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Vodoo Doll

Chapter 4: One step forward and two steps back


heyy what's up? if you read the announcement I made on Damage Control or follow me on twitter, you'll know the reason I was absent and the reason I'm back hahaha
anyway, i wrote this chapter with a lot of love and honestly, i was dying to make an art of this but yeah, anatomy is still not my thing lmao
this chapter has a lot of things i like, and we'll probably get the other Henituse family members' pov soon as well as the trip to the capital, i plan on moving fast.
since i don't have beta readers for any of my works, if you see something weird, let me know, i had a hard time thinking if something was canon or just me who's read a lot of fics hahaha
as always, english isn't my first language so if you see a mistake, let me know.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Raising children was not a task that should be taken lightly, on the contrary, it was a responsibility, one in which various factors had to be taken into account, which eventually influenced the cognitive and emotional development of the child.

For this reason, childhood is considered the most important stage during growth, which is why it was recommended to create an environment in which children could grow up healthy and not lack anything. Or at least that's what Cale knew about childcare, it's not like he had one of his own, well at least he didn't have one in his life as Kim Rok Soo.

Looking around Cale could see how as he progressed through the corridors, until now unknown, the decoration became more minimalist and classic, a clear contrast with the decorations of the rest of the mansion, or at least that is what it might seem like. At first glance at least, in fact, because he was someone who was quite observant, he could notice it immediately.

'That vase looks more expensive than the one in the hallway.'

Noticing Cale's gaze on some of the decorations, Luciel laughed softly.

"Are you curious? My mom was a great collector, but after my father brought Countess Violan and Basen, several of her things were put in a separate room, only a couple of decorations were left visible.”

That was interesting to know, it explained the reason for the drastic change in decoration, but it left many other questions.

"Why doesn't he just change all the decor?" Cale asked.

"That's because I stayed in a room close to my mom`s after she died until a few years later, and then I moved to your current room."

Cale was a little hesitant to say his next question, it was none of his business, but he finally decided to do it, if he didn't ask now, it was possible that he wouldn't have another chance like this. 

"When did you change rooms?"

When he asked, Luciel stayed reserved. His memories were confusing, mixed up after having returned to the past more times than was necessary. After about ten minutes, a response finally came.

"It was when I was fourteen, before I started drinking."

Thinking back on that particular year, there was a reason why during that period of time Luciel began to act more aggressively, but he couldn't properly pinpoint the reason behind it. He was practically a bastard to everyone, he tended to shout and insult the servants even if they breathed too close to his direction, his interactions with his family were reduced even further and he even ignored some of his father's requests, such as accompanying him to the garden or just taking a walk. 

Back then, acting like that felt as easy as breathing, and yet, a part of himself never dared break any of his mother's belongings. So during a drunken day, he decided to sneak into another room and wait for Ron to find him. When he did, he simply ordered his belongings to be brought to that room, since he was “too dizzy” to walk to the top floor of the mansion and go back to his room. 

His father had looked quite happy when he informed him that he had bought new, imported furniture to decorate his new room. He was probably relieved to know that he wouldn't have to worry about Cale breaking things in a drunken fit.

Of course, it's not like Luciel was going to say that to Cale, he's never been the type of person to vent his feelings and he won't start now. Instead, he prefers to continue guiding him until they get to the room.

As soon as they reached the door of the room, both of them waited patiently. After ten minutes, the old butler approached them.

"Sorry for the delay, young master. Your father, the count, had a matter to discuss with me."

Cale shook his head. "It doesn't matter, open the door."

At the order, Ron passed by both of them and did not take long to insert the key into the lock, and then open the door. Instantly, the soft aroma of sandalwood was present. Cale inhaled the scent and let out a soft exhale.

Maybe it was the fact that his body still possessed memories, but Cale felt some of the tension leave his body. Looking down, he could feel Luciel lean further into his arms and close his eyes, seeming to be enjoying the fragrance.

"It's quite charming."

His young master's soft murmur made Ron feel strangely confused. Not because of the statement, but because of the way the young master didn't take his eyes off the boy in his arms.

