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Welcome To The Circus


Quackity runs a circus of hybrids for the entertainment of humans who don't understand them.
There's multiple things going on underneath the surface that people won't realize until it's too late.


Haaaaaa I really don't know how to describe this thing. I don't know how to tag it. It's really just an AU that uses dark concepts and dark themes but in a more wholesome light. Because Las Nevadas does care about each other and they love each other and they're all one big happy family that sometimes eats people.
Quackity treats them during the show like they're less than human, like they're more animal than they are human. And they act like they are to go along with it. But he doesn't mean those things that he says and he really does care about all of them. Especially Wilbur.
Just be careful while you read please <3

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

The smell of fried foods and powered rides permeated through the air. The smell of redstone dust, the sound of excited screaming and cheers from performances and shows all over the carnival, the ever present flashing signs, the sounds of balloons popping, and of course, the various noises from the different games littered around the park. 

Quackity smiled as he grabbed his cane off of its hook, adjusting his top hat and gloves before twirling the cane in his hands to test his grip. He took a deep breath, breathing in the carnival air as he glanced at his mirror sitting in the corner. 

He reflected on his red, gold, and black suit, every inch of him the stereotypical ring master. Call him basic, but he really did love the style of the outfit.  

He walked over to a large covered cage that was well over twice his size, tapping the bars through the tarp with his cane. 

"We've got a packed house tonight," he says, voice raised just enough so those in the other cages could hear him. "Remember, keep it thrilling." 

He laughed upon hearing a sleepy hiss from inside the cage. 

Quackity walked away from the cages, poking his head outside of the tent, "Alright, let's get this shit moving before showtime. Remember, the enderian and the bee first. Those two are my opening act. And you better be careful with the larger cages. Drop any of them or tip them over and those are your paychecks on the line." 

The carnival workers nodded, dipping inside the tent to move the cages as he exited. 

He always walked around the carnival before his show started. Something as a way to clear his nerves and prepare himself as he went over what to say and do. It was all routine at this point, but sometimes it was good to keep the show interesting. 

He breathed in the carnival air once again, deciding to go and get a little snack while the show was being set up. 

The drums rolled as Quackity twirled his cane in hand, the spotlights beginning to move around the big top as the crowd quieted. 

"Ladies and gentlemen!" He called, hearing his voice echo from each speaker across the ring. "Boys and girls! Men, women, anything in between, and people of all ages, welcome to Las Nevadas!" 

The spotlights found him as he gestured widely around the area, the crowd clapping, cheering, and whistling for him. 

"My name," he continued. "Is Quackity Nevadas! The owner and ring master of this fine show!" 

He started walking around in circles to address the whole crowd gathered in the stands. 

"Now, I know why you're all here," he chuckled, holding up a finger as he stabbed his cane into the sand below him. "You all saw the various posters and ads around the carnival about my circus and you're curious, no? After all, it's not very often you hear about a hybrid circus."

The crowd whistled and clapped at that before growing quiet again, allowing him to continue. 

"Yes indeed, this isn't a circus where you see tigers and trapeze artists. There aren't clowns and tightropes. No, I present to you one of the finest collections of hybrids in the country! I'm something of a collector you see, I've traveled around the world collecting some of the most rare and unique hybrid species you'll ever lay eyes on. So if there are any fellow collectors in the crowd tonight looking to make some money, you'll find my number on any of the ads and posters around the carnival. Hit me up, I love adding to my act." 

He held his fingers in the shape of a phone, making the crowd laugh and giggle. 

Quackity grinned brightly and wide, "So stay in those seats folks, you won't ever see a collection quite like mine. Ranging from some common things like a bee or slime, to something even rarer than a dragon."

The crowd oooh'ed as he smirked, winking up at the stands as he walked.

"We have exciting things planned tonight. Please keep your phones and devices in your pockets at all times. And if you must take pictures, keep your flash off. Hybrids are vicious and volatile creatures, and a lot of them are sensitive to sudden bright lights. So for your own safety, as well as mine, please, I have enough scars as is-" 

He pointed out the one over his eye, making some of the crowd wince. It was a jagged thing that discolored that eye into a more greyish color versus his natural brown. Quite disturbing for people to look at for too long, typically. 

"-Please keep your phones and pictures to yourself. Besides, my main attraction wouldn't have the surprise factor it normally does if people talked about it too much. Wouldn't want to ruin the mystery and majesty for other shows, would we?" 

He swept into a dramatic bow. 

"So with no further adieu, let's bring in the first hybrids." 

Sitting back up and returning to the middle of the ring, he snapped his fingers and two cages were rolled in from either side of the ring. 

