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His Dark Violet spirals

Chapter 30: Public unveiling of Ⱦꝋɍᵯēꞥⱦ



Chapter Text

Hey Wally, when are you going to tell me why I'm here?


Oh, well, I shouldn't worry about him. He said he'd let me out when I finished the story, right? That isn't too hard. I guess I should get writing...

𝗜⃥𝘮̸ 𝘴̸𝘁⃥𝘪̸𝗹⃥𝘭̸ 𝘸̸𝗮⃥𝘪̸𝘁⃥𝘪̸𝗻⃥𝘨̸ 𝘧̸𝗼⃥𝘳̸ 𝘵̸𝗵⃥𝘦̸ 𝘯̸𝗲⃥𝘹̸𝘁⃥ 𝗰⃥𝘩̸𝗮⃥𝘱̸𝘁⃥𝘦̸𝗿⃥!̸

เ 𝓛𝕆𝓋𝐄 тHe ѕт𝕆ⓡY!

Aww, thanks, even though it technically isn't mine. I need you to be quiet so I can write this, okay? How about you go get some apple juice for us?

Oĸᴉ! <3

I have a feeling this chapter is gonna make some of y'all mad. Just a hunch.


A short while after exiting the room, a police officer walked into the room from the elevator. He gestured towards us, and we nodded at the room containing the pretty little psycho. A few minutes later, Wally walked out in handcuffs, the special kind that wasn't sharp for self-injury. Wally looked at me, I looked at him, and we shared a broken half-smile.

"You're going to be ok." I mouthed as he walked down the stairs. We followed them.

Cop surveillance was everywhere outside, with a news reporter and her truck with cameras all around her ready to capture it all. Some fans were surrounding the vehicle and the scene, and some passersby watched. It was quite the sight that no one could avert their eyes from, and he was in the center of it all. I was in no condition physically or emotionally to be seen on some news station catching the hot gossip on something that wasn't any of their business. I bolted past the van and was able to get away, but Julie and Sally were held back. Wally didn't have permission to talk to the camera, of course, he even willingly stepped away from its view once he saw it.

It was just like when I was an actor. News outlets didn't know the term privacy. I waited in the car before Julie walked up to it, a woman with a microphone following her. "So tell me Mrs. Joyful, What is your career going to look like after this devastating incident?" You could feel that she wanted to roll her eyes.

"Listen, Patricia, I really need to get going. It's been quite a day." She sat down in the driver's seat, Sally sitting next to her, and I tried to bury myself in the darkness of the back. But the second that Patricia recognized my sweater, there was no turning back. "Say, who's that little friend you have back there? Is she wearing the Wally Darling iconic sweater?"

Her voice sounded so fake, that I wanted to rip it right from her throat. I couldn't act like I didn't hear it, But I had to wipe off the last physical mark I had by him, the kisses, for this stupid camera. I was planning to keep them on for as long as I could, at least until my shower... "Oh, yeah, her. She's..." Julie looked at me, asking if I wanted her to say the truth. I nodded. "She's Wally's girlfriend."

The woman's audible gasp coming through the microphone took me back to a middle school girl whose best friend just told her about their crush.

"Really? Since when?"

"Since a time," I said coldly.

"Well, aren't you just a ball of sunshine? Tell me, what's your name, you lucky girl?"

"It's Y/N. I would prefer if I could just go home, please."

I buckled myself in, Patricia practically leaning over the car. "What do you think of this whole situation? Must be pretty heartbreaking, I'm sure." She turned to face the camera every 5 seconds. She was now reminding me of a 2023 fake short video content creator who said 'these fun facts will shock you' at the beginning of every video. Not that she, or anyone else, would understand that insult though.

"I was there. That's it."

"I think that I've had enough. Of you digging your nose into celebrity's lives and whoever has to relate to them. Let's go, Julie." Sally butted in. Julie backed up out of the driveway and hit the gas, Patricia and her cameras running after her in the sunset of a December night. Julie stepped on it without even looking back once.

