Chapter Text
Author's Notes:
This story had many terms and acronyms in it. My military training taught me to provide a reference for acronyms and unfamiliar terms. I have included idioms, slang, military slang, translations, phrases, and fictional references to things in the Stargate Universe.
This way when you see a phrase you don't get... 'spit nails' or 'all risk and no reward'... You can look it up here to try and figure out what the intent behind the phrase means.
Acronyms List:
All risk and no reward - Idiom. The possible profit that a particular activity may make, in relation to the risk involved in doing it.
Anathema - 1) a person or thing detested or loathed. 2) a person or thing accursed or consigned to damnation or destruction.
Asgard - Species name for race of beings that inhabit the Ida Galaxy. They were found by the Ancients. The Asgard are an advanced race of beings that have taken a protective stance over the Milky Way Galaxy when the Ancients departed for a higher plane of existence.
Ashrak - Goa'uld. Hunter. Goa'uld assassin.
Atoniek - Fictional. Race of humans who use technology to combat the Goa'uld. The race is now extinct. Some of their technology still exists.
Blood of Nun - Drug. Fictional. Used to changed the mental states of the people it is used on. Creates a 'Bond' between beings with naquadah in their blood.
CA - Acronym. California. State in the USA.
Chappa’ai – Goa'uld. Stargate. Portal. Ring. Anulus. Gateway to the Heavens. Doorway to Hell.
CO - Acronym. 1. Commanding Officer. Officer in Command of a Unit or direct superior to another officer or enlisted service member. 2. Acronym. State of Colorado. USA.
CPR - Acronym. Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation. Medial emergency intervention when a human heart has stopped or breathing and the human airway is obstructed. This process allows the human to survive until medical intervention can be performed.
Eyes - Weapon. The Eyes work in conjunction with each other to enhance the orbital blast from a Ha'tak. All five Eyes are required to use this weapon.-Eye of Tiamat - Last seen in the possession of High System Lord Marduk.-Eye of Osiris - Last seen in the possession of High System Lord Osiris.-Eye of Seth - Last seen in the possession of High System Lord Seth.-Eye of Apophis - Last seen in the possession of High System Lord Apophis.-Eye of Ra - Last seen in the possession of Supreme System Lord Ra.
First Person Perspective (First Party Report) - Concept. When we talk about ourselves, our opinions, and the things that happen to us, we generally speak in the first person perspective.
Goa’uld - Goa'uld. Species name for symbiotes. Usually refers to symbiotes who have taken a host. They prefer to be called gods.
Grain of Salt - Idiom. 1) To understand that something is not completely true or right. 2) Not take something too seriously. 3) Accept, but with some reservations or skepticism. 4) Don’t exactly believe something.
Ha’tak – Goa'uld. Ship. Goa'uld large mothership. Attack ship. Capable of orbital attack.
Ha’taka – Goa'uld. Insult. Strong swear word ‘motherfucker.’
Hearsay - Information received from other people that one cannot adequately substantiate. Rumor.
Hedge around - Slang. To limit or restrict (something). Usually used as (be) hedged; with or by. Reference to forming a bush hedge around a yard or building to protect it. Used to indicate forming a protective barrier around information. To skirt the issue being addressed.
High System Lord - Goa'uld Rank. A High System Lord has often fought for dominance over the System Lords in their quadrant of space. They are a member of the System Lord Council. The total of High System Lords is seven. All actions taken in the Milky Way Galaxy are directed from direct input from the System Lord Council. System Lords who refuse to swear allegiance to a High System Lord are labeled as rogue.
Hot Button - Idiom. An emotional and usually controversial issue or concern that triggers immediate intense reaction.
IDC – Acronym. Identification Code.
Information Bias - Term. Information bias is a type of error that occurs when key study variables are incorrectly measured or classified. Information bias can affect the findings of observational or experimental studies due to systematic differences in how data is obtained from various study groups.
Jaffa - Goa'uld. Created race of warrior class. Based on human DNA.
Kosher - Hebrew. 1) fit or allowed to be eaten or used, according to the dietary or ceremonial laws. 2) adhering to the laws governing such fitness. 3) Informal: proper. legitimate, genuine, authentic.