"First up in my collection, we have a common hybrid and one that's certainly more rare," Quackity began as the spotlights focused on the two covered cages. "The one on my right-" 

He gestured with his cane to indicate which side and which cage. 

"-Is native to the flower fields of the northeastern side of the world. But you can find them almost anywhere nowadays. A hybrid that gains power from being near flowers and nature, even able to heal deadly wounds and poison when near them. Despite being common, this hybrid can really pack a punch when angered. So let's make sure to welcome him regardless. Please give a round of applause for our most insect-like hybrid, Tubbo!" 

With a flick of his hand the curtain was ripped off the cage, revealing the bee-hybrid inside. 

Tubbo's four insect-like wings buzzed as he looked up at the crowd, antenna flicking back and forth as the crowd clapped. 

"Now, something to note about Tubbo here is that, as a bee-hybrid, he's decently docile until angered. And bee-hybrids are very easily trainable, as is standard with the more common hybrids. It's why bees are typically very recommended for beginning collectors. So long as you're not trying to get your hands on a queen bee. Those things are quite vicious." 

The crowd laughed as Tubbo's cage was opened up. The short hybrid quietly stepping out of the cage. 

"Thanks to his more docile nature, Tubbo here will be helping us out for the rest of the night. Don't be scared now, we've taken every precaution imaginable and trust me, out of all the hybrids in today's show he's the one you should worry about the least." 

Tubbo's cage was rolled away, leaving the bee-hybrid staring up innocently at the crowd. 

"And now for Tubbo's stage partner," Quackity continued, gesturing with his left hand at the second cage. 

"Now, let me tell you, it was quite the difficult feat to get my hands on this fine specimen," he chuckled. "Do be advised, this is a more dangerous hybrid in my collection, but in practice he's perfectly docile until provoked. General rule of thumb for this creature is to avoid eye contact at any and all cost." 

"Hailing from the mysterious End, I now introduce you to a powerful hybrid, give it up for our enderian! Ranboo!" 

A wave of his hand and the curtain was removed, revealing the tall hybrid inside. 

Ranboo was probably one of the tallest in their group, horns on their head and skin entirely pitch black. Claws on his fingers and a tail swaying back and forth behind him. 

They flinched upon the loud cheers of the crowd reaching their pointed ears. Once the crowd had calmed again the door to Ranboo's cage was opened up and they stepped outside of it. 

"With introductions out of the way, let's get into the first act of the show," Quackity called, raising his hand and causing the crowd to cheer again. 

He tapped his cane twice on the ground, twirling it in his hand before stabbing it into the sand like earlier. 

Tubbo and Ranboo were off, Tubbo flying up into the air and Ranboo teleporting after him. 

They chased each other all over the ring and rafters above, Ranboo skillfully using his ender particles to make Tubbo's wings sparkle and shine in the spotlights as they chased the two rushing hybrids around. 

Tubbo grabbed Ranboo's hands at one point and tossed him up to some of the platforms connected to the poles holding the tent up. Ranboo stuck the landing while Tubbo flew through rings connected to a tightrope between the two platforms. All the while Ranboo started skipping across the tightrope with his tail swaying cheerily, cat-like elegance and reflexes as he occasionally did a short blink ahead to rain more ender particles down on the flying bee-hybrid. 

The enderian tipped forward into balancing with one hand on the tightrope, his tail curling majestically as Tubbo flew around him. Ranboo tipped forward as Tubbo darted off, getting back on their feet as he made his way to the other side of the rope and the secondary platform. 

Quackity smirked, holding up his left hand as Tubbo flew around the tent, the bee-hybrid circling around and grabbing his hand. He was lifted clean off the ground much to the gasps and surprise of the crowd. 

"Not to worry folks," he called as Tubbo placed him down on one of the platforms again. "Despite his short stature Tubbo here, as a bee-hybrid, is naturally very strong. As you can see, very easily capable of lifting me clean off the ground and carrying me all the way up here!" 

The crowd began to clap. 

The ringmaster chuckled slightly, stepping closer to the edge of the platform. 

"Whoa, long way down, eh?" He prompted. "Luckily for me, I know a short cut." 

He gave the crowd a two fingered salute before grabbing on to his hat and jumping off the platform. 

A few people in the crowd screamed and shouted before Ranboo blinked into action, grabbing onto Quackity while he was falling before teleporting back to the ground safely. 

The sense of teleportation was always strange for Quackity. It felt unusual. Always made his feathers prickle. 

Tubbo landed on his other side as Ranboo set him down, both taking a bow as the crowd cheered and clapped. Tubbo was bowing to one side of the crowd, and Ranboo to the other. 

