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Tally groaned in pain as she opened her eyes to see birds flying above her. She felt a grueling pain in her shoulder. What happened? She slowly turned onto her stomach, wincing in pain. She saw the plane she and her family had been on crashed, black thick smoke erupting from the fire of the broken airplane in piles in front of her. Tally tried to ground herself, standing up and almost falling over. The only thing on her mind was finding her wife and…
Her children!
“Sage! Haven!” Tally screamed as loud as she could, her voice cracking as she went around the broken pieces of metal to try to find her children, stumbling in the process. “SAGE!” “HAVEN!”
Realistically, Tally knew her babies couldn’t reply to her but Tally wasn’t in the right headspace. All she was thinking about was finding her children. Tally limped on, searching the plane wreck to find any survivors. Her hope began to thin when she realized that she was walking in circles. What if no one was alive? Tally closed her eyes, tears streaming down her face as she shook with fear, and focused on her Sight. Tally let out a breath of relief, thanking the Goddess because she KNEW no one was dead. And so, taking her Knowing skills to account, she continued to circle the wreck a few times before her eye caught on a leg sticking out on top of a hill that wasn’t too far from the majority of the plane wreck.
Tally walked towards the leg, gasping when she saw who it was.
“Oh, my Goddess Sarah!” Tally exclaimed, bolting towards Alder. “Sarah, Sarah please wake up, Sarah!” Tally frantically shook her wife as she lay motionless on the floor. Blood ran through Alder’s right nostril and a large shard of metal was jammed into her thigh. When Tally saw it, her heart fell to her stomach. Tally turned around, looking frantically for Alders’ Biddies, wondering why they weren't healing her. She wasn’t growing old which made Tally feel slightly better.
“Sarah, please wake up,” Tally pleaded.
Alder let out a groan of pain as she slowly opened her eyes. Tally gasped, grabbing Alder’s bloody hand and bringing it to her face, tears falling down her arm, “Tally?”
“I’m here, Sarah, I’m here, are you okay?” Tally asked, her voice cracking as she saw Alder strain herself to sit up.
“What happened?” Alder asked, falling back on the sandy ground in exhaustion and in pain.
“The plane crashed, and I can’t find Sage or Haven?” Tally tried to control her tears but she couldn’t. The mere thought of losing her children was just too unbearable. “They’re alive, I Know they are.”
When Alder heard of the news of her daughters, Alder stood up with a strangled cry and stood to her two feet. She looked down to see the metal in her thigh and looked at Tally who looked white with fear.
“I am okay,” Alder tried to convince but the tears streaming down Tally’s face showed that she didn’t believe her. “Look.”
Alder grabbed the piece of metal that was sticking out and with a loud scream, Alder pulled it out, the metal dripping with blood as it hit the floor. Alder squeezed her fist to try and hide the pain but Tally saw right through it. Although their connection was emotional in a sense, she could still feel her pain, although, it was very minimal.
“Are you okay?” Tally asked, her voice shaking. She kneeled on the floor and took off her sweater to tie it around Alder’s thigh tightly.
“I will be,” Alder turned around and saw the Biddies all scrambled in different places. None of them were dead, that was all that mattered. “Let’s go, we have to find them,” Alder said, limping as she walked with Tally.
“Where about the Biddies?” Alder paused for a moment, no doubt communicating through their link to figure out if they were okay.
“They’re alive, come on, let’s find our daughters.”
And so, Tally with a busted shoulder, and Alder with a gash on her leg, walked through the field where their plane had crashed. Alder was actually on her way to a meeting with the Hague but Tally insisted she and her daughters come along and who was Alder to deny her wife? Something happened and the next thing they know, they were on the ground.
Tally began to panic, the pain in her shoulder caused Tally to feel lightheaded. “Sarah, where are they? Where are they!” Tally screamed at the top of her lungs.
As much as Alder wanted to comfort her, she too was feeling the same. Hopelessness. They had been searching the wreck for twenty minutes, screaming out their daughter's names as if that would help.
“What if they’re dead? What if my Knowing skills are just acting up?” Tally screamed, her hands shaking and her tears streaming down her face and into her mouth as she wailed loudly.
“Don’t say that, you found me right? We will find them Tally,” Alder herself was crying but remained strong because she refused to imagine her daughters dead. “Come on Tally, we will find them.”
Just when Tally was going to drop to her knees and cry again, she heard something. A cry. But not just a cry, a baby cry. Tally gasped and ran towards the crying, her shoulder hurting more and more as she ran at top speed. Tally moved tree leaves and bushes as she followed the cry of her daughters, Alder running closely behind her. Tally relied on her Sight, the crying helped a little.
“Oh, my Goddess, Sage, Haven!” Tally cried out as she found her daughters underneath a big piece of metal. It was almost as if the metal shard was protecting the girls from any of the flames or the pieces of metal flying down. “Help me push it.”
Alder quickly used all the strength she could muster up and pushed the metal away from her daughters with Tally. The crying their daughters were doing just fueled the worried mothers as they pushed the metal away so that they were face-to-face with their daughters. Both Tally and Alder, with tears staining their cheeks, sighed in relief as they picked up Sage and Haven.
The Alder twins continued to cry as they were rocked by their mothers. Both mothers cooed in their ears, Alder whispering blessings to both of her daughters, thanking the Goddess that they were alive. Their daughters continued to screech at a relentless volume, and Tally wondered why, almost as if they were in pain. Alder glanced at Tally and with a worried look on her face and began to search Haven’s body for marks, only to find a huge gash on Haven’s small arm, almost half in width of her arm. Tally shrieked and checked Sage’s, only to find the exact same gash on Sage’s own arm.
“They’re h-hurt?”Tally gasped, holding her daughter close to her as she felt her world fall apart.
Alder couldn’t help much, she looked like a ghost as she saw her daughter's flesh. No mother should ever see their newborn daughter with a wound so deep that she could see flesh. Tally’s frantic crying eventually pulled Alder out of her trance.
“Sarah, please, can you fix them?” Tally cried, holding her daughter, jumping on her feet to try to provide some comfort for her daughter. “Please, Sarah.”
“Okay okay, here, put them on the floor.”
Tally laid Sage on the ground, who was moving and screaming in her pain as well as her sister who joined her on the ground. Alder held her daughters’ hands as she shut her eyes and focused. It had been far too long since she practiced healing of any sort but she tried her best. She sang a small Seed, drowning out her daughters’ cries, and when she opened her eyes, Tally was crying even harder.
“It didn’t work Sarah! Oh, my Goddess, we’re gonna lose them!”
Tally’s screaming wasn’t helping Alder but what more could she do? She was weak and she could only do so much. If she could kill herself so that her daughters may not feel this pain, she would do so in a heartbeat. Alder bowed her head down in defeat, her ears ringing with her daughters screaming of discomfort.
“Sarah! Use us,” Alder turned her head around to see her Biddies standing there. To say they were perfectly unharmed was an underestimate, to be honest, they looked terrible. All of their uniforms were cut up, each woman had a couple of bleeding scratches on their head, and a few of them were limping as well.
“I can’t, you guys are too weak, we won’t survive if I use you,” Alder turned her head back to her daughters.
“Sarah, your daughters need you, please, allow us,” Clara said as she and Devon touched both shoulders of General Alder, holding hands with the remaining Biddies.
“Heal them, Sarah.”
The Biddies began to sing a Seed that Tally couldn’t even believe they could reach. Alder bowed her head again and shut her eyes, each of her hands enveloping each of her daughter's hands as she sang a similar Seed. Tally stared at the gashes on her daughters and saw them slowly begin to fade away.
The Biddies kept it up as long as they could before Alder begged them to stop, the gash only being a small harmless scratch. Sage and Haven stopped crying, their eyes puffy, their cheeks red, and tears stained their cheeks but they would be fine. Tally gasped in relief and picked up her daughters, bringing them close to her heart as she rocked them, crying into their hair. Alder smiled, and sat down next to Tally, pulling her wife into her lap as she put an arm around her daughters, thanking the Goddess that they’d be okay.
Alder looked up at her Biddies and mouthed the words, “thank you.”
After ten minutes of Alder and Tally both being grateful that their daughters would be okay, they stood up.
“Let’s look around for supplies, we should be prepared to spend the night,” Alder said, Sage cradled in her arms as she walked forward, leading the group.
“Perhaps the pilot is still alive? Maybe we should find the cockpit?” Tally asked and Alder smiled and nodded. As the group of women approached the front of the plane, Tally groaned in pain which made Alder shift her eyes to her wife.
“Is everything okay?” Alder asked, concern washing over her.
“My shoulder, I hurt it pretty bad when we crashed,” Tally explains, moving her shoulder in circles.
“Here, give me Haven, and I’ll hold her,” Alder leaned in and kissed Tally’s lips softly before grabbing Haven out of Tally’s hand, adjusting both of her daughters in her arms so they could be comfortable.
“We’re nearly, there, let’s check for the pilot,” Bree said as the group of women nodded. It didn’t take long for the group of women to find the cockpit. The front of the plane, the cockpit, was pretty much still together. There were sparks of electricity flying everywhere.
“Stay here Tally, we will check it out,” Alder commanded her wife in a way that Tally knew not to forbid. And so, she watched precariously as she saw her daughters, her wife, and her wifes’ Biddies get closer and closer into the proximity of the plane.
Tally watched absently mindlessly up until her eyes widened in realization. She knew what was going to happen.
“WAIT!” Tally shouted before a huge explosion pushed Tally back, making her fly backward and hit her head on a tree behind her. She shook her head to gain consciousness as she looked to see pieces of metal flying from the sky. She stood up quickly and ran back to the cockpit to find nothing there.
Tally’s heart fell to the pit of her stomach as she fell to her knees, staring up at the sky and screaming, “SARAH!!!”
Tally jolted awake, sitting up on her bed as she breathed hard. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness of her room as she got her bearings. She got up and practically ran into the nursery, only to find her wife sitting in a rocking chair with Sage. Alder bolted in attention as she saw the worry written on her wife's face.
“Tally, are you alright?” Alder asked, careful not to move in fear of waking or disturbing her daughter. “Give me a moment,” Alder stood up and carefully held her daughter and placed her in Haven’s crib rather than her own.
“Oh Sarah,” Tally cried, reaching for her wife and engulfing her in a bone-crushing hug. “I had such a terrible dream.”
“Shh, it was only a dream, you’re okay,” Alder soothed, rubbing her hand up and down Tally’s back. “Are you well enough to talk about it?”
Tally sighed into Alder’s embrace, “we were in a plane crash, all of us were there. The twins, the Biddies, and we crashed, I don’t know how- it was terrifying. I thought you were dead but you weren’t. We had trouble finding the twins- the plane blew up and you- the girls, oh my Goddess Sarah it was terrible,” Tally tried to explain.
“Shh,” Alder squeezed her arms tighter around Tally. “It was only a dream. That will never happen, it’s okay. The twins and I are not going anywhere.”
Tally closed her eyes as she listened to her lover's heartbeat as she tried to calm down. She focused on her breathing, synchronizing with Alder’s heartbeat as her tears finally stilled.
“I didn’t even know you left our bed, I just wanted to check the girls,” Tally sighed.
“It is okay, if I had a dream like yours, I would check on the girls as well.”
“What are you doing awake? What time is it?”
“It is 0530, Sage was crying so I gave her a bottle and rocked her to sleep,” Alder answered. “I’m surprised her crying didn’t wake you, it usually does.”
“I guess I was too caught up in that stupid dream,” Tally frowned.
“It seems as so.”
Tally turned away from Alder to look at her daughters sleeping peacefully in the crib. Tally had given almost five months ago and usually, her daughters couldn’t sleep through the night which made both Tally and Alder exhausted. They have also grown so their features are very recognizable. Although they were identical through and through, some of their features were very distinguishable.
Haven had icy blue eyes, much like Alder, but she had Tally’s copper hair. She also had Tally’s nose and the shape of Alder’s lips. Everyone says that Haven looked the most like Alder, and when they pointed out that her witchmark was the same shape as Alder’s witchmark, and on her left hip, there was no contest. Haven was a quiet baby, barely cried, and could often go to anyone without crying. Sage on the other hand was a crier and often kept her mothers awake through all hours of the night. Her crying would wake her sister and both Tally and Alder had to comfort them. Sage had chocolate brown eyes, just like Tally’s, and her hair was long, brown, and curly. Besides her hair and eye color, Sage is a replica of Tally. Emotional, bubbly, and sweet. Sage’s witchmark was the same shape as Tally’s but hers was on her left ear.
In order to tell the twins apart, Izadora placed a soft ring around the twins’ ankles. Sage had a purple ring on her ankle and Haven had a pink one. Although their mothers could tell who was who, it was best to be safe. Especially in the first couple of weeks when they were born. The baby monitors also had been color-coded, one had a purple piece of tape on it so when it went off, they knew it was Sage who was crying. The other baby monitor had a piece of pink tape on it so when that one went off, they knew it was Haven.
“She looks so much like you,” Tally commented, leaning her chin down to rest on top of her hands that were holding the railing of her daughters crib. “I know you don’t have any baby photos but I like to think that Haven looked like you when you were younger.”
“She does resemble me much,” Alder stood behind Tally, wrapping her arms around Tally’s waist as she rested her chin on Tally’s shoulder. “I mean, I have seen your baby photos and Sage is an exact copy of how you looked as a baby.”
Tally chuckled, “I guess. Goddess, they are growing up so fast.”
Alder laughed and turned Tally around so she was face to face with her, “not fast enough.”
“They’re already five months old, next thing we know, they are gonna be 16 years old bringing home civilian boyfriends for us to meet!” Tally exclaimed.
Alder’s eyebrows furrowed as she shook her head, “they are not having boyfriends at 16, they most definitely will know better.”
“Or they could be having girlfriends?” Tally joked.
“Regardless of the gender of their partner, no dating till at least 21 years old.”
“Oh?” Tally smirked. “I see you are going to constantly play the bad cop in every situation?”
“What ever do you mean?” Alder shrugged.
“Whenever Sage and Haven need something from us, they will ask me and then tell me that I need to tell you because they would be too scared to ask you,” Tally chuckled, stepping closer to Alder and pushing her so she could lean on one of the changing tables. “Or when you refuse them something they’ll turn to me. You would be putting me in an awfully difficult position.”
“At least they know that much to ask you after I deny them,” Alder chuckled, bringing her arms around Tally’s waist so she was closer to her. “And if they do anything without permission, they would be punished.”
“Oh really?”
“Yes Tally, really.”
“What if I told them yes when you told them no?”
“Well,” Alder said as she reached for the top buttons of Tally’s pajama shirt and began unbuttoning it. “Then you have undermined my authority and that calls for punishment as well.”
“Will I like this punishment?” Tally asked, a hungry look in her eye.
“Punishments are not meant to be liked Tally,” Alder bit her lip as she slipped off Tally’s shirt and tossed it on the floor, not hiding how she ogled Tally’s full breasts.
“If you’re the one giving it to me, I’m sure I’ll love it,” Tally smirked and pushed Alder away from the changing table to jump up on it, spreading her legs and bringing Alder in to place a hard passionate kiss on her lips.
Alder moaned at the softness of Tally’s skin, gripping and rubbing her skin as she knew Tally would like it. She fondled her breast and bit Tally’s neck when she heard a small moan escape her lips.
