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Chapter 7: The mindless


Beth is very much up in her thoughts.


Hiya guys,
So so sorry it takes me so long every time to update! I’m just so busy and i want to write but i just can’t get to it sometimes so here it finally is!

Let me know what you think! What you want for this story!

Chapter Text

When Beth got home she was so up in her thoughts that she hadn't realized she had been sitting on the couch for the last three and a half hours or so. She had made zero progress on this day's intentions. She hadn't even bought and made herself dinner.

They had take out yesterday so she simply couldn't allow herself to order some today.  She looked in her fridge to only find some milk, one egg and a bag of lettuce, this is great i can definitely do something with that she thought.

A bit pissed at herself she left her apartment, car keys in hand to drive herself to the nearest grocery store. Why could she not have noticed sooner and had to go today out of all days.

Normally she liked to drive but every song that come on the radio reminded her of her time spent with viv, and she once again had to face the facts. "SHIT FUCK YESS" she screamed at the guy honking behind her. She was so up in her own mind she had missed the light turning green.

Arriving at the store, absolutely no list in hand she was even more annoyed. She was running around like a headless chicken. She opted to only buy some necessities for dinner tonight and a small refill of her drink selection. She would do the rest some other day when she would be more settled.

Arriving home the blonde started with making dinner right away. She had opted for a simple pasta pesto with chicken and a side salad. With the meal being so simple beth was surprised with herself how good it tasted.

After dinner she sat on the couch to watch love island, like she did every night. Even Viv had wanted to watch last night, she was always very opposed to it.

Beth reluctantly got ready for bed knowing how hard it was going to be to fall asleep tonight. Much to her own surprise that happened quicker than she had anticipated. Her mind still wondering off to The Dutchwomen or more so her lips and how beth was kissing those lips and many more of the younger women's body parts.

She woke up the next morning quite embarrassed. The last time she had a dream as graphic as this one she had been a teenager. Yet she couldn't stop thinking about it.

Luckily for her today wasn't a full training session, because she definitely couldn't keep her head straight. It was a gym session and the second part of the day would be filled with interviews.

Beth arrived just right on time sprinting up to steph who was just walking in herself. "Hiya beffy" the blonde smiled politely. The Australian knew something was up immediately and asked. "I ehm had a dream last night" steph didn't really get it at first so she frowned. "Stephy don't make me say it please" Beth begged but steph raised her hands in the air. "I had a sex dream, i had a full on very graphic sex dream about me and  vivianne"

Beth's confession surprised Steph, yes she knew they had gotten closer and were flirty and everything but she didn't know it was this far in already. Steph nodded and laughed.

"So i take it there's something going on then? Between you?" Beth shrugged. " i don't know steph, i think, all i know is that i like her definitely as more than a friend" she admitted to her best friend. Steph pulled an arm around her finally heading into the training center.

Beth being  a little to loud in her confession, some Irish ears overheard. That would bite her in the ass later that day.

Having changed and entered the gym her eyes immediately searched for Vivianne's who smiled sweetly at her and gave her an adorable little akward wave.

Training was spent mostly separate with some light banter when switching machines. And not to miss the subtle glances the two woman kept giving each other from afar.

Lunch however was spent sitting next to each other. Beth had already grabbed her food whilst viv was politely waiting for her teammates to finish. She was hungry so she made a quick move getting up realizing this was the case.

Beth had forgotten a yoghurt and saw viv in the distance. "Vivianne can you get me a yoghurt too darling? I forgot mine" she screamed at the Dutchwoman. Viv awkwardly held it in the air and put in on her plate. Beth blew her a kiss from afar.

She felt awkward and insecure walking to the table now. Everyone had heard and seen the interaction and she did not want people to make the wrong assumptions. Well she knew they weren't necessarily wrong, she just didn't want it out yet or for people to figure it out.

"Thanks darling" beth said snapping viv out of her thoughts. "You alright?" She waved her hand in front of Viv's face. "Yes i am alright thank you for asking Beth" that was a very polite answer, not very Viv like. "Okay silly" Vivianne smiled politely and rubbed her hand over Beth's leg sweetly.

Beth felt a heat rise to her cheeks. "Vivii, i i" viv had never seen the English woman stutter before. " yes darling?" She could be such a tease sometimes. " do you want to hang out tonight?" Viv smiled. "Sure let's do the interview first and then we'll decide what to do. You mind want to punch me in the face after" Beth nodded her head.

Beth wasn't keen on punching Viv in the face after the interview, she would have loved to punch someone tough.

"Right girls you two have gotten very close" the interviewer stated looking at both women. Numerous social media accounts were reporting on the pair being so close, hinting on more than just friendship. Viv looked at the table that they were sitting at. Beth scraped het throat and katie had a huge smirk on het face sitting between the two fumbling women.

"Yeah best friends" Beth managed to get out still sounding very secure. "That is lovely! It is certainly helping you on the field!" Viv smiled politely in return, so did Beth. "Yess lovely is it not" Katie said emphasizing the word love hinting that there was more to it. Luckily it wasn't really noticeable to anyone else in the room.

They walked out of the room next to each other katie strolling behind them. Beth standing on her toes to be able to whisper something in the taller women's ear. "I don't want to punch you in the face, but katie tough she deserves a facer" Viv laughed smiling and looking in the eyes of the blonde putting an arm around her shoulder. Beth happily leaned in. Her head now resting on Vivianne shoulder.

"So cuteee" katie commented. They had definitely not remembered her presence. "Oh shut up katie, really you're oblivious" katie snorted. "I oblivious , you two are the only ones just that. In denial even. I bet you're so in denial even dreaming about the things you'd wish you could do to each other, is that not Bethany" she winked at the blonde aggravating her even more.

Beth decided to be a wise women and walk to her car. She sat there for a while deciding to return home and not speak to anyone or to wait for Vivianne, whom stayed behind warning the Irish women one more time.

Viv knocked on the car window  breaking Beth's trance. She opened the door and took a seat in her car. "Hey you okay?" The blonde managed to get a nod out. "Don't worry about it, it's all bullocks anyway" viv said beth nodding along firmly knowing that was the second lie she had sold today.

"Sleepover darling?" Viv asked. "Sleepover" this time Beth smiled genuinely. Viv leaned in for a hug giving the english women a kiss on her cheek. A blush krept up on her face. That was something Viv would tease her for later this evening, for now she was content in letting Beth deal with whatever she was dealing with.