"Alrighty then folks!" Quackity called, waving his hand for silence. "Thank you, thank you. I'm sure they appreciate the love! You'll be seeing a lot more of them and their powers tonight, seeing how they'll be helping me for the rest of the show. But I won't bore you with this, let's move on to the next hybrids!"

Tubbo and Ranboo took off to the opposite sides of the tent, beginning to roll out the next set of covered cages. 

"Now, inside one of these cages is a Kitsune, all the way from the eastern side of the world. A powerful creature that can live for thousands of years, and possessing abilities that even I don't quite understand. Control of fire, manipulation of skillful illusions, and many more other abilities I'm not sure of. Don't worry though, the beast is young and well trained, we won't be experiencing any issues tonight." 

"And in the other cage... I'll be honest I have no idea where it is that they came from. I bought them off of another collector when they were young and said collector also had no idea. I'll be honest everyone, I'm starting to think they just spawn into the world one day." 

That managed to win some laughter. 

"So, let me introduce to you Fundy and Slime!" 

Fundy was the youngest in their group, a little kitsune who wasn't nearly old enough to have a second or third tail yet. Let alone the nine tails they're typically known for. He was mischievous and fun loving, using his illusions and soul fire to create beautiful performances to dazzle the crowd. 

Slime...unfortunately had never really had a name. And since Quackity wasn't one to really give names he just called Slime that, Slime. Once the little hybrid was older he always told him he could pick a name that he felt comfortable with. But he stuck to Slime because that's what he was used to and he wouldn't respond to any other names. 

Quackity had tried to help him pick one out, but he liked Slime. 

So Slime he was. 

Slime was also the first instance of a specialized cage in their group's performance roster. He can easily handwave Ranboo's cage as the bars having water contained inside them so that he can't teleport out. But Slime's cage was basically just a glorified terrarium. He could easily slip through the bars of a standard cage so they had to come up with a solution to make it look like he couldn't get out. So his cage was all glass walls. 

He didn't breathe so it was a very easy fix. 

It was at this point that Quackity started to zone out, simply going through the motions of their routines. 

Fundy and Slime's routine consisted mainly of Fundy making the entire tent look like different landscapes and areas to show off his illusionary strength. He used his soulfire to create mysterious glows and light up the big top as the spotlights dim. Slime on the other hand is showing off his ability to shapeshift. Changing into Tubbo, Ranboo, Fundy, and eventually even Quackity. 

Fundy would then shroud them in illusions as they switched spots back and forth, running around, and then the crowd had to guess which one was Slime and which one was Quackity when Fundy lifted the illusion. They tossed the cane back and forth between them as they explained how the voting process would work. Fundy would stand behind or gesture at one of the two and the crowd would cheer, clap, in general make noise if they thought that was the real Quackity. Then he'd move to the other and gauge the cheers and noise of that round.

If Fundy couldn't tell which was louder, he'll do it a second or third time around. 

And then they'd reveal if the crowd was right or wrong. 

Afterwards it was another bow before the two would return to their cages. 

Sam, Foolish, Karl, and Purpled were some of Quackity's big heavy hitters. They always got the crowd hyper and excited since they were all powerful and rare. 

Sam was a creeper-hybrid. Very centaur looking in appearance, very fast, but surprisingly stealthy. Almost silent as he would trot around the ring of the tent. Strong too, able to cleanly lift Quackity, Ranboo, and Tubbo all together with one hand and arm. His routine involved demonstrations of strength, displays of weapon proficiency, jumping through some of the rings they could raise from small platforms in the ground, and even giving the crowd a scare or two with his mastery over his explosion abilities. 

Creating small little crackling explosions in his hands that can easily destroy presented targets just as well as his proficient show of trident throwing.

After that was Purpled, a starborn. 

Purpled had purple antenna and his eyes looked like mini galaxies rather than having regular pupils. Starborn are powerful hybrids, able to explode on command similar to creepers but on a much larger scale. Purpled was essentially a walking, or rather floating, nuke. Impressive powers of the stars and supernovas all packed into a small package. Sam was impressive due to his strength and his skills. 

Purpled could take out the entire tent if he so much as felt like it. 

His routine consisted of floating around and destroying targets. As well as displays of his telekinesis, where he would pick up all of the cages that had been presented so far and make them rotate around the big top. He would also use this ability to crush targets into dust on the ground. 

Then there was Karl. 

Quackity's entire tangent about avians was most of the performance because Karl didn't necessarily perform. As an avian the most impressive thing he would do was fly, but as a peacock avian specifically he couldn't fly well. So Karl was more something he showed off due to the rarity and majesty of him being a peacock avian. He stayed in his cage, draped over a sculpted marble tree whereupon prompting would flare out his tail feathers to dazzle the crowd. 