He watched carefully as little master Luciel looked around before his eyes closed a little and then his gaze focused instantly on the small nightstand, where the small music box was carefully placed.

Ron stood at the entrance to the room watching the interaction between father and son from afar, his mind feeling conflicted. A feeling he seemed to be experiencing more and more often. 

Ever since the little boy arrived at the mansion, being carried in his young master's arms, Ron had complicated feelings which intensified as time passed. An unpleasant sensation lodged in the lower part of his abdomen upon confirmation of the child's origin. 

Someone had been able to take advantage of his young master, they had done it and Ron had not realized such a crime.

Was it perhaps his indifference that had done this?

Since getting a job as a butler at the Henituse mansion, Ron had been assigned exclusively to the care of the count's first-born son, but after the countess's death, he stayed out of everything, knowing that he could not interfere in any of the matters of the decisions that the father-son duo Henituse decided to make. 

He watched as eight-year-old Young Master Cale comforted his own father and stood firm during the funeral and the months afterward, watched as that same man turned his back on his only son and decided to run away to ease his bleeding heart for the loss of his wife. 

He observed when the count returned from his trip, with a new wife and two children, one of them on the way, and how the young master's exemplary behavior began to present out of place changes, but he did not try to stop the clearly harmful behaviors of his young master

Ron didn't care enough, after all, a part of himself always knew that no matter what he said, his young cub master would still do whatever he wanted, not even the concern of Cale's father, the earl, would do to change his mind.

'I should have grabbed him by the ear and made him see reason.'

Perhaps, then, this child would not have been born.

The thought somehow felt wrong, which, in itself, was his other problem.

Every time the boy stubbornly decided to go down the stairs on his own, Ron's arms and hands tingled with the need to take the little boy in his arms and go down the stairs with him to prevent him from accidentally injuring himself. Young Master Cale, despite being a noble child, had been quite energetic and preferred to hide his bruises rather than having to be scolded for running wildly down the stairs. As a result, there were times where the child would complain about the pain but never cry.

Every time the boy seemed grumpy about having to eat his food, but still finished everything on his plate, Ron had to stop himself from congratulating the boy. A 'good job, young master.' stuck on the tip of his tongue.

Cale had never been a picky eater as a child, his parents had been more than generous with their rewards if Cale ate something he didn't like without complaint.

Every single one of his instincts was screaming to give the little boy good care. Maybe it was because of Luciel's undeniable resemblance to Cale, but strangely, Ron felt that this boy was actually the spitting image of Cale when he was a child. From the gestures themselves, to the way they behaved and even some small tics, they were all there.

Of course, the only difference differed in that Cale had been a child who was quite energetic and cheerful. Always glued to his side and giving loose smiles to anyone who talked to him.

Being especially clingy when it came to his personal butler.

When Cale was a child, the young master used to follow Ron whenever he saw him, even when he was with other people. Without looking back, he would abandon the other people and stretch his arms out towards his butler, a slight pout on his lips as he silently asked to be carried while complaining that Ron had left without him. 

A fleeting memory came to mind as he thought about that.

"Ron you can't leave me alone, if you leave me alone I'll be bored, there's no one interesting, just boring people."

Of course, it's not like Ron would give in to the request so easily just because of a sad face.

Ron deliberately ignored the downcast look of Cale's professor, who seemed to understand that it was him the young master was talking about.

"Young master, there are still more servants besides me."

His response seemed to surprise the young master, but he quickly composed himself as he shook his head. Her red hair shook wildly as she clung to Ron's trouser leg.

"But none of them are like you, Ron! You're, uh, the second coolest person I know-! No! Eh- the second coolest person in the territory!"

A bold statement, for a four-year-old boy who was not yet allowed to leave the mansion and had only interacted with his parents, teachers, and the mansion's servants.

Ron knew the answer he would get, but he still asked. "Oh, and who's the first person?"

"My mom, of course!" Cale smiled innocently as he looked at him. "After her, Ron is second."

