
Work Header

You - XII


Each ficlet is prefaced by a line of poetry that inspired it. Which was basically every single line so there’s like 15 ficlets making up this lot. (/ .___.)/ I’ll include the full poem as its own thing on the ending notes of the last ficlet (if it fits, otherwise I’ll throw in a link to it!).

Work Text:

from the pining, earth-struck moon which gapes at me

Shin’s ghost is bumping against his forehead, trying to rouse him from his drunken slumber. How much whiskey did he drink? Shin thought it wasn’t much, but back in the pub he kept calling for more (until the barkeep just sold him a bottle), chasing an alcoholic burn that the drink couldn’t give. His ship shudders and tilts, and Shin is glad he’s buckled into his seat or he would’ve slid out of it. Another jolt and the stars outside the viewing ports become little lights passing by, no longer streaks of light, as they finish the jump. Shin’s distracted for a moment by the lonely moon of Earth. Almost immediately after passing by, he receives a message.

Series this work belongs to: