Work Text:
"Ladies and gentlemen, it's finally time! Get ready to make some noise, because she's here at last! Introducing someone you all know: the Hydro Goddess, the icon of Fontaine, the Regina of All Waters, Kindreds, Peoples, and Laws, and the brightest rising star the world has seen in years: Furina de Fontaine!"
A cacophany of noise fills the open-air venue, and you hear nothing but screams and applause from everyone around you. It almost crushes your eardrums and renders you deaf, but you smile and applaud as well. You understand, after all—the person everyone is cheering for has made a boundless impact on the world as you know it today. She is a celebrity among celebrities, the greatest showgirl in theatrical history. You call yourself a fan of her songs and her show, and you're not ashamed of that.
In fact, you were able to secure a seat super close to the stage. Every now and then, you'd feel a set of eyes peering at the back of your head, envying you for being wealthy enough. Which is totally not the case—you're only up here because your good friend Navia had crazy money to spare. Sitting beside her right now, you still feel like you haven't thanked her enough despite saying it a dozen times already.
Speaking of which, Navia leans in close enough for you to catch a whiff of her deluxe perfume. "Trust me, this will be fun," she tells you with a big smile on her face. "No matter how many times you've seen her on TV or your phone, watching in person is always a million times better."
You glance over your shoulder at her two bodyguards, Silver and Melus, sitting directly behind you two. "Do they have fun?" you ask out of curiosity.
"Oh, definitely," Navia chuckles. "They don't show it, but they have just as much fun as I do."
Then comes the moment Furina steps onstage, and the cheers somehow rise to greater volumes. Spotlights flash on, lighting up the venue and the entire surrounding city with a spectacle of dancing light. They are beacons in the starless night, alerting the universe that its one true star is here again. Furthermore, something else fills the open concert venue. Is it moisture? Is it light? Is it the scent of freshwater? You can never really tell. That's just how the inexplicable atmosphere around Furina is. And seeing her walk to the centre of the stage, you realize why this large venue has no ceiling—there's no ceiling in the world that could possibly contain the sensation that the self-proclaimed Hydro Goddess is. You see her smile that charismatic smile at the crowd while doing an elegant little wave, and judging by the reactions of the audience, it seems like she's got everyone wrapped around her finger. Her influence is scarily powerful.
Once the pop star takes centre stage, she swiftly snatches the microphone from its stand. The entire venue gradually calms down, since, of course, no one would dare delay whatever magnificent speech hides in her throat. When everyone is silent at last, Furina smiles again and clears her throat. She takes a deep breath, and the second before she speaks feels like a suspenseful eternity.
"Good evening, all you lovely citizens of Fontaine!" she exclaims, her amplified voice echoing throughout the air. Shouts and applause from the audience quickly echo back, erasing all the silence that had been there just a few seconds ago. "First of all, let me say a few kind words before my performance . . ."
Someone taps your shoulder. You turn and see another familiar face—three of them, sitting nearby in the row behind you.
"Hey, hey," greets Lyney, Fontaine's famous young magician. "Been a while since we last saw you here!"
"Hey, Lyney. Hey, Lynette. Hey, Freminet," you greet, turning to each sibling respectively.
"Evening," replies Lynette, the assistant magician. She struggles to make her voice heard over Furina's passionate speech. "We're a bit late, so we just arrived here."
"And wouldn't you know?" asks Freminet, the renowned solo diver of Fontaine. "We coincidentally got seats so close to yours."
"We missed you, so this is geat," Lyney says with a smile.
"I missed you too, Lynette and Freminet," you joke.
Lyney takes off his top hat and pretends to look depressed. Freminet and Lynette can't help but chuckle.
"Don't worry, you three," Navia chimes in, turning in her seat. "I value all three of you equally."
"And what about me?" goes another voice.
You and Navia turn around. The woman taking her seat on Navia's other side is none other than Clorinde, Fontaine's greatest Champion Fencing Duelist. She single-handedly keeps that part of the entertainment industry alive, both with her skills and her looks.
"Clorinde, you're late," Navia comments. "What held you up?"
"My shirt was too tight," Clorinde replies. "I was already on the bus when one of my buttons popped off."
