Chapter Text
Dawn watches Lewis pace from her seat at the kitchen table. Her coffee is still warm, thank God. She needs it for this.
She knows what this is about, she’s not stupid, not with a sibling like Gus. She glances at Sanjay, who just seems lost.
“I-I mean I think I am… I-I might be?” Lewis stutters, his ramblings slowly coming to a stop.
Dawn nods and takes another sip from her mug. He’s been pacing and saying the same things for 10 minutes now. She doesn’t mind, of course. This is a big thing for anyone and she loves that Lewis trusts her enough to tell her something so big.
“So… you’re bi?” Sanjay asks after a moment.
“I… um…”
And the rambling starts again,
Sanjay looks terribly confused and Dawn can’t help but feel for him. Lewis is talking at a mile a minute again and it’s starting to give them both a headache.
“Lew, honey, what’s confusing you?” She asks, trying to sound soft and comforting instead of like a teacher helping a student with a problem.
Lewis sighs and rubs his temples and goes silent for a moment as he tries to think of a way to explain what he’s feeling.
“Okay, so I like guys, yeah?” He says.
“Yes,” Dawn says, “I got that.”
“But I-I also
like girls but only
girls. Like, I like most guys but only some girls.” He explains. “But when I
like a girl, it's a really big like. I don’t know what that makes me, y’know? I like guys mostly but when I like girls, it’s such an-such an overwhelming feeling. I thought I was gay because I-I barely looked at girls in school but then
Dawn nods slowly. Poor Sanjay looks even more confused.
“Lewis, honey. You’re overthinking this.” She says.
Lewis didn’t look like the type, but he was constantly overthinking. He was a creative type, yes, but creative in the type Uncle Walter is. Lew always seemed to be seeing problems where there were none or coming up with obstacles for himself.
“What do you mean?” Lewis asks slowly.
“Honey, what do you think being bisexual is ?” She asks.
Lewis looks at her as though she’s grown two heads. Dawn ignores the stare and takes another slow sip of her coffee.
“Liking guys and girls.” Lewis answers.
“Yes. You feel attraction to both genders. Why wouldn’t you be bisexual?” Dawn asks slowly.
“Because it’s not the same level of attraction, mom.” Lewis answers.
Dawn nods, she wants Lewis to know that she understands what he’s saying but that he’s still overthinking this all a bit too much.
“Lewis, do you think your Uncle Gus feels the same level of attraction to everyone? What about Uncle Sam?” She asks.
“I… I don’t know. I haven’t really thought about it.” He says.
“Alright. Think of it like this. You like cake and ice cream, right?”
Lewis nods and takes a seat at the table. It almost reminds Dawn of when she used to homeschool the kids. Little lessons in the small classroom attached to their apartment at the top of the house. Names on flashcards and books on the desks, making a little family tree so her three children didn’t get confused at family gatherings.
“But do you always want cake and ice cream at the same time or do you usually prefer one over the other? If I asked you to choose right now, would you be torn up over the choice?”
Lewis shakes his head. He’s starting to understand now, she can see it in his eyes and the way he’s starting to untense.
“You don’t have to be attracted to both genders an equal amount, Lewis. You’re allowed to have preferences and still be bisexual.”
Lewis is quiet for a moment. He seems lost in thought, staring at his hands as he picks at his fingernails.
“So… you’re bi?” Sanjay asks again, he sounds almost desperate.
“Yeah, dad. I’m bi.” Lewis says.
Sanjay lets out a relieved sigh and takes Lew’s hand.
“Thank God, I had no idea what either of you were talking about.” He says.
“I don’t think this needs to be said, but we love you and support you. Thank you for telling us.” Dawn says.
Lewis nods and rests his head in his hands.
“Thanks for helping me figure it out. It’s been bothering me for a bit. I’ll go to you next time instead of using the internet.”
“That sounds like the best course of action.” She says. She takes another sip of her coffee to hide the pleased smile on her face. “If you need anything else, I’ll be right here.”