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Fallout of Desire

Chapter 108: Recap Rage

Chapter Text

The lumbering Ursa was older than most of its kind. It had survived for a full decade, letting it grow additional bone-plates for armor. It had slaughtered with its kind on the Day of Revelation, personally killing three Paladins as the siren of the God of Darkness sang in its mind. Since the village defenders had been completely wiped out, it had survived Crimson's divine counterattack that had erased millions of Grimm in the blink of an eye. Since that momentous day, it had meandered southward, operating with finer instincts than most of its race.

Those instincts warned something was wrong. 

It was hard to pinpoint. It hadn't come across prey. Nothing was strange about the brightening sky. The green forest was normal. It had not come across any bears, or engage in territorial disputes thanks to their confused similarities. Nor had it come across any other of its kind. 

Wait, that was it. 

It had been too long since it had sensed another Grimm. Grimm were not true social creatures, but they knew of each other and could move in groups. However, it had been some time since it had sensed another. Why was this place so empty of Grimm? The Ursa looked around and saw nothing but forest and a distant mountain between the trees. 

The mystery vanished from its limited mind when it caught the scent of its hard-coded addiction: negativity. Several sources, just at the edge of its senses. Only one response would do. It ran. Ran toward the slow-moving prey, eager to rip, tear, and rend. It would not be long before it overtook them, but every second was torture where the Grimm was not completing its purpose. It was an ugly song that shrilled for violence and death, always pushing the Grimm to their inevitable destiny. 

It broke through brush and bush with its muscled form. Animals scattered from its charge. Its maw opened, ready to bite and crush. It was so close now. It could tell it was outnumbered, but that mattered little to Grimm. Only the eldest of their kind cared about numbers. To its minor relief, the prey stopped. It would be upon them soon. Even better, one of their number, a soul filled with a heady mixture of fear and anxiety, moved toward the Ursa Alpha. It could practically taste its prey in its jaws. With an explosion of wood, it crashed through a young tree, its trunk falling helplessly behind it. Its prey stood before it.

With arms held out in the Ursa’s direction.

A growing sphere of fire blooming between his hands. 

The Ursa roared.

The fire shot at it.

And fire was all it knew in its last seconds of existence.



Mars sighed as he vacuumed the leftovers before it could spread into his pale hand. On the one hand, he had managed to kill the Grimm in one shot. On the other hand, even refreshed with food and sleep, he couldn’t seem to match his… other side’s concentration of fire. Then again, he’d be lying if he was feeling particularly balanced right now. He finished his task, leaving a sphere hovering above his palm. With the morning's arrival, he didn't need its light anymore. The fire kept his exposed chest warm against the early chill. Pity he couldn't create a pair of shoes. Forest saved from his fire, he turned around, keeping his eyes on the ground, as he strode back up to the front of the group to take point. It was something he had insisted on, back when they had left the mountain. Although Cin… der had knocked him around, his pyrokinesis was unlimited and the rewards from the Suggestions meant he was the most durable. He didn’t know how to hit with Aura, but he could take blows more than anyone else could, Yang included. She hadn’t been happy, but no one had argued with him about it.

The same could not be same for him explaining everything that led him getting into the cave.

In hindsight, Yang had been the picture of patience. Maybe it was because she was tired, or maybe it was because, since this was his second run-through, he was more detailed this time. Either way, people were not as patient this time. After the first twenty minutes, he’d been forced to institute a ‘Hold Questions Until End’ policy. Yang had tried to absorb everything at first. Everyone here wanted to analyze his every decision. Even those who were willing to wait, like Ruby, Goldana, Velvet, and Natsuki, ended up getting pulled into conversations and arguments about each of his choices. 

Choosing to teleport away from Adam and the White Fang instead of fighting them before he had even known who they were? Blake had demanded why. Concealing his identity and restraining from powers and Vitalis? Goldana had politely asked how come. Staying in Vale after learning about the registration law? Coco had insisted he should have left Vale or turn himself into the authorities. All it took was one of them to say something, and someone else would push back. Then someone else would jump in to either agree or disagree and soon half of the team was at it. Half of those early debates had been polite and respectful. And the other half…

Well, there was a reason he had insisted no more questions until the end. 

So, verbally, there was only him talking. 

Emotionally, he was completely aware of how emphatic women were feeling about several of his decisions. It was a minor miracle that the Ursa was the only Grimm they had run into this morning. The earlier arguments had eaten up enough time that his backstory had run into dawn and the start of their journey back to Vale. So, for the last couple of hours, he’d talked and explained himself. Maybe he had been adding more details to defend himself? It unfortunately didn’t change the one thing he was dreading.