Knee jerk - phrase. 1) a reflex extension of the leg, caused by contraction of the quadriceps, resulting from a sharp tap on the patellar tendon; patellar reflex. 2) Informal phrase. Reacting according to a certain habitual manner. unthinking.
Kresh’ta – Goa'uld. Outcast.
Kresh’ta Lo’taur – Goa'uld. Outcast Lo’taur. Outcast Loyal Slave.
Liar. Liar. Pants on fire - Proverb. Slang. A childhood taunt that declares that someone is believed to be lying.
Lo’taur - Goa'uld. Loyal slave. Personal human servant to the System Lords.
Naquadah - Fictional metal present in the Stargate Universe. Metal is highly conductive and explosive at high temperatures. Stronger than steel.
Ne'tu - Goa'uld. Location. Terra-formed moon that has been transformed into a version of hell.
NID – Acronym. National Intelligence Division.
Nishta – Goa'uld. Drug. Goa'uld drug that makes the victim fall under the command of the Goa'uld who uses it. Biologic agent. Not stable enough to survive electrical current.
Once more unto the breach - quote. From Shakespeare's play, Henry V, Act III, Scene I. The literal meaning of this phrase is “let us try one more time,” or “try again.” In common expression, this phrase implies that one goes into the battle again, no matter whether it is a real battle in the battlefield, or a battle in daily life; one should always try again.
Orak Kek – Goa'uld. Unspeakable Death. Name given by the Rebel Jaffa to the mechanical devices that Anubis uses to decimate entire populations of planets.
Out of the Loop - Idiom. To not be part of a group of people who make decisions about important things, or know about these decisions. To be uninformed.
Over (one's) head - Idiom. 1. Too complicated to be understood by one. 2. Bypassing one's authority. 3. Lingering as a source of concern or worry for one.
PA - Acronym. Public Address system, ‘Giant Voice.’ Overhead audio communication system.
Paradigm Shift - phrase. A radical change in underlying beliefs or theory.
Prim’tah – Goa'uld. Larval Goa'uld symbiote used by Jaffa.
Reenlokia – Goa'uld. Name for Asgard.
Rise to the bait - Idiom. To accept an offer or suggestion that seems good but is really a trick.
Rub (one) the wrong way - Idiom. To annoy someone without intending to. Similar to a cat's reaction when you rub their fur up their back.
Sarcophagus - Device. Name of healing device used by the Goa'uld to prolong the lives of their host. Device has serious side effects and becomes addictive. Tok'ra refuse to use the device.
Second Person Perspective (Second Party Report) - Concept. The second-person perspective belongs to the person (or people) being addressed. This is the “you” perspective. The person who receives the first person perspective.
SG - Acronym. Stargate. Usually used with specific team numbers.
SGC - Acronym. Stargate Command.
Shol’va – Goa'uld. Traitor. Heretic. Betrayer of their god.
Sim’ka - Goa'uld. Beloved. Betrothed. System Lord household staff slaves.
Spit Nails - Idiom. Someone is speaking or behaving in an extremely angry way.
Supreme System Lord - Goa'uld Rank. Leader of the System Lord Council.
System Lord - Goa'uld Rank. Indicates the status of a Goa'uld who has sworn allegiance to a High System Lord and is given the care of one or more planets to manage for the High System Lord. This Goa'uld may or may not have their own Jaffa. All usually have a lo'taur.
System Lord Council - Goa'uld Rank. Indicates the oversight council of all the System Lords in the Milky Way Galaxy. The council consists of a Supreme System Lord and six High System Lords. In the absence of a Supreme System Lord, another High System Lord is designated for that region of space.
Tau’ri – Goa'uld. Human, The First World, People from the First World. Earth. People of Earth.
TER – Acronym. Transphase Eradication Rod.
The ends justify the means - Phrase. It is used to say that a desired result is so good or important that any method, even a morally bad one, may be used to achieve it.
Third Person Perspective (Third Party Report) - Concept. The third-person perspective to the person (or people) being talked about. This is the perspective that has no direct knowledge of the issue being discussed.
Tok’ra – Goa'uld. Against Ra. Faction of rebellious symbiotes who oppose Goa’uld rule.
Tretonin – A fictional drug used by Jaffa to replace prim’tah. This drug was developed on the planet Pangar. It used the ground up remains of Goa'uld larva to create. Earth learned to synthesize that component.
US – Acronym. United States.
USA - Acronym. United States of America. US Army. Which acronym depends on the context of the use.
Za’tarc – Goa'uld. Mind control. Programmed Assassin. Also used to describe teh devices used to describe the person who is mind controlled and the device used to detect the brain washing used.
Zat - Slang. Goa'uld. Device. Weapon. Short term for the zat'ni'katel.
Zat’ni’katel - Goa'uld. Device. Weapon. Small, side arm. Energy gun. Uses liquid naquadah power source. Shortened to Zat.
Zatted - Slang. Goa'uld. Action of shooting a person or thing with the zat'ni'katel. One shot will stun the person (human sized). Two shots in succession will kill the person (human sized). Three shots will disintegrate a person.
Tok'ra High Council
- Selmak (Jacob) (Brood 3-Angry. Cautious)
- Garshaw (Yosuuf) (Brood 6-Secretive. Success. Planning.)
- Per'sus (Sargon) (Brood 6-Secretive. Success. Planning.)
- Thoran (Yaw) (replaced Cordesh) (Brood 10 - Fear. Hatred. Subversion. Defiance.)
- Anise (Freya) (replaced Re'nal) (Brood 5-Cautious. Scientific Curiousity.)
- Sina (Naira) (Brood 4-Tired. Cautious.)
- Malek (Baako) (Brood 4-Tired. Cautious.)
Egeria's Timeline:
I created this timeline to be roughly the same as the Canon Timeline. There may be some minor differences, but I don't think that this timeline is too far out of whack from Canon.
5500 years ago: Egeria was spawned by Queen Aset with Ra.
5492 years ago: Egeria takes her first host. Her host was willing and very helpful in establishing that the Queens out rank the Drones. Ra has no power over her. She teachs Egeria the benefits of having a willing host.
5300 years ago: Ra orders Bastet to bond with Sobek. Bastet goes willingly because she wants to leave the compound. She doesn't like Sobek, but she can control him. Bastet convinces Egeria to let her go.
5200 years ago: Hathor rebels against Ra on Earth. Ra is almost seduced by the nishta to her will. His High Priestess is the one who is able to subdue Hathor. Hathor had subverted all of his male Jaffa. This allowed her access to Ra to subvert him. Ra imprisoned her in her sarcophagus.
5100 years ago: It takes Egeria 300 years to learn how to hand over control to the host. The host is thankful and seldom uses her control.
5000 years ago: Ra demands that Egeria bond with Seth. Egeria refuses. Egeria spawns a her first brood of Tok'ra. These symbiotes hold her rage against Ra. Their one thought was to kill Ra.
- Brood 01: Iunu. Angry. Destroy Ra at all costs. [all died] [50 - 50d] [Egeria is 500 years old]
5000 years ago: Isis, Osiris, and Seth rebel against Ra. Ra easily captures Isis and Osiris. Seth Escapes to hide on Earth. Ra imprisions Isis and Osiris (her bondmate) in stasis jars and seals the jars in a temple dedicated to Isis and Osiris.
4999 years ago: Egeria flees the Queens' Compound at Iunu when word comes to the Compound of the rebellion of Isis, Osiris and Seth on Tau'ri. Egeria spawns the second brood of Tok'ra at Iunu before she flees. Ra is so occupied trying to hunt down Seth and executing their Jaffa that he becomes distracted.
- Brood 02: Iunu. Angry and resentful of Ra making demands of a Queen. Destroy Ra as violently as possible. [all died] [30 - 30d] [Egeria is 501 years old]
4998 years ago: Earth humans rebel against Ra while he is distracted. Ra's disgust at the amount of distractions these two rebellions cause force him to kick all the Goa'uld off of Earth. He plans on leaving them distracted. Egeria sneaks into the Queens Compound on Olympos to spawn her their brood of Tok'ra.
- Brood 03: Olympos. Angry. Cautious. All Goa'uld are violent and hateful creatures. They all need to die. But caution must be used to destroy their power first. [Selmak (last of her brood), (30 total-29 are dead)] [30 - 29d] [Egeria is 502 years old]
4992 years ago: After 8 years, the first brood spawned by Egeria are implanted in hosts. They first transfer hosts and then begin to harrass Ra. Ra has been plagued by assassination attempts on his person. He has begun to become paranoid as Goa'uld he has never seen before try to kill him.
4982 years ago: Ra has spent 10 years trying to find the source of the rebelling Goa'uld. He finally learns that they have been directed by their Queen to eliminate him. He tortures six Tok'ra to discover that Queen Egeria is their Queen. His daughter.
4800 years ago: Egeria's sneaks into the Queens' Compund on Babel to spawn the fourth brood of Tok'ra.
- Brood 04: Babel. Tired. Cautious. Jaffa are not to be trusted. Jaffa will only serve their master. They must be avoided at all costs. [Rileigh, Sina, Malek, Thellas] [30 - 20d] [Egeria is 600 years old]
4700 years ago: Egeria sneaks into the Queens' Compount on Kom Ombo to spawn the fifth brood of Tok'ra.
- Brood 05: Kom Ombo. Cautious. Scientific curiosity. Humans are clever, but hardly useful. Use humans to undermine the Goa'uld. [Anise, Re'nal, Ta'seem, Ocker, Jalrow] [50 - 6d] [Egeria is 700 years old]
4600 years ago: Egeria sneaks into the Queens' Compound on Othrys to spawn the sixth brood of Tok'ra.
- Brood 06: Othrys. Secretive. Success. Planning. Egeria subverted two Goa'uld. This is possible. Get the Goa'uld to fight each other. Managing success is key. [Per'sus, Garshaw] [40 - 3d] [Egeria is 800 years old]
4500 years ago: Egeria's host is raped while she is trying to sneak into the Queens Compound on Esna. Egeria spawns the seventh brood of Tok'ra. Host is Vegoia.
- Brood 07: Esna. Violent. Rage. Pain. Hate. Betrayal. Not long after Egeria was raped by some of her allies. No one can be trusted. Hide. Stay a secret. [all died] [30 - 30d] [Egeria is 900 years old]
4300 years ago: Egeria is betrayed by the Jaffa who allowed her access to Iunu. She is able to spawn the eighth brood of Tok'ra before she escapes. She has to force herself into a new host to hide. Vegoia traps Rath Alphu and pleds with Egeria to leave her. Vegoia lead the Jaffa off after she has taken Rath Alphu. Rath Alphu was taken against her will.
- Brood 08: Iunu. Violent. Betrayal. Resentment. Anger. The mean justify the ends. The Jaffa must die. (Host was taken against their will. Resentment and Anger from host). [Jolinar, Kelmaa] [50 - 20d] [Egeria is 1100 years old]
4100 years ago: Egeria uses deception to subvert her way into the Queens Compound on Olympos. She spawns the ninth brood of Tok'ra. She is enraged that her Queen Mother has not been heard from in almost 500 years. Ra no longer allows Queen Aset off of Abydos.
- Brood 09: Olympos. Violent. Faking status can forward my goals of subversion. Ra must be ended. Drones cannot rule without a Queen. [Jalen, Lantash, Zanuf, Aldwin, Korra] [40 - 35d] [Egeria is 1300 years old]
3800 years ago: Egeria sneaks into the Queens Compound on Delos. She has to use subversion and a distraction to accomplish this task. She is determined not to allow Ra to capture her. Her host is fatally injured. She flees and the only host available is insane. She decides to blend anyway. The mind of the host drives her insane. She spawns the tenth brood of Tok'ra. Egeria had to flee Rath Alphu when she was fatally injured. Egeria was able to crawl into hiding. She took the closest human on the street. Llithiia was insane and had been living on the street when Egeria took her.
- Brood 10: Delos. Fear. Hatred. Subversion. Defiance. Subversion is the key. Make the evil Goa'uld kill each other. I will not let Ra take me prisoner again. (last Brood). [Kanan, Thoran, Cordesh, (Khonsu), Zarin] [50 - 30] [Egeria is 1600 years old]
3700 years ago: Egeria is captured by Ra as she attempts to sneak into the Queens' Compound on Iunu. This is in part because she has gone insane and is taking illogical risks. Ra has her placed in a stasis jar and sealed in a temple on Pangar. He bans all other Goa'uld from traveling to the planet.