Tally pulled away from Alder’s lips to breathlessly say, “take me to our bedroom, I do not want to orgasm on our daughter's changing table.”
“Fair enough.”
Alder picked up Tally from behind her thighs and Tally wrapped her legs around Alder’s waist. Tally giggled as Alder nibbled on her earlobe, almost knocking over a bottle of baby powder before carefully exiting their daughter's nursery. Alder gently placed Tally on the bed, not giving her enough time before collapsing on top of her, placing sloppy, open-mouthed kisses on her chest which resulted in Tally squirming on the bed in fits of giggles.
“Sarah,” Tally yawned. “Stop teasing.
“But it’s so much fun to get you riled up.”
“We have to” Tally yawned again loudly. “Be up soon.”
Alder chuckled, getting off of Tally and laying on her side of the bed. Tally gave her a questioning look but Alder smiled, “you need to sleep. We both do. We can pick this up another time.”
“Sarah, wake up, your daughter is crying,” Tally sleepily said as she shook Alder to try to get her to wake up and tend to a crying Sage.
“Before 0600, she is your daughter,” Alder murmured sleepily.
Sage and Haven had been taking turns waking up their mothers every night. Since Alder was on maternity leave, they had no reason to leave their home, and they haven’t since the twins were born. When Tally first came home, many people visited that week, majors, generals, acquaintances, and anyone with a high position on base came to give congratulations. They were very curious to see the descendants of the great General Alder. People stopped showing up to visit the couple after the third week of the twins’ birth and Tally and Alder barely noticed six months went by since they last saw each others’ friends and acquaintances. They were constantly changing diapers, feeding their daughters, or simply cleaning up baby vomit. Tally had often forgotten to take a shower due to Sage’s and Haven’s high demand for their mothers’ attention, once going ten days without stepping foot in the bathtub. Alder had not tended to her hair in weeks during the first three months, barely having it in braids like how she wanted. The Biddies offered to help but when it came to the twins waking up before the crack of dawn, it was more Tally’s and Alder’s responsibility.
Tally still heard crying so she jerked Alder awake again and Alder groaned in frustration and sat up. Tally heard the nursery light turn on and finally stopped hearing the cry coming from Sage. Tally tried to sleep again but the pink baby monitor lit up and released a horrible crying sound that Tally knew was coming from Haven.
Sarah can handle both of them crying , Tally thought. Or she couldn't?
Tally pretended to ignore it and right when she felt the heaviness of her eyelids shut her eyes, Sarah called from the nursery, “Tally, please come here.”
With a groan of frustration and just pure exhaustion, Tally stood up from the bed and walked to the nursery. She found Alder changing Sage’s diaper while Haven was crying in her crib. Tally walked forward to Sage and lifted her up.
“Oh my poor baby, what’s wrong?” Tally cooed as she rocked her daughter. Haven was relentless and she continued to cry. “Oh is my baby hungry? Hmm? You need to eat right? I’m such a bad mommy, I didn’t feed you did I?”
Alder chuckled from the changing table at her wife's baby voice. It was adorable and although she would never admit it, she also had a baby voice that she spoke to her daughters with. Tally sat down on the rocking chair and pulled up her shirt to expose her nipple and Haven instantly latched on it, her crying finally coming to a halt. Tally sighed at the sound, finally, some peace and quiet . Alder fixed Sage’s onesie and grabbed a bottle of heated breastmilk since Tally was pumping during her free time and sat in the rocking chair adjacent to the one Tally was sitting on and fed her daughter.
“I don’t know how much more I could take this,” Tally confessed, the rocking of the chair lulling her to sleep.
“We’ve only been doing this for six months,” Alder chuckled, staring at Tally.
“Yes, but the sleeping? The girls can’t even sleep through one night without waking up, we have to do something about it,” Tally frowned.
“Didn’t think about the sleepless nights when we were trying to get pregnant, did we?” Alder brought her hand to Sage’s own and Sage gripped Alder’s long finger which warmed her heart. Sage was staring up at Alder with her beautiful brown eyes and insanely long eyelashes which melted her.
“I’ll ask my mom and Petra what they did if I or Abigail couldn’t sleep through the night and we’ll see after that.”
“I do have one technique we can try,” Alder said and stood up from her rocking chair when she noticed Sage was asleep and paced around the room, and slowly patted her back, to try and burp her daughter.
“Let them cry themselves to sleep, it’s effective and it’ll help them sleep through the night. I know they are our first children but we don’t want to coddle them. When they cry, they know we will be there to comfort them and they’ll continue to do so unless we put a stop to the behavior.”
“So torture our daughters? Great idea Sarah,” Tally rolled her eyes.
“Tally, it isn’t torture. It’s very effective on getting babies to sleep through the night, trust me, it’ll work.”
“And you have done this to other babies, correct?” Tally fired.
“Well no-”
“Then no, I will research some methods tomorrow.”
“Very well,” Alder heard a couple of burps escape Sage’s mouth and slowly, Alder placed her daughter in her designated crib. Alder circled back to Tally, Tally had finished feeding Haven and began to burp Haven as well.
“Are you excited to go back on base?” Tally asked, crossing her right over her left thigh.
“I am very much excited to lead my base again, I just hope I won’t be as busy as I was when I returned from our honeymoon because I don’t want to miss my quality time with my daughters,” Alder frowned. “I don’t want to be a bad mother who is never there for the mother of her children and her children.”
Tally stared at Alder with a smile, “you have spent more than enough time with them. Six months with them.”
“And yet, it doesn’t feel like enough
Alder opened the door to her house and put her keys on the table in the foyer, the Biddies shuffling in behind her. She often went to base to catch up with Petra as her maternity leave was ending later the week. Alder walked into the living room to find Tally sitting on the floor with Sage and Haven. Sage and Haven have dressed in adorable blue onesies and cute hats that no doubt came with the set. They were lying on the floor on top of a blanket where Tally was sitting in front of them, scrolling on her phone.
“Hello beloved,” Alder said, leaning down to kiss Tally softly on the lips. “And there are my babies, hello daughters. Máà missed you so much,” Alder placed a soft kiss on top of the girl’s forehead, whispering her everyday blessing to them as well. The Biddies all dispersed to their rooms because they were just as exhausted as Alder and Tally were.
“How was work?” Tally asked, patting a seat on the couch.
“Fine, Petra runs base well enough but nothing will satisfy me more than taking her off her high horse. She is just warming my seat when I return later this week,” Alder replied, sitting down on the couch next to Tally. “How were they today? Anything interesting?”
“Nope, we just hung out, I fed them, changed their diapers, read to them, I even took them on a walk!”
“I’m glad you’re getting out of the house, we both have to get back to base soon,” Alder reminded Tally.
“Sadly, but how can I manage to stay away from them hmm? They are just too cute! Yes, you are, you guys are so cute. You, girls, are mommy’s little angels, yes you are,” Tally spoke in her baby voice which made Sage and Haven squeal in delight.
“They can stay in the Fosterling wing, I already told the Fosterling mother that we would be bringing them on base Monday.”
“Okay, if you trust them so will I,” Tally said, turning her attention to Alder and resting her chin on Alder’s knees. “I spoke to my mom and Petra today about sleep training.”
“And, they said the same thing you did,” Tally grumbled.
Alder leaned on the couch with a smirk, “and what may that be?”
“Torture our daughters and make them cry themselves to sleep which I will not do!”
“It is not torture Tally.”
“Yes it is and it is something that I will not put my daughters through.”
Alder rolled her eyes, “never mind that then, what will we try instead?”
“They haven’t napped once today which was very hard for the record and when we put them down later, we will make sure the nursery is an ideal sleeping environment. Ya know, blackout shades which I have already bought, a sound machine, candles, and keeping the room temperature at a relaxing 72 degrees.”
“And you’re sure it will work?”
“Better than torturing them.”
“Aww come on!” Tally exclaimed as she jolted up to the sound of Sage’s baby monitor going off. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and stared at her wife sleeping next to her and groaned. “I hate telling you I told you so.”
Right when Tally was going to get out of bed, Haven’s baby monitor lit up and revealed her crying as well. Alder jolted up as well, sitting up in bed, “what happened?”
“It’s okay, I got them. Go to sleep,” Tally said as she kissed Alder’s cheek before pushing her back to lie on the bed and running inside the nursery.
“Shh, I’m here, I’m here,” Tally cooed, picking up Sage and then moving to pick up Haven, their crying instantly stopping at the feeling of her mother. Tally walked around the nursery and sighed. The candles were still lit and Tally rolled her eyes and blew it out. She stopped the calming waves the sound machine was letting out and sighed.
“Girls, this was supposed to work,” Tally was frustrated, she really thought this was going to work. “Why are you guys doing this to me?” Tally asked, looking at her daughters. Her daughters giggled and smiled back at Tally and Tally rolled her eyes and placed a kiss on their foreheads.
“This has to stop soon.”
“Look girls, this is where Máà works,” Tally said to her daughters as she entered the gates of Fort Salem with her daughters in a stroller. “Let’s go surprise Máà in her office.”
Tally was grateful to be back on base, she really missed it here. The end of maternity leave was today but there were no Mothertongue classes for Tally to teach so she’d be back Monday morning. However, Tally was itching to get out of her house so she made the thirty-minute car ride to base and was excited to be there. It wasn’t long till Raelle found her on base, running up to Tally and enveloping her in a bone-crushing hug. All of her sisters worked on base as well as their partners. Abigail was leading training in basic, Scylla trained the Necros, Raelle trained the healers and worked mainly in the infirmary with Izadora, and even Adil helped Tally teach Mothertongue.
“You’re here! I can’t believe it! It’s been so long since I last saw you!” Raelle exclaimed, bringing Tally back in for a hug.
“I know, I’m sorry Raelle. It’s just been so much to handle. Having newborns isn’t easy, to let you know. Remind Scylla that as well,” Tally knew that the couple was speaking about having children, opting for adopting because they wanted to help students who needed parents.
“Of course Tally, you need your space and I know more than anyone that caring for one newborn, let alone two is hard work. I just missed my nieces so much,” Raelle turned to face Sage and Haven. “Hello angels, oh my Goddess look how much they’ve grown.”
Tally watched Raelle reach into the stroller and grab Sage’s finger with adoration. She had been rather distant from her sisters and although it pained Tally, she knew she needed the space. While Sage and Haven napped, Tally finally got to a shower and combed and washed as much as possible before the twins woke. Tally felt good to finally be free of baby vomit and baby poop after days of not tending to her own needs.
“They got so big, what’re you feeding them Tal?” Raelle giggled. “May I?” Raelle motioned to take one of her daughters out of the stroller and Tally nodded.
Raelle picked Sage, Sage’s purple ring around her ankle bumping against the stroller before Raelle cradled Sage close to her heart, cooing in adoration at the youngest Alder twin in her grasp.
“She is beautiful, Tal, and she looks so much like you,” Raelle exclaimed. Sage reached up to touch Raelle’s face before bringing her fist to her mouth to suck on. “I’m getting extreme baby fever right now.”
“They’re cute and all but wait till they start crying in the middle of the night,” Tally sighed.
“Did you start sleep training?”
“Yes, but nothing is working, I’ve tried everything.”
“Have you tried the Ferberize method?”
“You are literally the fourth person telling me to try it and I won’t do it!” Tally said, throwing her arms up in frustration.
“But it’s effective-”
“I don’t care, I will not torture my daughters by not comforting them when they're crying,” Tally fired back and Raelle put her hands up in surrender.
“Okay okay, it was just a thought. I’m sure you guys will overcome this,” Raelle reasoned. “Now take this baby away from me before Scylla seems me with-”
“Eep, Tally!” Raelle turned around to find her wife running at her and Tally at full speed. Scylla hugged Tally, kissing her cheek before turning to the stroller. “Oh, my Goddess they are so beautiful. And they look so much like you and Sarah!”
Tally smiled as she stared at the couple playing with her daughters. This is where she wanted to get in life. This was her dream. To marry someone she loved and start a family. But Raelle, Abigail, and Scylla were her sisters, her family as well. The Biddies were also her family. Tally didn’t come from a big family and she was grateful for the position she was finally in.
“I could just eat them up,” Scylla said as she lifted Haven from the stroller and cradled her. “Goddess, she’s precious, is this Sage or Haven?”
“That’s Haven, and this is Sage,” Tally pointed at her daughter in Raelle’s hands.
“How can you tell the difference?” Raelle exclaimed, nuzzling her face against Haven’s head.
“You see the rings on their ankles?” Scylla and Raelle tilted their head slightly to see the colored ring on the babies they were holding. “Pink is for Haven and purple is for Sage, we have most things color coded so we can tell them apart, but Sarah and I know whose who. Motherly instinct I suppose.”
Sage began to squirm when Raelle attempted to make her laugh, her cheeks growing puffy to start crying. “Hey hey it’s okay, I’m your Auntie Rae.”
“It’s okay, Sage is a crier, she gets scared of anyone who picks her up, guess she takes up after me,” Tally chuckled.
“Look at Haven, she doesn’t even seem bothered in the slightest! She must take up after Sarah,” Scylla giggled, kissing her cheek as she rocked up and down.
“Speaking of Sarah, do you guys know where she is?”
“Last I saw her was around the quad walking with General Bellweather,” Scylla shrugged.
Tally desperately wanted to see her wife. Things had been so hectic at home that they had barely any chance for romance. And with that in mind, Tally pushed the stroller forward on base and towards the quad, Raelle holding Sage and Scylla holding Haven. As the trio walked, they had to continuously stop to see the descendants of the great Sarah Alder. Tally didn’t mind, her heart actually warmed at the thought of Sage and Haven being loved on base.
“Seriously Tal, I don’t know how you do this,” Raelle’s head was sideways as Sage pulled on Raelle’s blonde hair.
“Do what?” Tally questioned.
“Have time for romance!”
Tally quirked an eyebrow up, “I’m not following.”
“How do you and Sarah still have sex with newborns keeping you on your toes, what’s your secret?” Raelle asked.
Tally frowned, “we don’t.”
“Don’t what?” Raelle questioned.
“Have sex, I mean, we haven’t, not since the twins were born.”
“Really? That’s like, wow! I mean, not wow, I mean like, well, that’s a long time! I mean, like- ow!” Scylla hit Raelle on the shoulder, giving her a pointed look.
“I love you to pieces Raelle but stop talking,” Scylla gave Tally an apologetic look after she smacked Raelle upside the head.
“I’m sorry Tally, that’s not what I meant when I said-”
“Nothing to apologize for, we just haven’t had the time,” Tally really didn’t want to talk about it because, in all honesty, Raelle was right. They haven’t had any romance or even had sex in months. Tally desperately missed her wife. Her lips, her fingers, her body. Tally missed her so much. Their sex life was great but after the twins were born, their hands had been full. It was tending to the twins at night and if they did have the time, one of them was too tired. Tally didn’t blame Alder, she just missed her wife.
Tally continued to push the stroller in silence as Raelle and Scylla continued to conversate. Tally was looking around for Alder, wanting to see her and be with her. Tally felt her heart finally flutter and knew, Alder was near. Tally turned her head, Knowing exactly where she would be , and there she was. Alder was walking with Petra, probably getting caught up still. When Alder felt Tally’s stare, she turned around swiftly, a smile forming on her face. Alder brought a finger up and began to walk towards the trio, Petra standing in the previous spot in confusion but following after Alder. Tally took a minute to look at her wife. She wore her army grays, not a wrinkle in sight, and her hair done in a pristine braid.