You, Navia, and Lyney chuckle.
"Oh, quit being immature," Clorinde scolds everyone, although she doesn't even try to sound intimidating.
"What?" Navia giggles. "Your bare chest is nothing I haven't seen before."
The Champion Duelist's face turns blood-red. "Navia, please—"
"She's right, Lyney," Lynette tells her brother. "Quit being immature."
"Hey, it's funny to imagine!" Lyney protests with his hands up.
"I bet you like what you're imagining right now, you pervert," Freminet mutters.
All three siblings start to bicker, to which you simply shake your head with a smile.
"Oh, hey, comrade!"
Hearing this particular voice, you sigh. You turn all the way around and see that ginger-haired man waving at you from four rows back.
"Hey, Tortellini," you greet blandly.
"It's Tartaglia!" he corrects, practically shouting over Furina's introductory speech. "Anyways, how'd you like my guest appearance on Furina de Fontaine?"
"You mean the episode where Neuvillette curb stomped you?"
"Come on, is that all you were focused on?"
The man beside Tartaglia firmly clears his throat. Sure enough, it gets the doofus to shut up. Which is for the best—if anyone here knew he was a part of the Fatui Mafia, he'd never be allowed at a concert again.
"Tartaglia, you're disturbing every single audience member between you and them," says Zhongli, a consultant of the internationally acclaimed Wangsheng Funeral Parlour.
The Harbinger nods, a bit disappointed. He then looks back at you and cups his hands over his mouth. "Sorry, comrade!" he whispers.
Sitting beside Zhongli are three other old friends of yours—Venti, Ei, and Nahida. It seems like all five of them, including Tartaglia and Zhongli, had the same idea as you to travel to Fontaine and check out Furina's concert in the meantime. You exchange lighthearted, quiet waves with the rest of them.
Venti, Zhongli, Ei, and Nahida are really big shots in their own nations. You can even say they're celebrities of their own. So it's kind of nice to see them at this concert just like regular people. You see Zhongli quietly conversing with Childe, Venti being Venti, Ei sharing some dango with everyone, and Nahida watching the Hydro Goddess like an awestruck child. However, no matter how big these four are, not even they can match the sheer status of Furina de Fontaine.
". . . And lastly," Furina continues on the mic, "I would like to thank a very special friend, who is also our nation's most esteemed judge—Monsieur Neuvillette, for helping our production team so often!"
Everyone, including you, applauds for the well-respected Chief Justice, who is sitting at the front row. The attention obviously makes him a bit restless, since he's not used to being treated like a celebrity in and out of the courtroom. You always liked the Chief Justice because he was never overly strict and cold outside his job.
Beside him, Wriothesley playfully nudges his arm. "Hey, don't look so shy. You gotta set your image," he teases.
"Wriothesley, my job in the courtroom gives more than enough public attention," Neuvillette sighs.
The warden of the Prison of Meropide smirks. "You say you're not used to all this attention, but you're perfectly fine with all the attention I give you . . ."
"Let's not say anything that would cause anyone to assume things between us," Neuvillette stammers, focusing on the stage again.
You turn to Navia and Clorinde, since they would know. "Are they . . . ?" you ask.
Navia scoffs, fixing her extravagant hat. "I'd be surprised if they weren't."
"It would be beneficial if they simply told the world that they were together," Clorinde mentions. "No one would judge."
You wonder if that was a pun.
"Now!" Furina shouts, bringing all the attention back to her again. "Without further ado, let us start off with our first performance. This is one of my favourite classical-style solos: Rondeau des fleurs et des rapieres!"
Merely a few seconds into the performance, you realize that Navia was right. Watching Furina in person truly is a million times better than on a TV or phone. She has a very unique style of performance that blends modern pop with classical pieces. It makes her fans feel cultured, but at the same time, not out of place with modern society's contemporary music tastes. This particular song leans more on the classical side, with her semi-operatic singing and fancy dancing, accompanied with orchestral instrumentals. It looks like something straight out of Broadway. Even her outfit has a unique aesthetic, seemingly in the style of the French Revolution era.
