Work Text:
Juno Steel. For a lady who tries his very best to appear innocuous, discretion has never been one of his fortes. The bedroom is no exception.
*guitar riff*
It didn’t take long for me to become acquainted with, well, let's just call them the lady’s finer senses.
He’s sensitive. Oh, so sensitive. And those delicious little noises he makes, well, what more could a gentleman desire?
I would never tell him this. Part of his enjoyment comes from believing he has control over his reflexes, but he is oh so predictable. Every sigh, every breathy moan that escapes those gorgeous lips, every groan that shooks his entire body are little clues, puzzle pieces that draw me closer to completely unravel Juno Steel. But I'm no detective. As a master thief I approach this as a heist and the rules of thieving are clear. You have to be precise, methodical, conscientious, focused... And I am.
In my mind there is a map of Juno’s pressure points. I follow it as diligently as I would that of a heist.
His skin is rough and calloused, but even the slightest brush against it can make the Lady shiver.
His lips are full, slightly chapped, but no blood yet. That will change soon enough. He has such pretty skin, scars and craters like asteroid belts, but the skin around his neck won’t be dark enough until it’s a watercolor piece, the Outer Rim stars painted on him in black and blue.
My hands are… admittedly soft, and they fit like a puzzle against his hardened skin. Like silk against his wrists, velvet against his aching chest, and, when he finally becomes desperate, a soothing balm, providing pure, ecstatic relief, all the way down to where he needs me.
I know the way his back arches when I kiss his collarbone, how his whines grow more and more high-pitched as I get closer to his pulse point. I have cataloged in my mind the echoing moans that I will steal, greedy as all thieves are, when I sink my teeth in his neck. The sighs that come after, when I cover the marks with the softest of kisses.
I know the angle his fingers curl in absolute ecstasy, holding me impossibly closer. And I know exactly, step by step, how to get him there. And, how to care for him after the fact.
My name is Peter Nureyev. And I’ve learned that I can trust the lady that squirms between my thighs with my name. In return, he has trusted me with this. Trusted me to clear his weary head and help him bring to life these glorious sounds.
I get started, and just seconds in, those sickly sweet moans give me more than enough satisfaction. It took a while for him to lose his inhibitions, but seeing the primal desperation with which Juno clings to my body, I know that in the long term, I have succeeded. He lays himself before me, his entire being on the line, and he trusts me to care for him. I do far more than that. I feel him shudder. I feel his heat slowly build into an inferno. Sweat beads on his forehead, as it does mine. He needs not use words to show me what he needs, and so, I give it to him.
And just like that, I’ve almost done it. All is going just as it should. Right according to pla—
But it’s never as easy as that with Juno Steel, is it? I feel a tingle of exasperation run up my spine as Juno changes our positions. He was so close I could almost taste it. But perhaps something happened?
However, my concern and exasperation soon disappear when Juno outright grabs me and thrusts me flat on my back. Instinctively, I clung to his arms to keep a semblance of balance. I can feel his muscles shift beneath that wonderful skin of his. It’s hard to forget how strong those arms are when the detective usually opts to use a blaster instead of his fists. But here, I’m intimately reminded of his strength.
And so I lay there. My mind is still trying to catch up. I feel completely enveloped by Juno’s shadow above me. My mouth goes dry as I realize he has restrained— no, not restrained me. He has taken charge.
I try to make sense of it. This isn’t how things go. I know how to make Juno happy. I have memorized what he loves to hear. I have painstakingly created the perfect formula to please this lady, to do everything for him. Never exactly the same steps. It’s never boring or repetitive. But it’s always effective.
So, why this? What am I supposed to make of this? The answer evades me, especially because a completely different feeling is battling to occupy the forefront of my mind.
“You with me Reyev?”
Words… What are words? For once, I am completely speechless. Thoughts slip through my fingers, because there is only Juno Steel above me, his strong arms and strong thighs keeping me where they want. I feel something unfamiliar burning inside me. Not completely alien but surprising in its intensity. It takes me far too long to recognize it.
Trust. That’s what starts to fill the space that my words left behind. I know he must see my eyes beginning to water. I’m… more than embarrassed, I have to admit. But I just can’t manage to look away.
The only thing that can be heard in the silence is our breathing, heavy and erratic, as labored as the rest of us. He’s waiting for me. Waiting for my response. And while concrete thoughts have left me long ago, it’s the trust that brings me to give him a nod.
I have always been aware of my hands, thin and long, with strong fingers that drive my lady to euphoria more often than not. I know how they feel when they tug on his hair, when they tease at his collarbone and chest and down the length of his hips and between Juno’s legs. But I had never before felt them like this, pinned behind me, Juno’s calloused grasp more like a coarse rope than that of silk.
I should have known Juno would always remain a detective. And of course, while I’ve methodically gathered pieces of information to bring as much pleasure as possible to Juno. Well… Would it be surprising that Juno had been doing just the same? And now he’s using it, all that defiant fire, that clever gaze is fixed on me, Peter Nureyev.
Not on Rex Glass. Or Duke Rose. Not even on Peter Ransom. Just Peter Nureyev.
It should be scary, to be analyzed so thoroughly. The urge to hide under one of my many masks tries to grab me, but it’s batted away like a feeble paper spaceship by the strong warm hands of Juno Steel.
I… I can’t hide. No. I can, but I don't want to.
I have a map of Juno’s pressure points, all meticulously wrapped up and folded away now. But clearly I’ve never paid much attention to my own. My mind is trained to have a laser focus. To distinguish crucial from unimportant details, to filter out the noise and focus on the job.
My mind fails me. With Juno straddling my hips, pressing me down into the pillows, I don't know what to focus on.
He sucks on my neck, and rolls his hips against mine. I hear a gasp, different from the ones I've so painstakingly memorized. It takes me some seconds of Juno scraping his teeth against my earlobe to discern that those broken sounds are mine.
He keeps my wrists pinned now by the mere heat of his gaze. I feel his hands exploring me, perhaps making a map of his own.
His lips leave marks across my chest and my fingers curl when I feel his breath over my hardening nipples. He can’t know how sensitive I am here. We’ve never-
He starts agonizingly slow, clearly taking pleasure in teasing me, as he kisses around the edges of my breasts. Juno has barely gotten started and I am already squirming. I give up any sense of propriety soon after that, as my feeble attempts to stifle my whining might prove to be the greatest failures of my entire criminal career.
Clearly I am not the only one enjoying this. Juno runs warm, but now he is well into feverish territory, and nearly every whine of mine is matched with a grunt of his own. Further down I can feel him reach a heat that should belong to a dying star, not an irritatingly impulsive lady.
I let out a whine far too loud for our surrounding environment, and Juno finally seems to get the memo of how desperately I need more of him.
I have never been too “gifted” in that department, but that stops being relevant when Juno starts using his teeth. Oh stars, he has such little space to work with, but he manages a work of art on me to match the one I painted into his own skin. A nebulous day to match his starry night.
My moans turn to hisses as more and more of my skin shifts into darker shades of indigo. My possessive little detective, at least this was predictable. He starts to slow down and I almost get the chance to feel disappointment. Almost.
Because at that moment Juno latches onto my neglected nipple and sucks. And that tongue of his slithers like a snake and oh stars, the sound he manages to extract from me is utterly indecent. His mouth on one nipple, his hand toying with the other. We could inhabit the same body and I would still need him closer. Deeper. Despite the lack of proper competition, Juno has bested me. He has me right where he wants me and he knows it. The pleasure he gives me is indescribable. Were it not for a strongly concerted effort on my part, I would have finished right there and then.
He’s done this before. I’m sure of it, there’s no way someone can get this skilled so soon, and I can already tell my chest will be sore for days. It makes me wonder if- huh.
He’s stopped now. He’s looking up at me again, and I nod once more. Please don’t stop, I want to say, and he seems to get the sentiment, but he still isn’t moving. He looks further down and back up to my eyes, and that is when I understand. Another, albeit embarrassingly enthusiastic, nod from me gets Juno starting up again. Something has changed in him now. He is almost ravenous.
As I feel a trail of heated kisses making their way down my stomach I push the fingers of my right hand into his hair. He hums and I can't help it but squirm beneath him.