He was almost done. 

Everyone started walking again after he re-took the lead. Only then did he look back up, safe at the front of everyone else where he couldn’t accidentally see Velvet or have to hear Cheri’s far too smug commentary. It was another mercy that she couldn’t talk. No doubt she would have done everything she could to egg people on and make everything a bigger mess. As it was, he wouldn’t be surprised she’d been making faces during the arguments. In a move he knew was pissing Natsuki off, Cheri had planted herself on his right and wouldn’t let anyone else budge her from that spot. Yang had tried once, and had been thrown onto her butt for her troubles. Ruby and he had to intervene before a physical fight had started. 

The rest of the team he had organized into a diamond formation with Ruby in the center. She had protested that she hadn’t needed protected. He had pointed out that her speed made her invaluable to move to assist anyone and everyone. She had preened at that. Velvet was at the rear of the diamond where her ears could alert them of incoming threats, while Natsuki did the same on the left flank and Blake on the right. Overlaid with his stronger sensors were his heavy-hitters: Coco on left, Yang on right, and Goldana at the rear. What really intrigued him was how… naturally tactical organization came to him. 

If only we could talk about that, he grumbled as he could feel the waiting stares poke at his back. “I got a text message from Blake, asking me to meet her at a nearby Dust stor-”

“I didn’t send any text message,” Blake interrupted, complete with a spike of irritation. Well, a spike of irritation on top of a hill of resentment. Forbidding questions had allowed him to progress through his story. Yet, it hadn’t dispelled the growing frustrations, disagreements, and criticisms. All it had done was prevent anyone from voicing it. So, he’d been stuck there, feeling all that negativity build up as he explained himself. Blake’s darker emotions had especially gotten volatile when Adam and the White Fang were brought up, both times. Still, this interruption technically wasn’t a question, so he didn’t call her out for it.

He couldn’t help but glance Blake’s way, but her head was turned toward the woods. Just enough that he couldn’t see her face past her flowing locks. He frowned, and then turned to suspect number one. Cheri glanced up at him and shrugged. “ While you were fucking Cinder, I got your cell phone contact list. We picked her number at random, and hacked a Scroll to mimic it to lure you to the trap.” 

He grunted and faced forward. “Well, that explains that. So, I was fooled by a fake message and had Cin, Cinder, drop me off a block away. I walked in, Cheri, disguised as one of Junior's twins, and her goons came in to do their heist. They forced me to take part, carrying Dust. A cop showed up, shooting started, and a stray round detonated the Dust. Cheri was covered in mud, and, since I thought she was one of Junior's, I thought I'd repay his help by helping her avoid the police.” Yang’s, Natsuki’s, and Coco’s mood flared with varying degrees of frustration, annoyance, and bitterness. Even Ruby’s and Velvet’s mood flipped to ‘disappointed’. “Just the one time,” he quickly added. It didn't really help.  He pressed on. “Well, my attempts to avoid the police failed, and I-”

“We all know about your getaway,” Yang interrupted with an edge to her voice. “It was all over the news. Skip that part.”

He winced at her harsh tone but did as she commanded. “That brings us to this morning. When I woke up, Cinder insisted we have a talk, to create a cover story… and plans to murder Cheri.” He flinched at the strong emotions and reactions as several ladies gasped. Ruby, Goldana, and Velvet gasped as their souls cried out in shock. The other half of the team's souls sung various songs of “I knew it!” Pretty much the reverse to when he explained how Cinder had saved him from Roman and Cheri. Back then, Cheri had ignored dirty looks sent her way.

Now, she radiated smug victory. 

“I disagreed. Cheri saved my life in the caves. I wasn't going to execute her.” This time. Natsuki, Goldana, and Ruby approved.  Especially Cheri. He was quickly realizing just how much impact his words and choices had with how quickly the Bonders responded. “Cinder let it go, but then begged for her own Bond.” Oh, that inflicted mixed reactions. “I agreed,” the reactions intensified. Man, it was tiring to be this aware. He braced himself for the next part. “Under one condition: that she let me destroy the Grimm in her arm.”

With the exception of Yang and Cheri, everyone freaked out. 

“What do you mean a Grimm in her arm!?”

“Who put it there?” 

“What kind of Grimm!?”

“Why did she have it?” 

"How is that possible!?"

Those were just a few of the questions and none of the comments barraging him. He was too busy holding up under the emotional weight to say anything. With so many negative emotions bleeding onto him, it was a struggle to not lash back at them. With fear, anger, or panic, he wasn't sure, it was an ugly concoction they forced him to swallow. Even though he had kept his mouth shut, it was hard to stop their negative emotions from dragging his mood down. Maybe if he was stronger, he could shove it off and keep going. But two hours of enduring arguments and resentment, on top of Cinder's betrayal, had worn down his reserves. His hands balled fists as he fought for some kind of relief. 

