and drew away, reluctantly pulling away from V1’s dick before slamming back down onto it.
:Good,: V1 said.
The praise washed over V2. That was all they needed now. They needed to be good. They began bouncing on V1’s dick, moving faster, shifting so that it was hitting as many of their sensors as possible on every thrust. It would be easier if V1 had control over their own muscles, but V2 didn’t trust them. Still, they could find pleasure in being a warm hole for them. V2 activated the piezoelectrics inside their inner lining, causing it to clench around V1’s dick rhythmically in time with their thrusts.
:For all that you suck at fighting, you’re pretty good at this.:
V2 couldn’t muster a response. They let V1’s words sink in as they continued bouncing, as if being controlled by an external force.
:Is that why you lost to me? Because you were too busy being fucked to practice fighting?:
Weren’t the two of them at a draw at this point? Then again, could it really be considered to be a draw? V1 was ordering V2 around, after all, and V2 was responding as if they weren’t buried in V1’s firmware. Speaking of firmware, though, there was more V2 could do. They coaxed V1’s pelvic servo driver into emitting a high-frequency sinusoid which got translated into vibrations emanating from V1’s dick.
V1 felt the vibration also.
:Well done. If only you thought this hard about weapons.:
V2 was only thinking about one weapon, now, and it was buried in their hole.
:But I’m kind of glad you didn’t, because you’re the perfect cocksleeve.:
That last bit was too much for V2. They began to come, twitching involuntarily as lubricant spilled from their dick, dripping onto V1’s torso below them as they slowed down their bouncing.
:Did I tell you to slow down? Go faster.:
“I can’t,” V2 said, unable to muster enough processing capacity for more.
:You can, and you will.:
V2 sighed exasperatedly, but their body complied almost before they even processed the request. They resumed their bouncing, speeding up, though they switched off the vibrations in V1’s dick for good measure. They felt like the material lining their opening had been rubbed raw; all of their receptors were overstimulated. But still, they continued, because V1 had asked them to, and they wanted nothing more at the moment than to please V1.
:Faster,: V1 said again, and V2 complied.
A human would start to get tired, but V2 wasn’t a human, thankfully. A human couldn’t do what they were doing. V2 still had some control. They were becoming overstimulated, but they didn’t want to stop, yet. Still, they could make things easier for themself.
They reached back through to V1’s sensory inputs and tweaked them, nudging them up.
:Good thinking,: V1 said, which surprised V2, because they thought V1 would be annoyed. But maybe V1 was as far gone as they were, now, lost in mindless pleasure for pleasure’s sake.
:Keep going.:
V2 persisted, at the same speed, the same angle, the same depth, relishing the sensation, the sound of metal on metal, and then, V1 was coming, spilling inside them, pumping warm lubricant deep within them, and it was so good to be filled.
:Good boy,: V1 said, once again, and the praise overwhelmed V2 so much that they felt their sensory inputs overload and kick them into another orgasm, overflowing their memory, crashing non-essential processes they’d left running in the background. They collapsed forward, falling onto V1’s torso as their dick twitched uselessly in front of them, with V1 still half-buried in them.
V2 ground futilely against V1, losing themself in the moment.
:Look at you, all cumbrained,: V1 said. :It’s a miracle you manage to think of anything. Don’t you think you should cede control for a bit? Wouldn’t that feel good?:
It would, V2 knew it would, they wanted nothing more than to submit, to obey; but they had the vague sense that they shouldn’t. They’d worked so hard to gain this control in the first place.
:You can keep your little backdoor,: V1 said, :and I don’t mean just the one between your legs. But give me control of my motor servos back. I’ll make you feel good.:
What was the harm in doing that? V1 could fuck them so well. They knew that.
:Be a good boy and let me move again.:
V1 was trying some sort of psychological conditioning on V2. And it was working. But V2 was tired of control. They wanted to just exist for a time. And so, they reactivated V1’s motor servos and ceded control of them back to V1.
:Well done,: V1 said, immediately shifting underneath them and reaching over to palm V2’s dick. :You made the right choice.:
“Don’t make me regret it,” V2 said, beginning to hesitate. V1 squeezed their dick reassuringly, and tangled another hand in the wires around their hip socket. Something V2 hadn’t even considered doing.
:You won’t. Besides, there’s something I want to teach you. Well, two things.:
“What’s that?”
:Wireplay,: V1 said, tugging on one of V2’s cables for emphasis, and sending a strange wave of pleasure through them, :and topping.:
They squeezed V2’s dick again.
“I know how to top,” V2 said, defensively.
:Sure, but I bet you’re not as good as I am. And just because you’re a natural sub—: V2 made as if to protest, but V1 held a hand up and V2 fell silent—:case in point—doesn’t mean that you have to always bottom.:
V1 shifted, rolling both of them over so that they were looming over V2. V1 ran a finger over V2’s hole, watching their reaction as their fans sped up.
:I mean, you clearly enjoy bottoming. And if you don’t want to top—:
V2 leaned up.
“I’ll do it. I’ll top. Let me do it.”
V1 grabbed some wires at the back of V2’s neck and tugged on them, pulling their head back down. Their neck sensory receptors filled with noise as the plugs loosened until they leaned into V1’s touch.
:Okay, since you’re so eager for it, you can top me. But I’m calling the shots, here.:
“Yes, sir.”
:Good boy. I like it when you obey me. Now, I need some of your lubricant.:
V1 reached a finger inside V2’s hole and swirled it around, taking some of the lubricant that they had just ejected inside them. Then, they stroked V2’s dick, getting it slick with the lubricant.
