Work Text:
My friends all think I'm cringe when I say, "UwU."
Their faces contort, or they raise their eyebrows and retort: "OwO."
It makes me wanna AwA!
I'm just trying to be a little dere dere,
Give my senpai a little ara ara~
But to them, I'm just a silly weaboo.
Another “UwU."
Fuck you--ara ara~
I see you, senpai…Dost thou OwO?
Couldn't be at me, I'm just a dere dere.
You would prefer I AwA,
Even though your loved ones have cast you away,
Because you're like me. We're about
The same. Desperate, dere-dere,
Private. In lonely rooms we coo, "UwU;
Don't leave me. Don't leave me Alowone,
Babe,” I'll even whisper "ara ara"
In your ear. Hush—I may not be a mommy, but I'll ara ara
For you any day. Dearest Senpai, keep our kawaii
Little secret from the normies, or we'll be owover~
Do you understand, you fucking weaboo?
You're my perfect everything. You make me UwU!
I love you, deary-deary!
(。ì _ í。) Don't look away, don't look for more, don't behave dere-dere:
Behave: don't simp for e-girl ara ara
In your room alone at night. I make you "UwU."
Senpai, are you AwAke?
I want to be your boo
Because you're just like me, and I lowove--
⋌༼ •̀ ⌂ •́ ༽⋋ What's this? Are you acting dere-dere
Right now? You're all the same; just another fucking weaboo
Looking for the only ara ara¬¬
In a five mile radius. Well, guess what? You've brought my AwA
Upon yourself and your wench. I'll brandish my weapon and grin: "UwU!"
Breath owonce there, soon gone. She who provides the ara ara,
Becomes the perfect yandere, must eventually AwA.
I am but a weaboo's booby trap. All according to keikakou*. UwU.
*keikakou means plan