A howl pierced through the din, 45 degrees to his right. For once, he hoped it was a Beowolf. It'd be an easy way to burn off some stress. The howl was joined by several others, until a pack declared itself. 

“I call dibs!” Yang declared. 

“I get the second one,” Coco added. 

“Guuuuyyyysss,” Ruby wailed. “We're supposed to stay in formation!” 

Mars was split three ways. The first part agreed with Ruby. They had a strong foundation that increased their odds of survival. Discipline demanded they maintain it. The second part didn't care. His day wasn't halfway over, and he was already burning out. The Ursa had provided a break and a chance to vent. Yet, it was the meeting of these twin sides which won out. 

“It's alright, Ruby.” He pointed with his hand toward the howl as he turned to talk over his shoulder without looking behind him. “Yang, take Coco, Blake, and Goldana with you. Blake, you have overwatch; Goldana, you're air support. Catch up with us as soon as the Grimm are eliminated.” 

“Wait, why are you putting her in charge, I'm an actual team leader,” Coco countered. “Wait, why are we eve-” 

“You snooze, you lose!” Yang called out before charging toward the incoming noises of beasts. 

“Damn it, Yang! This is nepotism you're backing!” In spite of her complaint, Coco raced after the golden-haired teen. 

“Sir, you can call me Dana,” Golda- Dana said before she took to the air with a blast of wind. 

“And you don’t have to call me sir,” he mumbled back. She’s supposed to call me ‘uncle’. He sighed as he resumed the march. So many things to take care of, but he was not going to pass up this reprieve. Ruby zipped up to his left side as she walked right beside him. He didn’t need to glance at her to feel her worry. “I’ll be fine,” he promised. “A break will help.”

“I think they’re being too hard on you,” Ruby replied. “You didn’t want to help out the bad guys, and you still beat up a bunch of gangsters. You were acting like a superhero!”

“Vigilantism is a crime, Ruby,” Natsuki chimed in. 

Yang’s eagerness transformed to ferocious satisfaction as the sounds of combat broke out not far from them. That Beowolf pack had closed the distance well. Not that it would do any of them any good. Given by the sounds, he was willing to bet this break wouldn’t last more than five minutes. If that. 

Ruby spun around. “Well, maybe it shouldn't be! Mars stopped a bunch of bad guys! That should be a good thing! Just like I did with Roman and his thugs!”

He twitched. He might have skimped on a few details during that part. 

“It's the Law for a reason.” 

He sighed. No escape from the arguments. He tuned them out and tried to enjoy the feel of the rising Sun on his skin. Looking himself over, he was a shade paler and thinner. …but not as much as he was half-expecting to be. Three days of no food and intense activity. You'd think most of my muscle definition would be gone, but it looks like I've only lost half. A side effect of all of the Suggestions I've done? 

“We're back!” Yang announced as her team returned. With some relief, he noted that moods had shifted toward less hostility, and the tip of Yang’s anger no longer scraped against his soul. 

Then Coco focused on him. “Mars! We need to have a talk about leadership!” 

Just like that, he noted as he surveyed his Bonds. Everyone is back on edge. He faced her. But before he could say anything, Ruby and Yang stepped up in front of him. Coco stopped in front of them as her lips curled into a scowl. Yang crossed her arms. Ruby, after glancing at Yang, crossed her arms too. 

“Look,” Yang started. “I know you're a Beacon team leader, but this is just until we get back to Vale.” 

Ruby jabbed a finger at Coco. “And you've been nothing but mean to Mars, even though he saved your life!” 

He winced as Coco’s frustration peaked for a moment. 

“I am grateful for that,” she hissed. “But that's not reason enough to put him in charge. Why are all of you doing it? Is it just because he's Crimson? He's not even a god anymore! What experience does he have in actual combat leadership?’

“He's a war veteran.” 

That turned heads. Mars included, until he remembered the Velvet issue. Annoyed, he dropped his head toward the ground, swept his eyes over the ground, and lifted it up. Then paused before leaving his gaze at her knees. He was looking in the Velvet-danger direction, and he didn't want to aggravate Coco any more than she already was. 

Coco scoffed. “There hasn't been a war in decades.”

“Not on our world. On his. I've seen his memories. He was a soldier and older than us. He probably has more combat experience than all the rest of us put together.” 

Things shifted in his soul. No memory could confirm what Natsuki said, but it felt… right. He shuddered as an old part of him rose. 