Somehow, Ron felt like he could hear the count's childish cries about how his son loved a servant more than his own father.

Something that wouldn't happen if he man passed time with Cale, instead of focusing on pleasing the rest of his family's absurd demands.


Looking down, a pair of reddish-brown eyes were staring at him, small eyebrows furrowed and lips trembling slightly, as if he would cry at any moment.

"Ron? Up?"

The boy's unsure voice made Ron sigh inwardly and he took the boy into his arms. As soon as he did, he tried not to flinch as the young master snuggled into the crook of his neck, a soft childish laugh filling the silence before a small murmur reached his ears.

"Your hugs are always warm, Ron."

That had been when Cale had barely turned four, the last time Ron had been able to hold the young master, before his etiquette teachers, as well as the count and his relatives, decided that Cale had to start behaving. with more dignity, as it should be, given that he was the sole heir to the richest county in the kingdom.

So Ron had had to ignore Cale's longing glances every time he looked at him. The education of noble children was different, he knew it, he knew that it was essential to create a distance so that his young master understood that the relationship between master and servant should not be crossed.

And no, Ron didn't feel bad when Cale looked like he was going to cry every time he walked away. He did it.

Eventually, Cale stopped searching for him, and instead focused his attention on his parents. Or in this case, the countess, who made sure to always have time for her only son.

And when she died, Cale stopped looking for someone.

So every time he saw Luciel, he thought of that childish version of his young master. A four-year-old Cale who would look for him whenever he was sleepy and take his nap in Ron's arms.

And when asked why he did that, Cale always smiled brightly and would say the same.

"Ron's heart is very pretty! Every time I hear it it helps me sleep!"

Remembering that, Ron had to restrain himself every time he saw his young master's little son stay up all afternoon - and part of the night - reading books, instead of simply picking up the boy and forcing him to take a drink. damn nap , like all 4-year-olds are supposed to do.

And he would have, Ron would let his instincts take over and tend to the little master, he would, if it weren't for the boy's frightened look every time he got too close.

However, Ron knew that the reaction was not directed at him, no, Luciel reacted the same way with everyone who approached him, except for Cale.

'A child who suffered domestic violence.'

Luciel met all the requirements to be one. For God's sake, the boy called his own father by his name and seemed reluctant instead of excited whenever Young Master Cale treated him like a child.

As Ron thought about that and felt confused, both Cale and Luciel scanned the room, observing that it seemed to have been cleaned recently. Cale's attention was focused on the shelves full of books, so when he was about to head towards her, a gentle tug on his shirt made him look at the child in his arms.

'Do you want me to take it down?'

Cale was used to Luciel complaining about being held, so he bent down to put the child down, however, the small hands clung to his clothes tightly.

"N-no! Hug!" Luciel complained loudly with a plaintive tone, anyone who heard and saw him would think that the boy did not want to be separated from his father, but Cale could see how those blue eyes remained impassive while a childish voice echoed in his head. 

" Get rid of Ron, there's a test to activate my mother's things."

"Ron, while I'm here with Luciel, make sure everything is ready for our picnic." Adjusting Luciel even more in his arms, Cale ordered  without looking back for fear of seeing what kind of expression the assassin was looking.

'and took her to the rose garden.'

"oh, also, take everything to the rose garden."

Ron blinked at that statement. 

"...To the garden of rose?"

"Yes, is there a problem with that?"

“Not at all young master, if you excuse me, I will go prepare what you asked me.”

Giving a final bow, Ron left the room, a few seconds later, Luciel hurriedly climbed out of Cale's arms. Without wasting any time, he took the small music box into his arms as well as a small case.

“Hurry up, we have to be in the garden before him.”

Cale nodded and took Luciel into his arms again, the boy's body was light, so it didn't take long for them to reach their destination, where once again it was the smallest boy who took the lead and began to search around him. .

“Do you need help?”

The obvious answer would be yes, but Cale had noticed that Luciel seemed to be the type of person who didn't appreciate anyone else interfering with his affairs unless he asked for it, so he stood by and watched as he The boy ignored his words, only a few minutes later, a disheveled and leafy Luciel looked at him slightly embarrassed.

