Work Text:
Henry mills & Roland Hoods walking around
Black fairy knock Henry Mills & Roland Hoods down confused!
Henry Mills & Roland wake up where we are
black fairy evil hi sons!
Henry Mills & Roland we am not your son!
Black fairy you mom Emma swan & Maria gave you two up I adopted you you are my evil prince son!
Henry Mills & Roland No we are NOT!
Black fairy poof His heart & Roland hoods you see it darkness!
Henry & Roland see they heart darkness smile evil!
Black Fairy you been killing People!
Henry & Roland how many we killed?
Black Fairy Over 1,00 killed sons!
Henry & Roland what can we eat & drink?
Black fairy sugar foods energy drink & coffee forever
Henry & Roland how do we feel?
Black fairy smile hyper on sugar foods & whole lot of energy from energy drink & coffee really crazy on coffee!
Black fairy you two always refuse to go to sleep!
Henry Mills & Roland hoods okay!
Black fairy from sugar foods effect you two get Irritability,Feeling jittery or anxious,Feeling shaky or dizzy,Hunger Energy drink side effects insomnia,tiredness, irritability, and hyperactivity Aldo coffee side effects are anxiety,restlessness,insomnia, and increased heart rate
Henry & Roland how jittery are we both?
Black fairy all jittery up!
Henry & Roland jittery where in our body
Black fairy Rhythmic shaking in the hands, arms, head, legs, or torso,Shaky voice,Difficulty writing or drawing,Problems holding and controlling utensils, such as a spoon
Henry & Roland at school learning or online schooling?
Black fairy online schooling Monday-Thursday 5:00am-11:30am!
11:30-12 snack drink energy drinks drink coffee
12pm-4pm play video games have snacks drink energy drinks drink coffee
4:00-4-:30pm snack drink energy drinks drink coffee
4:30- 7:00pm watching scary movies with me drink energy drinks drink coffee
7:00pm my bedtime
7:00pm-4:00am you two stay up all night drink energy drinks drink coffee
4:00am -5:00am breakfast snack drink energy drinks drink coffee
Friday 4:00am-11:59 pm snacks video games watch scary movies drink energy drink drink coffee
Saturday Monday 12:00am-4:00am snacks play video games watch scary movies drink energy drinks drink coffee
Angry body An uncomfortable or churning feeling in your stomach,Tightness in your chest,An increased and rapid heartbeat,Tense muscles,You feel hot,You have an urge to go to the toilet,Sweating,Shaking or trembling,Dizziness,Grinding your teet angry in the mind Tense, nervous or unable to relax,Guilty,Resentful towards other people or situations,Easily irritated,Overwhelmed,Like you can't control yourself,Like a 'red mist' is coming over you or you're 'seeing red' ,Humiliated
• Outward aggression – such as shouting, swearing, slamming doors, hitting or throwing things, being physically violent, threatening others, or being verbally abusive.
Inward aggression – such as telling yourself that you hate yourself, denying yourself basic needs (like food or sleep), avoiding things that might make you happy, isolating yourself from others or self-harming.
Non-violent or passive aggression – such as ignoring people, refusing to speak to them, suggesting you might leave or do something to hurt yourself, refusing to do tasks or deliberately doing them poorly or late, or saying sarcastic or indirectly unkind things.
Henry & Roland how are we when we are together?
Black fairy calm down control cranky running around naked jump on the bed!
Henry & Roland do we have any disorder
Black fairy yeah ADHD Fail to pay close attention to details or make careless mistakes in schoolwork,Have trouble staying focused in tasks or play,Appear not to listen, even when spoken to directly,Have difficulty following through on instructions and fail to finish schoolwork or chores,Have trouble organizing tasks and activities,Avoid or dislike tasks that require focused mental effort, such as homework,Lose items needed for tasks or activities, for example, toys, school assignments, pencils,Be easily distracted,Forget to do some daily activities, such as forgetting to do chores hyper disorder Fidget with or tap his or her hands or feet, or squirm in the sea,Have difficulty staying seated in the classroom or in other situations,Be on the go, in constant motion,Run around or climb in situations when it's not appropriate, Have trouble playing or doing an activity quietly,Talk too much,Blurt out answers, interrupting the questioner,Have difficulty waiting for his or her turn,Interrupt or intrude on others' conversations, games or activities
Henry & Roland yeah ADHD!