Goddess, she's hot, Tally thought.
When Alder finally got into the twins' eyesight, both Sage and Haven started squirming against Raelle and Scylla, reaching their arms up so Alder could hold them. Alder smiled at the sight, “hello my daughters.”
Raelle handed Sage to Alder and when she was secure, Scylla handed Haven to her as well. “I have missed you,” Alder said as she kissed the twins on the forehead.
Sage and Haven squealed in her mother’s arms, leaning their heads against her shoulders in contentment. Alder turned to Tally and smiled at her, “I have missed you too beloved.”
Tally blushed when Raelle and Scylla released a prolonged, “aww.”
There was a crowd forming in the quad, all staring at General Alder with her daughters, her wife by her side. The soldiers stared in adoration, watching the family with rapt attention. Tally didn’t mind, the twins were truly a miracle. Especially for the great General Alder. It would be no secret that Sage and Haven would become wildly popular on base, as they were the only descendants of Sarah Alder. Petra pushed through the crowd and stood in front of Alder and the twins.
“They are truly beautiful Sarah, congratulations, to the both of you” Petra complimented and Alder nodded. “Who is who?”
“This one is Sage, and she is Haven,” Petra stepped closer to look at the twins and both the twins began to fuss, obviously not being big fans of Petra. Petra jolted back with a grimace on her face.
“Charming,” Petra said before excusing herself, leaving the family to themselves.
“Good girls,” Alder whispered, which made Tally laugh.
“Sarah, can we talk in private?”
“Does this make me an older sister?” Anacostia exclaimed as she set Sage and Haven in a fit of giggles in Alder’s office.
“Since you are my adoptive daughter, yes technically,” Alder chuckled, sitting behind her desk whereas Tally sat on the couch. Their daughters were on the floor on top of a fluffy blanket where Anacostia was hovering over them, making strange faces that the twins found hilarious.
“Took you long enough Máà,” Anacostia jokes, never turning her attention away from her sisters in front of her. “Goddess Tally, she looks just like you.”
“It’s almost as if I gave birth to them!”
“Don’t be a smart ass,” Anacostia laughed, frowning when she saw Sage and Haven yawning. “I think they’re tired.”
“It’s time for their nap, I already fed them so it won’t be too long till they’re- and they’re asleep,” Tally said as she saw Sage and Haven already sleeping.
“Before you leave base, please tell me, I want to say goodbye to them. Bye you two,” Anacostia said before exiting the room.
“Leaving already? You know you could stay and talk to us?” Alder faked her hurt. “It’s almost like you came into my office only to see them.”
“That is precisely why I came here. Farewell.”
Anacostia closed Alder’s office door softly so that the twins could continue to nap, which Tally was grateful for. Tally was grateful, she really didn’t want the twins to wake up right now, now with what she had in mind. Tally walked towards the door and put a locking sigil on it before turning to Alder’s curtains, and shutting them closed.
As Tally closed the last curtain to the massive windows in Alder’s office, the Biddies began to file out of the room, heading to their old private quarters and shutting the door. Alder watched Tally intensively, licking her lips as she checked out her wife. Her wife wore a blue oversized sweater, much like the color of Alder’s eyes, white skinny jeans, and strappy sandals. She looked delicious. Tally seductively walked toward Alder, sitting on her desk in front of her, spreading her legs so Alder could wrap her arms around Tally’s lower half.
“Hi,” Tally replied, a dirty look in her eye which didn’t go unmissed by Alder.
“What are you doing?” Alder questioned, Tally gripping her hands so Alder would fiddle with the hem of Tally’s sweater.
“I am seducing my wife in her office!” Tally stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“With our daughters lying no more than ten feet away from us?” Alder asked.
“They’re sleeping,” Tally shrugged, lifting up her sweater to expose her exceptionally large breasts, her nipples already peaking through the fabric of her bra. Tally’s breasts grew in size immensely because of her nursing, although she was constantly pumping in any free time she had, her breasts were much larger than usual, which Alder was not complaining about. “What? You don’t want this?”
Alder growly hungrily as she stood up, bringing her strong arms underneath Tally’s thighs, folding Tally almost. Alder pressed her body forward, causing Tally to lie down on Alder’s desk. Tally groaned in pain when she felt the back of her head hit a stapler. Alder chuckled, moving it aside. Alder planted her lips on Tally’s neck, biting harshly, causing Tally to moan. Alder ran her hands down Tally’s soft torso, practically purring at Tally’s toned stomach. Tally brought her arms around Alder’s strong back, her hand cupping Alder’s neck as she pressed her deeper into her neck. Tally began to jerk her hips to try and gain more friction and Alder grinded into her in return.
“Goddess just fuck me already,” Tally whined when Alder cupped her breasts.
“All in good time,” Alder muttered against Tally’s neck.
“No!” Tally pushed Alder forward, Alder fell onto her chair. Tally sat up on the desk and straddled Alder’s legs, pressing her lips harshly against Alder’s.
Tally unclipped her bra, letting her breasts fall. Alder took no time in leaning over and enveloping one of Tally’s hardened nipples in her mouth, but being careful as they were very sore. Tally grabbed Alder’s hair, pushing her deeper into her chest, moaning encouragingly into Alder’s ear.
“Somebody's impatient,” Tally knew Alder was smirking but Tally just growled in response.
“I just want you so bad,” Tally sat up and unbuttoned her jeans, sliding them over her thigh as much as she could. “Now fuck me, Sarah.”
“Take off your pants beloved, it will be much more comfortable,” Alder said, flushed and bothered by how desperate Tally was being. This was a new face for Tally that Alder never met but was excited to get to know. In the back of her head, Alder was wondering where Tally gained this sort of sexual desperation.
“We don’t have time, just hurry,” Tally pleaded, tugging on Alder’s braid the way she liked. Alder moved her hand uncomfortably into Tally’s panties, Tally moaning the second she felt Alder’s finger run through her curls. “Hurry before-”
A loud crying made Tally fall forward into Alder’s neck in frustration. Alder peered behind Tally to see Haven was the one who was crying. It wouldn’t be long till Haven’s crying woke Sage. Alder chuckled, cupping Tally’s face away from her neck and kissing her softly on her lips.
“We can pick this up later,” Alder reassured and Tally sighed.
“We won’t,” Tally simply said and got off of Alder, almost falling because of the restriction in her jeans. Tally buttoned her jeans back up, forgoing her sweater and tending to a crying Haven.
Tally picked up Haven, kissing her forehead before sitting down on the couch and bringing Haven to her breast. Haven latched on immediately, a tear sliding down her cheek as the crying finally stopped. Alder stared at Tally from her desk, watching her wifes chest heave up and down in frustration as her daughter was nursed. Alder didn’t need their connection to know something was wrong.
“Are you okay?” Alder asked, walking over to Tally and sitting down next to her on the couch.
“I’m fine,” Tally lied.
“You do not seem like-,” Tally interjected with a roll of her eyes.
“I’m fine Sarah!”
Alder wanted to leave Tally alone, perhaps she needed space. But Alder knew that Tally wouldn’t like it if she left, even if she was told to leave countless times by her. So Alder continued to pry her wife, hoping it wouldn’t come back to bite her in the ass
“Talk to me Tally,” Alder moved her head so Tally’s attention could flicker to her face. “What is it, Tally?”
“I just…” Tally sighed. “Miss you.”
“I’m right here my dove, I am not going anywhere.”
“That’s not what I meant, I just miss…” Tally chewed on her bottom lip. “How we used to be.”
“Explain yourself Tally because I am not following.”
“We’re just so busy and we don’t have time for each other.”
“But the twins-”
“Are a handful, I’m not regretting them, I just-” Tally didn’t know how to finish whatever thought she had in mind.
“Just what?”
“Miss you,” Tally frowned, looking away from Alder, ashamed that she was even feeling this way. “I love my daughters Sarah, I do, I just, want to have one on one time with you.”
“I miss you too Tally,” Alder cupped Tally’s chin so she could look at her. “And we have a lot of one on one time with each other.”
“Sarah,” Tally groaned. Why wasn’t she getting what Tally was saying?
“Look, I have an idea if you’re open to it.”
“What is it?”
“We are going on a date, tomorrow night.”
“It’s not really a date if we have to bring Sage and Haven with us.”
“It is not, which is why I will ask your sisters to babysit while I take you out.”
“But they are too young to be left alone without us.”
“They are not and we will be back early enough so your sisters won’t have too much trouble with them.”
“But Sarah-”
“No buts, I am the General, and what I say goes. Am I understood?” Alder’s authority turned Tally on.
“But I don’t want a date!” Tally groaned.
“What do you want Tally? Do you want to make love to me?”
“No, Sarah! I just want to be fucked, so hard that I forget that we have twins to tend to! I want it to be rough and dirty, I just…”
Alder couldn’t hide her laugh, “trust me, nothing would please me more than ravishing you all night. After our date, we will come back to base and to my corridors and I will eat and fuck your pussy so good that I may have to help you walk afterward.”
“Won’t we come back too late?”
“Considering how pent-up you are, I’ll give you ten minutes tops before you release on either my tongue or my strap,” Alder smirked.
Tally ached at the thought, “thank you, Sarah.”
“I love you, Tally, I’d do anything for you.”
“Dearest, your sisters are going to be here any minute,” Alder called out from the living room. She was currently sitting on the floor of their living room, playing with Sage and Haven as her Biddies sat on the couch, surrounding them.
“I’m here I’m here,” Tally called out as she slowly walked down the stairs. Tally wore a sparkly red strapless dress with matching red pencil heels. Tally curled her hair and applied some light makeup that gave Alder the “fuck me eyes” whenever she stared at her.
Alder opted for a beige-colored pantsuit. The coat remained open and she wore a beige vest underneath. She wore cream loafers and paired them with a couple of rings along with her wedding ring and wedding band.
“You look, gorgeous darling,” Alder partially drooled at her wife as she stood up to greet her. Alder closed the distance between them, inhaling Tally’s perfume and almost purring at the smell. She placed a gentle kiss on her wife, smiling when she saw Tally’s smiling back at her. “I cannot wait to take that dress off of you.”
“I might beat you to it, thank you for doing this for me.”
“I needed this too, Tally,” Alder admitted. “Although we have our hands full in the best possible way, it is nice to be with you and only you for a change.”
“I feel the same way. And you’re sure they can take care of the twins? They’re still newborns, what if they start crying or-”
“Relax, I’ve been tiring them out for a little over 15 minutes, as soon as your sisters come, they will probably be asleep by then,” Alder checked the expensive watch on her wrist. “Which should be now, what is taking them so long?”
Tally closed her eyes and opened them immediately and walked towards the foyer to open the front door, “they’re here.”
“It wasn’t a red light, it was yellow and as I drove past it, it turned red,” Raelle grumbled at Abigail who rolled her eyes.
“It was red dumbass, you’re gonna get a ticket.”
“It wasn’t fucking red!”
“Fine, fine, whatever, but if you get a ticket don’t come crying to me,” Abigail snarled, glaring at Raelle. “Next time we have to babysit, I’m driving.”
“Uhh, hi?” Tally said and Raelle and Abigail turned their attention to her sister and each took turns greeting her with a hug. “Wow Tally, you look hot!” They walked into Alder’s and Tally’s home, Raelle making a beeline for the Alder twins who were gurgling in excitement on the floor but noticed Alder standing there.
“Sarah, hi,” Raelle greeted and gave Alder a hug. Alder chuckled and hugged her back, welcoming her. Raelle then sat in front of Sage and Haven, completely in awe of Alder’s descendants.
“Abigail,” Alder gave a curt nod of her head in greeting to Abigail and she returned it.
“So, it is almost time for their nap, so they shouldn’t be too much of a handful. If they start crying they are either hungry or need to be changed. There are a couple of bottles of milk in the fridge, just heat them up and give it to them but before you put them down, make sure to burp them. Everything around here is color-coded for them, Pink is for Haven, and purple is for Sage. And if they aren’t hungry, change them upstairs in the nursery.”
“What if they’re tired?” Raelle asked.
“Then we put them down for a nap, shitbird,” Abigail scoffed.
“Please refrain from cursing around the twins Abigail,” Alder chided to which Abigail nodded her head in embarrassment. “But yes, if they are tired, bring them upstairs to the nursery, the nursery door is past Devon’s door, next to the master bedroom. Sage has this fluffy purple blanket that she cannot sleep without and Haven has a pink stuffed horse that she cannot sleep without so make sure they have it with them when they’re down, any questions?”
“Just one,” Abigail said. “Where do you keep your wine?”
Tally giggled, “in the wine cabinet next to the pantry, glasses are in the cupboard above the sink.”
“I am assuming you ladies know how to change a diaper?” Alder cocked an eyebrow up.
Abigail quickly shook her head to which Tally had a fearful look on her face. Raelle quickly interjected, saying that there were many children in the Cession growing up and she was more than capable of changing a diaper.
Sage began to fuss and Raelle stared at her with shock, trying to soothe her. Sage then began to scream and cry loudly. “I got her,” Alder said as she picked her up. “What’s wrong my sweetling? Are you hungry? Collar, get the bottle from the fridge and please heat it up.” Raelle stood up and sprinted towards the kitchen.
“What color is for Sage again?!” Raelle called out from the kitchen.
“Purple!” Tally replied, straining her voice a little over Sage’s crying.
“She is really good with them,” Abigail whispered to Tally as they both stared at Alder rocking Sage in her arms, whispering soothing things to her.
“You have no idea.”
“I’m surprised, I mean, I’ve seen her interact with the Fosterlings back at base but never with babies, I’m impressed.”
“Trust me, so am I. I didn’t know the first thing on taking care of a baby but she pretty much has that down to the wire, I honestly don’t think I could do this without her,” Tally admitted, smiling at Alder who gave her a smile back.
Raelle came back with a bottle with pink tape on it and handed it to Alder. “No Raelle, you do this part. Sit down,” Raelle obliged, sitting down on one of the loveseats that were in the living room and Alder carefully placed a crying Sgae into her arms. Raelle tested the milk on her skin before giving the bottle to Sage, who quieted down instantly. Alder hovered over her, making sure she was doing it right.
“Shall we go?” Alder asked Tally and Tally nodded.
“If anything happens, please call me,” Tally said as Abigail practically pushed her out the door.
“We got it, don’t worry. Have fun you two.”
“We won’t be gone late, we’ll be back around-”
“Stay out as late as you want, bye!”
“It smells so good here,” Tally exclaimed as the group of women walked inside a pretty well-known restaurant in the heart of Boston. Alder nodded in agreement as they approached the hostess, who practically fell over once she caught a glance at Alder walking towards her.
“General Alder, it’s good to see you,” the hostess said, trying to hide her blush as she ran her fingers through her hair. “How are you?”
“I am well Natania,” Alder bowed her head down with politeness. Tally eyed the hostess in front of her, a scowl on her face.
Anger was boiling inside of Tally and the more this Natania spoke, the more angry Tally got. The woman was no more than Tally’s age, maybe younger, with brown hair, brown eyes, and creamy dark skin. From what Tally could see, the woman was gorgeous. No flaw in sight. But flirting with her wife in front of Tally was a definite no-no.
