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Bakugan New Vestroia Rewrite


So this is a project me and HP are doing a complete write starting from New Vestroia so I'd say enjoy the ride!


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Julie was wiping the tables, Runo had called up their opposites Chan Lee, Klaus, Julio, Komba, her current boyfriend Billy and….. Come to think of it Alice didn’t have an evil counterpart from back during their days as the brawlers, she was kind of her own “So Runo, how is the back-up assembling going?” she asked curiously as Runo seemed to be sulking in a corner.

“Why’d he ask us to stay, Julie? Why didn’t he let us go with him? Marucho realized he needed help.” She slammed a fist into the wall in anger. “Why didn’t we see it?”
Julie looked at Runo, god for all her skills as a brawler her skills on the field of love was next to zero compared to herself…… “It’s like he said Runo, what he’s up against now isn’t just some evil brawler in a mask and a few lackeys of his.” she stated “He probably knew he needed help, but he realized that risking your life wasn’t worth it.” she stated “It’s what boyfriend mode does to a guy.” she tried to explain to Runo “It makes guys protective over the person they consider their girlfriend.”
“Yeah… well… doesn’t he realize I can protect myself!” she wasn’t really yelling at Julie or even Dan with this statement. “Backup Resistance, right, like they’re just gonna somehow wind up on earth.” She sighed as she looked over at a photo of her and Dan that her dad had recently hung on the wall. “Oh Dan, please be careful.”

Meanwhile in New Vestroia, Ace had watched the first brawl of the Pyrus legend Dan Kuso, and he was “not impressed…..” the teal-haired boy stated “What do you think, Ingram?” the boy asked with a certain tone in his voice that gave away he was impressed even though his attitude made it seem like he wasn’t.

“I must say, he lives up to the legend.” Ingram said examining the battle as well.
“Yeah, but we’re waging a war Ingram, and he’s supposed to be our fearless leader?” he asked his partner. If he knew one thing it was that the boy seemed to know one thing, this boy didn’t look ready to lead a resistance fighting a war against an entire race of bakugan enslavers…..he seemed too impulsive.

“Ace, I’m sure Mira will still be the leader, especially since she helped him out of multiple binds during that battle. He’s just a reinforcement,” Ingram said reassuringly.
“Right, just a reinforcement,” he was still agitated like he saw Dan as competition on a certain front, it had never been a secret Ace joined the resistance for two people for Ingram and for…..Mira.
“Is something troubling you?” she asked, turning to look up at him.
“No….” he walked towards the entrance.

She hopped up to his shoulder as he walked to make sure that he wouldn’t be alone.
As they rode through the desert landscape of the region Mira began explaining what had transpired. “Our home planet of Vestal had been suffering from overpopulation for quite some time. When our ruler discovered the ‘uninhabited’ world of New Vestroia, he was more than happy to colonize it.”

“But it wasn’t uninhabited was it?” Dan asked angrily “It was the Bakugan’s!” He half-yelled barely able to contain the anger he felt towards the vestals or their wicked way of enslaving the bakugan.
“We didn’t know!” She said defensively, tensing up a little. “We were told the Bakugan were just like pets.”
“It’s kinda like when you thought Bakugan was just a game Daniel,” Drago said from Dan’s shoulder.
“Yeah, but there’s a big difference pal, we didn’t invade your home, you came to ours…..” Dan was going to have to calm down but right now all he could think about was smashing the Vestals and their colonies to pieces “But…..I’ll direct my anger towards the Vexos and their king.” he sighed “Promise.”