Avians didn't have many abilities outside of their flight and a slight increase in speed. So there wasn't much to do in this regard. 

But Karl got pretty boy privileges, his tail feathers got him by. Quackity liked adding in as part of the act that he kept Karl around due to peacocks being a symbol of luxury, wealth, protection, beauty, and glamor. And that their feathers are said to bring good luck. 

He noticed a few hybrid collectors in the crowd leaning forward in interest at that point. Avians were a pretty common species but normally they were more common bird species. Most of them had probably never seen one like Karl with exaggerated tail feathers since tails were normally and elytrian trait.   

After him was Foolish. 

Foolish was, for the most part, a golden water dragon with emeralds for eyes. He definitely looked more dragon than he did human with spiraling horns and golden scales covering his skin. He had the body of a human, but most everything else was draconic in nature. Including a mouth full of sharp fangs. 

He was a water dragon, so he had gills for breathing underwater, and his tail was more adept at helping him swim through currents because of it. His cage was a glass case of water for that very purpose, and his performance consisted of showing off his ability to change size. 

He could be roughly around Quackity's height. 

Or he can be closer to the size of the big top itself if he so wanted. 

He was incredibly strong as a result of that, lifting up the other cages and flaring out his wings as he did so. Even able to easily lift up Sam's cage, which was the most difficult outside of his own. 

Foolish was also one of the few who was allowed to scare the crowd, allowed to act a little bit more feral since he was a "prideful dragon". But part of the act included Quackity distracting him with a shiny gemstone he could then take back to his tank with him. 

He stressed to the crowd that it didn't work with all dragons, but bribery worked with his well enough. 

At that point he knew he had the collectors in the crowd won over. They understood the rarity of a dragon of all things and now that they confirmed Foolish was actually a dragon? They were hooked. They knew he was legit. 

If they didn't already know it from Sam onwards, really. 

The crowd was clapping again as Foolish was rolled away by Tubbo and Ranboo. 

Quackity shook his head, refocusing. 

He couldn't zone out for this part. He had to sell it now. 

"Now, ladies and gentlemen," he begins, strutting to the middle of the ring as he lowered his voice. "We have the main event." 

He waved his hand as he spoke, "I promised you something rarer than a dragon, an I intend to deliver on that promise." 

He gestured up towards the tip top of the tent, a giant bird cage lowering from above where it had previously gone unnoticed. 

"At first glance," Quackity started. "This hybrid won't seem so remarkable. But keep an eye on the hybrid collectors you know or recognize in the crowd, their reactions will tell you everything you need to know." 

The cage rested on the ground now, the ringmaster tapping the bars under the tarp with his cane and earning a hiss from inside. 

Good, he's awake. 

"There are many strange wonders in our world. Some can be little, small things you'd never even realize, and some can be massive, taking up your attention through sheer presence alone. Hybrids are one such strange wonder, and they too vary from species, to species, to even different types of that same species! As a collector, it baffles and amazes me how different, and how similar certain species can be. For example, dragons and wyverns. Dragon hybrids like Foolish are rare, powerful, with multiple magical abilities and strange, fascinating powers. Wyverns are dragon-like, but they aren't dragons. They'll look similar, but their wings are normally connected to their arms rather than having them on their backs. Effectively meaning they have five limbs, counting their tails, rather than the seven that dragons have." 

"Wyverns don't have the same traits that dragons do. In the same way that foxes and kitsunes are extremely different as well," Quackity continued. "They're similar, but kitsunes are magical and borderline immortal unlike foxes are. Now personally, I like to call these similar groupings 'sister species'. Which is a species that is similar, but not quite the same as one another. Other hybrid collectors probably call them something different, I'm sure everyone has their own ways of going about it, but that's what I call them. And this is a sister species of another hybrid you've already seen tonight." 

He laughed seeing how the hybrid collectors all started leaning forward in their seats as he stood to the side of the cage. 

"What I'm about to show you is the very same hybrid that scarred me," Quackity explains, tapping his scar. "Something so rare, many of you probably haven't even heard of it. You'd be lucky to ever see one in your life, especially in captivity. Well... I'd consider you quite unlucky if you ran into a wild one." 

"Hailing from the deepest parts of untouched forest, or the highest mountain peaks ever seen-" 

He grabs onto the tarp, drums rolling in the distance as the lights in the big top dimmed, spotlights honing in on the cage and putting it under focus. 

"-Many hybrid collectors will tell you that this species cannot be trained. Cannot be contained. But I found a method. Might I introduce to you, my dearest audience, the prized jewel of my collection-" 

He ripped the tarp off, grinning wildly at the way hybrid collectors jumped up out of their seats at the sight of him. 