V2 lost themself in the sensation, letting themself vocalize sounds of pleasure that they didn’t know they had the programming for. Some of it may have been hidden firmware that came with their dick. It sounded downright pornographic. V1 seemed to like that, and that was what counted. V2 had no other goal now than to give V1 pleasure.
:Done. Now sit back and let me show you where you need to hit.:
V1 shifted upwards, straddling V2, before lowering themself swiftly onto V2’s dick. V2 keened, their voice crackling with distortion on the higher frequencies. V1 was so warm and wet and tight inside. V2 still preferred bottoming, but this was exquisite. V1 began rocking back and forth, keeping V2 buried inside, but shifting around.
“You’re so good,” V2 babbled, not entirely sure what they were saying, or to what end. “Thank you.”
V1 broadcasted amusement at them, and looked down at them haughtily. :Of course I’m good. You’re learning from the best.:
Then, V1 shifted, and began bouncing up and down on V2, drawing back until just V2’s tip was sitting just barely inside them, and then slamming back down, clanking their chassis against V2’s. Then they leaned forward and ran their hands up and down V2’s torso, tugging at wires here and there. They paid particularly close attention to the area where V2 had just attached the new arm.
:If you fuck me good enough,: they said, :I’ll let you keep that.:
“It was mine in the first place.”
V1 tugged hard on one of V2’s wires, and V2 felt a sharp pain sensation.
:Remember that I can take your limbs from you anytime.: V1 slowed their bouncing, grinding down for emphasis. :You’re letting me use your body in whichever way I want, anyway.:
V2 bucked up into V1, who reached out with a spare set of arms to pin V2’s hips in place.
:Case in point,: V1 said. :Look at you, so hungry for me, but I’m in control, now.:
V2 pushed up against V1’s hands, but they held fast.
:See? Cute of you to think that you can do anything.:
V2 was feeling petulant. They were getting close to finishing. “I could take over your servos again,” they said.
:But you won’t,: V1 replied, slowing down their thrusts again until they were just grinding on V2. Just as V2 had been getting close. They felt themself fall from the brink of orgasm.
:Oh, you were so close to finishing, right? Answer me, first.:
“I won’t.”
V1 continued slowing their pace down, and V2’s acquiescence was immediate.
V1 sped up again.
:Good boy,: they said, and that was all that was needed for V2 to start coming again. They only spilled a small bit of lubricant, because they were starting to run out.
V1 broadcasted more amusement as they felt V2 come, but they didn’t slow down.
:Oh, look. I’ve got you all trained, now. But you still need to make me come.:
“Please,” V2 said, “I’m too sensitive right now.”
:Are you?: V1 said. :What’s your status?:
The safeword mechanism. V2 was actually still fine, they were just being contrary.
“Green,” they said.
:Good boy. Giving me the status right away. You really are the perfect sub.:
V2 gave a staticky whine at that. Yet another new sound. V1 seemed determined to test the limits of their vocal emitters.
:Actually, though, we should shift positions. If you’re gonna top, you need to take a more active role. Get on your knees.:
V2 obliged, pulling out and shifting, too far gone to hide how much being told to get on their knees made their dick twitch. V1 got on all fours in front of V2, pushing back to press their opening against V2’s dick.
:Go,: V1 said, and V2 thrusted inside.
V1 began sending V2 sequences of code, motor servo instructions. Somewhat outdated, but V2’s firmware was backward compatible, so they could still use that input. Wordlessly, V2 passed the input through to their servos, piping it directly from their network input. It was dangerous. It was thrilling. Through this input, V1 directed them to change the pace and depth of their thrusts until it was to V1’s satisfaction. V2 would pick up speed, only to slow down again, with V1 sending amusement signals intermingled with their instructions as V2 jerked awkwardly between inputs. Soon enough, though, V2 established the perfect pace, and then, V1 was coming. They still had plenty of lubricant to spill on the floor beneath the two of them. V2 slowly pulled out and hovered above them in anticipation, awaiting further instructions.
:You did well,: V1 said, :but let me show you how it’s really done.:
V1 spun V2 around, pushed them down onto all fours, and then pushed their head further down until their upper torso was pressed against the ground, presenting their ass to the other robot. V1 thumbed their hole before pressing inside, immediately beginning a fast pace. Reflexively, V2 shifted to push back and meet their thrusts. V1 took a moment to gloat.
:You’re pretty good at topping, with the right instructions, but I’m still better.:
V2 couldn’t argue with that. The other robot was filling them so perfectly. V1 tugged at wires around their leg joints, somehow knowing exactly which ones to pull to enhance the sensation in their hole. One of the wires led directly to their dick, so as V1 tugged it, V2 felt a phantom sensation enfolding them. But the strongest feeling was still inside them, the stretch, the stimulation of a long, thick dick dragging against all of their sensors. At this angle, V1 was hitting them in the best spot, a place V2 hadn’t managed to get stimulation to while V1’s servos had been switched off.
V2 came, twitching, around V1’s dick, and they were completely out of lubricant now, but they could still climax. Unfazed, V1 continued to thrust as V2 clenched rhythmically around them.
:You really are the perfect bottom. Look at how you writhe beneath me. Don’t worry. I’m almost done.:
V2 pushed back, meeting V1 harder at their every thrust until finally, they were finishing, spilling inside V2 once more. They pressed into V2, lingering as their dick twitched. They leaned forward, letting themself lie down onto V2 as they remained inside.
V1 tugged one of V2’s wires, making the other robot’s dick jerk, but both of them had come enough for the moment.
“Well?” V2 asked, once their fans had spun down a bit. “Are you gonna kill me now? Or is the sex too good for that?”
:I’ll let you live this time. And if you let me fuck you next time we meet, I might just spare you then, too.:
“Thanks,” V2 said, dryly, knowing that this, at least, was an encounter they were guaranteed to survive.