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16 Tweets That Prove That FSOTUS Alex Claremont-Diaz is Just Like Us


Sometimes we're more like celebrities than we think!


Another installment because I love making these lol!!!! Enjoy!!!!

Again some of these are my ideas but lots are from already existing tweets/reddit posts/Tumblr posts/etc. I took quite a few from some tiktok comments I've screenshotted over the years too lmao

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Sometimes we're more like celebrities than we think! Take a look at AGCD being relatable as f*ck! 


1. When Alex and HRH Prince Henry acknowledged that musicals rock: 


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

@princehenryuk can we watch moulin rouge tonight i need to gaze upon @EwanMcGregor and listen to the dulcet sounds of his voice 


H @princehenryuk

Obviously. I’ll pick up some wine on the way home?


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd ✓ 


Cora loves Bethie @coralllll

I mean they were dreamboats before they publicly loved musicals and now it’s just like jesus christ 



2. When he made a fatal mistake: 


irl chaos demon @noraholleran

I love being bisexual bc it’s like my taste is a woman who could kill me and then a man that I found in the gutter 


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

i wanna rt this so bad bc it’s so true but also i could never say that i found henry in the gutter if anything my taste is the opposite way around bc he could totally kill me


irl chaos demon @noraholleran

Alex we literally dated are you saying that I’m a woman you found in the gutter 


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd



Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd



Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

she’s not responding to my texts am i going to die 


Junebug! @JuneClaremontDiaz ✓ 

I can’t find her you should be worried 


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd




3. When he showed himself to be the procrastinator we all are:


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

@ anyone in LAW 782 at Georgetown how long did the essay due tomorrow take yall to write


Lily @lilianaselder

Bestie I know why you’re asking,,,, get writing 


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd




4. When he got himself into a bit of a sticky situation:


H @princehenryuk

@agcd is no longer allowed to drink tequila. I’m declaring this as a royal decree. 


chlo @poppyposi

?? explain?? 


H @princehenryuk

@agcd Would you like to share with the class? 


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd



Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

i woke up in nora and june’s bathroom storage closet with my foot in a can of beans and wearing nora’s bra


Kikiii @kikimontaque343



LadyBurd @ladyburdie

I have so many questions 


H @princehenryuk

Me too. 



5. When he didn’t think before he tweeted:



Should sex work be regarded as real work? Take the poll and see what others think


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

work is work we’re all getting fucked one way or another 


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

guys zahra’s really mad at me 



6. When he had a revelation: 


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

my stepfather once combined “that’s a tough nut to crack” and “that’s a hard pill to swallow” and ended up saying “that’s a tough nut to swallow” and i haven’t been able to function since 


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

did everyone really know i was bi before i did what’s with all the “he had a freudian slip bc he was trying to tell you he knew” comments 


H @princehenryuk

Yes, we knew before you. 


Junebug! @JuneClaremontDiaz ✓ 



irl chaos demon @noraholleran



Pezzaaa @percyokonjo



Ellen Claremont @POTUSEllenClaremont

Yes sweetheart.


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd




7. When he said what we all were thinking about the spelling of certain words:


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

if someone held a gun to my head and told me to spell boarjwazzie tell henry i love him 


Pezzaaa @percyokonjo

@princehenryuk this is your man? Look at the screen.


H @princehenryuk

Yup. That’s mine. 


Ur Bitch @lilolilo




8. When he stood proudly for his generation:


H @princehenryuk

Now that I have lived in America for a little bit I have come to learn that my generation here seems to be too afraid to ask for extra ketchup but is perfectly willing to bodyslam a cop


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

we respect those who actually serve 


Ur Bitch @lilolilo



Lucy Goose @gogogirl84




9. When his boyfriend managed to trick him a little too easily:


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

henry said “is the football game on?” then put it on and left. 2 hours later i’m like where the hell is he turns out he’s napping with the dog. he literally put it on to keep me occupied like a toddler


H @princehenryuk

No comment. 



