Work Text:
She's washing animal bottles the muggle way for stress relief.
She hasn't had a break in her stressful case for two weeks and she's going crazy over it.
Whoever the criminal is, they are extremely good at smuggling illegal items and not leaving much of a trail. She tries not to take out her worries on Newt but sometimes she does, and she makes sure to apologize and massage his back a little more (he turns into putty when she does that and wants his hair massaged too).
She finally just came back home to do menial chores until her informant can contact her again with another meeting spot.
Her period is also late, but she's been not steady for years, so she assumed it was stress.
But then came the nausea and breasts hurting so now she needs to get a pregnancy charm to be sure because there had been that one time in the case where they didn't drink their anti-pregnancy tea beforehand and she had missed his touch so much and his kisses.
She hears him come upstairs from the menagerie, muttering to Pickett and Pest. He kisses her cheek and starts prepping for dinner. Once she gets the dishes done, they'll cook and enjoy each other's company.
Dinner is done and they're relaxing in the menagerie in their bed she conjured down there since he didn't sleep upstairs at all, and she needed a bed and his warm body to be able to sleep better.
"Are you sick?" He asks, tucking her hair behind her ears and feeling her forehead.
She knew he noticed. He's such a good observer, needs to be for his work. She leans into his hand and enjoys the hair strokes. She then buries her face on his shoulder and falls asleep to his heartbeat and touch.
She takes the charm in the morning and shows him. He cries and hugs her tight. She starts crying too, she's nervous but so excited. Dougal even gives her a hug and pets her belly. For the moment they're a small happy family.