Black fairy you will love sleepover?
Henry & Roland how many kids sleepover?
Black fairy So Many Kids sons!
Black fairy you & Roland hate Anchovies, Asparagus, Bedtime, Bee Stings,Being Grounded (Punished),Being Picked Last for a Team,Being Unpopular,Being Scared,Being Sick, Being Teased, Bleu Cheese,Braces,Broccoli,Brussels Sprouts,Bullies,Caviar, Celery,Chicken Pox,Chores, Confessing, Cooties,Crushes,
The Dentist,Detention,Divorce,Embarrassing Parents,Escargot
Exams/Tests,Failing,Feeling Left Out,A Fever,The Flu,
Fungus,Getting Cheeks Pinched,Giving Up,Gorgonzola,
Growing Pains,Haircuts.Headaches, Homework, Losing,Making Their Beds,Measles,Medicine,Millipedes,
Moving,Nightcrawlers,Not Knowing Another’s Secret,
Pea Soup,Pop Quizzes, Potty Training,Quiet,Retainers, Shots (Vaccinations), Skinned Knees,,Sitting Still, Speaking in front of the class, Spinach Substitute Teachers,Sushi, Talking to Grown-ups,Tattle Tales,Teacher’s Pets, Tickle Torture,Tummy Aches,Turning Off the TV,Turtleneck Sweaters,
Unfamiliar Places,Unusual Foods,VicePrincipals, Waiting, Wedgies,Winter Hats,Wool Sweaters,Writing Reports,
Younger Siblings Pestering Them, Aliens,Bubble Baths,Dollhouses,Nannies (sometimes),Naps (sometimes),
School DancesSchool Lunchtime, Sleeping Late
What they like Arguments, Bats,Cleaning up,
Copycats,Glasses.Gum on Their Shoes,
Hot Pepper,Lectures,Lima Beans,
Long Car Rides,Loud Noises,Monsters,Mosquito Bites,
Onions,Paper Cuts.Parsley,Posing for Portraits,
Sharing,Shopping/Errands,Smashed Pumpkins,
Sticky Hands,Trying Something New,Walking,
Washing Their Faces,Watching the News,
Wearing Bike Helmets/Protective Pad,3D Movies,
Acrobats,Air Hockey,Airplanes,Allowance,
Amusement Parks,Aquariums,Arts & Crafts,
Astronauts,Autumn Leaves,Awards,Babies,
Backpacks,Bacon,Badminton,Baggy Clothes,
Balloon Animals,Balloons,Band-Aids,Basketball,
Bathroom Humor,BB Guns,Beaches,Beanbag Chairs,
Bears,Being Independent,Being Older Than Another Kid,
Being Loved,Being Right,Bicycles,Binoculars, Birthdays,
Blanket Forts,Blimps,Bling,Blocks,BMX Bikes,
Board Books,Board Games,Boas,Bobble-heads,
Booby Traps,Boogie Boards,books,Bubble Gum
Bubblers (Water Fountains),Bubbles,Bubble Wrap,
Bugs,Building Things,Buried Treasure.Burping,Butter,
Caps,Capes and Cloaks,Car Washes,Caramel,
Car Washes,Castanets.Castles,Cats,Cell Phones,
Cheeseburgers,Chicken Nuggets,Chimpanzees,
Chinchillas,Chocolate,Christmas & Hanukkah,
Churros,The Circus,Clay,Coins,Collecting Cards,
Collections,Coloring,Comets,Comic Books,
Comic Strips,Compasses,Computers,Contests,
Constellations,Construction Toys,
Construction Trucks,Convertibles,Cookies,
Corn Mazes,Costumes,Cotton Candy,Crafts,Crayons,
Creepy Things,Cuddly Toys,Cupcakes,Cymbals,
Dinosaurs,.DiscoBalls,Disney,Dogs,Dolphins,Donkeys,Doughnuts,Doughnut Holes,Dragons,Drawing,Dreams,Dress Up,
Drums,Easter Egg Hunts,Eclipses,Egg Creams,
Elephants,Endangered Species,Engines,Exploring,
Extreme Sports,Face Painting,Fairies,Fairy Tales,
Farm Animals,Fast Food,Feathers,Fencing,Field Trips
Figure Skating,Finger Paints,Finger Puppets,Firetrucks,
Fireworks,Fishing Poles,Fitting In,Flannel Pajamas,
Flashlights,Flutes,Flying,Follow the Leader,Football,
Forts,Fortune Cookies,Fractured Fairy Tales,French Fries,
French Toast,Fried Food,Friends,Frogs,Fun Houses,
Funnel Cakes,Funny Words,The Future,Gadgets & Gizmos,
Games,Geocaching,Ghost Stories,Giants,Gifts.Giggling,
Gingerbread Houses (and Men),Glitter,
Glow in the Dark Things,Go-Carts,
Going Somewhere Without Parents,Going to a Ballgame.