"-An elytrian!" 

Wilbur always opened his eyes slowly, mainly because he was always drowsy at first due to the tarp. His first eyelid blinking open before his second would peel away to show the dark brown of his eyes. Well, technically he had three eyelids, a fun little trait of being a highkey hybrid, but he only really used two of them. The second, technically third, eyelid was translucent. It closed from one side of his eye to the other rather than the standard eyelid that closed and opened down and up. That translucent "third eyelid" was called nictitating membrane, a thing that a lot of animals had but not many hybrids did. 

The elytrian blinked awake, pupils slitting due to the bright lights as he shifted around in his cage, unable to spread his wings properly in there. He shifted from foot to foot on his perch, legs bird-like and taloned similar to how his hands were taloned. Dark and curved things that could easily rip a person's chest open without difficulty. 

His tail swayed behind him, dark feathered with black and royal blue similar to his wings but without the prominent bright white. The feathers behind his ears however maintained the black, white, and blue pattern in his wings. The plumage around his neck and shoulders, however, was black. 

Hybrids like Karl and Foolish were generally to be considered very beautiful. With their bright colors, interesting patterns, and majestic features. 

Quackity thought Wilbur was beautiful in all the ways he was inhuman and powerful. Every part of him that screamed that he was dangerous. From his fangs, to his two sets of talons. To his tail that could easily snap bones clean in half and his powerful wings that always took up the space he was in. 

Wilbur was dangerous and powerful. 

Him, Foolish, Sam, and Ranboo were probably all the least human-looking of his entire collection.  

"An elytrian, my dear audience, is a powerful and rare hybrid. Sister species of avians like Karl, similar, but very different," Quackity explained. "And you'll probably also notice a good half of the collectors among you staring at me like I've lost my mind for standing so close to Wilbur's cage." 

"Rest assured! I have trained the feral out of him!" 

Wilbur audibly growled at that. 

"Most of the feral," he amended. 

Another growl.

"Some of the feral," the ringmaster tried. 

The elytrian growled again, wings flaring slightly and hitting the bars of his cage. 

"Okay the point is, he listens to me," Quackity said, rolling his eyes slightly as the crowed laughed a little. "As you can see, he's quite vocal and argumentative." 

There were more giggles and laughter at the joke. 

The ringmaster twirled his cane in hand before hooking it on Wilbur's cage, starting to walk in slow circles again so the entire audience could see the taller of the two. 

"As you can see, he looks very similar to an avian. I know what some of you are thinking, what is an elytrian? Isn't this just an avian with extra steps?" 

More laughter then. He held up a hand for quiet as he continued to show off the other. 

"I can assure you that no, elytrians are very different. For one thing, normally avians like Karl don't have tails. Karl is a rare exception due to his nature as a peacock, avians almost never have tails of their own. However," he came to a stop, tapping the cage with his cane. "Elytrians will always have tails like Wilbur here. Wil, tail." 

The elytrian rumbled, flicking his tail through the bars of the cage and allowing Quackity to hold onto it much to the very evident surprise of the other collectors in the crowd.  

"Normally elytrians won't have as long of a tail as Wilbur does, this is a trait of his bird species, not elytrians as a whole. But all elytrian tails are prehensile, meaning they can basically use it like a second hand. Elytrians will use this to hang and swing from trees or, if they live in mountains, it has been reported that they'll use it for balance and to hang from cliffs for scouting their territory. And yes, normally they'll always have the fan of feathers at the tip of their tail, it actually helps them steer themselves in flight. Wilbur, feathers." 

Quackity held up the elytrian's tail as he flexed the feathers at the end of his tail, making them fan out and close before the ringmaster set his tail back down. 

"Now, some of the more eagle-eyed might already be trying to guess what kind of bird Wilbur is, let me help with that," he tapped the taller's cage again. "Wing." 

Wilbur retracted his tail back into the cage, curling it around his perch before he shifted over and stretched his wing all the way out through the bars. 

Quackity used his cane to point out the feather colors along Wilbur's wing, "From this coloration along with his tail length, some of you may have guessed magpie. You'd be correct, specifically that of the Eurasian species, or Pica Pica. Though he has traits and behavioral patterns from magpies all over the world. Oh, and don't mind your local hybrid collectors clutching their pearls over the fact I'm basically touching his wing right now. They're just surprised I haven't died yet. Or they think I'm insane, one of the two." 

The crowd laughed, some of the hybrid collectors in the stands trying to play it off and laugh along with the joke. 