“I understand your anger Dan, I thought the same as they did up until a few months ago,” she continued.
Mira was now on her motorcycle alone on her way to a secluded lab in the middle of the desert. She parked her motorcycle in front of the door and got off.
Two vestal guards raised their knock-out sticks “Halt, in the name of Prince Hydron we order you to put your hands in the air!” they said in a robotic tone of voice.
“Boys, relax,” she removed her helmet and looked at them. “I’m just paying my father a surprise visit.”
Both of the guards lowered their weapons and bowed apologetically, “Sorry miss Fermin." they split and allowed her passage.
“Thank you,” she smiled as she walked past the two and into the halls of the lab. As she walked through the hallways she saw a room where an experiment was going on with Alpha Hydranoid.
Hydranoid roared, he wasn’t in pain….no he had endured far worse by Drago, Naga’s little troop or even Naga himself….all he was, was angry…. Angry that these people were undoing all they had worked so hard for, Angry that these people who looked like Alice didn’t even have a clue what a bakugan was….. So all he did was roar, blast lasers and try to break these machines restraining him “Let me go! Let me out of this thing Clay!”
Mira let out a gasp as she heard his words. It didn’t make sense, how could that animal speak, much less address her father. She looked down and saw her Father attempting to restrain Hydranoid.
“You vestals and your prince, I promise you, you will all regret this! Drago, buddy, it’s now up to you to save us.” he let out one last roar before going down destroying half the lab in the process before turning into a ball.
As she ran, she felt herself get grabbed by two security guards. “Wait! I have to talk to my father about this!”
“Miss Clay, you’ll have time to speak to your father later professor Clay is very busy at the moment so allow us to escort you to a safe area,” they made up a random excuse she knew, which would mean one of two things either execution or Clay would have to convince her to keep quiet and play along.
Mira sighed and played along, allowing them to escort her back to her apartment in Alpha City. As she was led off, she thought she had seen someone else out of the corner of her eye. Kieth? Is that you? Once she got back to her apartment she sat down and waited for her father and brother to return.
After hours Clay came in and sat down at the table. He’d have to talk to her “Mira…..can we talk?” he asked her worried she’d spout the bakugan secret out to anyone crossing her path. He’d have to give her the run down of her options.
“How long?” there was a noticeable anger in her voice as she held back tears. For so long she had looked up to her father, even wanting to be a researcher just like him. Was this truly what that research entailed?
“Since we knew about Vestroia’s existence.” he admitted “But it wasn’t what you think….I dislike this as much as you Mira, but you know how our king is….he’s temperamental.” He explained he didn’t mention how by the time he knew of the bakugan Zenoheld had threatened his family and recruited his son.
“It’s still not right, father,” she gently palmed the bakugan ball in her pocket, had Wilda been alive all this time and she never knew about it? I’m so sorry Wilda!
“Mira ....look at it this way, the bakugan they aren’t like us…. They’re beast-like….look at it from a researcher’s perspective they’re so incredibly fascinating as a species….so studying them won’t hurt us, or them.
“How can you say that?! They’re sentient beings just like us. How would you feel if the situation was reversed? If you were being experimented upon by the Bakugan?”
“Mira, we don’t have a choice!” he yelled in anger and frustration “It’s this or being dead, I’m sorry I chose your safety, over some species that I’m not indebted to in any way!” he countered, she could be sentimental all she wanted, he was still gonna experiment on the bakugan if it meant keeping his family safe.
Mira wasn’t having it. “If you aren’t going to do anything, then I will.” She stood up and started towards the exit.
He sighed, Mira was a child she’d return once she realized that whatever she was going to say or do the vestals wouldn’t buy it, they believed their king before anything else if not out of foolishness then out of fear.
“That was the last time I ever spoke to my father. I learned to talk to Wilda properly and even managed to recruit a few people to the cause, but most people I tried to talk to about it would either think I was crazy or once the wanted posters were put up, try to turn me in to the authorities.

“Wait, so your dad’s a prisoner of the king? So he just experiments on bakugan?” Dan asked, hearing the story he felt a bit conflicted. He could guess his dad would do the same if he had to choose between Bakugan or Dan himself. “Mira, I’m not defending the guy but can you blame him?”

“Indeed, it’s quite a difficult position to be placed in. Choosing your safety compared to the safety of a third party.” Marucho said concurring with Dan.
“I know…. I just hoped… maybe if I was actively putting my life on the line regardless, he’d see reason… try to join my side…. Do something!” Mira let a single tear slide down her cheek before composing herself. She had to be strong, especially if she wanted to prove that this resistance was capable of success. “For his own safety, I stopped using my last name. That’s why the wanted posters all say Mira Ferman. I have a few in my room that I took down from around Alpha City.”
“I see, but just a question, can't you ever just vent? It was different but back when I led the brawlers I vented to Runo and Marucho a lot……and I mean a lot.” He said overdramatically “It’s not healthy to keep your problems hidden till they burst, just ask Shun…..or Alice.”