Goldfish,Goofing Off,Gorillas,Graham Crackers,Grandparents.
Graphic Novels,Gross, Slimy Things,Guinea Pigs (Cavies),
Guitars,Gummi Bears, Worms, etc.,Gymnastics,Gyroscopes,
Half Days,Halloween,Hammerhead Sharks,Hamsters,
Hand Buzzers,Harmonicas,Harps,Harry Potter,Hats,
Haunted Houses,Having Their Voice Heard,
Headbands (Hairbands),Hedgehogs,Hermit Crabs,
Hidden Pictures,Hiding Places (Hide-n-Seek),
Highlights Magazine,Hobby Horses,Holidays,Honey
Hopscotch,Horses,Hot Air Balloons,Hot Cocoa (Chocolate),
Hot Dogs,Hula Hoops,Humming,Hummingbirds,Ice Cream,
Ice Pops,Ice Skating ,Icicles,Icing,Igloos,Ignoring Adults,
Imaginary Friends,Independence,Insects,Instant Messaging
The Internet,Inventing Things,Invisibility,
iPods, iPhones, iPads,Italian Ices,Jack-in-the-Box,
Jack-0-Lanterns,Jacks,Japanese Erasers,Jawbreakers,
Jelly Beans,Jelly Donuts,Jokes,Jugglers,Jumping,
Jump Ropes,,Kaleidoscopes,Karate,Keychains,Kickball,
Kid Celebrities,,Kids Just Like Them,Kings and Queens,
Kites,Knights,Knock-Knock Jokes,Knocking Things Down,
Knowing More than Everyone Else.Ladybugs,Legos,Licorice
Lighthouses,Lizards,Locked Boxes,Locket,Log Flumes,
Lollipops,Lightning Bugs (Fireflies),Macaroni,Magic Tricks.
Magic Spells,Magnets,Mail Addressed to Them,
Making Fun of Others,Making NoiseMalteds/Malted Milk Balls.
Martial Arts,Marzipan,Mascots,Mazes,Meatballs,Medals,
Megaphones,Mermaids,Merry-Go-Rounds,Meteor Showers,
Mice,Microphones,Milkshakes,Minecraft,Mini Golf,Miniatures,
Money,Monsters.The Moon,Moon Boots,Moon Bounces,
Morphing Objects,Movies,Mud (and mudpies),Mummies,
Necklaces,Neon Lights,Nicknames,Ninjas,Novelty Book,
Nutella,The Ocean,Ogres,Orangutans,Origami,Outer Space
Packing Peanuts,Pancakes (Flapjacks),Paper Airplanes
Paper Football,Parachutes,Parrots,Parties,Peace Signs
Pebbles,Penguins,Pennies,Peppermint,Petit Fours,
Picture Books,Pie Eating Contests,
Pies in the Face (not theirs!),Piggy Banks.Pillow Fights,
Pixar Movies.Pizza,Planetariums,Playdates,Playgrounds,
Pogo Sticks,Pony Rides,Pools,Pop-up Books,Popcorn
Popsicles (and Popsicle Sticks).Poptropica,Pop Stars,
Porch Swings,Posters,Pretending,Princesses,Prizes
Puddles,Pumpkin Picking,Puns,Puppets,Puzzles,Rabbits,
Race Cars,Rainbows,Rainforests,Recess,
Red Light, Green Light,Relay Races,Repeating What You Say,
Reptiles,Rhymes,Ribbons,Robot,Rock Stars,Rockets,
Roller Coasters,Roller Skates,Routines,
Rubber Bands (and Rubber Band Balls),Sailboats,
Sand Castles,Sandboxes,Seashells,Scary Stories
Science Experiments,Scooters,Sea Horses,Sea Turtles,Secrets,Secret Codes,Secret Passageways,
See-saws,Series Fiction,Sequins,Shadow Puppets,
Sharing Music,Sharks,Shiny Things,Shoe Boxes,
Shooting Stars,Sibling Rivalry,Sidewalk Chalk,Silly Bandz,
Silly Words,Singing,Skateboards,Skeeball,Skeletons,
Skim Boards,Skipping,Skyscrapers,Skywriting,Sleeping Bags,
Smiley Faces,S’mores,Snow Days,Snowball Fights,
Snowboards,Snowmen,Soapbox Derbys,Soccer,