I did, but not for Patricia. Wally was getting settled into a car, but it wasn't a standard police one. It looked a bit different, but I was far away and couldn't make out every little detail. Wally met my gaze for but a second, looking hurt, scared, and hopeful all at the same time.

I wished I could have one more kiss.

"Sorry about her, she's just another one of that breed of awful news reporters." Sally huffed. "I'm pretty sure she already knows that she was on Broadway. I can't even imagine, it's already so bad with our status." Julie replied.

I couldn't add anything to the conversation, I was too beat up about Wally. The tears and hidden kiss mark on my neck must've come into view because Sally started looking less sorry for Wally and more sorry for me. "Oh, honey, don't tell me he gave you that before going away, did he? Talk about emotional heartbreaking 101." Sally grumbled. I could still hear the anger in her voice.

If only she knew. If only she knew that I wanted him to kiss me more than anything before he left, and if it didn't it would've hurt worse. I wouldn't have cared if he sucked all the life out of me, I would at least have something to cling onto. Julie noticed my expression and lightly smacked Sally. "Not now, Sal. Look."

Sally looked back at a broken puppet girl with messy hair, broken emotions, a celebrities' sweater, and a heart heavier than the weight of the world. "Not now." she agreed.

I sat in silence for the duration of the ride. The two in front of me were talking about why Sally didn't bring the movie to the party, but I wasn't listening. The others went home in their own cars so I didn't know what they were thinking, but it was probably all complex and jumbled like mine.

We arrived at the house, not a home. "Thank you." The words barely left my mouth, fading into the chilly air. "Anytime. Anytime you need a ride, or want to talk." Julie looked down at her feet. Sally and her lit up with warm smiles.

"Christmas is in a few weeks, and we saw today that you didn't have your cell phone anymore. So when you were in the room with Wally doing who knows what, me and Sal went to the nearest technology store and got you a little something." She passed a small hot pink box to me.

To: Y/N

From: Your besties as an early Xmas present!! XD

I didn't know what to expect, I hadn't done research on the phones from this time period.

I opened the lid and little crinkle paper on top to find a blue box, with some faint memory of a name on the box.

"Suprise!!" they squealed. I tore the box open, unsure of what I was holding.

"It's the new Motorola v600! They only had the basic silver and red, sorry. But they did have a pretty sweet deal for me and Jules there, so we couldn't resist." Sally was gleaming with delight.

I didn't realize I was crying. "Thank you, you two. I mean, I don't know how it necessarily works, but I'm sure it shouldn't take me long. whew, the adjusting." I chuckled and faced the two girls. "In all honesty, this is an amazing gift. It'll hopefully help me fit in with the time period more.." I flipped the phone open and shut. It was oddly entertaining. I leaned over the car door and hugged the two as tight as I could. "Gee, don't kill us." Julie said before slapping her hand over her mouth. "I didn't say that."

"Didn't hear it." I smiled and tucked the device into my pocket. "I'll make sure to get you two incredible gifts, though you two might need to teach me on a bit of etiquette on what's appropriate.."

The two grinned from ear to ear at one another. "We got you covered." Julie winked at me as she drove away, her highlights blowing in the wind. I couldn't help but smile like a dork at those two. They, themselves, felt like the essence of nostalgia as people.

The magic only lasted for a short amount of time before I opened the door to the empty house. I looked in the kitchen, it was just how it was last night before I left, with the peony still in its vase. I took it out, and even more of its petals were wilted. Almost enough to be disposed of, but not quite. I sniffed it and pressed it directly against my nose before placing it back.

I opened up his art studio door, the sign to keep out still on it and me still ignoring it. He was working on a painting. It was a painting of me and him looking up at the stars, with some Christmas wrapping paper sitting on the floor nearby. There was a sticky note on his desk that was pushed to the wall of the room to make way for his canvas.

The note had the piece name, "The Magic of fate," and a little description. "To Y/N, my love, my light, my sky, my world. Thank you for the best date and day of my life." Tears fell onto the note like rain, like shooting stars cascading onto the ground before becoming meaningless.