"I jest, I jest, but in all seriousness it is very uncommon to be able to touch an avian's wing. Touching an elytrian's wing is basically unheard of. And most likely to get you killed. Word to the wise for the collectors in the stands, if you ever get your hands on an elytrian, don't do what I'm doing right now. I'm an idiot who's had literal years to work with mine and figure out how to get him to calm down around me. I'm lucky he didn't take out my eye when I first got him." 

"Anyways, as I was saying, Wilbur here is a magpie elytrian specifically. According to the man I bought him from, he was captured at the edge of a forest somewhere in Europe. Where? I'm not sure. However I am still in contact with that man on the off chance they find more elytrians up there. It's unusual for them to wander away from their homes, though, so if Wilbur was found outside of the forest I can only imagine that something drove him out. That, and unlike avians, elytrians are far less social and less likely to live in flocks. For as far as we're aware, he was by himself and probably even moving the location of his nest." 

Quackity tapped the cage again and Wilbur pulled his wing back inside. He proceeded to spin the cage to face the other side of the crowd as he continued, walking to face the other side as well. 

"Fun fact about magpies, they're highly intelligent birds. Possibly even some of the most intelligent birds in the world. And they can display multiple feats of impressive vocal mimicry," he explained. "Magpies have well around thirty three unique calls and songs, and have the ability to mimic most things they hear. For example-" 

"-My voice," Wilbur cut in, flapping his wings smugly as he mimicked the ringmaster's vocalization. "As well as the voices of other people, and the sounds they hear like bells and noises of traffic." 

Quackity rolled his eyes as the crowd clapped, ooh'ing and ahh'ing and various intervals. 

"He loves to talk about himself," the shorter joked with a shrug. 

"He loves to talk about himself," Wilbur mimicked back, still using his voice. 

There was laughter then, roaring across the big top and causing the elytrian to happily fluff up his feathers under the attention. 

Quackity tried to smother his own amusement, playing it off as irritation, "Parents, if you think you have it bad when your kids start the 'stop copying me' thing, try having one that could literally kill you and can also mimic air horns in the middle of the night." 

Wilbur proceeded to perfectly mimic the sound of an air horn going off, causing the crowd to roar with laughter even harder. 

"Yeah he'll do that and car alarms in the middle of the night, at this point I think his plot to kill me is with heart attacks," the ringmaster joked much to the crowd's further amusement. 

Eventually silence fell over the big top as the shorter walked towards the front of the cage, pulling Wilbur towards the middle of the ring again. 

"Now, the differences between avians and elytrians can pretty much be summed up with how songbirds are different from raptors, or birds of prey. One of them is significantly more dangerous, the other one you can typically train and keep as pets. Of course, birds of prey can also be trained, in fact there are people all over the world who use falcons and other raptors for hunting purposes. Normally of small things like smaller birds, rabbits, squirrels, etcetera. I'm sure we've all heard of falconry at least once in our lives." 

Quackity grinned, "I like to think that any hybrid can be trained. The collectors sitting next to you in the stands might say otherwise, that hybrids like Wilbur can't be trained due to their nature. Elytrians are predators. Infamous for eating people, hurting people, being so feral and intune with their animalistic side that there's not a shred of obedience in them. They'll say it's impossible. I say it's like trying to train a cat." 

"Difficult, but not impossible." 

With that, he took a key that he hung around his neck and unlocked the door to Wilbur's cage, holding the door closed for right now. 

"I must ask that everyone please remain calm," Quackity insisted, keeping his grin up as he looked around the audience. "I assure you that you're perfectly safe. Let's just avoid making sudden moves. I would like to remind everyone that if you absolutely have to take photos, turn your flash photography off. Elytrians are heavily sensitive to sudden flashing lights and sharp sudden movements will trigger a predator response. If you have to leave for something, get up slowly and walk out. Don't run, don't panic. They can smell fear." 

And with that, the ringmaster slowly opened the door to Wilbur's cage. 

Gasps echoed from the crowd as he actively turned his back on the cage, leaving the door open as he fixed the key back around his neck. And he knew the second Wilbur had stepped outside of the cage due to another, louder gasp from the crowd. 

Wilbur was very tall. And the first thing he did whenever he got out of the cage was to stretch his wings. It painted for a very intimidating picture, seeing how his wingspan was double his size and Wilbur easily towered over him. Of course, it needed to be that way to get him off the ground. That's why Karl had such difficulty with flight, not just because his tail feathers weighed him down, but his wings were on the smaller side of things. 

"It is firmly my opinion," Quackity said, adjusting his gloves as he felt Wilbur getting closer behind him, feathers prickling at the other's presence. "That any hybrid can be trained. That any single one of them can be earned the loyalty of. That any hybrid can be docile if the correct choices and paths are taken." 

