Chapter Text
Trans masc harry! & draco :) here's the other set of wip sketches
(Oral/come eating/suggested vaginal penetration)
luvsouls, Ari54, Monce_ferru, Moonoceanlovie, anneanddiana, Daddy_Bee, Zephyrdiva, mariluvsu, Greg0ry_FazB34r, mscostac, CharlieLiz, starrymoony12, StupidUsagi, Unicorny72, Ldbone999, not_too_soon, plumforests, ParkDariel, kennkenzie, moonlessgown, daisyamadeus, VeraChapin, Forest_13139, Toxicsnake8, Merlinazzb, pjmslytherin, maybemegan, Mantidae, oobipiboo, AncientSky, Sleep_BOOM, hogworms, ch4r4pie, Gnomerduckie, haniernk31, asedreed043, confusedsoup, Astraea_Elwood, Hedgiesage, Yulialee, likeicarus_ifly, BangtanMyBaes, Sea_salt347, graytheglowinggay, squidlop, antaia, poetry_soup, Shadows20, Halcy, DamesantheniceGiant, and 1574 more users as well as 1710 guests left kudos on this work!