“Please follow me,” the hostess quickly stepped away from her podium and led the group of ladies down the restaurant and past a curtain. Tally began to wonder where on Goddess’s green Earth she was taking them. They walked down a hall with velvet carpeting till they reached another set of curtains. The hostess pushed the curtains outside and Tally and Alder walked in. Alder pushed out the seat for Tally to take then sat in front of her.
“I will give you a moment to look over the menu,” Natania stepped back. “Please, if you need anything General Alder, and I mean anything, give me a shout,” Natania gave Alder one last longing look before shutting the curtains.
“What?” Alder asked when she looked up to see Tally glaring at her.
“Who is she?”
“Whose who?”
“That woman? Why is she fawning over you?” Tally rolled her eyes at the obliviousness of her wife. “It seems that she would gladly kneel at your feet if you told her to!”
“I wouldn’t mind if you would kneel at my feet,” Alder smirked.
“Sarah, I’m serious!”
“I’m serious too,” Alder chuckled but stopped when she saw Tally give her a pointed look. “She’s just a friend.”
“A friend? You don’t have friends,” Tally grumbled.
Alder let out a hearty chuckle, “I very much do have friends Tally.”
“Where do you know her?”
“Tally…” Alder rubbed her temples in frustration which only boiled Tally’s anger.
“I said, where do you know her? Was she your girlfriend?”
“I don’t date civilians,” Alder rolled her eyes.
“And yet, she seems like she knows you very well. Maybe too well.”
“If you must know, she and I were seeing each other-”
“You mean fucking.”
“Yes, okay fine, yes, we were intimate with one another but that was it. I barely even remember her.”
“And then you tossed her away because you were done with her?” Tally fumed.
“She broke it off with me because she wanted to focus on her son,” Alder explained, remaining calm and collected so as not to provoke her furious wife. “Tally, we are on a date, our first one since the twins were born, why are you ruining it by trying to pick a fight with me? You know very well that before we met, I wasn’t exactly abstinent.”
Tally sighed loudly, reaching over the table to touch Alder’s hands, rubbing her fingertips with her thumb. “I’m sorry, I have just been really fucking stressed lately and- I don’t know, I don’t feel like myself.”
“We will get through it together Tally, I am your partner, for life,” Alder smiled. “I even have a ring to prove it,” Alder showed her hand that Tally’s mother's ring and wedding band sat proudly on. “Now, let us look over the menu. What are you hungry for?”
Tally smiled at the understanding of her wife and lifted up the menu to look it over. Tally skimmed over the menu and settled it down. “Where are we?”
“You know where we are,” Alder simply said.
“I mean where are we right now!”
“We are in the VIP section of the restaurant for utmost privacy, I figured we could take a break from all the noise.”
Tally gave Alder a crooked smile, her heart warming at how well Alder was taking care of her. Despite the fight, she tried to get going with Alder.
“Where are the Biddies?”
“They are in the room next to us, now please, figure out what you would like to eat.”
Natania returned, pushing open the curtains and walking close to the table, specifically where Alder was sitting.
“Can I get you something to drink General Alder?” Natana flashed her eyes down at Alder, fluttering her eyes to seduce the general. “Or do you want something else to drink that is not on the beverage menu?”
Tally kicked Alder’s shin with her heel, the table shaking as Tally accidentally kicked the foot of the table as well. It didn’t hurt at all but it was enough for Alder to look at Tally with a worried look on her face.
“What we want is for you to fucking stop blatantly flirting in front of her wife, or at least acknowledge my fucking presence! What kind of server are you?”
“Your wife?”
“Yes Natania, we are married,” Alder interjected. “We also have two daughters together and she is the love of my life. So with that in mind, you are making my wife uncomfortable and since you are making her uncomfortable, I am uncomfortable as well. Please tell Tyler to bring us another waitress,” Tally stared at Alder in shock. She was not expecting that from her.
“I’m sorry General Alder, I had no idea you even got married, I’m sorry,” Natania looked over to Tally to sincerely apologized to her.
“Another waitress if you will,” Alder commanded and Tally hoped that Natania knew a dismissal when she saw one, it should help with Alder’s authoritative tone.
“Of course, right away,” Natania walked towards the curtain but stopped when Tally spoke.
“Oh, please bring us a whiskey on the rocks, neat, and one dirty martini please?”
“Of course, a moment please.”
Natania practically ran out of the room and Tally and Alder were left alone. Alder stared at Tally intensely and before she could say something, Tally practically climbed up on the table to plant her lips harshly against Alder’s own. Alder quickly brought her arms around Tally so she wouldn't fall and kissed her with the same passion Tally was kissing her with.
“Thank you, for saying all that,” Tally breathed hard, leaning her forehead with Alder’s as their chests heaved in sync.
“I should’ve said it earlier, I don’t know why I was entertaining her. You didn’t ruin our date, I did,” Alder frowned.
“No, you didn’t, and even if you did, you definitely made it up. Thank you, Sarah.”
Alder smiled and kissed Tally once more before she helped Tally sit back on her chair. No more than five minutes later, another waitress returned with their drinks, setting them on their table with grace. “What can I get for you guys?” When both women said their order, Alder opting for a Caesar salad, and Tally with their pasta of the day, the waitress left.
“Maybe I should call them? Ya know, to see if they are asleep or not,” Tally tried to convince Alder, already reaching for her phone in her purse.
“Tally,” Alder warned.
“But Sarah, they haven’t called at all yet, I doubt everything is going perfectly,” Tally unlocked her phone, found Raelle’s contact, and hovered her thumb over the call button.
“If they had a reason to call us, they would have,” Alder interjected, bringing her hand over the table to hold Tally’s hand. “Relax darling, everything is going well.”
“Then why do I have a bad feeling?” Tally frowned.
“You just miss the twins, it is okay. They are fine,” Alder soothed Tally down. They spoke over their day, drinking and laughing with one another. Tally felt her heart blossom open as she heard Alder’s laugh, feeling the same feeling she felt when she first fell in love with her. She was glad that Alder had taken her out, she definitely needed this.
The waitress came back with their food, set it on their table, and then walked back towards the curtain. “Since you are dining in the private room tonight, these are noise canceling and blackout curtains so we cannot see or hear you. There is a button underneath the table in case you would like to summon me. Otherwise, I will not interrupt, enjoy your meal.”
After a Caesar salad, a pasta of the day, two neat whiskeys, and three martinis had finished, Tally had scooted her seat directly next to Alder, leaning over her, laughing about a story about Raelle and some sort of dog they found on the streets of Salem. Alder tried her best to pay attention but she was very much aware of the hot skin of Tally’s thigh as her dress inched upwards. And so, Alder placed her hand on the inside of Tally’s thigh, slowly inching up to Tally’s cunt.
“I have never seen Raelle run as fast as she did from that wiener dog, I mean, who even runs from a wiener dog,” Tally laughed, taking the final sip from her fourth dirty martini and settling it down on the table.
“I am not sure,” Alder chuckled. Tally leaned her elbow on the table, leaning her chin on her closed fist.
“Ya know, if you wanted to fuck me in public, all you had to do was ask,” Tally seductively licked her lips, her eyes darkening.
“I wanted you to finish your story,” Alder lied.
“Were you listening to my story?”
“Of course I was!”
“What was the wiener dog's name that chased Raelle?” Tally challenged.
“Uhh, Rover?”
“Wrong! I mean, well, I don’t know, we didn’t know the dog's name,” Tally drunkenly giggled.
“You are such a brat,” Alder stood up, taking Tally’s hand with her. She wrapped her strong arms around Tally’s small waist and Tally wrapped her arms around Alder’s neck, tugging on Alder’s jacket.
“Maybe I am, what’re you gonna do about it?” Tally’s doe eyes were such a turn-on for Alder that she lost control.
Alder slammed Tally against the wall, Tally gasping in minimal pain. Alder’s lips were on Tally’s before she could even register it. Alder grabbed one of Tally’s legs and wrapped it around Alder’s waist. Alder fit herself between Tally’s legs, spreading her out even more as she ground her hips against her. Tally gasped as she felt something long and hard against her stomach. She felt her pussy muscles clench at the thought. Was she really wearing?
“Is that the…?”
“My strap-on? Yes, it is.”
“And you were wearing it the entire time?”
“So we wouldn’t waste any time.”
“Oh Goddess,” Tally brought her head back, exposing the tendons in her neck which Alder bit harshly on. Tally’s gyrating hips turned Alder on to no avail as she faced Tally.
“Do you like my surprise?” Alder husked into Tally’s ear before sucking harshly on Tally’s witchmark.
“Goddess yes,” Tally said as she moved her hands down to unbutton the buttons to Alder’s pants. Alder let Tally get what she wanted, they would go slower later.
Tally finally unbutton the last button to Alder’s pants and Alder stepped out of it, sliding off her loafers as well. Tally caught sight of the strap-on Alder was wearing. Although the strap-on wasn’t nearly as long as the usual strap-ons they use, the girth was as big as their biggest strap-on. The choosing of the strap-on was probably for Alder to hide it as much as she could. Tally’s mouth practically watered at the sight, wanting it inside her as quickly as possible.
“We don’t have enough time,” Tally said, her leg straining a little as Alder hiked her leg higher.
“We do, but we are not in private as much as usual. If you scream,” Alder bit Tally’s collarbone harshly, causing Tally to let out a gasp. “Everyone will hear. We don’t want everyone to hear how you scream so loud for your general, do we? Unless you do?”
Alder’s sultry voice could make Tally orgasm and orgasm till she couldn’t hold herself up. Tally growled, bringing Alder’s lips back to her neck to get her to shut the fuck up and just fuck her already. Luckily for Tally, Alder knew that they couldn’t really waste any time so it was best to give Tally what she wanted. Alder grabbed Tally’s panties and shoved them down her long legs, dropping Tally’s legs so she could take them off before hosting her leg back around her waist.
“Goddess you’re so wet,” Alder wasn’t even a little bit surprised. She drew the head of the dildo against Tally’s fold, coating the fat head in Tally’s arousal. “You’re going to take me so well.”
“Sarah, please,” Tally whined, her chest heaving up and down.
“Oh how I love when you beg,” Alder husked. “Do it again.”
“Sarah,” Tally groaned, grinding into Alder for some friction but Alder took a step back.
“Beg me, Tally.”
Tally ran her fingers through her locks and gave Alder a glare. Her eyes flickered down to her wifes' strap-on and back up at her. “Please Sarah, please fuck me. I promise I’ll be quiet, please, I’m dying for your cock.”
That must have been the right words because Alder stepped forward, grunted, and shoved the dildo deep into Tally’s core. Tally moaned, the pain only minimal as she adjusted to the girth of the dildo. Tally felt so full . And she knew she wasn’t going to last long.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” Alder took the leg wrapped around her waist and brought it over her arm as Alder grabbed the wall to have the proper leverage to fuck Tally.
Tally moaned and whimpered underneath Alder, the dildo rubbing deliciously against her g-spot. It was soo thick and she wondered why it felt soo good. Alder thrusted hard into Tally, latching onto her neck as Tally heard Alder whimper in pleasure. There must be an insert for Alder but whatever it was, Tally wasn’t complaining. Tally tried not to scratch Alder’s back because her suit was still on and it was probably expensive but it was almost getting too much. Alder rutted harshly against Tally’s pelvis, Tally canting her hips to meet Alder. Tally opened her eyes and saw that both of Alder’s hands were on the wall, her leg over one of Alder’s arms, just fucking her into oblivion.
“I’m c-close Sarah,” Tallt pulled Alder’s hair, scratching at her scalp.
Alder groaned in pain, “cum Tally, and say my name when you do.”
Alder brought her hips back till only the head was nestled inside Tally. And then, without warning, Alder thrusted mercilessly back inside Tally, setting an excruciatingly pleasurable pace. Tally screamed in pleasure so loudly that Alder had to bring a hand over Tally’s mouth to muffle it. When Tally came down from her high, Alder kissed Tally’s forehead, bringing Tally into her neck so she could catch her breath. Alder took a deep breath as she did the same thing, smiling when she caught a glimpse of Tally’s witchmark, shining in glory.
“Are you okay?” Alder quietly asked, rubbing Tally’s back.
“Yes, great,” Tally replied, stepping away from Alder and shimmying her dress down. “Thank you for that, that was very unexpected.
“I tend to be.”
“I screamed didn’t I?” The blush that appeared on Tally’s face wasn’t missed by Alder.
“Yes, but it was well warranted.”
Alder quickly reached for her pants and slid them on. Tally looked down and saw her panties and reached for them. Alder, as quick as a snake, snatched them out of Tally’s hand and put them into her pants’ front pocket. When Tally gave her a look Alder responded with, “you won’t be needing it anyway.”
“Please remember to put a silencing sigil on the door,” Alexis grumbled as the group of women walked inside Alder’s office.
“We will!”
“You should’ve done so for the restaurant as well,” Renata remarked.
Tally blushed in embarrassment and hid in Alder’s neck till she heard the Biddies' quarters door close. Alder grabbed Tally’s chin with her thumb and tilted Tally up to kiss her. Tally quickly wrapped her arms around Alder’s neck, jumping up to wrap her legs around her waist when Alder palmed the back of her thighs. Alder quickly walked forward till Tally felt her butt hit Alder’s desk. Tally made quick work of the buttons on Alder’s pants and Alder helped tug them down, her loafers coming off as well. Alder bunched up Tally’s dress and guided the strap-on deep inside Tally again, Tally moaning loudly with the intrusion.
“Mhmm,” Tally moaned, sinfully so, and Alder growled in Tally’s ear, pumping her hips harshly against Tally’s already quaking legs.
“You’re so wet, Goddess, it’s almost as if you were waiting to have my cock deep inside your pussy.”
There was no rhythm, no finesse, just long harsh thrusts and teeth nipping at any skin they could find. It wasn’t long till Alder felt Tally’s inner walls clench tightly against her cock, making it a little hard to move. Alder brought her finger to Tally’s swollen clit, rubbing it in circles with her ring and middle finger.
“Fuck!” Tally screamed, her hips jerking with every thrust. “I’m!-”
Tally fell forward against Alder and orgasmed with a loud scream. Alder grabbed Tally’s hair and tugged her hair back to expose the tendons in her neck. Alder bit harshly on them, getting a little carried away, and saw a lovebite making its way to the surface of Tally’s skin. Alder pulled out of Tally, causing the redhead to gasp. Alder brought Tally to the ground and roughly turned Tally around. Alder unzipped Tally’s dress and shrugged it off of her, her bra coming off as well. She slammed Tally’s front to the desk. Tally turned her head to the side, her cheek pressed against the cool wood, trying to seek comfort. Alder spread Tally’s legs and then grabbed the fat head of her cock and pushed inside Tally again.
“Ugh,” Tally moaned, feeling the strap-on so deep inside her that she feared it would come out of her throat. “So q-quick?”
“I want you cumming on my cock again before you have recovered from the previous one.”
“Oh, Goddess.”
“Fuck, so good,” Alder groaned, pumping her hips. “You take me so well Tally.”