“...You could look for a red earthenware stone, it must be hidden behind one of these bushes!”

Knowing what he needed to look for, it didn't take long for Cale to find what they needed and to his surprise, the stone flickered softly every time he approached it.

“mm? Oh! You found it! I guess it just reacts to your body." Luciel moved closer to the stone and was excited when the stone didn't move away from him again. "Well, let's do this before Ron comes."

Not knowing what to do, Cale stood by as he watched Luciel bring the small music box closer to the stone. In an instant, a white glow flickered between the box and the stone and just a few seconds later, the small music box opened. at a strange angle where Luciel took out a necklace. 

“Is there anything I can do?” Cale asked.

“Oh yes, please give me some of your blood.”

'mn? I think I heard something weird.`

Cale did not have enough time to process the statement when he felt a sharp pain in his hand. Beside him, Luciel quickly grabbed Cale's bleeding hand and dropped a couple of drops of blood onto the necklace which lit up a few seconds before the stone on the necklace turned a pearly white color. 

“...what was that for?” Cale asked genuinely curious as Luciel wrapped his handkerchief around the small wound, stopping the bleeding. 

“Mom said to always use my blood if I want something from her family! She left several of her things in the territory." Luciel smiled proudly, before looking curiously at the necklace and handing it to Cale, instead, he was holding the music box against his chest. "Although I don't know how it works, but that's what you were looking for, right?”

"Uh, yes, it is."

Cale brought the necklace closer to his face, only to almost drop it when when he felt the necklace pulsate, it pulsated like a heartbeat. Did that make sense? Why was it pulsating?!

'...Let's think about it logically.'

Taking a deep breath, Cale remembered what the small note from the previous countess said. 

'Cute children need to eat, sleep and play to grow well, so even if your heart is hurt and you can't do any of those things, you don't need to worry. 
A small musical box should be behind my portrait, it will be very helpful to you. 

-Jour Thames. 

If what the note said was true, this necklace was supposed to make Luciel able to do any of these activities or at least help him in some way. After all, it would be strange if a necklace would need blood and serve no purpose other than jewelry. 

With that in mind, Cale crouched down to Luciel's height, grabbed the ring of the necklace, and opened it with his fingers. In one swift motion, he placed the necklace around Luciel's neck, making sure it was a tight fit before closing the ring firmly. 

“Does anything feel different?”

Cale asked, however, it seemed like Luciel wasn't listening to him. The bright blue eyes go out of focus for a few seconds, as if something was happening but Cale didn't know what it was. He gently took the little boy's body into his arms, cradling it in his lap as the soft melody played, as if he was responding to Cale.

'...Imagining that is disturbing.'

Nothing against Luciel's mother but as Cale learned more about her and the Thames family, he could certainly imagine her as a mysterious woman even with that bright personality she seemed to have. 

“.. It doesn't look like he's going to wake up from his trance anytime soon.”

Knowing that, Cale stayed in his position for a while until Ron finally came. By this time, Luciel seemed to be quite sleepy but ate his food without complaint and Cale felt proud when he saw him order another slice of cake, even Ron seemed happy with this development.

Well, all that hard work must have counted for something, because the butler didn't notice anything strange about Luciel, even when he picked him up and took him to Cale's bedroom to sleep until dinner. 





He opens his eyes once more, or tries to, at least, darkness still surrounds him and Cale doesn't even know how much time has passed. A pair of gloved hands are healing his wounds, he knows this because he smells a low-grade potion on one of his arms, which he is sure was recently charred.

The silence is absolute, and if Cale were anyone else, he would feel scared at the prospect of not knowing anything... Except that's not true at all, he was never someone normal.

"Potions don't work, you should know that by now."

His voice sounds too raspy, probably due to inactivity, although well, that's also because he was hanged last time but yes, he tries to erase that image from his mind. A sarcastic smile makes its way as he speaks.