He held out his hand, smirking inwardly when he felt the elytrian nuzzle into his shoulder with a quiet purr, letting his hand drift over to scratch at the taller's ear feathers. 

Wilbur always liked when he did that, he enjoyed preening in any capacity really. 

The crowd clapped. 

Quackity felt an actual physical smirk pull at his lips. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, let the show truly begin." 

The next hour was a constant influx of everyone performing together. Wilbur flying through rings, using his tail and talons to jump or flip through them, sometimes he would perch on the sides of the poles, clinging and ready for his next ring. Sometimes Tubbo would light his rings on fire for extra drama since elytrians have a natural fear of fire as Quackity would explain to the crowd of Tubbo decided to spice things up. 

Ranboo and Wilbur were acrobatic specialists, using their flexibility and features to perform amazing feats of balance and strength. Foolish and Sam would carry on an ongoing sparing match to show off the durability of Foolish's scales as well as Sam's speed and strength. Purpled and Tubbo flew around together controlling the rings that Wilbur would be performing with and flying through themselves while also using and destroying targets. 

One such trick was Tubbo and Purpled tossing targets that Ranboo, Wilbur, and Sam would all destroy in various ways. Ranboo with their void-like claws, Wilbur with his bird-like legs and talons, and Sam with his explosions while also staying on top of Foolish and his spar. 

Slime kept changing things up and showing off everyone's reaction time by messing with things and fucking with the routine so everyone would adapt. Fundy cast illusions to make everything shine and sparkle with a magical glow. Karl was dancing and weaving through the other hybrids, flaring his feathers out easily charming and dazzling everyone while under Fundy's illusion.  

Inside their tent it was an entire other world. 

The crowd was eating out of the palm of their hands really. 

Of course, eventually it was time for the closing act. And that part involved Wilbur flying over the heads of the crowd so they could all get a really good look at him. 

And of course, a dumbass tried to take a photo and forgot to turn flash off. 

Wilbur always takes that as permission to harass and terrify the dumbass in the audience and remind everyone that he's something to be feared. 

Quackity ordered for everyone to remain calm, snapping his fingers without another word to send Ranboo and Tubbo after the elytrian. 

Concluding their performance with Wilbur being dragged back to his cage. 

Quackity almost wanted to fondly sigh. He knew how much Wilbur loved getting to be feral during the performances. He had long since accepted how others view them, so he loves playing into the "monster" narrative out of spite. 

Before he was rolled away he whispered a description to the ringmaster, a hybrid collector he himself had been eyeing sitting in the front row. 

Quackity thanked everyone for coming, told where the exits were, and quickly made his way to one such exit as everyone was filing out. He mingled, exchanging pleasantries, thanked more people for coming, was friendly with any children who ran up to him asking questions about the various hybrids in his show. He smiled and conversed with a few collectors, some of which more bearable than others. 

And then finally...

"There ain't no way in hell that was an actual elytrian."

The ringmaster smiled politely, "Ah yes, there's always a skeptic. One after every show. What makes you so sure?" 

"Well for one thing," the guy spat. "An elytrian would've snapped your arm in half with their tail the second you touched them." 

"Wilbur is well trained," the shorter replied. 

The guy wasn't all that much taller than him, even with his platform boots on. Wilbur would still trump him in size as would most of the others. He was broad shouldered with light colored hair, the ringmaster couldn't quite tell if he was a very light brown or a dirty blond, really. 

He wore more refined clothing, speaking towards some small wealth. 

Quackity wouldn't care either way. He doubts the others would either. 

"Elytrians can't be trained," the collector insisted. 

"Well mine is," the shorter grinned. "And if you don't believe me, perhaps you'd like to come confirm what he is yourself? You won't be disappointed. My tent is right around the corner." 

The man snorted in disbelief, but followed him anyways, "You keep them in your tent? Are you insane?" 

Ahh, the beauty of human ignorance and foolishness. 

"Inspires loyalty," the ringmaster hummed, having to stop himself from purring. "They're used to me and my scent, attached to me. Results speak for themselves." 

Quackity ducked inside his tent, holding the flap open for the collector to come inside. 

The tarps were all removed from everyone's cages, meaning once they were inside all eyes found them. 

He strut inside with confidence, hooking his cane on Wilbur's cage to pull him closer. Into the light. 

"Behold," the ringmaster chuckled. "An elytrian." 

"A dressed up avian," the man snarled. 

"Well how would you like to evaluate? Do you want to look at his tail? His talons?" 

The shorter took his key out from under his vest and let it rest out in visible view, "I can open up the cage and have him stand if you want a good view." 

The collector crossed his arms, "Alright bastard. If he really is an elytrian, how much did he cost you?" 