Tally tried to keep her orgasm at bay but the pleasure her wife was giving her, after months of no sex, was too much for Tally to bear. Tally was moving up the desk fast, causing the desk to shake. Alder grabbed Tally’s hands to press them against the small of her back. Alder’s grip on Tally’s hands was so tight that Tally knew she would leave a bruise. With the help of Tally’s hands, Alder continued her merciless thrusts, fucking Tally as hard as she ever could. Tally was a moaning mess, snippets of begs and pleads were the only form of language Tally could muster out. Tally’s orgasm surprised Alder, a gush of liquid fell from her cunt and down to the carpet. Alder slowed her thrusts, surprised that her cock had made Tally squirt. Tally caught her breath after Alder helped her from her high, and Alder slowly pulled out. Tally didn’t move from her position, being far too dazed too. Alder wanted to help her and cuddle Tally till she stopped shaking but Tally wanted to be fucked. This is what she wanted. With that in mind, Alder fisted Tally’s hair, bringing Tally upright, her back arched deliciously as Alder palmed Tally’s breasts.
“You made a mess all over my floor, like a whore,” Alder nipped at Tally’s earlobe.
“I’m sorry, it was an accident,” Tally moaned, reveling in the pain of her hair being pulled and the bite marks Alder was doing behind her ear. Alder twisted one of Tally’s hardened nipples, sending ripples of delicious pain that turned to pleasure.
“Why don’t we see if I can make you do it again.”
Alder turned Tally around and walked towards the center of her office, in front of the fireplace that wasn’t lit. Alder guided Tally onto the floor, making sure Tally got on top of her.
“Well?” Alder waited for Tally to get the hint.
“Well, what?”
“Use me, Tally, ride my cock till your squirting all over me.”
Maybe it was Tally’s horniness, or maybe it was the way Alder was speaking to her, like she was a sex doll or that Tally only needed her for sex, but whatever the case was, Tally was euphoric and she was loving it. Tally quickly straddled Alder’s hips, pistoning herself between Alder’s strap, and slowly sank onto it, moaning in pleasure.
“Fuck yes darling, take my whole cock, Tally, like the good girl I know you are.”
Tally scrambled for purchase on Alder’s stomach, using it as leverage to ride her wife. Alder brought her hands on Tally’s thighs, not helping her ride her, but more because she needed to touch Tally. Tally looked utterly beautiful on top of Alder, her cock nestled deeply into Tally’s sopping cunt, eyes screwed shut as she rutted frantically against Alder’s cock. Alder took a minute to just stare at her wifes' beauty.
“You look so good riding my cock darling,” Tally felt her inner walls clench and felt her clit twitch. She was very close.
“I’m close,” Tally gasped out.
“Go ahead then, use me, Tally.”
Tally scooted faster on Alder’s cock, stimulating her clit with the base of the dildo, throwing her head back as she chased her pleasure. Alder, without a second thought, brought a hand up to Tally’s breast. In the back of her mind, Alder knew not to squeeze her breasts as they were very sore and full of milk. But the way Alder moved and thrashed against Alder’s cock, their movement becoming erratic, Alder had no one to blame for what happened next.
“I’m cumming!” Tally shouted, water squirting out of Alder all the while something else squirted out of her and onto her face.
Due to Tally’s intense jarred movements, Alder accidentally squeezed Tally’s breast a little too hard which resulted in Tally’s breast leaking of milk. It squirted all over Alder’s face, which caught her by surprise. Alder flinched at the liquid on her face, there was a lot of milk in her breast and Alder quickly let go of Tally’s breast.
“Oh my Goddess Sarah, I am so sorry” Tally gasped, completely mortified. Alder was still underneath Tally, just trying to fully understand what happened.
Tally quickly got off of Alder, running to Alder’s desk to grab tissues. Well, not running, more like stumbling because she had to recover from her orgasm. Once Tally found it, she hurried over to Alder who was now sitting up, chuckling as she grabbed the tissue and wiped her face free from Tally’s breast milk.
“I’m so sorry Sarah,” Tally was so embarrassed, she felt like she might throw up which was not a good idea since she had made a mess in Alder’s office not once, not twice, but three times.
“It is okay Tally, it just caught me by surprise,” Alder chuckled as she wiped the last drop of breast milk from her face. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine Sarah, Goddess I’m so embarrassed,” Tally wanted to run away and hide. She was mortified.
“Why? It is natural,” Alder persuaded but Tally didn’t believe her. “This might have happened sooner or later, and besides, it was my fault for not paying attention, are you okay?”
Tally’s heart warmed at the care Alder had for her. You think she would’ve been used to it but she wasn’t. In her past relationship, Gerit wasn’t caring and sweet and tender like Alder was. Alder cared only for Tally’s wellbeing and Tally’s wellbeing alone. Tally wasn’t used to this at all. Tally felt like if that happened to any of her partners, they would throw Tally off of whatever they were on and scream their heads off.
But Alder wasn’t that person.
“Why do you keep asking me that?”
“Because I squeezed your breast too hard, I apologize.”
“Oh Sarah, I love you so much.”
“Well, I love you too Tally,” Alder brought her hands around Tally’s waist, one hand instantly cupping Tally’s ass.
“I’m sorry I ruined the mood,” Tally frowned.
“Hey, you didn’t ruin anything, everything is fine.”
“You sure?”
“Of course Tally.”
“Then sit on my face.”
“How were they?” Tally asked Raelle and Abigail who were sitting in the living room with some movie playing. There was a bottle of wine on the small table in the middle of the couches, and a bowl of popcorn that was half-eaten. The twins’ baby monitor was also in the middle of the table as well.
“I hope they weren’t too much trouble,” Alder included.
“They weren’t, they were perfect!” Raelle exclaimed. “They are so well-behaved and so cute, I could just eat them up.”
“Well, Sage cried a lot but when we finally got her to settle down, it was pretty easy from there,” Abigail added.
“When did they go down?” Alder asked.
“At around 2100.”
“I’m going to go check on them,” Alder kissed Tally’s cheek before turning to Abigail and Raelle. “Thank you, ladies, you helped us a lot.”
Alder and her Biddies disappeared upstairs and Tally sat down on the couch next to her sisters, completely dazed by all the love and her recent orgasm. She hadn’t even known she was staring at her sisters with such love in her eyes till Abigail snapped her fingers in front of Tally’s face.
“Hello? Earth to Tally.”
“Hmm?” Tally got out of her trance to stare at her sisters.
“I said how was your night?” Abigail cocked an eyebrow up.
“Oh, it was amazing, we had dinner.”
“And?” Raelle asked.
“And what? Now we’re here.”
“How was the sex?” Abigail smirked.
“What sex?” Tally deadpanned.
“The dirty nasty sex you guys did after dinner?” Ralle smiled.
“We didn’t have sex after dinner. It was just dinner.”
“Dinners don’t take three and a half hours?”
“Well ours did-”
“Just say you guys were fucking, why are you being such a prude,” Raelle laughed.
“Come on Tally, your makeup is smeared and your hair doesn’t look as neat as it did when you guys first left, come on, be honest,” Tally blushed crimson.
“Okay fine, Goddess,” Tally tried to hide herself with the pillow. Her cheeks burned as she heard her sisters laugh in front of her. “It was good, as it usually is.”
“See, that wasn’t so hard to say,” Raelle chuckled, high-fiving Abigail.
“I hate you guys.”
“Are your sisters gone?” Tally found Alder in the nursery, hovering over Haven’s crib.
“Yes,” Tally said, wrapping her arms around Alder’s lean frame, resting her forehead on her spine. “How are they?”
“Well, they don’t seem to have any cuts or bruises. Their diapers are on fine, I say we give a five-star rating on Abigail and Raelle’s babysitting service,” Alder chuckled.
“I’m glad we can count on them,” Tally replied. “Thank you for tonight, it was amazing.”
“Of course Tally, we can do it again, of course, but not anytime soon,” Alder turned around and wrapped her arms around Tally’s waist.
“Why not?”
“Because I missed my daughters terribly all throughout the night, it was a terrible feeling,” Alder frowned. Tally gushed at Alder’s sensitivity and attachment to her daughters and leaned up to kiss her full on the lips.
“You are so cute!”
“I’m serious Tally, we haven’t ever been apart for six months from them, and walking out that door was so hard, it felt like I was leaving a piece of me inside,” Alder bit her lip.
Tally was shocked, she thought Alder would be the one to comfort her about leaving their daughters in the care of someone else, but it was switched.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were feeling this way?”
“Because I knew how much you needed this-”
“I am fine with staying home Sarah, if you feel uneasy about something, tell me, we will compromise,” Tally chastised.
“Next time, maybe in a year or something,” Alder grumbled.
“Oh come on!” Tally groaned, seeing Sage’s baby monitor lighting up with crying. Tally sat up and looked at the time, 0300. They had gone to bed two hours ago and Tally was exhausted. All the orgasms she had tired her out and she wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep.
“Let them cry,” Alder muttered against the pillow.
“I can’t!” Tally groaned, getting out of bed and running to the nursery. There she tended to Sage and found out that she needed a diaper change. After Sage was situated, Tally rocked her, humming a song to put her to sleep. The whole thing took 20 minutes and when Tally returned to bed and felt her eyes shut, she was jolted awake by Haven’s crying.
“Tally, let her cry,” Alder mumbled.
“I can’t do that Sarah,” Tally tended to Haven. Doing the same process as she did with Sage.
“We have to come up with something different don’t we?” Tally asked Haven who just stared up at her with her big blue eyes.
“I know you agree with me.”
“Tally, dearest, you have to wake up,” Alder softly shook Tally in their shared bed, rubbing Tally’s arm softly to get her wife up.
“Why?” Tally groaned, turning on the other side away from Alder so she could go back to sleep.
“Because we have to go on base, come on dearest, please wake up,” Alder replied. When Tally didn’t look like she was going to move, Alder stood up and grabbed the heavy blanket, and pushed it off of Tally’s body. Tally gasped as the sudden breeze took her by surprise and jolted her awake, giving Alder the nastiest glare she could ever do.
“I will start tomorrow, leave me alone,” Tally flipped onto her stomach and Alder grabbed Tally’s ankles and pulled her to the foot of the bed. Tally tried to grip the bedsheets with her nails as much as she could but it was no match for Alder’s strength. “Sarah!”
“Do not Sarah me, Tally, maternity leave is over, we have to go to base, my soldiers need you,” Alder tried to reason.
“But I’m so tired,” Tally frowned. This was true. Their daughters kept Tally up all hours of the night, waking up almost every two hours. Tally didn’t want Alder getting up because she knew she at least had to go to base, so she dealt with it. However, Tally knew Alder woke up every time her daughters cried to which Tally felt awful for it. Tally had also momentarily forgotten about how she had to go to base that morning as well.
“You may rest later when we return or in my office during lunch, but you have to get up. I don’t want my correctional officers thinking I am favoring you by giving you paid time off past maternity leave,” Alder sympathized with Tally, truly. She was working her ass off constantly pumping, taking care of her daughters, and dealing with all the nonsense in between. She truly was a soldier.
“Are Sage and Haven awake?” Tally asked, finally rolling out of bed to stretch.
“The Biddies are downstairs with them. They are changed, pampered, and ready to go.”
“Mommy will miss you so so so much,” Tally showered Haven with kisses as she handed her to the Fosterling Mother. Haven was unsurprisingly easy to hand over, she just stared at Tally with what looked like a frown but was easily taken by the Fosterling Mother.
The Fosterling Mother, much like everyone that worked on base, was fascinated by the twins, dying to see if the twins had any magic but it was still too early to tell. General Alder had been alive for over 300 years, without any children, so the news of her twin daughters being born was the talk of the town, especially on base.
“They will be in good hands Professor Alder, I promise you,” The Fosterling Mother, Elizabeth, replied, cradling the small seven-month-old in her arms.
Sage was currently clenching Alder’s uniform, unwilling to go to the stranger with the sweetest smile, almost mother-like. She wasn’t crying because she was still engulfed in the scent of her mother but Alder knew that the handoff would be difficult.
“It’s okay General Alder, I can hold the both of them,” Elizabeth said in her usual sweet tone. But Sage dug her head into Alder’s uniform jacket to try and hide from the stranger, whimpering.
“A moment,” Alder replied, running her hand up and down Sage’s back to try to provide comfort to her daughter. “She is a bit timid.”
“As are all children.”
“While we wait for Sage to be comfortable, I just have a few questions,” Tally began and Alder rolled her eyes, giving Elizabeth an apologetic look.
Alder took the opportunity to press her daughter close to her heart so she may hear her steady breathing. It amazed Alder how different her twin daughters were. Alder could tell that Haven had a heart of steel whereas her sister wore her heart on her sleeve. It was clear who was taken up after whom.
“Are nap times different amongst the Fosterlings or does everyone get put down at once?” Tally asked.
Alder looked down at her daughter in her arms, feeling her strength as she continued her grip around her shoulders. Alder felt terrible for her daughter for letting her go. Especially when she is as shy as she was.
“I will return,” Alder announced, turning Sage forward and pressing her back against her chest, an arm underneath her butt and the other holding her steady on her stomach. “You all stay here with Tally, I would like some quality time with my daughter,” Alder commanded to the Biddies as the mother and daughter exited the Fostering building.
Alder walked towards the concrete railing just outside the doors of the building which gave a great view of the many buildings of Fort Salem. Alder took a deep breath, silently thanking the Goddess for where she stood and how far she came. Sage gurgled in Alder’s arms, sucking on her closed fist. Alder slowly lifted her daughter on top of the concrete so that she may have a look at all her base had to offer. Alder made sure that her daughter was pressed up against her and held her arms tightly around her daughter's small body.
“Look sweetling, this may all be yours one day,” Alder said and Sage turned her head to look at Alder and then back at the base, squealing in excitement. “You may have to prove yourself to your sister if you want to be General but I am rooting for you, but don’t tell your sister,” Alder whispered the last part into Sage’s ear which caused her to giggle. “And don’t tell your mother either.”
Alder sat in silence with her daughter, staring at the trees and pointing to the birds that flew above their heads as if Sage understood anything Alder was saying. Alder nodded at a few soldiers who greeted them, not daring to come close as they all knew not to invade Alder’s personal space, especially when she had her daughter with her. Alder assumed that she may look a little unusual, the General of the United States Armed Forces with her daughter, pointing at birds and clouds, but Alder didn’t mind. As long as they passed by without interaction, getting stared at was a given. It was an unspoken rule amongst her soldiers. Don’t interrupt General Alder’s quality time with her family. Tally on the other hand was when they would come forward to greet the descendants of General Alder, she was much more inviting.
Where are you? It is almost time for my first class! Alder heard Tally’s voice in her head and sighed. Had they been gone long? She looked down at Sage who was fascinated by her mother's soldiers socializing as they walked to their next class.
“We have to go my heart,” Alder grabbed Sage carefully over the railing and held her tightly as they began the walk towards the Fosterling Mother. Sage gave her the biggest puppy eyes she could, her brown eyes getting bigger as they walked closer to where they had to be. It was almost as if Sage knew that she had to leave the comfort of her mother so she grabbed onto Alder’s uniform jacket again. “Don’t give me that look, it hurts me too you know.”
When they reached Tally and the Fosterling Mother, Elizabeth looked almost tired, probably from Tally’s invasive questions. “I hope my wife didn’t cause too much hardship.”
