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lettuce dance (you sexy boy)


lucio goes tot he store and finds a hot babe on an adventure?!?!


hi guys. this is my first fic…. so be nice ok? um. also. i am black. and trans. and gay. so. i can do this. :3c

Work Text:

one day lucio wowk up and he went to the store. at the store there was a vVERY CUTE GUY! lucio blushed dark (bevause he is black?), he’d never seen such a cute guy before! his nose was also bleeding cause of cute. kyaaaa~

the cute guy was… rhineheart overwat??!(! he was buying lettuce and green onion and also pregnant test…? (clear blue) lucio was confuzzled. and horny? why would rinehard be buying a pregnants test? is he pregnan? did he get a someone preg? who is the mom? lucio had so many questions.

so he suanters up to regnhurt with his child bearing transgender hips and asked, “What are you doingg buy a pregnann test, RegionalHardships?”

reformedhernia turned his head and his beautiful old gray hair flipped and there was flowers and sparkles bcause it was so sexy and wbautiful. lucio felt himself get falling in love disease. rectumhertz said boisterously, “I am buying gregnan rest for my lovely niece-goddaughter-woman Braggetta :)”

“Oh?” lucio questioned, “Is she with child?”

Reinhardt shook his head and laughhhghed and his beautiful large package also jiggled, “No!!! Hahahahahaha. She is infertile actually. It is for her girfriend, May.”

“Is Mae prgenant?”

“Yes. sHe is carrying the popular twitch streamer Dee Vee A’s baby. They have been intqngled for a while. They are so cutw.” reachherpes smiles wistfully and wipes a tear from his eye. he loves sapphic relationships so much. they rwmind him of his younger days when he was still a woman (he is transgender as well). “You know, when I was younger i was a lesbian. I just get so nostalgic. Im so happy Bruschetta has a girlfriend hwo is pregnnutn by her own girlfriend. Dont you think thats sk pretty?”

lucio nods and blushes dark bc he is black. “Yeah… I do~” he twirls one of his exotic gorjus locks and bats his beautiful transgender eyelashes at restfulharpy. “Have you ever been in a Emuhlem relationship…?”

Reinhardt got sexy eyes, “Why yes I have😼 [how eid he say an emoji?] Do you want to be my trans boyfriend? we could be t4t kings. you want to rule this empire with me, baby boy?”

lucio was sooooooo hot and bothered. he immediately started breakdancing, kicking all of the tomoatos from the produce section everywhere. he was also nosebleeding. cuz of too hotness. “Oh mai gosh!!! RushingHeavenly I would love to be in trans love with you… thats so romance!”

then, rhinehert started flexing his big muscles. “you Will be impressed by what i can do, little man.”