"Who is it this time? Clopeh Sekka? Imperial Prince Adin? The Wizard?"

" ..."

"So you will remain silent, I see."

He doesn't even care now, Cale just wants to end this once and for all. Even if he doesn't feel pain, his mind is tired, the way familiar faces approach him to break a part of his body is exhausting, even more so when these people look at him with pity.

The touch of people is disgusting, it makes Luciel want to tear off his skin.

He especially wants those gloved hands to stay away from him-

"Little master?"

Ron's voice brings him back to reality, Luciel shudders as he opens his eyes and finds himself staring into the same face of someone he hasn't seen in years, almost immediately, he wants to bury his face in Cale's chest, just like he has done the last few weeks, but he knows he can't, not when he doesn't feel his father's presence in the room.

"Where's dad?"

His question comes out more like a complaint, but Luciel doesn't care, not now at least. He doesn't want to see Ron, he wants to see Cale.

"His father is busy right now, but it shouldn't be long." .

It's not an answer, it's just trying to evade it. Luciel frowns slightly, his sleepiness completely gone.

"...I want to see dad." he demands.

Gloved hands, a shadow looming over him. He's tired, he wants me to stop, but they never stops-

"Young master, you need to wait just a little -"

Stop, that's enough, stop, stop, I'm tired, stop, please, please, please-

"I don't want it! I want my dad now!" Luciel screams, his vision blurring for a few seconds before he feels wetness on his cheeks.

He is crying.

Why is he crying?

For a few seconds, Ron debates what to do next. The sight of the little master crying is strange, but it doesn't seem like he's going to stop crying, he gently wraps his arms around the little body, instantly feeling how the little redhead tenses in his arms.

"Little master, calm down first."

"Young master, calm down first, we will finish quickly."

Overlapping voices, hands on his body, where was he?

"NO! ugh.. I- I want dad! *sob* Bring me my dad! waaa!!"

The soft sobs turn into loud crying and minutes later, a red-haired head rushes into the room.

Cale stops for a second to take a breath and understand what he is seeing, he has run from the dining room to his room as fast as he could after Hans interrupted breakfast saying that Luciel woke up crying and looking for him.

"I-I want to my dad! I don't want you! Sniff- let me go!"

Looking at the child who was crying and trying to get out of the old butler's arms, Luciel did not seem to be pretending. On the contrary, his face was red and tears continued to fall down his face.

It wasn't a pleasant sight.

"Ron, can you put my son down, please"

Knowing that Ron has been aware of his presence this whole time, it doesn't even take the butler more than 10 seconds to carry out his order and put the little boy down, who staggers before running in his direction.

Taking Luciel in his arms, Cale can clearly feel the small body's shaking and how tears wet his shirt, it's almost heartbreaking the way the boy tries but can't stop crying, but Cale was more worried about the reason. behind this. 

"What happened?"

"... Nightmare."

Cale resists the urge to sigh at the boy's words, he's not upset at all, or at least not at him. He doesn't know the exact details of his son's situation, not when Luciel doesn't remember much and refuses to talk about it, but from the way his body involuntarily reacts to certain people and situations, he knows it couldn't have been a pleasant situation. 

Since he has had the child in his custody, Cale has been worried about how he should help Luciel, normally making a child eat well and play would be his main outlets to help him heal, to feel like a real child, the problem is that his son couldn't do any of those things without the fear that someone might realize there was something wrong with him.

And while Madam Jour's necklace has broken one of those gaps, by granting the boy a necklace that mimics the bodily functions of a normal body, it doesn't mean it can help to make Luciel enjoy acting his age. 

'At least he's agreeing to have interaction with the cat tribe siblings.'

When it was just Cale and the children in the room, the kittens took on their human forms and tended to encourage Luciel to read them a story. It was fun to see both child, ages seven and ten, flanking each side of a four-year-old whose storybook was bigger than him. 

`Maybe I should buy new story books while I was leaving the territory.`

“Ron, bring Luciel's and my breakfast to my room.”

