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Lewis and Sebastian have been dominating the tennis world for well over a decade, cementing themselves as the greatest to ever do it and a sporting rivalry for the ages. That’s the public face of it, privately, they’re just a happily married couple. That is, until Sebastian’s finally tired of the constant injuries that have plagued his career for years, and decides it’s him to hang up his racket. The problem? Lewis can’t accept that it’s the end of an era.
When tensions rise as fear of the future overwhelms Lewis while a need to move on drives Sebastian away, can they find their way back to each other to fix their relationship? Or will their paths be diverging forever?
Or, the tennis au, Sewis edition
- Part 3 of Tennis au
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FAVVVVVVVVV <33 It just feels like it's blooming in warm sun
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I have no words to describe this work of art mate
I don't know a single thing about tennis and I read this entire thing a cried buckets
What a work of art -
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