“I appreciate the concern, but I have a confidant that I can vent to. Besides, if I keep focusing on my own problems, I don’t have time to help the Bakugan with theirs.” She pulled up to a canyon and began driving towards a tower that was standing against the face of a cliff. “Anyway, we’ve officially arrived. Welcome to the Resistance Headquarters.”
Dan looked at the headquarters in awe “Ok, this is so much cooler than Maruucho’s house no offense Marucho.” he said excited at the prospect of that being their base now.
“Well it definitely looks harder to get lost in than my house and more spacious than Kato’s Helicopter, so it’s definitely more practical as a base.” Marucho said rather stoked about seeing the base as well.
“So, you’re Dan Kuso?” Ace walked over

Dan looked and saw the boy dressed in all-green “Let me guess you’re a brooding bad boy? Dan asked, guessing off of his experience with people dressed in all green. We’re going to fight a lot aren’t we?” he asked.
“Just enough for me to test my skills. I wanna see if the great hero can live up to the hype.” Ace had a sly smirk on his face as he pulled out his gauntlet. “What say you Dan?
Dan smiled “Be prepared to get your bakugan turned into ashes, pal.” he said before putting on his gauntlet and getting ready for a fun showdown “Let’s go Drago.”
Mira facepalmed. “Boys, is this really necessary?”

“Relax Mira, it’s just an exhibition battle. We'll go a bit outside the canyon so we don’t destroy the base.”
“Yeah, Mira no worries I’ll just wipe the floor with your boyfriend quickly and we’ll be done with it,” he said both teasing Mira and trying to get in Ace's head at the same time as he looked at Drago “You think you can go for round two buddy?”
“Boyfriend?” Mira and Ace responded with similar amounts of shock, Mira blushing and Ace looking a bit paler.
“I’m ready if you are Dan,” Drago said as he hopped into Dan’s hand.

“Wanna wipe that smirk off his face, Ingram?” He asked the Ventus Bakugan in his hand.

“With pleasure.” she said retreating into ball form ready to be thrown into battle.

“Guess I’ll be a gentleman and say ladies first,” he kept trying to tick Ace off so he would eventually lose his cool. It used to work on Shun……sometimes.
“Why don’t you save the smack talk for when you’re actually winning,” Ace attached the Gauntlet to his arm and put in the card. “Gauntlet…”

Dan reattached his gauntlet as well and yelled “Power strike!” with a smirk as he made a gesture to say Ace could go first if he dared to. Just goad him into reckless behavior Dan, he told himself.
Ace smirked before pulling out a gate card. “Gate card set, Bakugan brawl.” He threw Ingram down and she opened up. “Ingram Stand.”

As Ingram appeared she unfollowed her mind boggling 8 wings she had something Skyress like to her, maybe it was just the bird motif though. She looked seriously at the human but didn’t say anything.
Ingram’s stare was pretty unnerving to Dan though he looked at her and threw Drago “Bakugan Brawl! Bakugan stand!” he said as he saw Drago open up “Let’s show them how it’s done Drago!”
“It is an honor to battle you Ingram, thank you for your service in my absence.” Drago said before flying forward to attack.
“Drago, the honor is all mine, now I’m really sorry about what’s coming next.” she said, flying forward getting ready to kick Drago in the face.
Drago took the kick, but managed to whip her back with his tail. “Not bad.”

Marucho was looking at his gauntlet. “According to my calculations, both Bakugan are at 400Gs meaning that the two combatants are practically even.”
“Let’s see you handle this attack.” Ace locked an ability card into his gauntlet. “Ability activate: Continuous Dance- Phoenix Position.”
Dan saw what was coming and prepared an ability “Ability Activate! Burst shield!”
Drago surrounded himself with fire and blocked the rapid fire punching of Ingram.