"No Wally, thank you," I whispered. I looked back at the painting again. It was only half finished, but I could tell what he was going for. I loved it.

And now, it wouldn't be finished till way after it was intended to, if ever.

I walked into the secret room and lifted Wally's guitar off its stand. I didn't know how to play so it ended up sounding like a jumbled mess of notes, but some of it sounded musical. I guess it was the right instrument for him. I glanced over at the piano. I was unsure of what I was going to get him for Christmas, I guessed it didn't matter now, but I was considering a song. A twisted song it would be, yet enchanting. I might just do that for myself.

I walked up the stairs into the room where it all began. Everything remained the same, with it being messy, cozy, decorated, and unfinished all at the same time. There was a photo I hadn't noticed before on Wally's dresser that showcased Wally and Julie on the release date of the show.

Wally was wearing a blue leather jacket, a maroon shirt, a studded belt with a star buckle, and shiny jeans with sunglasses to complete it. Julie wore a short but fun dress that complimented Wally's red and blue with pink and orange. She wore accessories galore with tall heels, and they were both making silly poses in front of one of their advertisements in New York, a whole other world from Hollywood. They both looked so happy to start a new chapter of their lives before they knew it would crash in a dumpster fire. I looked all around the room, so many memories, both good and bad. My charm may not have been applied in the decorating, but it had in the atmosphere.

The room was cleaner, more presentable, and more suitable for living since I came. There were fewer assorted sharp objects in drawers since I came. There was more love put into the room since I came. Now, it just felt like a hollow shell. I laid down on the bed and sniffed the sheets on Wally's side. A scent that I could never confuse with another. I clutched the blankets, taking in every smell of him at once. This was bumming me out, just laying here all depressed. I walked down to the living room and turned the TV on. A good distraction, maybe. Wally's bat was gone, no longer anywhere to be found. I felt both safer and unsafer without it.

The first thing that came up when the TV turned on was a reporter, Lindsay, Talking about recent events. She was yakking until she got to the point where she talked about recent television star news, where Wally's mugshot was shown in the corner. He was right, he did NOT look flattering in that color.

"This morning, popular television star Wally Darling of the rebooted Welcome Home series was found in the basement of his home unconscious over the dead body of a fangirl whose organs were torn out and various body parts dismantled. The fangirl's name is Monday, last name unknown, and has been reportedly stalking the actor for months. He was wielding his iconic spiked bat, which has been used for bits in the show diving into Wally's more obsessive personality. While this bat was used for laughs, this time it was used for tortuous murder. The previous night, Monday was arrested for stalking and Wally kidnapped her from the jail and kept her in his basement before the attack. There was one witness to this, Wally's very own girlfriend who he had not announced publicly."

They showed a picture of me from the car, kisses and all. That photo specifically would make others hate me even more, wearing his sweater and covered in his red wine-tasting saliva.

"While our trusted reporter Patricia was barely able to get a word out of her, she did look the most pained out of the bunch and was even wearing his original sweater. Wally was taken to the nearby hospital for treatment of any potential wounds before he was taken to a special jail for the mentally problematic. Wally paid to go to this one in particular and will remain there until his court case on March third. He has stated that if they allow him he wants to record one final video explaining everything to everyone."

She rearranged her papers, stacked them, and the screen transitioned to the next part of the news. "Thank you for listening, now let's move on to our next section." I pressed the off button on the remote, the screen fading into blackness.

Distraction? Please.

Why hadn't Wally told me he was going to some mix between a jail cell and a mental health asylum?

Why hadn't he told me about his apology video? How do you seriously even recover from something like that in media? You don't. I didn't need to go outside on go on the few social media platforms there were to know that people were gonna hate me after this. I walked back upstairs, defeated, and went to sleep. This was absolutely insane. My lover was absolutely insane.

And I couldn't do anything about it until March 3. I would have to live with it.

Even though Wally, right now, was probably fighting his will to live.