“Hey!” Tally frowned. “I was just being cautious.”
“And that is nothing to be ashamed about, I appreciate her questions as they were very… Specific,” Elizabeth replied. Alder noted that Haven was no longer in her hands and gave the Fosterling Mother a curious look. “She is inside with one of the caretakers.”
“Noted,” Alder nodded. “Okay my sweet soldier, you must go.”
Sage frowned, tears threatening to burst from her eyes and it honestly broke Alder’s heart. She didn’t want to let her go but she had to. She had to be accustomed to staying in the Fosterling Wing since she and Tally would be working here full-time again. Sage’s iron grip on Alder’s uniform jacket made it impossible to pry her daughter off of her without help. And Alder feared she didn’t have the heart either to do so. Tally saw her wife’s struggle, grabbed Sage from behind, and slowly but with force, pried her daughter off Alder.
“Máà will be back soon,” Alder gave her daughter a soft kiss on both of Sage’s cheeks before grabbing ahold of her hands behind her back, to keep herself strong. Sage gave Alder a big frown and her bottom lip quivered. “None of that Sage, be strong.”
Sage began to cry, hysterically so, and Alder almost grabbed her from Tally’s arms and lead her back to her office so she may stay with her. But no, that wouldn’t be appropriate. Tally brought Sage to the Fosterling Mother, closing one eye because of the crying Sage was doing directly in her ear.
“She will be fine General Alder, have a good rest of your day,” Elizabeth said and began to walk towards the back door and to the Fosterling room, Sage’s crying echoing.
Alder, with a heavy heart, sighed loudly, tears threatening to come out of her own eyes as she extended her elbow out for Tally to take. Tally grabbed it and they walked outside the Fosterling Wing. Alder bit her lip to try and stop her emotions from spilling out. When the nine women made it outside the Fosterling Wing and down the stairs, Alder faced Tally, her eyes shut as she took a deep breath. Alder opened her eyes and then flickered them back to the gates to the Fosterling Wing, swearing she heard Sage’s cry from outside.
“Are you okay Sarah?” Tally asked, concern written all over her face.
“I am fine,” Alder replied, emotionless.
“Yeah sure, I heard that before,” Tally cocked an eyebrow up, waiting for her wife to tell her what was wrong.
“I don’t know how you do it,” Alder mumbled.
“Do what?”
“Leave the twins inside when they clearly do not want to be there, my heart physically hurts Tally,” Alder confessed. “I feel as if I’m going to throw up if I leave them in there for one more second.”
Tally stared at Alder in surprise. Tally 100% thought that Alder would have to comfort her when giving her daughters to the Fosterling Mother but Tally surprisingly remained strong. It wasn’t that it was easy to give them to the Fosterling Mother, it wasn’t. But Tally decided to take comfort in the fact that they would be safe and close by while she worked.
“They will be fine, Elizabeth is wonderful and will take care of them. We have to do this.”
“They can stay in my office, the Biddies will tend to them,” Alder looked towards the Biddies and gave them a pointed look. The Biddies all shook their heads in sync and stared at Tally.
“What about your meetings? Huh? Do you want your daughters sitting in on meetings with other generals?”
“It will be good practice for when they are older,” Alder reasoned, giving Tally a sad frown.
“No Sarah, they have to get used to being in there, in the Fosterling Wing. They will be fine and safe-”
“The issue is not of their safety Tally.”
“Then what is the issue?”
“Leaving them in the hands of a stranger!”
“But Elizabeth is not a stranger! She has been working in the Fosterling Wing even before I was a private.”
“But Sage and Haven do not know her so she is a stranger to them. I mean, Goddess did you see how Sage looked at me? Like I broke her heart leaving her with her,” Alder was on the brink of tears and she hated herself for it. She was never one to be emotional, but after the birth of her daughters, Alder found herself in touch with her emotions to the point where she feared she would cry at civilian movies.
“Sarah, come on, where is the Badass General Sarah Alder who wouldn’t turn away from even the scariest of enemies?” Tally cocked an eyebrow up.
“She is inside the Fosterling Wing with her daughters.”
“Well get her out of there, she has the United States to lead.”
Alder tried really hard to pay attention to the meetings she had to attend and the paperwork she had to finish but it was challenging. Her mind often strayed to her daughters, mainly Sage, just wondering how she was holding up. Her heart still physically hurt as she sat through the meetings, her chair swiveling to the window and wondering if the clouds she and Sage were looking at have disappeared. Wondering if the birds that flew over their head had landed somewhere.
She needed to see her daughters.
However, she could not be excused from this meeting, she was still transitioning after maternity leave. Instead of the standard 12 weeks generals and professors were supposed to take, Alder opted for more time, six months. And who was to deny her? Nobody. Granted, she felt that she shouldn’t have taken so long to come back but the time she spent with her daughters was more important, and she had to constantly remind herself of this as General Bellweather and her other generals gave her an update of what had happened when she was on leave.
“A private stole a bag of Salva, latched onto a tree for the longest of time, and only agreed to come down if I didn’t give her any consequences,” Petra explained.
“And what did you do?”
“Said anything to bring her down then gave her consequences. She has no access to Salva in the meantime, everywhere her unit has to go, she will be taken by truck, if the bat is the only mode of transportation, she cannot join her unit on the mission.”
Alder sat back in her seat and nodded. Although she had… Strong feelings for Petra, she had to admit, she ran her base very well. Granted, Alder would tell her anything to come down but also give her guard duty as a consequence, but the latter is a good compromise.
“What else?” Alder turned to Major Verger. Major Verger began her updates and Alder once again zoned out.
Goddess, when was this over? Alder thought.
25 minutes had passed and the meeting was finally over. Alder looked at the time, 1337. Tally had just started her second class. Alder had nothing on her plate, besides paperwork but that could be for another time. She desperately had to see her daughters. And so, Alder quickly wrapped up the meeting and took her leave. The walk from the administration building to the Fosterling Wing was a short walk, and Alder hurried desperately. In five minutes flat, which would usually tend to be a seven or eight-minute walk, Alder barged open the Fosterling Wing doors and was met with one of the caretakers.
“General Alder,” the caretaker gasped, rummaging through her papers and standing up.
“I would like to see my daughters,” Alder wasn’t really asking and the caretaker knew this already. The caretaker nodded her head and pointed at the door and Alder and her Biddies walked through.
Inside, Alder found many of the Fosterlings there. Alder greeted all of them, and they all ran up to hug Alder’s legs. Alder chuckled and went down to her knees to give them their usual blessing that Alder often did when she saw them. Elizabeth walked towards General Alder when she saw her, greeting her.
“Hello, General.”
“Hello, how were my daughters today?”
“Quite well, after you left they simmered down and I mostly paid attention to them as they are the youngest ones to be in my custody today,” and for that, Alder was grateful they weren’t left alone. “I was just about to take all of them on our daily walk through the quad if you would like to join us, General Alder.”
Normally, Alder would go with them. She loved telling them stories as they passed by Alder trees and statues that were scattered around base. But she was here on a mission. A mission to see her twin daughters.
“Thank you Elizabeth but I will respectfully decline, I have come only to see my daughters. You go on ahead,” Alder thought being in the Fosterling Wing alone with her daughters was just what she needed.
And so, the Fosterling Mother left, leading the little Fosterlings, and exited the building. Alder went to the backroom, stopping to tell her Biddies to stay outside. Alder quickly found her twins gurgling inside a crib, staring at the ceiling and babbling amongst each other. Alder’s heart warmed and the second she took one step towards them, the twins in unison turned their heads towards Alder and squealed in excitement.
“Greetings my beloved soldiers,” Alder couldn’t hide the smile that instantly appeared on her face. Alder stared down at her daughters who reached up to grab Alder’s face.
Alder picked Sage up carefully with one hand, and then Haven, cradling them close to her heart.
“How was your guys’ day? Because mine sucked,” Alder informed, speaking to her daughters in the baby voice that she swears she doesn’t have.
“I had to hear Petra go on and on about what my soldiers were doing as I was on leave, that women can talk for a copious amount of time without interruption,” the twins gave Alder a curious look.
“And you two will learn this as you get older and take over for me as General,” the twins smiled up at her mother.
Alder leaned her head and kissed her twin daughters on the forehead, taking in a deep inhale of their scent. She swore that she forgot the smell of her daughters’ heads and it had only been a few hours. Alder walked around the room, speaking to her daughters and having a genuine conversation with them. Her heart felt as if it was piecing back together as she spoke to them.
“General Alder,” Alder turned around to see her dear friend, Izadoa standing there in her white lab coat and pristine bun.
“Izadora, hello, it is nice to see you.”
“Likewise, I heard you were back on base so I came to find you. I’m happy to have you back.”
“That is very kind of you, I’m happy to be back as well.”
“Petra is a good leader but nobody can beat the one and only.”
Alder chuckled, “thank you Izadora. How can I help you?”
“Well, like I said, I heard that you’d be back today and I went by your office and you weren’t there. When I walked outside, the Fosterlings were in the quad but Sage and Haven were nowhere to be found, so I assumed you were here. My thoughts were proven correct when I saw the Biddies guarding the door like it's President Wade’s security detail,” Izadora explained and Alder chuckled.
“Well, you found me.”
“Right, I just wanted to ask how you were doing and if you wanted an update on our Mycelium project.”
“As much as I would like to talk about our secret project, I’d much rather spend my free time with my daughters, if you don’t mind.”
“Of course,” Izadora smiled and nodded graciously, taking a step closer to see the twins in her friend's arms. “They are beautiful.”
“They get that from Tally,” Alder instantly shut her mouth as the compliment snaked its way out of her mouth. Alder wasn’t much for public displays of affection, let alone speaking about her wife like she was obsessed with her. She was, but people didn’t have to know that.
“Oh come on, this one looks exactly like you,” Izadora brought the back of her fingers to the cheek of Haven. She quickly brought her hand back the second she touched her. Sage and Haven looked at Izadora with fascination and mere curiosity.
“Would you like to hold them?” Alder questioned.
“I, uh, I thought you forbid anyone holding your daughters besides family,” Izadora stammered. This was true. Alder felt a roaring feeling of possessiveness when Tally had given her daughter to one of the cadets that Tally taught for Mothertongue. It all would’ve been fine if the insolent cadet hadn’t almost tripped and fallen, almost causing harm to Haven if he did. Alder was there to see the interaction, running to the cadet and snatching Haven out of his hands. Alder had yelled her head off at the poor cadet, and that was when it was a given that nobody besides Tally’s and Alder’s family could hold their daughters.
“Izadora, how do you still not feel as if you are family yet?!” Alder exclaimed. “You also helped make them. Of course, you could hold them.”
Izadora smiled at Alder and nodded. Izadora’s eyes flickered between which twin to grab, finally settling on Sage. Alder bit her lip, Sage was shy and she didn’t want her friend to hear the cry of her daughter but Sage surprisingly went to Izadora without any problem, bringing her small hand to Izadora’s face before clenching it and sucking on her hand.
“Extraordinary,” Izadora said as she studied the older twin.
“What is?”
“That she… That they are here,” Izadora stared at Sage with fascination. Alder could tell her mind was going wild.
“What do you mean?”
“That the Seed of Conception worked with my off-canon Working, that my science made such strong and beautiful babies.”
“Do you often doubt your skills Izadora?”
“I just tend to surprise myself,” Izadora moved Sage’s soft brown hair behind her ear, gasping. “She has Tally’s Witchmark!”
“Indeed,” Alder smiled. “Haven has mine.”
“Remarkable. Have they ever performed a Working or some sort of magic?”
“They have not, but I can feel their magic. It is in there and it is quite strong,” Alder smiled.
Alder and Izadora chatted about a lot of things. They placed Alder’s daughters on a blanket on the floor and hovered over them as they made them laugh and giggle till they were exhausted. Alder knew that it would be only minutes till they would be fast asleep.
“General Alder… Sarah, I’m really happy for you. You have a beautiful family and I know that that is all you have ever wanted, especially with the right person.”
Alder's heart warmed at her friend's sentiment. “Thank you Izadora.”
Izadora sighed loudly, “I’m afraid I still have to apologize.”
“For what?”
“For not coming by and seeing you sooner, I assumed you and Tally were adjusting to motherhood and I didn’t want to bother you two. I have been burying myself in the Mycellium.” Izadora was a workaholic, and this was no secret. “I should have come by and checked on you all, I apologize.”
“We all get busy, it all matters that you are here now,” Alder touched Izadora’s arm and smiled. “Stop working too hard, you can never get Major Hart if you’re cooped up in your lab.”
Izadora blushed, her cheeks flushing red as she twiddled her thumbs. Alder couldn’t help herself with the teasing. Alder had worked with Izadora for many years so when she confided in her that Major Hart was “the most breathtaking woman I had ever come to know,” says Izadora, how could Alder resist? Izadora had also shown no interest in anything and anyone besides her own projects so it was new and exciting for Alder to see that her friend was crushing on one of her Majors.
“Sarah,” Izadora whined.
“What? I am being serious, if you continue to spend your free time in your laboratory, how will you ever interact or conversate with Hart?”
“I will do it at my own speed thank you very much,” Izadora grumbled before walking towards the exit. “Good day, General Alder.”
“How was your first day back on base?” Alder removed the blankets from their place on the bed and slid into the warmth of her and Tally’s king-size bed.
“Really good, I mean, the classroom I usually teach in was unteachable because it was a terrible smell in there so we switched to my old classroom, and the last time I was in that classroom, I was having a miscarriage but other than that, it was nice to be back. I’m getting back to the swing of things and I finally feel like I’m becoming myself again,” Tally beamed, sliding in next to Alder, leaning on her elbow as she stared at her wife.
“I’m happy for you Tally, you really seemed like you needed to get out of the house.”
“I did and I’m actually really excited to go back tomorrow,” Tally said.
“Then let's rest beloved,” Alder shut off the lamp that sat on the side table. Tally murmured in agreement and closed her own lamp before bringing Alder’s hand flat against her head and draping her other hand around her.
“How was your time with Sage and Haven in the Fosterling Wing?” Tally mumbled against the covers, sleep evident in her voice.
“How did you know I was there?”
“Because I Know everything,” Alder couldn’t see but she knew Tally was smirking against her body. “And never forget that.”
Alder let out a hearty laugh, “it went well, I enjoy some quality alone time with my daughters, I should get more of it. It really improves my mood.”
“Have some alone time when they’re crying at 0300 in the morning,” Tally grumbled.
“I told you, before 0600, they are your kids.”
Tally woke up suddenly to the most heartbreaking and terrible screaming coming from both of her daughters. Tally turned her head to stare at the clock that read 0455. Tally wondered why both her daughters were crying like they had been stabbed, Goddess forbid. Tally jolted out of bed and ran to the nursery only to hit her neck against a strong force.
“Oww! Sarah, what are you doing? Never mind that; get the hell out of the way, they’re crying,” Tally pointed at the baby monitors.
“Enough is enough Tally,” Alder sighed, blocking the entrance to the nursery with her arm so that Tally couldn’t get in. “Let them cry themselves to sleep, they need to learn.”
“No, they don’t! They need me, Sarah, please, move,” Tally knew that she was no match for Alder’s strength so she didn’t try to get her out of the way. To save herself the embarrassment.