Of course, you and some others feel that the Hydro Goddess can be a bit self-centred sometimes. You don't mind it that much, because you know you'll probably never get the chance to speak with her. Besides, you're practically hypnotized by her performance right now.
The rest of her solos go by a lot quicker than expected. That's just because you enjoy them so much, even more than you were expecting to. They're a mix of modern pop and classical hybrids, some English and some French, some upbeat and some dramatic. The piece that stands out the most to you is a romance song that's slow and sweet. For that one, Navia and a bunch of audience members turned on the flashes of their phones and waved them around.
Now, for her final performance of the night, Furina does something a little different from her previous solos. She calls on her beloved attendants and stage companions, who are three cute robots that resemble sea creatures. You can't remember their names, but you remember them being surprisingly well-programmed to dance alongside Furina.
"Remind me their names?" you ask your friends.
"The octopus is Gentilhomme Usher," Lyney explains.
"The seahorse is Surintendante Chevalmarin," Lynette adds.
"And the crab is Mademoiselle Crabaletta," Freminet concludes.
You still can't remember their names.
However, as you look at the stage, you only sea the seahorse and crab. Slowly, the audience members exchange whispers with each other.
Even Furina is puzzled. "Hm . . . where's our good friend Gentilhomme Usher?" she asks the seahorse and crab.
She stares at the two for a while, as if reading their thoughts—or perhaps they have screens to tell her information.
Then, Furina puts a finger on her chin. "Ladies and gentlemen, this is quite troublesome. Gentilhomme Usher went to the wrong concert venue on the other side of the city."
A mix of concerned laughter and surprised murmurs rise from the audience.
"Huh, this never happens," Navia says quietly. "What happens when one of her attendants can't perform with her?"
"Well, she's not known to improvise very often," Clorinde mentions. "Right now, her routine's ruined, so I'm not sure what she'll do now."
Surprisingly, though, Furina quickly finds a solution. She raises the microphone to her lips again and clears her throat. "My cultured fans, I've decided to do something different and totally out of the blue! Here it is—one of you will get the chance to perform this last song with me! How does that sound?"
You can practically smell the excitement from all the audience members.
"Seems like you're all in on this" Furina comments, pacing back and forth across the edge of the stage. "Well then, here's how it'll happen."
She takes off her blue hat and shows it to everyone. "I'm gonna throw this hat way high up in the air! The lucky person whose head it lands on will be the one to accompany me! But to make sure that everyone gets an equal chance, I ask this of everyone with the utmost respect—no one move a muscle! Capiche?"
She doesn't need to ask, honestly. Everyone here will agree to anything she proposes.
And with that, Furina gets started straight away. With surprising strength, she tosses her hat to a great altitude, where moonlight bounces off its edges stunningly. Then, over the next few seconds as it falls down, nobody says anything. Nobody moves a muscle. The suspenseful, silent atmosphere throughout the venue is almost suffocating. You've never felt anything like it before. Not in a horror movie theatre, not in a haunted house, nada.
But you tell yourself that it's never gonna happen. Out of the hundreds, no, thousands of people here, what are the odds of her hat landing on your head? That would take a miracle and a half to wish upon. So you lower your expectations and simply watch the hat fall. You watch it spin and get closer, wondering who it'll land on. You wonder which row it'll land on, although it would probably be somewhere closer to the stage. Surely, Furina can't throw her hat that hard, right? So maybe somewhere around the section where you're sitting right now. You then wonder if it will just land on the front row. And then you get curious, what if it lands on Monsieur Neuvillette's head? Watching him do Furina's routine with her onstage would definitely be funny—
The hat lands perfectly on your face. The first thing you notice is the smell of shampoo and perfume inside.
The second thing you notice is that you've officially become Furina's chosen one! You take off the hat and are greeted with a storm of applause from everyone surrounding you. As for you, the disbelief in your heart is unreal. Furina's hat defied the strings of fate itself and chose to land on your head. You are the lucky person who will accompany the Hydro Goddess for her last song of the night.
No way, you think. Literally no way.
"Lucky!" Navia squealed, holding hands with Clorinde.
"Man, that was so close to landing on me. Congratulations!" Lyney remarks. His two siblings congratulate you as well.