Quackity smiled. 

"Oh, multiple blocks of diamonds. He came with quite the heavy price tag. Some would say definitely not worth it for how hard it is to train them, but I manage," the shorter sighed a little. "He can be a menace to me sometimes, but he's beautiful in his own little vicious way. I never regret my decision for getting him." 

He walked over to the cage, tapping the bars with his cane, "Wilbur, talons." 

The elytrian rumbled, hopping off his perch to hold his hand out through the bars so his curved talons would be in the light. 

"Curved quality, distinctly elytrian," the ringmaster commented. 

The man rolled his eyes, but walked closer. He grabbed Wilbur's wrist and started to examine his talons. Lifting one up to check the points. 

Quackity let him, walking over to the hook where he would put his hat, coat, and cane once he was done with them. He hooked his cane up there as he rolled his shoulders and stretched. 

His wings were started to get cramped now. 

"Foolish, how the tent enchantment?" He questioned casually. 

There was a few splashes of water as he took off his hat, feeling his ear feathers flare out in relief once the illusion over them lifted. 

"Everything is all good boss man," the dragon-hybrid called from the back. "Not a single sound will leave this area." 

At the confirmation the scent of blood hit the air as the collector screamed, Wilbur digging his talons into the man's arm and tugging him closer to the bars with a ferocious growl and grin. 


The ringmaster shrugged off the coat, his wings spreading and stretching as he finally freed them from the illusion. His coat was meant to slip over his wings, the illusion hiding the feather tips that would hit the ground as a result of how his wings are folded. There was a slit in the rest of his outfit for them, so all he really had to do was take off the coat. 

It wasn't comfortable, but he could deal with it. He had small enough wings to pull it off after all. 

His gloves were next, revealing his talons. 

"What are we thinking tonight?" The avian asked. "Hunt or no hunt?" 

"Aw c'mon," Wilbur whined. "It's supposed to be my turn to hunt." 

"Yeah but the rest of us are hungry dumbass!" Tubbo cackled. "And Ranboo still hates you for mauling them." 

"You always hoard the skulls!" The enderian called. "It's not fair! You don't even like the brain!" 

"I need the skulls for my nest!" The elytrian snapped back. "You can't keep making jewelry with them!" 

Slime laughed, "I say we just give the bones to me. There we go, no more arguing." 

"Absolutely NOT!" Both Ranboo and Wilbur snapped. 

"Just get on with it!" Purpled shouted. "I'm starving here and Fundy is getting all cranky fox on me!" 

"Am not!"

"Am to!" 

"Boys," Sam growled. "That's enough. Quackity I think we're all hungry and grumpy, probably best to just kill him and get on with it." 

"Noooo!" Wilbur warbled. "It was finally my turn!" 

Quackity rolled his eyes fondly, walking over to the taller's cage and opening the door to let him out, "I'll turn you loose later for a run if you think you can keep it stealthy, alright? Just make sure you bring back the extras for the rest of us. I'm sure we could all use the extra meat." 

"Oooh, extra snacks?" Karl questioned, blinking slowly with a sadistic grin on his face. "I'm totally down for that. Even if it means the bastard gets an extra kill." 

"Fiiine," Ranboo grumbled, taking out their pink file to fix their claws. "But hurry up. My stomach is making the rumblies and I want this fresh." 

"You spoil me," Wilbur purred, using his tail to hold on to their prey as he made his way out of the cage. "This is why you're my favorite." 

"Rude," Karl growled, playful as he hopped off his marble tree and kicked open the door to his cage to go and let everyone else out. "Everyone look away, they're probably about to kiss."

"Gross!" Tubbo teased. 

Quackity rolled his eyes at the other's antics, leaning up and giving the taller a slight peck, "Make it quick, keep the heart intact for me." 

Wilbur smiled at him, nuzzling the top of his head with a loud and proud purr, "Always." 

With that Quackity walked over to his desk and mirror, sitting down and starting to preen himself as Wilbur got on with the murder aspect. 

Everyone else started trickling out of the cages and terrariums, fanged grins and bloodlust in their eyes. 

Quackity loved every single one of them. Was happy they found each other in a world full of hate. 

They all knew how the world saw them. 

So why not be the monsters they were all thought to be? 

The shrike avian watched the bloodshed through his mirror with a fond smile on his face.  


Another for the TNT Duo Bingo :D
I hope you guys liked this one, and remember, tag your TNT Duo Bingo fics with "TNTDUO AU Bingo"!
Let's get this trend rolling and get more people involved!

Also people in my server were making memes and fanart for this AU and it made me so fucking happy bro ;-;
Y'all are amazing.