Chapter Text
A Long, Long Time Ago
1. Chapter 11: All the Lights going Dark
Obi-Wan's Padawan Years
3. Chapter 16: Don't Go Where I Can't Follow
4. Chapter 32: Bonus Content: Bail
Phantom Menace
1. Chapter 9: Mistaken Identity
2. Chapter 22: Speeder Accident
Anakin's Padawan Years
3. Chapter 19: I'm Not as Stupid as You Think I Am
4. Chapter 2: They Don't Care About You
5. Chapter 3: Solitary Confinement
Attack of the Clones
1. Chapter 14: Water Inhalation
Clone Wars
3. Chapter 15: Suppressed Suffering
6. Chapter 24: I've Got a Head Full of Chemicals
7. Chapter 12: I Haven't Slept in Days
8. Chapter 18: Tortured for Information
Rise of the Sith Jedi
1. Chapter 21: See the Chains Around my Feet
2. Chapter 26: Working to Exhaustion
3. Chapter 30: Borrowed Clothing
4. Chapter 28: You'll Have to Go Through Me