“Tally, they are my daughters too, and I know that if we leave them to cry, they will cry themselves to sleep.”
Tally groaned in frustration, the screaming coming out of the baby monitor echoed throughout the room and it caused Tally’s heart to ache. She needed to get to her daughters. Tally put a foot back and bend her knees ever so slightly so that she may let out a small Windstrike. Just a tiny one, to get Alder to lose her balance so that she could run past her.
“Don’t you dare.”
Tally stood straight with a cocked brow, “what?”
“Do whatever you were planning to do. You may Windstrike me, tackle me, hell, you could even tie me up with your scourge but even you know that none of that will be effective and will have me down for mere milliseconds. I am stronger and faster than you Tally. You will not be going into this nursery tonight, and I am fully prepared to stand here all night so you may not do so.”
Tally eyed Alder carefully, her daughter's screams ringing in her ear. She had to get in there, but how? The realization came to Tally and she trod very carefully so as to not alarm her wife. The nursery had a small walkway that joined from Alder’s and Tally's shared room but there was another door right past Devon’s door. She could enter through there and tend to her crying daughters. Tally eyed the exit of her bedroom door and before she could even lift her foot to take a step, Alder cackled.
“That door has a locking sigil on it,” Tally cursed under her breath. Dammit . “Besides, you won’t even be able to take even two steps before you’re on the ground and I’m on top of you holding you down, and not in the way you like,” Alder leaned her head on the door. “Let’s rest darling, they will be fine.”
Tally eyed the door once more before slumping her shoulders and walking with Alder back to bed. Sage and Haven were still crying, and Tally felt like she had to throw up. Tally sat up in bed, staring at the baby monitors and hating herself that she allowed her daughters to cry like they were in pain. A tear rolled down Tally’s cheek and she quickly wiped it away. Tally’s heart broke.
“Oh Tally,” Alder whispered beside her, bringing Tally into her lap and holding her tightly from behind, wiping another tear that escape Tally’s eyes. “Bless your sweet soul.”
“Sarah please, let me tend to them. Tomorrow we can let them cry themselves to sleep, not tonight, please,” Tally pleaded as she squeezed Alder’s hands. “Can’t you hear how they sound? They sound like they fell off the crib.”
“Did they?”
Tally used her Sight and saw her daughters in the nursery, crying and thrashing against the soft mattress of their crib, not on the floor. Tally looked at Alder and muttered a “no.”
“Then there’s that.”
“Sarah, please.”
“I’m sorry Tally but no, please, don’t beg me.”
“But Sarah, we are torturing them,” Tally gave Alder the biggest frown that almost made Alder cave.
“No Tally.”
“How can you let your daughters cry like that!” Tally raised her voice. She couldn’t help her. She was overwhelmed. She simply didn’t understand it. Alder had been much more of the emotional one, especially after the twins’ birth. Hell, she couldn’t even let Sage go to the Fosterling Mother because she was upset. But this? This was something that Alder held her ground with.
“Because they have to learn to sleep by themselves,” Alder muttered against Tally’s hair. “Besides, I have read somewhere that a newborn will let out the most gut-wrenching cry one night, a cry that will make it seem like they are being tortured. That cry you hear, that is that, and it happens. I am sure it is caused by night terrors.”
“So they are having a nightmare? Great, Sarah let me go.”
“It is not a dream, not technically. It is a sudden reaction of fear during a transition from one sleep stage to the other. They will be sleeping soon.”
Tally groaned in frustration and tried to pry her wife's hands off of her. Alder had the nerve to chuckle which Tally heard behind her, fueling her anger. She did not want to be in Alder’s proximity right now. Tally thrashed against Alder’s lap, hitting Alder’s hands and trying her best to wiggle out of the older women's grip but it was no use.
“Let me go! I need water!”
“I’m serious Sarah, let me fucking go.”
“What Sarah! What!” Tally turned her head to look behind her to find her wife smiling,
“Do you hear that?”
Tally paused for a moment, “I don’t hear anything.”
Tally furrowed her eyebrows but then gasped, bringing her hand to her mouth. “They’re sleeping!”
“Indeed, it seems to me that they have cried themselves to sleep.”
Tally squealed in Alder’s arms, turned her body, and hugged Alder, Alder fell down on the bed as they both erupted with giggles. Tally moved her hair out of the way and planted a sweet kiss on Alder’s lips.
“Thank Goddess,” Tally leaned into Alder’s neck, relief washing over her.
“I hate telling you I told you so but for this occasion, I think I will.”
“Sarah,” Tally whined.
“I told you so.”
Tally let out a groan when she entered her home late one evening. The Mothertongue professors all had a meeting on where Alder’s soldiers stood in terms of understanding. Finals were coming up and they all had to plan accordingly. Alder picked up the twins from the Fosterling Wing when Tally told her she would be home late. Tally’s watch read 2130 and the crick in her neck was killing her. As much as she loved teaching the future soldiers and defenders of the United States, it was tiring work. Tally trudged upstairs after taking off her shoes in the foyer. Tally walked through the long hallway and made a beeline to the nursery. Tally slowly opened the door so as to not disturb her children or the Biddies and walked to their cribs and found it empty. Tally then went through the small passageway to her and Alder’s room and opened it. She had to adjust to the light but when she did, she found Alder sleeping on her side of the bed, Sage and Haven sleeping soundly next to her, Alder’s arm draped around the twins as the trio cuddled around a white fluffy blanket. What a sight it was for Tally to come home to see her twins and wife sleeping together.
Tally’s heart warmed and she took out her phone and snapped a photo of the group, smiling brightly as she inspected the photo, wondering how she got so lucky. Tally then walked to the walk-in closet and changed out of her clothes, deciding to go with a large t-shirt and some shorts. She did her night routine before lifting the covers and sliding in next to them, shifting Sage slightly so she too could cuddle her daughters. The shifting in the bed didn’t go unnoticed by Alder who opened her eyes to see Tally staring lovingly at her. Alder gave Tally what could probably be known as the sexiest smile ever, running through her hair with her hands as she tried to drag the slumber out of her face.
“Hey,” Alder greeted in a raspy voice. Tally stared at her for a bit before answering her, getting slightly turned on by her voice.
“Hey yourself,” Tally replied, biting her lip. “Sorry for not being quieter.”
Alder was a very light sleeper. She would often get up at even a creak in the floor when someone passed by.
“It’s fine, I didn’t mean to fall asleep, I wanted to wait for you. Have you just gotten back?” Alder asked, turning her head to look at the clock.
“Yeah just now.”
Alder hummed in response, leaning up and kissing Haven’s cheek, then Sage’s, before planting a kiss on Tally’s lips.
“Why aren’t they in the nursery?”
“Because you weren’t here and…” Alder trailed off.
“And?” Tally urged.
“And well, I could only assume the twins were lonely so I brought them in here to sleep with me till you returned,” Alder shrugged it off, not making eye contact with Tally.
“Ohhhh,” Tally smirked. “The “twins” were lonely.”
“Yes, I could feel it, we have that mother-daughter connection,” Alder continued to evade eye contact. “I was also scared of someone breaking in and hurting them so I took safety precautions.”
“ You felt scared?”
“Even though you installed a military-grade security system in our home and are the most powerful witch that walked on this Earth?”
Alder’s lips went into a straight line, “you cannot be too careful when it comes to newborns.”
Tally erupted with giggles, trying to contain her laughter because she did not want to wake her daughters up but she was cracking up. Alder didn’t seem to be as emotional or as soft as she became during parenthood and it honestly shouldn’t have surprised Tally as much.
“Now the truth,” Tally teased.
“Tally,” Alder whined.
“Come on, admit it, you missed me.”
“Well of course I missed you! But that is not why I brought them in our bed tonight,” Alder grumbled, hating how well Tally knew her.
“Then why?”
“Because once you get used to sleeping next to someone for so long, it gets physically uncomfortable to sleep by yourself,” Tally’s heart thumped against her chest, loving how vulnerable Alder was being. “They remind me so much of you so keeping them close to me feels like you.”
“Oh Sarah,” Tally cupped Alder’s face and kissed her full on the lips, Alder sighing into the kiss. Tally tried to pour all of her love into that kiss, Alder was just the sweetest thing in the world. Alder brought a long arm around Tally’s waist, being careful not to hurt her daughters in the middle of them. “You are the sweetest woman in the world.”
“I am almost sure that title belongs to you Tally,” Alder grumbled.
“Maybe,” Tally smiled. “I’m gonna take the girls to bed.”
“Whyyy?” Alder whined, bringing her arm over the twins’ bodies as if protecting them from Tally.
“Because they have to sleep in their own bed,” Tally said to Alder as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Can they sleep with us tonight? Just this once?” Alder begged, pouting.
Tally bit her lip, eyes flickering between Alder and her daughters sleeping soundly against her wide. After a moment, Tally groaned, lifting a hand made a pushing motion to Alder, “fine.”
Alder smiled triumphantly and waited for Tally to close the light. When Tally did, she laid down on her side, an arm over the twins’ body and Alder masked that motion, joining hers and Tally’s hands together.
That night, Alder thinks she has never slept more comfortably in her life.
“I just want to know one thing.”
“General I-”
“What the fuck were you thinking? Did you not see a group of Fosterlings sitting in the quad before your acquaintance threw a football traveling at 50 miles per hour!”
“General Alder, it was an accident!” The foolish cadet replied, the Biddies hissing their anger at her.
“There are no such things as accidents, and look what you have done to Professor Alder,” Alder pointed at Tally who was in the infirmary, stitches on her forehead and an ice pack pressed against her.
Alder was currently yelling at two of her first-year cadets from the Erato coven. They were tossing around a football when the Fosterlings were making their daily walk around base. Tally decided to join them, pushing Sage and Haven in a stroller. Alder was also making her rounds around base and saw the whole exchange. Talk about bad timing. One of the cadets through the football and the cadet retrieving it was walking backward to catch the football and hit Tally in the forehead with his elbow. Sage and Haven were unharmed, the football bouncing over them but Tally fell to the floor, a gash on her forehead. Alder ran as quickly as she could to tend to her wife, turning red in the face from anger after she helped Tally up. They were now in the infirmary, Tally had been stitched up and was fine, but the two cadets Alder was screaming at wished they were dead.
“I’m sorry Professor Alder,” one of the cadets whispered, she looked like she was going to cry.
“It’s alright-”
“It is not fucking alright. What if you ran into the Fosterlings? And they were injured by your foolish actions? What then? Do you think an apology would fix that?” Alder screamed, pacing in front of the cadets.
The cadets remained silent, shaking in fear.
“I’ll tell you one thing,” Alder stepped forward into their personal space. “You are so Goddess damned lucky that you didn’t hurt any Fosterlings, especially my daughters. If you had, you will be experiencing the most tortuous amount of pain that you won’t even be able to imagine.”
The cadets held their breath, not even daring to breathe loud for fear of making a sound. Tally also didn’t say anything, she didn’t want to undermine Alder’s authority because she was the General and these were her cadets. Alder on the other hand was staring daggers into the cadets standing before her. She was grateful none of the Foterlings were hurt, especially her daughters. But it was unacceptable that they hurt Tally. Alder wanted to give them the most worse punishment she could muster up, hell, she would even kick them out of the military. But the female cadet standing in front of her looked similar to Sage, with her long brown hair and brown hair. Alder didn’t know that she really looked like Sage or was it that she was high on adrenaline of the fear that her daughters almost got hurt.
“Guard duty for two weeks and you will be Officer Dart’s personal assistant after her Necro classes finish. Report to her Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after her 2000 class and assist her in anything she may need. Afterward, you will be doing guard duty, with no exceptions. If I hear you miss guard duty or any of your meetings with Officer Dart, I will give you far worse punishments than guard duty” Alder decided.
The cadets nodded, feeling relieved that this was all they had as punishment.
“Now get out of my sight.”
The cadets practically ran out of the infirmary doors and Alder turned her attention to Tally. Alder sat down on the edge of the nursery bed, grabbing Tally’s hand and placing a soft kiss on her hand.
“Are you okay beloved?”
“Yes Sarah, I’m fine,” Tally removed the ice pack and put it on the table next to her. “Stitches hurt a bit, why didn’t one of the Fixers heal me?”
“Because the Fixers thought that it would be too much for you to handle since you have a lot on your plate with Sage and Haven.”
“The “Fixers” thought that?” Tally cocked an eyebrow up.
“If there is a lot on my plate, as the Fixers are assuming, why didn’t they heal me instead of putting blasted stitches on me? Won’t this cause more pain and stress for me?”
“Guess they didn’t want the magic to affect your breastmilk as our children do get nursed with it.”
Tally rolled her eyes but laid her head back against the infirmary bed, shutting her eyes. She felt a pounding headache right behind her eyes and she was exhausted. She felt like she was hit by a truck and it didn’t help because the size of the cadet that rammed into her was a pretty big man.
“You may bruise,” Alder brought a hand up to Tally’s forehead. “It may be a sexy scar though.”
“Wait!” Tally gasped. “I’m gonna scar?!”
“No, sorry dearest, you won’t. Although you got stitches, tomorrow you will get them off and a Fixer will heal you properly. They did the stitches today so you could rest for the healing tomorrow” Alder quickly corrected. Tally slumped back into the infirmary bed in relief.
“Where are Sage and Haven?”
“When I had some cadets escort you to the infirmary, I brought Sage and Haven back to the Fosterling Wing myself before coming here. They are safe.”
“Good,” Tally shut her eyes. “Do I have to stay here all night?”
“No, whenever you’re ready we can go home.”
“Hey, are you coming to bed soon?” Tally asked as she walked into Alder’s at-home office.
“Yes in a minute, I’m reading this article about President Wade,” Alder typed on her computer, not bothering to look up at Tally. “It’s quite interesting, I will forward it to you so you may read it.”
“What’s it about?”
“They’re saying that she committed fraud and embezzlement.”
“Oh,” Tally thought about it. “Do you believe it?”
“President Wade is a lot of things, but committing fraud? It doesn’t sound like her. What would be more believable is her committing crimes of blackmail or domestic security,” Alder typed on her computer, forwarding the article to Tally. “I could only assume she is getting framed. She is powerful enough to be a scapegoat.”
“Who do you think is framing her?”
“Could be a number of people, Vice President Silver, one of his men maybe. An enemy Kelly made, a number of people honestly,” Alder shrugged. “However, I won’t lie, I think a lot of my stress can be resolved if she leaves office.”
Tally's eyes darkened as a brilliant idea popped into her head. “You are stressed?”
“I am dearest, all the time. I have newborns to take care of is all,” Alder stared at her computer with great attention.
“You’re doing a great job with that right now,” Tally sarcastically said, giggling when Alder gave her a smile.
“Speaking of which, are they down?”
“Sleeping soundly in their cribs,” Tally nodded.
“I’m glad,” Alder turned her attention back to her computer, typing away. Ever since the twins learned to sleep throughout the night, Alder had been able to take her work home with her and she would usually spend an hour at her computer whereas Tally would be reading in her room.
“Sarah,” Tally called out.
“You have been taking care of a lot of things except one,” Tally took a step forward till her front was pressed against her desk.
“What have I been neglecting?” Alder’s eyebrow raised.
“Me. I think it’s time you take care of me.”