Sock Monkeys,Soda (Pop),Somersaults,Spaghetti,
Sparkles,Sparklers,Spider Webs,Spitballs,Sprinklers,Sprinkles,
Squirt Guns,Squirting Flowers,Squishies,Staying Up Late,
Stickers,Stilts,Stopwatches,Straws,Stuffed Animals,
Summer Camp,Sundaes,Sunshowers,Super Heroes,
Super Powers,Superstitions,Super villains ,Surfing,Surprises,
Swimming,Swings,Swords,Syrup,Tae Kwon Do,Tadpoles,Tag,
Tall Tales,Teasing,Telescope.Television,Telling Lies,
Temporary Tattoos,Tents,Texting,Tickling,Tide Pools,Tie-Dyes,
Time Capsules,Time Travel,Tire Swings,Tongue Twisters,
The Tooth Fairy,Their Own Space,Toys,Toy Guns,Trains,
Trampolines,Trap Doors,Trapeze Artists,Treasure Hunts,
Treehouses,Trophies,Turtles,Twisting the Truth,Unicorn,
Unicycles,Unwrapping a Gift,Vacation,Vampires,Velcro,
Video Games,Villains,Volcanoes,Waffles,
Wagons,Walkie-Talkies,Water Fountains,
Water Slides (and Water Parks),Watermelon,Waves,
Weekends,Weird Stuff,Wellies (Rainboots),Whales,Whirlygigs,
Whistles,Wind Chimes,Winning Contests,Winning Games,
Wishing Wells,Wizards,Word Searches,X-ray Vision,
Black fairy nothing will Make you & Roland to calm down
Henry & Roland oh yeah!
Black fairy the more you stay up the more darkness you become.
Black fairy you & Roland also have more disorder is Alcohol Addiction,Binge Eating Disorder, Caffeine Addiction,, Dyslexia, Gambling Addiction,Insomnia,Language Disorder,Learning Disorders,Pain disorder,Panic attacks,Passive-aggressive personality disorder,Pathological gambling,Reading disorder. Restless Leg Syndrome,Separation Anxiety Disorder
Henry & Roland yeah!
Black fairy your two heart will be completely darkness no more hero in you two heart
Henry & Roland we will turn 5 trillions% darkness in the heart ?
Black fairy yup!
Henry & Roland what can we watch on YouTube
Black fairy 82 airborne divisions,Adam B,
You two are In Change of Aiden & Connor,Alford Andrews music art for kid Hub,Atl dummer,callum B, Chandler children choir,Children threader compan,Clearwater Marianne aquarium Coin Amazing.Crumb cookies,Dairydose,Diezel oritz,Extreme toys tv,Geocaching,Bobby & his family read the newspaper when being hyper! Jake & Ty,Liam. & Antony,Matt b raps volg,Matt braps,Michael world,Minnesota boys choir.MN state fair,Minnesota twins,Ninja kids,one voice choir,Pc Holdness,Ranger oritz,Roland.Roland omg.Ryland the magic boy,Toby 13,Finn 11,Roy 7,Eli & Liam Twintoys,voice of hope children choir,wonderbot YouTube channel
Henry & Roland can the our YouTube channel sleepover?
Black fairy of course Aiden & Connor Sharps,Alford Andrew,Calum B,Jake & Ty, Liam & Antony, Matt B raps, Roland, Michael,Penn Charlie Holderness, Diezel Ranger Oritz,Ryland,Toby 13,Finn 11 Roy 7, Eli & Liam Twintoys, sleepover all night !
Henry & Roland can we drink Eli & Liam speed drink?
Black fairy yeah
Eli & Liam Twintoys oh yeah let’s not sleep.
Henry & Roland okay we won’t sleep anyside effect?
Eli & Liam you two may want to to have sex like really horney