But then he stops. Leaves my burning skin to crawl back until he can kiss me. He pins my rebel hand back where it belongs and whispers to my ear "I want you to be good for me and keep those clever hands right there. That okay, thief?"
The whine that leaves my lips would be embarrassing if I could bring myself to care. I nod. Desperate.
He kisses me one last time and I have no time to miss those lips, because they're soon sucking the skin below my navel. He is grazing his teeth against my hip bones. I can't help it. I arch my back, desperate for more contact. For Juno Steel to bring me relief.
What that entails, I do not know. But I need more. And that's what I try to say between my moans. I trust him to know what to do with it, with this burning desire that fills my veins.I feel his lips stretch in a smile against my inner thigh and a wretched plea, a prayer, leaves my mouth.
"Juno, Juno, Juno".
"What do you want Nureyev?" He breathes, but he's caressing my legs and it's impossible to find the words.
"Y–you know what I want. I'm – ah. I'm sure it's obvious for a detective."
As breathless as I feel, I know he hears me by his chuckle. "Come on, Reyev. Be good.” His touches are so light, and it’s almost infuriating. “I want you to tell me exactly where you want me. Where you want my tongue. My lips. My hands."
He hardly gives me a chance to answer. His hands move to draw little circles on my hips. He rises up again and kisses my neck. Waiting for a response, I presume, though I hardly understand how he can expect one from me with all that he is doing. With his chest against mine, I miss him down there, where I feel how I get more and more wet.
It's hard to think. Speaking is out of the question.
I roll my hips but he keeps them against the mattress, his hands firm and unyielding. My whining makes him smile, but it’s not enough for him to give up.He nuzzles his face deeper into my neck and whispers.
" You wanna be good for me, thief?"
My whole body shudders.
"Liked that, eh?" His voice drips of arrogant satisfaction, but in this state I can’t be bothered to mind.
I try to growl, but it comes out as half a moan. All my desires are laid out before him, all for him to do as he wishes.
"Oh, I think you did.” His voice is hoarse. Deep. Commanding. And so sexy.
And I manage to look up at his face, and the arrogance could be seen from the farthest points of the universe.
I try to capture his lips with my teeth, to erase that smug smile off his face. But he kisses back and his lips are so ambrosial; my eyes shutter closed, and I feel them roll to the back of my head.
My hands fly to his hair and I deepen the kiss. My chest is still tingling and welcomes the heat of Juno’s skin, but I need more. I am famished, looking for the satisfaction only he can give me.
I reach for his jaw with my hand and caress his cheek. His eye is wide open, his pupil so large I could get lost in that darkness. We share the same breath, beat with the same heart, and all I need is for our bodies to merge into one.
I pass my thumb over his lips, so full and red and wet, swollen as a symptom of their exposure to me. I part them, and my fingertip settles in, right where my lady has made space for me. As he sucks, ever so gently, a keening noise makes its way up from somewhere deep in my throat. His tongue lights up every nerve. I know exactly what it is I need.
Gently, I push his head towards the pulsing wet point between my legs. But he won’t budge.
“Words. Nureyev.” He insists.He grabs my hands and pins them against the mattress. “If you wanna be good to me. If you wanna give me everything that I want...”
“Ah- yes, Juno. Everything, please.” I need him so much it hurts.
“Then I need you to be good and use your words. Use that pretty mouth, Reyev. I’ve seen you use it well.”
“I want you to suck me.”
He cannot be serious.
“I want you to- ah to lick me. ”
“You want me to eat you out?”
My back arches once again, I can feel my thighs sticky with my want. Even the mental image risks driving me over the edge.
“Say it.”
“I- I want you to eat me out.” I choke the words out. In my right mind I would never speak so plainly. But now, it is a miracle that I still have a mind to speak of.
“Keep going.” He is relentless.
“I want you to eat me out, to use your tongue. To feel your warm mouth— you feel so hot, Juno— Juno, my goddess—” I squirm and squirm, but he holds me down.
“Focus, Nureyev. What do you want?”