“Not bad, you canceled out my ability.”
“You didn’t think I’d let you pummel away at my partner did you?” he smirked “Double ability activate! Burning dragon and fire tornado!” Drago’s G-power moved up from 400 to 700 while Ingram’s power level went down with 100 G’s “Burn the field to the ground Drago!” Dan yelled

Drago opened his mouth and blew out a fireball which orbited a tornado of flames that began flying towards Ingram.
“Those are quite the powerful flames, too bad they’re no match for this. Ability activate, Armored Victory!”
Ingram folded herself up in all her wings, armoring herself against the flames though the heat made it very hard not to sweat, she got out of the wings like nothing happened “That all you got?” she asked, a bit cocky.
Mira was impressed. “Ace just took out two of Dan’s strongest abilities with one attack, and on top of that, he boosted his power level by 200.”
“Daniel, why don’t we turn up the heat a little bit?” Drago gave his partner a knowing nod.

“Why not?” he smiled “Triple ability activate!” Dan yelled “Burning tornado, Tornado barrier and fusion ability Pyrus slayer!” he yelled as he saw Drago’s power level skyrocket towards 1000’s G’s. “How are you gonna stop this Ace?” he asked, overflowing with confidence.
As Drago began filling the field with fire Ace nervously held out his hand. “Gate card open: Ventus Reactor.” The arena was filled with clouds to try to counteract Drago’s flames. “That boosts Ingram up to 500, but I’m not even close yet.” He looked at Ingram worriedly. “Double ability activate: Shadow Split plus Shadow Echo.”

Ingram responded very quickly to the double ability splitting herself in 4 and glowing a bright green as 300 G’s were subtracted from Drago’s power level and 200 G’s were added to Ingram’s power level “Still think you can beat us Drago?” she asked. She seemed a tad bit cocky; perhaps Ace’s behavior was rubbing off on her despite her calm and collected usual self.
“Splitting apart? I’ve still got fire to burn.” He began launching fire balls at the different clones, but none of them seemed to hit their mark.
Ingram moved towards the back of Drago and came out of the ground while avoiding a stray fireball as she flew up while Drago was distracted and kicked him in the back.
Drago let out a pained grunt as he was taken down. “Not… bad… there.” He retreated into ball form and returned to Dan on the ground. Dan’s life force decreased to 80%.
“Looks like round one goes to me doesn’t it Dan?” Ace smiled confidently as he caught Ingram.
Dan smirked and began laughing “Hahahahhahaha! Got to hand it to you pal, I haven’ had this much fun since the brawlers disbanded, but don’t think you’ve got Drago’s number yet.” He smirked and threw Drago on the field again “Bakugan brawl! Come on Drago, let's show this rookie what we can do!”

“Ready to win round 2 as well Ingram? Bakugan Brawl!” He threw Ingram back out and smirked in anticipation.
Ingram got out of her ball form and said “Ready as ever Ace.”
“Daniel, let’s see how ready they truly are.” He had forgotten how freeing it was to have his body back, especially when he was able to brawl against an equal opponent.
“Double ability activate! Burning dragon, plus dragon tornado!” Dan looked at his gauntlet as Drago’s power level went to 800 G’s while Ingram’s had 200 G’s flushed down the drain.
Drago created a fireball as he flew through the air and coated himself with a tornado of flames. He launched the fireball and began spinning to increase the heat of the flames.
“Same old, same old,” Ace said confidently as he loaded a single ability card. “Ability activate: Armored Victory.” Ingram’s power level jumped up to 600 while Drago’s went back to base level again.
Dan looked “Ace buddy you’re kinda predictable.” he taunted ‘come on hotshot get in your own head do something stupid’ he thought to himself as he looked at Drago with a look that only they could understand Dan was gonna play this smarter than last round.

“Yeah yeah, Ability activate. Wind power Soaring strikeshot!” Ace smiled as he saw Ingram’s power go up to 800 and Drago’s go down to 200.
Ingram’s head shifted to its bird form as she caught fire and started going towards Drago “Time for a bulls-eye.”
“Gotcha.” Dan smiled, “Gate card open! Power Pressure!” Dan smiled as he followed it up with a double ability “tornado barrier and fusion ability Pyrus slayer!!” Dan yelled as Ingram’s power level was lowered by 400 while Drago's was raised by 500 G’s.
Drago let out a roar as he began filling the arena with flames. Ace’s hand tightened around an oddly shaped bakugan in his pocket. No, he got me fair and square. He thought as he watched the flames engulf the frozen bakugan. His life force ticked down to 40%

“Well Ace? Where’s all that tough talk?” he taunted Ace a bit, smiling.
“Not bad, I should have realized you’d set a trap card for me.” He picked Ingram up off the floor and spoke quieter. “You ok, Ingram?”
Ingram shook it off, “Yeah, I’m fine. Let's just get them.” she said, eager for the next round.
Ace nodded. “Gate card, set.” He threw out another gate card and picked Ingram up. “Bakugan brawl! Ingram stand.” He threw her down to the battlefield.
Ingram got out of the ball “Ready for another round, and to kick your ass.” she immediately took it to the sky as she was flying
Dan got close to Drago “Ok, Drago be careful.” he launched Drago right into the sky so he would open in mid-air.
Drago flew down in front of Ingram with a smile. “We’ll see about that, Ingram. Ready Daniel?”
“Ability activate! Burning Tornado!” Dan yelled as he smiled he was gonna shake up his pattern.
Drago spun around into a tornado of flames and charged towards Ingram.

Ace watched as the G transfer occurred. “Oh yeah? Ability activate: Wind Power Soaring Strike Shot.”
Ingram went in with the speed of a ninja and was ready to start launching her offensive of as she burst into flames charging towards Drago
“Double ability activate!” Dan yelled “Tornado barrier and burst shield!” Dan smiled as this would not only nullify Ace’s offensive but also subtract 100 G’s from Ingram.
Drago created a burst of flames around himself to shield him from Ingram’s attack.

“Hah, not bad, Double ability activate: Shadow Echo plus Continuous Dance - Phoenix Position! This oughta even the odds.” Ace watched as Drago’s power went down to 100 as well.
Ingram crashed into Drago punching him all over for a few seconds before immediately returning to her ball form.
Drago had returned to his ball form as well. Both bakugan returned to their owner’s hands looking quite exhausted.
After a few hours of continuous brawling Dan looked very tired “I can still go, but can you?” he said cockily but obviously tired as all hell as he prepared for another throw.
“Just… you… watch.” He lifted his arm and prepared to throw as well, but he looked like he’d fall over at any moment.
He went to throw as well, falling over but breaking out in a fit of laughter.

Ace fell over as well with a chuckle as Marucho and Mira ran over to them. “That was quite the battle there, Dan.”
“You tell me dude.” he started laughing again “You remind me of an old friend of mine, at least when we battled.”
“We’ve definitely been doing some damage to the Vexos before, for the most part, but with you on our side, we can definitely go all the way.” He said with a smile.
Dan smiled, the battle was definitely up for a rematch “So once we beat the Vestals out of Vestroia, you wanna have a rematch, see who’s the number 1 of 2 worlds?” he smirked confidently.
“What do you say, Ingram? Wanna prove we’re the best after all the Bakugan are freed?” Ace responded rhetorically to his Bakugan.
“You betcha Ace we’re going to go hard on you and Dan, Drago.” she said
“Great to hear! It wouldn’t be a true battle otherwise.” he replied.

“Well, if you two are done with your dick measuring contest, I think we have some business to discuss inside.” Mira said, looking down at the two boys.
“Mira!” Dan said looking at her as he got on his feet “Let’s just go!” he said rather annoyed she described the battle as a dick measuring contest.
“Sorry Mira, but I needed to make sure he really could beat the Vexos,” he said getting up as well.
Dan started walking towards the base “Let’s go kick some butt!”
“Oh by the way Dan. You’re gonna love Baaron, he’s a very big fan.” Mira said as she placed her gauntlet against some kind of scanner which allowed the door to open.
Dan stepped inside “Baaron?” he looked with dread “A superfan…….” he said “Please not again.”
Marucho couldn’t help but giggle a bit at the memory of that incident.
Mira walked through and went to a computer, “Don’t worry, he’s not completely obsessed with you.”
Dan sighs of relief