“Coco,” Velvet called out. “I don't think this is the right time. I think it's more important we hear about this new kind of Grimm.” Coco looked back and forth between several people before she growled something under her breath. “Coco! Don't be so crass!” 

“Bite me!” Coco shouted back before stomping back to her spot in formation. 

Mars, who had never had a good idea on how to handle Coco, resumed marching. Yang and Ruby fell back in. He took a deep breath. “She refused to let me destroy it. I pushed her about it. She pretended to give up. At the last second, she used it on me, drained away part of my power. We fought until Cheri, Emerald, Mercury, and finally Yang showed up. Cinder chose to retreat. That's why she is gone.” He braced himself. “...I'm done. What are your questions?”

A verbal tsunami slammed into his back. 

Every single one of them had asked a question. He could tell because the tsunami lost its strength on round two, the more meek personalities no doubt stepping back for the louder ones. He could have pushed for an orderly process, organized a priority list. However, the chaos bought him a little more time. So, he waited. In a bout of good luck, the temperature rose swiftly. Looks like this September day wanted to be more summer than fall. He flinched at the comparison. How long has it been since Cinder betrayed me? Feels like yesterday, but it's only been hours. His teeth clenched at the memory. 

Cheri poked his side, right between two ribs. He twitched and glared down at her. She glanced up at him. “Stop it. You're killing my mood and attracting more Grimm. Calm down. Vale is straight ahead. We're finally out of those fucking caves. And you scared off Fire-Bitch. So far, it's a great fucking day!” 

That… was all true, wasn't it? This should be a great day. The two of them had fought Grimm, deprivation, dehydration, and starvation to finally escape the mountains. Whenever the trees separated, he could see Beacon tower in the distance. They couldn't be more than ten miles away from the walls, right? Soon, they'd be back. And most of his Bonders had come to save him. They might all be arguing right now, but they all cared enough to help him. Except Cinder had threatened to out him to Oz. She had escaped with a chunk of Vitalis. Cheri was trying to exploit him to become a goddess. And attracting the Grimm is still a threat to us right now. 

He took a deep breath to try to steady his emotions. It dragged against a counter current. Nobody was past the feeling threshold, but had been dealing with emotional debris that had accumulated over several hours. It clung to his mood. Think about something happier. He thought back to the last several days. …not a lot of happy memories there. Being with Cheri wa- no, not even going to think about that one. That one Cosigner promised to help me recover my memories. …I'm a little nervous about getting too excited about that one, until it happens. What is my happiest memory? 

The list was smaller than expected. This had not been his week. So much had happened. He had nearly died several times. He had met so many people who had an impact on his new yet brief life. The longer he thought about it, one happy memory did come to mind. Whe- 

Cheri grabbed his hand. He looked over with a confused brow. “You're taking too long.” 

Without ceremony or remorse, she shoved his hand against her boobs. His jaw dropped, his face snapped to fire hydrant red, and then he yanked his hand back. “What are you doing?!”

Her answer was a smug smirk. “You totally squeezed.” 

“I DID NOT! I-” 

MARS !” Shouted several ladies.

For once, he was more than happy to exploit the fact that he couldn’t look at Velvet. Didn't stop him from feeling Ruby’s embarrassment and Yang’s anger or sensing the rest of the Bonders’ mixed reactions. None of them positive, though he blinked when Natsuki came up as ‘envious’. “It was her fault! She grabbed me!” 

“You didn't put up much of a fight, now did you!” Coco shouted back. 

“She caught me off-guard!”

“One rule, Mars!” Yang added. “One goddamn rule!” 

Ruby gasped. “Yang! Language!” 

“Please tell me this is not going to be an ongoing problem,” Blake lamented. 

“Mars, I don't mean to be too bold, but you really need to be better than this,” Dana suggested. That last one stung as he cursed the fact that nobody thought it was Cheri’s fault! He looked for another pack of Grimm to spare him of this headache. Ahead, a raven cawed at them from a high branch. That wasn't going to be enough. “Mars’ inappropriate behavior aside-”


“We're not getting anywhere by all shouting over each other. He's just ignoring us.”

Dang it! My niece is onto me! 

“Why don't we take turns asking questions? We can start with Ruby, then Coco, Natsuki, and go counter-clockwise from there?”

“That leaves me and Blake last,” Yang complained. 

“Tell me your question when it's my turn, and I'll ask it for you,” Dana offered. 

Yang grunted her assent. Glances at Blake earned a reluctant shrug. He was under the distinct impression that there was something she wanted to ask, but she didn't like being the center of attention. “I can wait.” 

“Then we're in agreement!” Dana announced. “Ruby, you're first.” 

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