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Across the Aisle

Chapter 35: Chapter Thirty Five


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Angelica Schuyler and Alex Hamilton were married on October 6th. The press called it the wedding of the year. Angelica had three bridesmaids: Eliza, Peggy, and Mercy. Alex had three groomsmen: James, John, and Lee Moore. Alex's niece, Betty, was their flower girl. Philip Schuyler had gotten the certifications to officiate. They had invited two-hundred and fifty guests. Their wedding pictures were said to be viewed by millions online.


They moved into a brownstone in the Bloomingdale district. It turned out that Alex was much wealthier than Angelica could have imagined - something he only disclosed once they were engaged. Despite this, he still insisted that they both adhere to a strict budget. Exceptions were made to Angelica's clothing budget. Her clothes, Alex allowed, were an investment that he considered entirely worthy of the money that Angelica devoted to them.


Alex found a job with an investment firm in D.C. He left it after two years for a better opportunity. His friendship with Lee Moore, the Dungeon Master of the Ancient Scribe of Dew Grass, had blossomed since Angelica had introduced them as Alex's Christmas present. Once the Ancient Scribe of Dew Grass came to an end, Lee invited Alex to join their next campaign. That was the campaign that got picked up by HBO as an animated series. Alex was asked to write the scripts. HBO had been so pleased with his work that he began receiving opportunities to write other scripts. He continued to participate in the podcast with his friends, but he spent his free time writing stories of his own. It seemed to make him happy. Better still, it allowed him the freedom to travel between D.C. and New York with Angelica as needed.


Angelica served the entirety of her six year term as senator. During her fourth year, she was approached by party officials who wanted to know if she would consider serving as a running mate for the next presidential candidate. Though the thought of participating in another presidential campaign filled Angelica with a sense of dread, she had agreed. Their ticket had lost to Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Alex told Angelica that she'd get there eventually. Despite herself, Angelica believed him.


Family, friends, journalists, and fans continued to ask them if they had any intention of having children. Both of them found polite ways to demure. Alex wanted children - Alex wanted a lot of children - but he understood that neither of them were prepared to make the amount of time that a baby would require at the moment. They both agreed that a baby was a definite "someday" sort of thing, but they weren't in any hurry. They were happy enough as it was.


Alex brought her flowers every inauguration day, every anniversary, every birthday, and every day that it crossed his mind. Angelica had once asked him what his flower budget was. He had told her, grinning that grin of his, that that was another investment that he considered entirely worthy of the money.


They weren't perfect and they still had the rest of their lives to figure out, but they were happy. They were happy in a way that Angelica could have never imagined on that cold, damp inauguration day so many years ago.


We're finally done!!! We made it!!! Thank you to all of those who stuck with this insanely, probably unreasonably, slow slow-burn!


I'm back, bitches! I will be posting weekly chapters every Sunday night for the next 34 weeks, so buckle up. It's going to be a bumpy ride.