As you hold this ornate hat, you look at its owner. She meets your stare, and suddenly, the atmosphere changes again. Not just around you, but inside you as well. Right now, the famous pop-classical idol is looking at you. She, of all people, is paying attention to you, of all people. And the shape of her shiny lips as she eyes you is a bona fide smile.
"My dear guest, it seems the universe has chosen you!" she exclaims excitedly. "Please stand up so that everyone can see you in all your lucky glory."
You freeze up for a second, but Navia, Clorinde, and the sibling trio encourage you relentlessly. So you give in and rise from your seat. Meanwhile, the audience applauds you some more—even though you know how jealous most of them are. Even being the subject of applause is rare enough on its own, but for an occasion like this? Absolutely unreal.
"Might I inquire as to who you are?" Furina asks, leaning forward and striking a cute pose.
"Uh, I'm just a Traveler visiting this country," you reply, followed by your name. You're fully aware that your identity will not impress anyone here.
"That's my comrade!" Tartaglia bellows from his seat.
Except for him of course.
You glance in that direction and see Zhongli calmly placing his hand over the ginger's mouth. Seeing those two doofuses interact almost eases your nerves.
"Well then, Traveler from afar, are you willing to step up and join me?" Furina asks loudly. "Are you willing to be my co-star, my once-in-a-lifetime partner for the night?"
It's not like you don't know her songs—they're practically stuck in your head. The hard part is actually performing them with the star of the show herself in front of thousands of strangers.
"Um . . ." you start.
"What was that?" Furina asks, cupping a hand over her ear.
"They say yes!" Navia shouts.
You look at her, and she meets your look with a wink and a thumbs-up. There are a million things you want to say to her right now, but sadly there's no time.
"Very well!" Furina responds. She beckons you over with her finger. "Come up and join me, bearer of fortune!"
She then does another short speech for the audience, but you don't hear any of it. As you leave the seats and walk up the aisle, your heart races like a sports car. Wriothesley and Neuvillette happily wish you luck, but you can barely hear them. Every step you take makes it harder to walk. You can barely keep your pulsing head high enough to keep looking at the stage. So before you know it, you've ascended the steps, and you find yourself standing next to Furina and her two present robotic companions. When you manage to meet her gaze, it's a lot different from watching from a distance. Getting this close to her feels like a grave sin you've just committed.
"Are you ready?" she asks pleasantly, retrieving her hat from your head. "Remember, the song is the opening of my show. You can do the song and dance to that, right?"
"I can sing it, yes," you stutter, unsure where to look or even face. "But the dance, um—"
"It's fine, as long as you know the lyrics," Furina tells you. "For the choreography, just follow my lead. Or rather, let me guide you. Sound good?"
You nod, and sweat drops slide down your temples.
Furina smiles and turns back to the audience. "Thus begins our last song of the night! Watch with wide eyes and shower us with praise, my lovely fans!"
The jazzy swing instrumental starts, but you're still trying to get your body to work. At this rate, you'll forget even the lyrics to this song which everyone knows. For God's sake, it's the opening to Furina de Fontaine! You take a few deep breaths, unsure if it will do anything. The spotlights mercilessly raining down on you don't help. The universe is shining down upon you, a light that only a renowned celebrity could thrive in without falling apart.
But that's when Furina takes both of your hands. Surprised, you look up to find her standing inches away from you. Beaming at you with such a precious expression. You find yourself getting lost in her sapphire eyes. Gradually, all your anxiety is washed away by unseen tides. It's an effect you never knew she could have on people.
Next, she pulls you along and gives you a spare microphone that Mademoiselle Crabaletta was carrying. Before you know it, you're dancing with her and singing the opening lines to the song. Thankfully, the lyrics come out of your mouth automatically since reciting them is like muscle memory at this point. The thing is, you have no idea if you sound good or not. Matching Furina's vocal skills is impossible, so not sounding like complete garbage is what really matters. But you're too busy following the rhythm of her choreography, and not failing at dancing is hard enough as it is!
