Work Text:
Another explosion ripples through the air and a wild laughter follows right after, Sasori glances up just in time to catch the sight of his partner flying past the window, in a swirl of gold and smoke.
Rolling his eyes, Sasori pulls the arm on he’s working closer, the familiar touch of wood cool and smooth under his deft fingers.
Comfortable in his little sanctuary of timeless art, he tries his best to ignore the imperfect world, but it’s goddamn hard with a partner whose sole purpose is to be heard.
After the umpteenth time he falls out of concentration because a loud bang, he’s got enough, and with more fervour he usually allows himself to act with, marches to his window.
"Could you not…?"
The rest of his reproach dies on his lips with a soft gasp.
Deidara turns towards him and sapphire eyes pierce into his soul.
There he stands, out of his world of unmoving certainty, young and wild and untameable. The Sun is behind him, caught on his locks with the purest gold, and he greets his master with a soft smile and a joyful laughter that rings with honest adoration.
Then and there, Sasori sees him and finds him beautiful.
Something he wants to love forever.
Something he desperately wants to preserve, no matter what the cost.
But Deidara is something he cannot recreate, cannot copy, and cannot own either. He is a different kind, made of fleeting moments, free of the shackles of eternity. It doesn’t matter how hard he’d try, Sasori could never make him his own, for he’d lose what makes his partner special in the process.
With hands for everlasting art, he can’t make ephemeral beauty.
Sasori knows he’s in trouble. He shouldn’t love something contradicting everything he believes in. Unaware of the storm raging in his soul, Deidara breaks the stunned silence with a chuckle.
"You have no idea how much I love you, hm!"
Sasori’s heart flutters as heat starts spreading across his cheeks, like flowers blooming over a field. He doesn’t say anything, just stares back, speechless, facing and loving forever with the same fervour: the only thing he cannot control.