“Aren't you going to have breakfast with the rest of the family, Young Master?”

The question comes not from Ron, but from Hans, who stands anxiously at the door of the room. The look he receives from the head butler is enough to make Hans regret having spoken, but it is too late to back out of his words. 

The redhead, however, does not seem interested in him and is more focused on calming the child in his arms. The child has not stopped sobbing and small hiccups interrupt his crying from time to time. He still answers the butler's question. attach. 

"I won't go, today was an exception because I wanted to talk to my father about the arrangements for the carriage, but I'm going to continue having breakfast with my son in my room, as I've been doing for a week."

Cale doesn't even bother to look at the young butler, the kittens meow worriedly as they try to see Luciel, so he is forced to sit on the floor, immediately the children stand next to him, purring to calm the child. 

“Everything will be fine.”

“Everything will be fine, you're holding up well.”

Luciel can only sob harder at that, memories coming to his mind one after another and making him almost forget that this is his father. Cale's touch doesn't hurt, Cale doesn't hurt him, Cale sees him for who he is. 

With Cale's soft voice echoing in the back of his mind, Luciel felt his consciousness slip through his fingers and darkness surround him once again. 


After the breakfast scene, Luciel felt a little ashamed of what happened, and to a certain extent, it felt confused. It was as if for a moment, upon regaining his memories, his mind would go blank and the next thing he knew, he was behaving like a child. 

'I need to calm down, I'm still very upset.'

He had hidden it well from Cale, but he actually hadn't stopped feeling anxious even after taking a nap with his new guardian. Breathing to relax, Luciel walked through the halls of the mansion deliberately ignoring the glances thrown in his direction, it was only when he reached the training grounds that he breathed a sigh of relief. 

During this time of day, the guards tended to neglect their training because Lily's sword master would use this space to give her his classes. After the initial greeting, she made no attempt to communicate with him again and although Luciel I had been a little sad about it, he was also happy. 

If she had approached him when he still didn't have his mother's necklace, he was sure she would have noticed something strange. She was always a girl who preferred physical contact, always hugging her parents and Basen when she could. If she decided to even hold his hand, she would notice the lack of warmth and vital signs.  

'I guess I could talk to her now.'

It's uncomfortable to be around the other members of the family, he knows that the count and countess are still nervous about his presence, his birth and what that entails, Basen probably thinks the same, but he doubts that anyone has said anything to Lily. 

“Once again, correct your posture young miss lily!”

The instructor's voice is heard over the knights' chatter, so Luciel looks in that direction, only to almost jump when he can see Lily looking at him. His expression changes the moment he recognizes him, a frown illuminates his features and he says something to his instructor, he doesn't know what it is, but the man only nods, giving a sideways glance in his direction before walking away.

As Lily approaches the part of the training ground where he is, Luciel tightens his grip on the book in his arms. Lily looks at him with annoyance, unlike a few days ago when she greeted him enthusiastically.

"I don't like you!" Lily screams, her words echoing in the silent room, only a couple of guards and the little kittens looking in her direction in surprise.

Luciel blinks at the statement, but can't help but ask. 

"... Why not?."

"Because you were born to a bad lady and you are going to ruin oraboni life!”

The statement sounds childish, but he supposes it makes a lot of sense, Luciel knows that the servants have been talking about his birth, who his mother is and how he managed to trick Cale, these are rumors that continue to spread through the mansion after Cale's firstborn. the house refused to reveal the identity of their other 'parent', which got on the nerves of the earl, the countess and even Ron.

Still, Cale stood his ground and even resorted to a clichéd speech that seemed like something out of a low-quality romance novel. 

“Why do you want to know? Do you want to posthumously torment the woman who loved me and I loved? Staining the reputation of Luciel's mother is something I will not allow.”

If that woman existed, she would probably be very moved by Cale's words, but because it was all a farce, it was Luciel who was impressed by her father's passionate speech and good acting, of course, it wasn't that good. like his but he had had natural talent and years of experience fooling people. 

