Work Text:
“Looking back, they were all pretty happy to have you.” Comfortable leaning against the bridge’s guard rail and overlooking that enchanting, sunset-kissed river, May rested her chin in her crossed arms. “I wish I could’ve gotten to meet them, too.”
Akira stood with her back to that peaceful water. Her elbows against the rail, she had her eyes on the lazy clouds above. “I wouldn’t say it’s too late for you to do just that.”
May closed an eye. “They don’t sound like ‘my’ type.”
Akira thought it certainly ridiculous to consider her friends would engage May’s burning obsession with the ‘nerdier’ side of culture—Karin especially. “You can’t be certain.” She’d found herself a smile in the moment. “I changed your mind, after all.”
May perked up at that, facing Akira with a finger pointed. “You were different from the start!” She blurted defensively. Immediately after did she slump back down, once more focusing on the peaceful water below. “—Maybe you have a point.”
It was Akira’s turn to look May over. “I’ll be there.”
“To help you get along, I mean.” Akira shut both eyes, and recalled the warm atmosphere of the Kanzuki estate. “I trust those people.”
May finally grinned, tickled. “And I trust you.”
Their gazes met under that falling sun. Hours of solitude could be so quickly dissuaded when they were in each other’s presence. So felt May when she decided, right that second, to give Akira’s newer friends a fair shot.
“So is one really a ninja? Like, the real deal?!”
“You wouldn’t think it meeting her, but she’s something of a prodigy.”
“Japan’s got it all, huh?!”
“We’re just one piece to the puzzle, May.”