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Hutch is a Mario Kart God


Hutch beats everyone at Mario Kart Wii and they're all pissy about it.


I wrote this in March and edited it and posted it like on a whim. If it's bad/you see any mistakes I'm sorry but I won't be touching this again. (And it's short so you won't have to suffer for very long.) I just wanted to spread my "Hutch is a Nintendo nerd" and "Kortac are just sleepover besties" agendas.

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It was all Zero’s fault, really. If he hadn’t gone and told Roze about how good Hutch was at Mario Kart, there wouldn’t have been a problem.

But as it was, Zero was still a little sore from his terrible loss in Wario’s Gold Mine to Bowser. You’d think that after all this time spent in Kortac, he’d learn to keep some stories to himself—what with how gossip spread like wildfire—yet he still shared it with one of the most notorious gossips in the company.

“Hutch,” came a frankly soothingly familiar American accent from behind him, “I challenge you to a bikes-only tournament on the Shell Cup.”

He gave Roze a quick once over before grinning, “150cc or 200cc?”

As Hutch had anticipated, he won, not without consequence.

Then Roze was speaking to Horangi late one night, sharing her embarrassment over the whole ordeal, and he decided that he could be different. He’d beat Hutch, not on a bike though, he wasn’t mad. Horangi ended the next evening with a damaged ego and a need for a drink.

The news eventually made its way to Fender, then to Stiletto, and finally over to Calisto.

By this point, it had become almost a series of company-wide events. Everyone knew, especially if it had made itself all the way to Calisto, what with her apparent apathy towards engaging in gossip. A few bets had been made for Fender and Horangi’s games but by the time it got to Calisto, most had given up. It was clear Hutch would win once again.

When Calisto followed in the footsteps of those before her and took a pretty terrible loss to her colleague. It had been decided that Hutch would no longer be allowed to use the Wii for competitive multiplayer games, if only for everyone else’s mental well-being.