So yeah, he shouldn't be bothered by something like that. Lily is just repeating what she heard other adults, servants, say, and yes, that was not the attitude that a noble child should have but the countess was more liberal in that sense with Basen and Lily, perhaps due to her dislike towards other nobles, but Cale had been raised by his mother, the daughter of a barony, so his education had been more strict.

Interacting with employees and feeling preference for some was normal, but Cale would never listen to the words of a servant, not when his master could be sold for even a small amount of grudges or money.

He was the eldest between them, he shouldn't react to it. 

Lily didn't know. She was loved by the servants, she loved them, she would believe them no matter what Cale said. She and Cale were starting to get to know each other now, when Cale was no longer him, when Luciel was Cale's son, when her older brother was a different person and she didn't realize it, she never would, she didn't know him, she didn't. she knew nothing, she was ignorant of the world around her, so naive and easy to manipulate.

He was the eldest between them, he shouldn't react to it.

So stupid, what did she gain by saying something like that to him? He was four years old, he was Cale's son, he was more important than her

He was the eldest between them, he shouldn't react to it.

Except he does.

"It's not true! I didn't ruin anything!"

"You do! You're ruining it! Oraboni no longer eats with us because of you!” 

"It isn't true!" She was a liar. Cale has started eating with them since he is a different person. Luciel knows it, he remembers his family avoiding eye contact, his father's awkward conversations because no one dared to speak a word to him, the fear that everyone seemed to have of him even when he didn't hurt them, Cale never could, he wouldn't, he-

He couldn't hurt him like they hurt him. 

"It's true! Nobody wants you in this house! Oraboni shouldn't have brought you, you should be with your mother and not here-!"

Lily doesn't even finish speaking when she feels the small body tackling her, she is caught off guard so she ends up falling on her back from the impact, she can't even put together a thought when she feels a sharp pain on her scalp. Luciel's small hands tug hard at the dark brown hair in his hands, he knows that Lily has done the same with his red hair.

He doesn't feel the physical pain, the emotional pain, on the other hand, is consuming his heart like a burning fire that burns everything in its path. 

He wants to be with his mother, she was everything in his life and after her death, Cale wandered aimlessly, without any purpose beyond trying to make things easier for his father, who sank deeper and deeper into sadness and couldn't look him in the face.

Or at least it was until the count's family arrived at the mansion, Luciel knew that his presence seemed not to fit into the family scheme, a stranger in his own home, how his mere presence created discomfort, even before he did anything. 

He didn't want this. He loved his mother. He loved his father. They loved him. 

Who did Lily think she was to tell him that? She didn't have the right, she couldn't say that, not to him.

She was just a little girl. She always died young. 

She wasn't close to Cale. In this life, she was.

She isn't his sister. Not in this life.

She was always...

Who was she to him? Who was she to Cale? Who was he to Cale?

“You're just his half-sister, why would he love you more than me?”

His words are a whisper that only Lily, due to her proximity to him, can hear. Her hands wrap around reddish strands and pull hard, in retaliation, Luciel bites her hand as his head tilts to the side due to the force of the pull.

"Let me go!" Lily exclaims. 

Luciel stops biting her, but instead, his own hands slide into Lily's hair and pull with the same force that she is exerting, his body is weaker, he knows it. 

But knowing he's weak doesn't mean anything to him.

Luciel immediately lunges at Lily and takes advantage of the surprise to tackle her, his hands reaching out scratching any trace of skin he can see, just like that, both of them end up in a mess on the ground.

"Say sorry!"


Luciel doesn't feel any pain, he doesn't feel anything, but he's sure Lily does and that doesn't calm his anger at all. 


Honestly, I wondered how to take Lily's point of view, so I decided to go with the approach I liked the most; animosity.
I consider Lily to be someone who takes into account the opinion of the servants and her family (except Cale) so yes, I think she tends to imitate these behaviors that she sees.
If the servants and family are uncomfortable with Luciel, she will be too, because she is a child and has only heard what others say.

You'll probably realize this in the next chapters, so look forward to them. ;)


Series this work belongs to: