
Work Header

A Lone Sapling.

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Dipper's work day so far had been shockingly enjoyable. His tour group was particularly interested in the supernatural side of Gravity Falls, and some even indulged him and asking him about personal experiences. Even the multi-bear made a surprise appearance, giving Dipper a bit of a chuckle as the crowd gasped. Yes, overall it had been a very worthwhile tour. However, he hadn't been expecting a slightly panicked text message from Wirt just after his morning group left to go on their own way around the town.


Wirt: Dipper, please get home ASAP.

Wirt: It's pretty urgent.

Wirt: Well, as urgent is something can be when nobody is in danger.

Dipper: Alr, just got off work for morning, home in 5.

Wirt: Thank you, so much. X



Normally the drive back to their isolated home took about eight or nine minutes from the centre of Gravity Falls where Dipper started and finished his tours. He made it in three, thanks to a mix of worry, determination, and maybe a little bit of reckless driving. Grunkle Stan had taught him well. He pulled into their driveway and quickly got out, heading towards the door. However, before he got a chance to insert a key, Wirt quietly opened the door.


"Hey swe-" Dipper began, only to be silenced by one of Wirt's fingers being placed over his lips. His husband gestured for him to come inside, still not speaking. He nodded to the side towards their sofa, confusing Dipper slightly. Or at least, until he spotted the vague shape of something curled beneath a yellow blanket, breathing softly. A look of realisation dawned on Dipper's face, although he by no means had figured out the full picture. Grabbing onto Wirt's wrist, Dipper gently pulled him into their kitchen so that they could talk properly without risking waking the sleeping person. 


"I'm sorry, I- I just couldn't leave him. He hadn't eaten in days, and- and he'd been sleeping on a matress filled with bugs,  and- his own mother." Wirt immediately began to apologise, his breathing speeding up and his eyes beginning to glow white. Dipper reached out, grabbing one of Wirt's shaking hands and gently rubbing his thumb. 


"We'll figure it out sweetheart." Dipper stated calmly, his soft voice doing wonders to ease Wirt's nerves. "Let's start by letting me know who this kid is, and if we'll get in any legal trouble for having him here." 


Wirt sniffed, blinking a bit as he started to nod. "Yeah, yeah. His name is Kody, he's eleven, we won't get in any trouble cause his mother thinks he's dead, and the reason she thinks he's dead is because she forced him to eat peanuts when he's totally allergic." Wirt ran through the details quickly. "I found him sleeping in the old schoolhouse. When I offered to take him back to bis home he was terrified, so I asked if he wanted to come here instead." Wirt gave a small smile, "He fell asleep the moment he sat down in the couch." 

Dipper nodded thoughtfully. "Well then, I feel like food should be the first port of call. Then we get him situated in the guest room?" 


Wirt gave another soft smile and planted a kiss on Dipper's cheek. "I'm so happy to have you. Can you get started on dinner while I go and wake Kody up?" He asked, and after being responded to with a yes he headed off to go and wake the sleeping boy. 



"Hey Kody, it's time to wake up." Wirt whispered, gently shaking their guest awake. The boy's eyes snapped open, his previously calm expression making way for a split second of panic before he remembered where he was. 


"Oh-" He mumbled drearily, moving into an upright position quickly. "I've probably outstayed my welcome. Sorry-" Kody was staring at the ground as he spoke, standing up from his seat.


Wirt simply shook his head, reaching out a hand and placing it on Kody's shoulder. "No, no, nothing like that. I only came to tell you that my husband is cooking some dinner.  I'll introduce you to him, and then would you like to help me pick the salad." He asked gently, getting a quiet 'mhm' in reply to the question.


The man smiled and stood up, gesturing for Kody to follow him into the kitchen. Dipper stood next to the counter, working in something that smelled delicious, although he turned when he heard the two coming in. Wirt stepped in, followed by an only slightly cautious Kody, who greeted Dipper with a small, shy wave. 


"It's nice to meet you Mr. Thank you for letting me stay here." He mumbled quietly, Dipper shaking his head.

"It's not an issue, stay for as long as you need. I'm Dipper, and it's nice to meet you too. I hope hamburgers are alright for dinner?" 


Kody seemed genuinely shocked at Dipper and Wirt's offer of both shelter and food. He wondered whether Dipper was also some sort of forest spirit like Wirt was, or whether he just enjoyed living far out im the forest. He broke himself out of his thoughts with a nod.

"Hamburgers are good, thank you alot Mr Dipper." He replied gratefully. 

"We're going to go and pick some salad from the garden. Any requests?" 

"Lettuce and onions for the burgers sound nice to me. Other than that I think you two should decide." Dipper responded with a smile.

"Alright sweetheart. Be back in a few minutes." Wirt leant over to place a light kiss on Dippers cheek, before gesturing for Kody to follow him out of the glass doors to the back garden.



The garden of the house was large, and so were the plants growing in it. All sorts of fruit and veg grew neatly in wooden planters, or on a group of trees that bordered the rest of the forest. A huge bundle of berry bushes grew along a set trellises on the wall to the house, all fruiting despite many not being in season. In fact, all of the plants seemed to be thriving and fully grown, despite all of them blooming at different points. One edge appeared to be designated for flowers, a vast array of colours from the plants.

Wirt headed over towards the tomato plants, picking a couple from the stem, as well as grabbing a fresh lettuce. He looked over to Kody. "Nice garden right? I spend a lot of time out here. It's calming." 

Kody looked around in awe for a second, blinking a little bit. "It's amazing." He breathed, "I didn't have a garden back home. We lived in a flat in a city." He explained, walking over towards some of the plants.

"Pick anything you like to have with dinner. There's plenty of it, and we can always grow more." Wirt said nonchalantly, letting Kody go around and choose what he'd like. He eventually decided what he wanted, just in time for Dipper to call out that the hamburgers were finished cooking.  

Wirt quickly headed inside, and Kody followed inside. The table was just beginning to be set, and while he knew there was a lot that needed to be done, he felt hopeful.