However, much like Furina's gaze did, something about the whole performance flushes away all your paralyzing worries. Your fears and insecurities disappear, one by one, into the melody of the swing piece. As you bounce along with Furina to the lighthearted beat, the tension in your body disintegrates into nothingness. Your voice becomes clearer and softer, and your dance moves smoothen out. You begin to feel like this is completely natural, like this is truly your environment. You begin to feel like you actually belong up here on this stage, side by side with the icon of Fontaine herself.
"All the world's a stage," Furina tells you between lyrics—her signature quote. "And tonight, it only belongs to us."
You simply nod, since your energy is through the roof and you have no idea what to say. Thanks to your excitement, you're practically about to crush your microphone between your fingers.
Furina raises her microphone up high and does a pretty pirouette underneath it. "You're still young like me, right? Let's make the most of it while we still can!"
When the instrumental section kicks in, Surintendante Chevalmarin and Mademoiselle Crabaletta take your and Furina's microphones. Before you can react, she grabs both of your hands. Next thing you know, you're moving side to side with her in a pseudo-waltz. Both of you travel the stage like two binary stars orbiting each other. It's playful yet intimate—something that makes your heart leap. The fact that you're holding hands with her elevates that feeling tenfold.
During the dance, Furina stares into your eyes for a few seconds. "My lucky Traveler, are you happy?"
You can't help but smile and say yes. After all, this moment might just end up being the pinnacle of your whole life.
She beams back at you, her expression as bright as the spotlights. "That's good. To live is to be happy. To live is to laugh."
"Are you happy?" you suddenly ask.
"Well . . ." she pauses for a second, and her grip on your hands tightens for a moment. ". . . I am now."
You wonder what exactly she means by that.
"Ah, the chorus is coming again," Furina comments, separating from you.
Surintendante Chevalmarin and Mademoiselle Crabaletta swiftly return the microphones to you both. Then, you meet again at the centre of the stage, of the spotlights, of the whole world.
Furina looks deeply into your eyes as the instrumental approaches the drop. "Ready to make an impact?"
With that, you both take a deep breath. Then:
Le monde n'est qu'une scène
Il vaut mieux rire que pleurer
Car le rire est le propre de l'homme
Riez de tout cela, ne vous inquiétez pas
Profitons d'aujourd'hui!
The instrumental goes crazy one last time. The orchestra and brass sing their hearts out while the drums play out one last frenzy of energetic hits. At the same time, you and Furina spin around like lively vortexes before slowing down. And the second you both stop, you swiftly face the audience and regally bow at the same time. They go absolutely crazy, and cheers fill the city. Wriothesley and Neuvillette clap politely with unsurprised smiles. Navia and Clorinde are yin and yang in their reactions, while the sibling trio applaud in perfect unison. Tartaglia's roaring cheers can actually be distinguished, much to Zhongli's pleasant surprise. Venti, Ei, and Nahida wave at you and flash raise their thumbs up. Pure, unadulterated joy fills your ears, giving you the best form of deafness.
And so does pure, unadulterated joy fill you as well.
"Thank you for your patronage!" Furina shouts after her bow. "Bonne nuit, Fontaine!"
And then she turns back to you. Bouncing closer, she cups a hand over her mouth, and you lean in to hear her.
"Wanna go somewhere with me?" she asks.
You blink, and then nod. "Yeah, I'm down."
A few minutes after the concert's end, you find yourself standing on an open hilltop with nobody but Furina.
"Every time I perform in this city, this is where I like to go after it's done," she tells you. Her voice right now is much softer than it was during the concert. "What do you think?"
You marvel at the sight before you. Beyond this hill stands the entirety of the metropolis of Fontaine. Towering buildings of all shapes and sizes twist up and about, piercing the cloudless sky. They are outlined in many different colours, neon lights and LEDs, with some displaying large digital projections for all citizens to see. Spotlights from the venue and other places do the same, illuminating everything in a graceful spectacle. At this time of the night, Fontaine truly cements itself as a place of spectacles. An opalescent city of entertainment and fun. Of course, the scenery is completed by the silvery full moon floating above it all.
"It's a beautiful sight," you answer her.