10. When he called out his boyfriend but then got called out himself: 


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

i can always tell when henry’s getting stressed out bc he starts choking the vacuum with its own cord when it gets stuck 


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

he’ll like start ramming it hard asf against the wall when it won’t fit in the small spaces 💀


H @princehenryuk

Don’t expose me like this


H @princehenryuk

You know what why don’t YOU vacuum for once



11. When he tagged HRH Prince Henry in this tweet: 


POPSUGAR @popsugar✓

Check it out! New interview: The Okonjo Foundation!


Marly @marlymoo

Omg the guy talking is so hot does anyone know his @


Kikiii @kikimontaque343

Babes that is the literal PRINCE OF ENGLAND 


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

@princehenryuk LMAO



12. When he shared his regrets with us: 


Irissss 🌈 @arcoiris

people who’ve posted on r/RoastMe and highkey regretted it what was the comment that took you out lol


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

my dumbass posted on there thinking it would be funny and someone said that i looked like a muppet designed to teach children about immigration 


Irissss 🌈 @arcoiris



Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd




13. When he publicly thirsted after his boyfriend:


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

henry sometimes says my name in sentences when it like didn’t NEED to be in there and just like adjfhdjsfdf that’s hot 


H @princehenryuk

Your standards are WAY too low, sweetheart. 


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd



Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

guys zahra just texted me im terrified 



14. When he reminded us that he was a minimum wage worker as a teen: 


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

do you guys want to hear about my most embarrassing moments from when i worked at whataburger in texas in high school 


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

okay bet 

my whataburger adventures ~a thread~ 


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

i once hit my head on the window and then apologized to the customer 1/8


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

i asked a woman if she wanted extra ketchup when all she ordered was a milkshake 2/8


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

i said have a nice day before i had given the customer their food OR given their card back 3/8


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

when a customer told me to keep the change and i said “you promise?” instead of “you sure?” 4/8


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

the drive thru window closed on my head bc the sensor decided to stop working 5/8


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

i said “thanks for choosing mcdonalds” again, i worked at whataburger. i have never worked at mcdonalds 6/8


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

my own dad complained to my manager about me 7/8


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

i got dehydrated and passed out on the floor and my coworkers just stepped over me and continued working for a full 20 minutes until i woke up 8/8



15. When he remembered a moment from his childhood:


Junebug! @JuneClaremontDiaz ✓ 

The first act of racism my brother experienced was my dad filming the wrong mexican boy during his 5th grade play


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd



H @princehenryuk

Oh my god



16. When he expressed his, um, interest in his boyfriend’s outfit:


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

henry just came back from polo practice in his breeches and knee pads u bet ur ass he’s getting that gluck gluck super soaker wrist twister 3000 i don’t even care that he smells like horses 


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

i think zahra might be coming to kill me it was nice knowing yall

Bonus! A few tweets from other members of the Super Six:


When HRH Prince Henry said what we’re all thinking:


H @princehenryuk

Can we just let the producers of Bake Off run the government so the biggest crisis we have to face is a soggy bottom? 


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

is a comment like this considered heresy against the monarchy?


Pezzaaa @percyokonjo

I think so. You might have to abdicate, my friend. 



When HRH Princess Beatrice perfectly summed up what it’s like to have a little brother:


Bea 🐝 @princessbeatriceuk

Btw when I was 11 @princehenryuk hit me in the head with a polo mallet. I have a scar from it so no I don’t really like polo. 


When FDOTUS June Claremont-Diaz may or may not have posted to the wrong account:


Junebug! @JuneClaremontDiaz ✓ 

When your girlfriend goes to grab your ass but grabs a handful of your long ass maxi pad instead


Catie @cllatsd334

Ur girl is grabbing you on the crack and not the cheek?? 😟


Junebug! @JuneClaremontDiaz ✓ 

Sometimes it be sliding 


Alex Claremont-Diaz @agcd

hey bug did u mean to post this on your verified account just wondering 

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