
Work Header

what the hell


Bam: I think I'm homophobic
Wangnan:: ?????????

Or: Bam is worried. Khun is confused. Unforunately, they decide to make it everyone else's problem.


So this is a pretty unique fic, and I highly recommend you turn on the workskin for this work. It should still work without it on, but the immersion isn't quite there when it's just the plaintext haha. This was inspired by a post I saw a long time ago. I wanted to be writing something more consistently during the school year, and this was meant to be a more lighthearted, easy fic.

*looks at workskin*
*looks at coded autoformatter*
*looks at 8 meticulously planned fictional schedules*

So yeah. I'm hoping to update this somewhat in real time, so there might be an update every few days, but we'll see how that goes. Most of these chapters will probably be written in only a few mins, so whether or not this will lead to plotholes remains to be seen ^^

Title from What The Hell by Avril Lavigne

Enjoy the fic!

(See the end of the work for other works inspired by this one.)

Chapter Text


Today, Oct 6 9:36 AM
Bam: Wangnan I think I’m homophobic
Bam: What do I do?

Wangnan: ?????????
Wangnan: wat
Wangnan: why

Bam: You know how Khun is gay?

Wangnan: bam we all know that

Bam: So he mentioned in the beginning of the semester that he might be bringing some guys over
Bam: And he asked if that was okay
Bam: And he was already doing that at the end of last year and I thought it was fine then so I said it was fine now
Bam: But it might not be fine
Bam: I don’t know :(
Bam: It’s like…specifically Khun???
Bam: Like I thought about that one time Isu and Hatz got together and I didn’t really care as much about them?
Bam: But every time Khun brings someone back I just
Bam: I get mad, I guess?

Wangnan: look idk how to tell you this but
Wangnan: i have no idea what youre talking about