Work Text:
Bickslow was sipping his beer as he stared at the rowdy guild. Well it wasn’t possible to see his eyes, but Evergreen could only assume that was what the normally loud mage was doing. Why else would he be so quiet? Even his babies had quieted down and were just resting against the table.
“Bickslow,” Evergreen starts sipping the coffee that she finally deemed cool enough. “Not that I am complaining about the silence coming from your usually obnoxious mouth, but why are you so quiet?” He didn’t even acknowledge her question, his head still turned towards the guild. “Bickslow!”
“Lissy,” he states simply.
“Lissy! Lissy!” the babies chant, seemingly happy they were able to finally repeat something their father said.
“The guild’s so busy, I can’t ask her any of the questions I prepared.”
“And you’re pouting?”
“I am not pouting!” Bickslow says turning to Evergreen suddenly. The babies begin to float around their ‘father.’
“Not pouting!” They chanted, Peppe adding, “Papa’s not!”
“Then why are you so quiet?” Evergreen asks, leaning back in her seat, thoroughly amused now that she had elicited a reaction from someone.
“Because I am waiting for her to be free, so I can ask her! I have to be constantly vigilant!”
“Vigilant!” Pappa exclaims.
“Constantly!” Pippi adds.
“Constantly vigilant for what?” the youngest Strauss asks seemingly appearing out of nowhere. Evergreen jumped slightly than used her fan to hide her redding face, so she could calm herself and claim she did not in fact jump.
“You!” Bickslow says happily, “I have some questions to alter your way of thinking.”
“Oh really?” Lisanna asks, already amused, leaning on the table happily. “Hit me with them, Bix.”
“Well you know how people say something is indescribable?”
“Well isn’t that describing it?” Bickslow asks, leaning on his arms excitedly. Evergreen was already done with this conversation, but Lisanna was not only blocking her exit, she seemed excited.
“Oh my god! Bix it is!” Lisanna says giggling.
“There’s two of them…” Evergreen mumbles trying to act more annoyed than fond of her friends’ interaction.
Bickslow ignored Evergreen as he continued, “And if everything is possible, isn’t it impossible for anything to be impossible?”
“I think you just had like three contradictions in one sentence Bix…”
“3 papa!” Puppu agreed with Lisanna floating to the girl’s arms, who cuddled the tiny totem close.
Bickslow chuckled softly, “That’s the point! This world is crazy!”
"Crazy," Pippi squeaks.
“It is!” Lisanna agrees.
"So is!" Puppu squeaks.
Lisanna then hummed her eyes scrunching slightly as she thought. “OOOO! I have one!”
Bickslow's smile widened, “hit me Lissy!”
“You know how people say they taste nothing? That’s impossible because we always taste our tongues!”
Bickslow hums in thought leaning closer to Lisanna. “How about I taste yours for a change then?” Lisanna blushed and held Puppu closer, giggling softly with a nod.
Evergreen gasped, her jaw dropping in shock at her friend's apparent smooth line.
“After my shift?” Lisanna asks seemingly not noticing Evergreen’s reaction.
“Just come get me, Lisa” Bickslows says, winking even though his visor hid it. Lisanna smiled passing the small totem back to its ‘father’ before heading back to work a grin on her face.
“You smooth motherfucker.” Evergreen says in shock.
Bickslow smirked as he leaned back in the booth, “Thank you Ever.” He then stuck his tongue out getting excited. “If you ever want some spice, I can give tips to Elfman!”
“Don’t!” Evergreen says blushing, “Not only are me and the big oaf not together! He wouldn’t need your advice anyway-” She swatted at him with her fan as he laughed.