“I want you to make me cum with your mouth, with—” Come on Nureyev, you can do this. “with your tongue. Please, Juno, love.”
He licks my jaw. My vocal cords are tired of whining, but my arousal refuses to give them relief.
“Good, Reyev. Good. Now you are gonna open your legs, and put those gorgeous thighs over my shoulders. And you are gonna keep these hands right here. Got that?”
“Y— yes.”
“Good job, babe.”
I scramble to do as he says. My legs apart, his hands caressing my stomach, I am nothing but gasps and sighs. He kisses my knee, my inner thigh... He turns sweet kisses filthy, lapping at the wetness running down my legs.
I’m trembling.
When he finally kisses my clit, mouth open and wet, I cannot even manage to look at him. I try to push my face against my shoulder to silence my moans but I never stood a chance at success, did I?
Then he starts using his tongue. All those clever lines and poor-timed jokes that get him in trouble seem to be put into good use. The only thief in trouble now is myself.
“Ah– Juno… Juno! Yes, just like that love, just like— Oh, Juno…”
He moves his hands and cups my breast, massaging in a maddening rhythm that echoes the movement of his tongue.
“Ohhhhhh, Juno Juno Juno, Yes, oh stars!”
He pinches my nipples and I howl. My fingers clench around the bedsheets. “Yes yes yes yes yes, like that, please, please, Juno—” I bite my lips to stop the screams that threaten to come.
But he stops, and my teeth draw blood. Pain does not even begin to describe what I feel when he stops. Instead of screams, I now choke back sobs.
“Reyev. Let me hear you.”
His voice is so deep, and so hoarse, and holds the tiniest of trembles. He is clearly as affected as I am.
“Alright,” I gasp.
No thoughts of thin walls or the concept of dignity can stop me now. As he fucks me with his tongue, his hands toying with my breasts, I let myself be loud. I get so lost in pleasure, the screams echo around me. They don’t come from my mouth anymore. They thrum and pound against me with Juno’s body, and none of them seems to be enough. I need more.
I hear him rutting against the bed and my screams get mixed with his grunts. He groans in pleasure and I can feel the sound deep inside me.
I don’t know how long he keeps me there. In that perfect state of pleasure. It could have been minutes, or centuries. But that hardly matters, because then I feel it, a wave that becomes a tsunami, my muscles tense around his shoulders. He must feel it too; he becomes more focused, and hums in encouragement. At last, this is my wave to ride.
I let myself go.
It takes me some time to come back to myself. It takes me even longer to register the soreness of my throat from all the… howling. But what surprises me the most are the tears in my cheeks. And the fact that they keep falling. My body and words return to me, but the tears… they’re still falling. Why are they still falling?
"Hey, Reyev, you okay?"
Words get stuck in my throat. How could I explain to him that “okay” is not a good enough descriptor. How could I tell him that perhaps this is the safest that I’ve ever felt. My heart aches, threatening to burst with happiness. This wretched organ is not used to this. I am not used to this.
How could I explain that the scariest part is that perhaps this feeling won’t end as the afterglow fades away. If it fades, I could put it away. File it away where my heart cannot reach. But, what if this is just how Juno Steel makes me feel?
My fingers are still tingling and I can feel his labored breathing against my cheeks. He is holding my face, a little crease between his eyebrows. I don’t have the words. But perhaps I don’t need them.
I nod. My traitorous lips stretch in a grin that I haven’t practiced. I don’t know how it looks, but I like how it makes my love smile back.
“What happened to that silver tongue of yours?”
And there he is. Juno Steel. Ever the tease.
“Oh, you are absolutely insufferable.”
“Am I now? And here I thought you wanted me. All of me. Isn’t that what you said?”
He’s looking at me, looking right through me as if he hadn’t just transformed my life less than seconds ago.
“Honestly Juno, you can’t expect me to be well-spoken under all that tension.”
“Oh really, tension is the only thing you were under just now?”
There’s fondness in Juno’s eye and a little bit of mischief.
It’s the latter that drives me to crash our lips again. And there’s that wonderful moan that I knew would burst from Juno’s throat.
As he moves his hands to grab my hips, I know that he won’t be the only one screaming in ecstasy this time.