Chapter Text
Art by FB16 (NSFW material).
Artwork based on this story.
Embedded in the chapter below, along with a link to the artist/artists' social media profile(s), are any works of art that have been produced based on this story.
Note that there are explicit/X-rated works here, and some of it may be... tonally inconsistent with the story itself, but dang if having art for a story isn't flattering and thrilling and somewhat embarrassing, too.
Thank you all for your kindness along the way, and for helping inspire me to end on what I feel to be a high note.
peitoscore, phantom105, BunnyboyKooAndOT6_IsJustSuperior, swingrlm, HeartyDurian, uwujiminie, CreepSlayer7, TheUnusualChameleon, Geeky_Mind, pinkglittergelpen, awesomete18, tsuyu2200, hillsammy, bekahk222, FallenAngel1940, Angicecol, TheeOl_RazzleDazzle, witchiie, Elaizel, solaeris, Dependant_on_Caffiene, AryliaScry, repressed_edwardian_twink, SalamenceRobot, Eminate, Fang_68, tennyo321, SaltShakerKun, ObsessorOfAll, Noone_never_nowhere, DyingAloePlant, MusicalHermit, Mamaisu, TheMysticArcana, Galactic0ParsleyF4n, BANGTAN_trash19, Yunxiplante, Atrunis, lenny_lazy, likehercules, stickyburg, Raszkaaa, Queen_of_procrastination_and_insomnio, lucolega, Too_Few_Centuries, BionicJaden, Ambivalent_Assemble, Stroganoff_Sauce, QuestionMarkk, chronicAngel, and 165 more users as well as 144 guests left kudos on this work!