With how far away this hill is, you don't hear the bustling sounds of the city streets or other venues. It's quite nice this way—nothing but crickets and wind to accompany you and the Hydro Goddess. It's a comforting silence that nothing can interrupt.
She looks down at the grass beneath her heels. "I'm sorry," she suddenly says. "I practically kidnapped you and took you with me to this hill."
You honestly don't understand why she's apologizing. She, of all people, should know that none of her fans would complain about spending some extra time with her.
"It's alright," you reassure her. "I'm glad you showed me this."
Those mismatched blue eyes land on you. "Then I'm glad you're glad. I've always wanted to show someone else this view and admire it with them."
She looks back at the distant urban scenery. You do the same, but you find yourself glancing back at her every few seconds. Every time your stare finds her, your heart beats a little harder. Feelings are circulating throughout your body, but you're not quite sure if you can put them into words.
"I always go solo onstage," Furina explains out of the blue. "I'd forgotten how exhilarating it can be to share it with someone on equal footing."
"What about your three companions?" you ask, not bothering to try reciting their names.
"Well, they're not really people, are they? I love them with all my heart, but let's face it—it's not really the same."
"That's true. Robot animals and people can't be compared."
Furina nods. "When I found out that Gentilhomme Usher wasn't here to dance with me, I actually panicked for a second. But in the end, I really enjoyed the improvised solution."
You look at her, a bit intrigued. "Panicked? I couldn't tell."
"Because that's just how I roll—when things are going wrong for me, I don't show it. I've learned to keep this mask from falling off my face at all costs, even when I have no idea what to do."
The light in her eyes dims a little. She continues: "You know, it's tough putting on an act for everyone all the time. In my show, in my songs, at my concerts and on the streets—I always wear a completely different face. Nobody really sees me, ever—they only see the character I decided to play that day for everyone's entertainment. But of course, I love giving people their fun, so I put up with it anyways. C'est la vie."
You listen with open ears, and her explanation surprises you. It's a side of Furina that you never expected her to have. Though, now that you're hearing it, you can definitely understand why she feels the way she feels. Being such a popular celebrity isn't all stage lights and money, after all.
"So this is the real you?" you ask her earnestly.
She looks at you and places a hand over her chest. "Yes. This is the real Furina de Fontaine. Just a lady who likes sweets and sceneries."
You can't help but smile. "I'm guessing you don't show people this side of you often? Because that makes me feel pretty special."
"You should be," she chuckles. "Fate chooses you to be my dance partner, and we put on the best performance of the night. Now, here we are, having a late-night heart-to-heart like two regular people. You're definitely someone special, Traveler from afar."
Heat invades your cheeks. Being called special by the Fontainian idol is a surreal experience.
"Thank you," you respond nervously.
Temporarily, silence takes over. Both of you continue standing side by side on this spacious hill, but your eyes are stuck on each other. Those inexplicable feelings pumping through your body are growing stronger. You start to doubt if this can still be called a fan's admiration anymore. Right now, being alone with her in the dark of this gentle night is totally doing something to you.
Because the moon is bright, but from your perspective, Furina's eyes shine brighter.
"Hey," she breaks the silence. "Can I ask you something?"
"Um, it might make you uncomfortable, though."
"I don't mind." You wonder if things are about to get more personal.
She inhales, exhales, then opens her mouth: "Okay, so . . . if I were to kiss you right now, how would you feel?"
You feel your heart skip a beat. You're at a loss for words.
"Sorry," she says, seeing the stupid look on your face. "Guess I was too forward with that, huh?"
"Oh, no, not at all!" you stammer, frantically waving your hands. "I just didn't expect you to say something like that . . ."
Her eyes glint. "So you wouldn't mind if I kissed you?"
"Not at all."
You realize how quickly you say that. And deep down in your lonesome soul, you were kind of hoping something like this would happen. After all, you just performed a spectacular duet with the greatest idol in the history of Fontaine. Now, here you are sitting side by side with her at the top of a building. Alone. With your feelings swelling after every passing second. Is that weird? You honestly don't know, and you don't want to question it.
Furina hesitates even after your approval. "I . . . I don't know. Is it wrong for me to want this? You're a fan of mine, after all."