“Plus he’s a fan of all the battle brawlers.” She said to a now nervous Marucho, during the last incident only Dan and Runo were really affected, and even then it was mostly Dan who the fan wanted to see.
“That’s good but uhm…… define obsessed.” he said remembering the obsessive stalking and not wanting Marucho to face the same thing.
“Aside from having a poster in his room, and collecting a ton of memorabilia, he understands boundaries well for the most part.” Mira said.
Baaron came inside “Where are they? Where are they? Where are they?” his eyes started sparkling. “They’re here!” he said looking at them

Ooohh boy Dan said to himself “Not much of a fan huh?” he asked Mira
“In my defense, I never saw how he’d act around you guys before.” Mira said.
“Baaron, contain yourself.” The Bakugan on his shoulder spoke to him.
“But Nemis! They’re here!” Baron whined a bit.

Dan looked at Mira with a ‘really?’ He didn’t dislike Baaron but the fanboy behavior was A creepy, B unwanted and C he had enough fanboy’s and girls back home!
“Hello Baaron, how are you?” Marucho asked nervously, trying to be polite.
He shook Marucho’s hand wildly “So good, you’re so awesome Master Marucho!”
“And he lost me at master.” Dan whispered.
“Master Marucho?” The short kid asked confused as he was kinda tossed around a bit by Baaron’s aggressive shaking.
Mira was looking at Dan apologetically.
Baaron was rambling to Marucho
“Mira, can we talk in private?” he asked.
Mira cringed a bit and nodded.

Dan walked to a private part of their base looking absolutely annoyed. As he stopped walking he looked at Mira and asked “Mira…… not to be rude but if he doesn’t stop with the mastering I’m brawling him and making him stop. Not that I don’t enjoy a good ego-boost….. But I had a bad encounter with one and it wasn’t pleasant for me or Runo or any of the brawlers so I really would appreciate it if next time you don’t downplay it.” his voice was a tad bit frustrated with a hint of anger.
“I’m sorry Dan, I didn’t realize he would be this intense. I knew he idolized you guys, but I didn’t think he’d actually treat you like that.” She was looking at the ground. While she normally was good at decision making, Baaron was a slight exception, it was hard for her to figure out what to do with him sometimes.

“Look, if he makes me uncomfortable I’ll deal with it but if he makes Drago or Marucho uncomfortable I will tell him off.” he sighs walking away “I’m taking a break if you don’t mind.” he said walking to a room with a red outline.
Mira nodded and headed back to the main room where Marucho, Ace, and Baaron were. Baaron had thankfully stopped shaking Marucho’s hand.
Baaron started looking around “Where is master Dan Mira?” he asked her full of glee. It was like looking at a kid who didn’t know when and how to stop.
“Listen, Baaron, can we talk in private?” She asked awkwardly as she stared at the superfan.

“Sure, thing Mira…..” he knew that tone it was her serious tone she used on Ace when he had to tone it down “Am I in trouble Nemus?” he whispered to his partner bakugan.
“I believe so.” His bakugan said, affirming his fears.
Mira sighed as she and Baaron got to a private area. “Listen, Baaron, I understand he’s your hero but…” She began.
“But what Mira?” he said a bit defensively “Did I insult him or something?” he asked, concerned.
“He’s still trying to live his life and the whole ‘master’ thing is making him uncomfortable.” She said looking up at him.
“But it’s an honor being called a master at something isn’t it?” Baron asked, confused, was Mira messing with him? “I get it, you're testing me right?” he asked .
“Baaron, it’s not a test.” She said, shaking her head. “I understand you think it’s an honor, but he’s not asking for a student, he’s asking for a teammate.”
“But……I can't be his teammate, I'm not on the same level as him. It’s better if I just sit in the back and let him fight.” Baron thought it would be for the best after all he lost Tigrerra. What if he lost Nemis?
“No, that’s not what I meant….” She needed to think about how to restore Baaron’s confidence.
Baaron walked away to his room.


Hey Everyone this is chapter two of the bakugan New Vestroia rewrite but I'd recommend going to chapter one first on HP's side of things

chapter 1:

Every other chapter will be posted on his side of things.