Luckily, her words make you more confident about yourself. "It's okay," you tell her earnestly. "I'm not that obsessed to the point where you'd be taking advantage of me."
She smiles. "Well, if you insist . . ."
Slowly, she turns around to face you directly. You do the same. The mood changes as you stand there, facing each other with your gazes locked on each other. There's a bit of steam in the cool air surrounding you both. There's a hint of pink in the black and blue of the night. Then, she takes one step closer. Then another. Soon, her face fills most of your vision, and her ethereal, watery scent fills most of your nose. As you gaze into her contrasting eyes, you can see two oceans—two vastly different oceans, one in each eye, but bottomless and mesmerizing oceans nonetheless. Each time she blinks, her crownlike eyelashes glint in the moonlight. And as she inhales and exhales, you can faintly make out strawberry shortcake in her breaths.
Suddenly, you get self-conscious. What of your taste—could it possibly compare to the cake she eats? What of your scent—might it turn her away? Are you even attractive enough for her to enjoy this?
When she places her hands on your cheeks, your heartbeat skyrockets. It beats against the inside of your chest, desperately trying to tear out of its prison. You can feel the blood surging through your body, all the heat rushing to your face. The sensation is maddening, and combined with all your sudden doubts, it's impossible to deal with. Right now, all you can do is close your eyes as tightly as possible and wait for it to be over.
Finally, she closes the gap between your lips.
That's the moment everything stops, including time itself. You've never felt anything this delicate and soft against your lips before. The sensation drives you mad, but at the same time, you feel completely at peace. Like this is how things should be. This is how the world should work. It lasts a few seconds, and it's the best few seconds of your life. Having her pressed against you like this with her soft hands cupping your cheeks and all shame abandoned . . . could you really ask for more?
Soon, Furina pulls away, but you can feel it in her touch—she's reluctant to. Both of you open your eyes again, and you see just how red her face has become. Her eyes are half shut, and her mouth is still partially open. The twinkles in her eyes are doing a little dance, so her pupils almost look like hearts.
"Ah," she sighs beautifully, letting go of your cheeks.
"That was . . . wow," you whisper. Your brain isn't working enough to say something meaningful.
She tries to smile, only for her flustered expression to take over. "Did you like it?" she asks shyly.
"I loved it," you say without hesitation. "I love—"
You, your mouth wants to say next. Luckily, you stop yourself just in time. It's still pretty early, after all.
"I loved it too," Furina replies, feeling her own crimson cheeks. "This is the best night of my life. I honestly wish we didn't have to stop."
Seeing that she feels the same, you seize this risky opportunity. "Who says we have to stop?" you ask boldly.
Furina looks at you, her eyes a little wide. However, it's not shock you see in her aquamarine irises—it's relief.
Before you can react, she pulls you towards her by your collar. Her little hat falls off in the process, hitting the ground with a light tap. Her soft lips capture yours in another kiss, but this one is stronger. You close your eyes as the sensation returns with more power. After a few seconds, she pulls away with a soft chu.
Only for you to cup her face and continue the kiss. She doesn't resist, thankfully, and both of you resume. Furina's taste is delectable, something you want to feast on every second of every day. You savour it across every smooch and every peck. And whenever both pairs of lips separate in racing gasps, you pick up on more than the scent of sweets she's eaten—you can smell a faint breeze, something you'd smell on the beach by the seaside. It takes you somewhere you never want to leave. As you kiss her and she kisses you back, you find yourself falling deeper and deeper into this endless ocean. It's drowning you, but there's no pain. And by the way the Hydro Goddess keeps pulling you in for more, it's clear these feelings are drowning her too. You drown together for the next few minutes on this blessed night, under the watchful spotlight of the moon.
"Oh, je t'aime," Furina sighs once between kisses. If only you knew French.
You can barely remember anything that happens after that. All you know is that, for tonight, you were quite possibly the luckiest person in the whole world. This lovely encounter will be your and Furina's little secret from now on. Thing is, you're now thinking about actually settling down in Fontaine and living here. If that were to happen, maybe it wouldn't have to be a secret. Maybe you two could make every night as fantastic as this one.
That would be nice, wouldn't it?