Tally stared at Alder as a delightful smirk appeared on her lips. Alder turned off her computer and rolled her chair back till she was staring at Tally, her hands clasping in her lap.
“Is that so?”
“It is, now what’re you gonna do about it?” Tally challenged.
Alder chuckled, “come here beloved.”
Tally walked around Alder’s desk and stood in between Alder’s spread thighs. Alder trailed her hands delicately up and down Tally’s bare thigh. Tally wore a long t-shirt, no doubt it being Alder’s. It wasn’t near as modest as usual but that was just a coincidence.
“Do you have anything in mind that you would feel properly taken care of?” Alder’s hands had now found Tally’s ass, squeezing it.
“Mhmm,” Tally lolled her head back. “Anything you please.”
Alder swiftly took off Tally’s shirt, laying back in her chair to stare at Tally’s full breasts. Alder noticed that she had just finished pumping but her breasts were still big. Alder carefully rolled Tally’s nipple with her fingers, being careful so as to not get too carried away like last time. Tally moaned lowly, loving Alder’s hands on her. One hand on her ass and the other fondling her breast. Alder guided Tally to the top of her desk and Tally sat on it carefully so as to not make sure she was sitting on anything important.
“I want you to make a mess in my office as you did in my office on base,” Alder whispered as she pressed sweet kisses on the inside of Tally’s thighs.
Tally hummed at the thought. Making a mess on Alder’s floor wasn’t something that she was fond of. If Tally could choose, she wouldn’t make a mess but it was literally out of Tally’s hands. Tally watched Alder leave sloppy kisses between her thighs, getting impatient.
“Take off my panties Sarah,” Tally gruffed.
“Mhmm,” Alder got off the chair to stand up, wrapping Tally’s long legs around her waist as she kissed her. Alder slipped a tongue into Tally’s mouth, gaining dominance as she swirled her tongue with Tally’s.
Tally had now begun grinding her center on Alder’s stomach, gaining some friction with her abs. Alder smiled throughout the kiss and kissed her way down Tally’s body. Alder sucked very softly on Tally’s nipples before moving down to Tally’s stomach. She then kneeled on the floor and kissed the inside of Tally’s thighs before placing a soft kiss on Tally’s vagina. Alder could smell Tally’s arousal, she had no doubt that the woman was dripping.
“Please,” Tally begged above her.
Alder closed her eyes as her lips made contact with Tally’s cunt. Alder moaned at the tartness and almost sweetness of Tally’s arousal. Tally was so wet that Alder’s tongue glided through her folds with no resistance. Alder brought her hands underneath Tally and pressed her bent legs back so she had better access. Alder feasted on Tally’s pussy, finding Tally’s cunt and sticking her tongue inside as deep as she could go. Tally moaned loudly, bringing a hand to the back of Alder’s hair and guiding her up to her clit.
Alder willingly moved up to Tally’s clit, swirling and flicking her tongue against the hardened nub. Tally’s mouth fell open, her hands pulling Alder’s hair tighter.
“Fuck, so tight,” Alder moaned when she thrusted two fingers easily into Tally’s cunt, rubbing the spongey patch that Alder knew was Tally’s g-spot. Alder needed Tally to cum and she needed it now.
“Oh Sarah, fuck,” Tally moaned, jerking her hips in tune with Alder’s thrusts, riding her face as much as she could. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck!”
“Cum for me Tally,” Alder looked up at Tally, her tongue pressed flatly against her clit. Tally’s eyes were shut, blissfully so. Her other hand had found her breasts, playing with her own nipple. It was quite a sight for Alder. It just made her want to cum even more.
Alder felt Tally’s wall tightening around her fingers and she rubbed in circles Tally’s G-spot. She flicked her tongue rapidly against Tally’s clit, causing Tally to spasm uncontrollably and cum with a loud cry. Alder lapped up the rest of Tally’s orgasm, moaning at the taste. Alder swallowed every drop she could find, running her tongue through Tally’s folds before slipping her fingers out. Alder’s knees cracked as she stood up in between Tally’s thighs, her lips and fingers glistening from Tally’s arousal.
“You are delicious Tally, just exquisite,” Alder smiled, wiping her lip with her thumb. “Why don’t you have a taste?”
Tally’s breath caught in her throat as her chest heaved up and down. Alder brought the fingers she used to fuck Tally with to Tally’s lips. Alder tapped her lip twice and Tally opened her mouth and Alder stuffed her mouth with her fingers. Tally moaned, letting out a groan as she closed her mouth around Alder’s fingers, swirling them with her tongue as she sucked her arousal off of her fingers. Tally tried not to think of the fact that she was tasting herself but she thought the whole thing was very hot and if Tally had the strength, she would beg Alder to get the strap-on and properly fuck her.
“Don’t you taste delightful?” Alder asked, thrusting her fingers slightly into Tally’s mouth.
Tally nodded her head and continued to suck on Alder’s fingers, waiting for Alder’s move. Alder finally took out her fingers and cupped Tally’s face and kissed her softly. Alder then leaned Tally’s head down and kissed her forehead as well.
“Now dearest, do you feel properly taken care of or did I not exceed your expectations?”
“I say you passed,” Tally blushed. “But there is still one other thing.”
“Yes, and it involves you being naked in our bedroom,” Tally didn’t miss the slight blush that appeared on Alder’s cheeks. Alder picked Tally up easily, walking towards their bedroom.
“Say less.”
Tally sat next to Alder on the couch, leaning her head on Alder’s shoulder as they watched some civilian drama. Alder was pretty sure it was called The Vampire Story or something. Sage and Haven were laying on their stomachs on the floor on top of a blanket, babbling away. The twins began speaking just a month ago, babbling amongst themselves. It was quite the sight for Alder, her daughters were developing quickly.
“This show is complete bullshit, witches are not like that!” Alder huffed.
“Well, it’s just a show,” Tally replied. She was actually interested in the show and watched it every day after school in high school.
“But that is not how witches are! This show is giving witches a bad name,” Alder grumbled. Tally knew that although Alder was angry at the show's depiction of witches, she was fairly interested in seeing the show till the ending.
Haven made a loud babbling noise, “see, even Haven agrees with me.”
They watched in comfortable silence, Alder only talking to ask questions about the show.
“Wait, so Silas is Stefan’s doppelgänger?”
“No, Stefan is Silas’s doppelgänger.”
“And who is that?” Alder pointed at the television.
“That is Tom Avery, he is Stefan’s doppelgänger, or, actually, he is one of Silas’s doppelgänger,” Tally explained.
“Doppelgänger’s, werewolves, vampires, originals, why would anyone even watch this crap?”
“You apparently.”
“I only agreed to watch it for the witch representation but it is highly inaccurate.”
Tally chuckled, getting off of the couch, “I’m going to grab some wine, do you want a glass?”
“Sure,” Alder replied, not taking her eyes off the screen.
Tally poured two glasses of red wine in glasses and as she walked towards the living room, Sage and Haven were smiling at her. Tally’s heart melted as she set the glasses of wine on the table next to her before kneeling on the floor.
“What’s so funny?” Tally asked and the twins giggled.
Sage and Haven got on all fours and gave Tally a huge smile. Tally was too shocked to react and sat there motionless. The twins then began to crawl towards Tally who had her mouth dropped.
“Oh my Goddess, you’re crawling! SARAH!” Tally called out and Alder quickly stood up to run to Tally. Alder gasped, a smile forming on her lips as she watched the exchange.
“Come on girls, come on,” Tally urged as she shimmied back a few steps to try to get them to crawl longer.
“You can do it, good job my sweetlings,” Alder encouraged, also getting on her knees.
Sage continued to crawl towards Tally who was shaking with excitement. Haven on the other hand stopped crawling to turn back to Alder. She gave Alder a cute smile before crawling towards her. Alder scooped up Haven when she reached her and showered her with kisses, Haven squealing in excitement.
“You did it!” Alder spun Haven before throwing her up in the air and catching her. She did this a couple of times, Haven was giggling uncontrollably.
“They just crawled for the first time!” Tally exclaimed, walking to Alder with Sage in her arms. “Oh my Goddess what a huge milestone.”
“Does that mean we have to baby-proof the place?”
“Say, mama, Maa maa, mama,” Tally enunciated the syllabus to Sage and Haven who were sitting in a high chair in the kitchen. Tally was baking cookies but stopped when she heard Sage and Haven babbling with one another. Baby food had been smothered all over their cheeks in a failed attempt to be fed and were each playing with a toy.
“Come on girls, you can do it,” Tally encouraged, pointing at her mouth as she spoke. “Ma-Ma.”
Sage and Haven stared at Tally with wonder before erupting in giggles and smiles. Tally stared at them and scoffed, “you girls are so lucky you are adorable.”
“What’re you doing?” Alder asked, walking into the kitchen in gym shorts and a tank top, going into the fridge, pulling out a water bottle, and taking a long swig.
“Trying to get them to talk,” Tally simply said before turning back to the batter in the bowl. “How was your run?”
“Delightful, the Biddies couldn’t keep up though,” Alder chuckled, bringing Tally in for a kiss but Tally pulled back with a grimace.
“You need to shower,” Tally swatted Alder’s stomach.
“What? You don’t like my sweat huh?” Alder got closer to her and brought Tally in for a hug, Alder’s sweaty arms wrapping around Tally’s bare shoulders.
“Eww Sarah, get away from me,” Tally’s nose scrunched.
“Aww come on, if you love me you should love all parts of me,” Alder showered Tally with wet kisses.
“Does that have to include your sweat?”
“Well yes, and I’ll tell you why-”
Tally and Alder stopped in their tracks as they stared at each other, their eyes widened. Alder and Tally slowly turned around to their daughters playing with their toys, oblivious to their mothers’ astonishment.
“Who said that?” Tally asked Alder and Alder shrugged.
“I think it was-”
“Oh, Goddess!” Alder exclaimed, unstrapping Sage from her highchair and picking her up, and twirling her around. “She said your name!”
“Sage! Say it again, say, Mama,” Tally spoke over Alder’s shoulder.
Sage giggled at the affection, “Mama.”
Alder and Tally burst with excitement as they showered Sage with love and affection. Sage giggled and squealed in return. As Alder threw Sage up in the air and down, Tally looked over at Haven who just stared.
“Haven,” Tally smiled at her daughter and walked towards her. “Say, Mama.”
Haven stared at Tally, playing with her toy, almost as if she wasn’t there. “Haven,” Tally took away her toy and Haven finally looked up at her mother. “Say, Mama.”
Haven looked at Tally with a blank expression and turned her head to her other mother and her sister. Haven turned her head back to Tally and then to her toy and fiddled with it. Tally sighed, her daughters were so different and she didn’t know if it was for the worse or the best.
Nevertheless, Tally kissed her daughter's forehead before running her thumb through the kiss she made and gave Haven a smile, “don’t worry baby, you will get it soon.”
“We are not taking the Camarilla attacks lightly and the United States Armed Forces have made it their personal mission to put a stop to this ancient enemy,” Alder spoke into the microphone in front of the reporters, the blinding flashing lights from cameras momentarily blinding her as she told. “I will answer questions now.”
“General Alder.”
“General Alder.”
“General Alder.”
“Yes, you.”
“You often refer to the Camarilla as an ancient enemy, why is that?”
“I referred to them as ancient because they are. Long ago they made their debut and I thought I eliminated them and wiped out the entire organization but because of the recent attacks and their intricate work that continue to remain unreplicable, I fear that I have been wrong.”
“General Alder.”
“General Alder.”
“General Alder.”
“You say that their work is unreplicable, can the United States Army even match up to them?”
Alder bit her lip and thought. Their Work is… Tricky and based on what Alder saw, their Work and armor have improved since the last time Alder faced them. “We have the most highly trained soldiers at Fort Salem, they are no match for us.”
“General Alder, a question please.”
“Now that you have a family that is well known to the United States and every citizen here, are you scared that the Camarilla will find that you’re weak now that you have something to lose?”
“Well, I don’t see how having a family can make me weak.”
“What if they go after your family to hurt you? You are the most powerful witch this world has ever seen so it is no contest that your own children will be as strong and powerful as you are. Are you scared that this may seem like a weakness, especially to these ruthless enemies who would do anything to see you fall?”
Alder’s stomach churned and she gripped the podium tightly, her knuckles whitening. Alder glanced over at Tally who gave her a concerned look. Alder let that thought swirl in her head, Sage and Haven’s faces popping into her mind and an instant need to protect them. Alder almost couldn’t think of the fact that they would come after her daughters.
“If I am scared then I am not the correct person for the job of taking these enemies down, and rest assured, I am the right person for this job. I am capable of much more than I am perceived to be. I have taken them down before and with the new technology and how my current soldiers are doing now, I am not fearful that they may get to my family.”
Alder was lying, she was petrified. It almost seems like a seed of doubt has been planted into Alder’s brain the second the reporter asked her first question.
“I will now answer one more question.”
“Those reporters were intense,” Tally sat down next to Alder on the island they have in the kitchen, handing her a glass of red wine.
“You get used to it.”
“I guess so,” Tally trailed off, and Alder wondered if she had something more to say.
“Is everything alright?”
“Tally,” Alder furrowed her eyebrows. “Come on, what is it?”
“It’s just that one reporter, she got into my head.”
“Ahh, I know exactly which one you are talking about,” Alder took a sip from her glass.
“I’m just surprised that it didn’t get into yours,” Tally mumbled.
“If you have been doing it for as long as I have, you tend not to let what reporters ask to get into your head.”
“But what if she was right?”
Alder couldn’t even imagine if she was right because Alder couldn’t handle it. She couldn’t imagine her daughters in the hands of the Camarilla, it was too much of a heartwrenching thought to even imagine.
“Tally, my daughters are my first priority and-”
“And don’t you think the Camarilla knows that? They can use it against you.”
“They won’t,” Alder wanted nothing to get out of this conversation.
“But what if they will!” Tally’s breath hitched as she stared at Alder with the utmost fear that made Alder’s stomach churn.
“Tally, I understand your fear, trust me, but they will have to kill me to get to Sage and Haven.”
“I think that’s the goal, to kill you, and you are not immortal Sarah,” Tally bit her lip.
“But I am powerful-”
“And they are too, I mean, look at the equipment they used during their attacks, they sounded just like Abigail’s cousin, how did they even do that?” Tally questioned.
Alder gripped her glass and drank the remainder of her wine before answering, “I do not know Tally. They have advanced.”
“But you can stop it right?”
“I do not know but I do know that I will die trying.”
Tally swirled her wine in her glass, “we need a safe house for the twins.”
“I will make some arrangements.”
“Wow, look at what your Aunt Scyl got for you, don’t you like it?” Tally placed the pink bucket hat on Haven and then the purple one on Sage, beside them was an adorable matching outfit.
Sage barely noticed the hat on top of her, she was far too busy tapping her raddle on the floor. Haven on the other hand took off the hat on her head the second her mother put it on. The room fell into fits of laughter, cooing at how adorable the Alder twins looked.
“Ugh, look at this photo, this is such a personality picture,” Raelle sat down next to Tally on the floor, in front of the twins. Alder was sitting on the loveseat behind Tally, her legs used as something for Tally to lean against.
The photo in question was when the Alder twins were sitting on the table in front of their first birthday cake. Sage and Haven were covered in frosting that either mother didn’t notice that they even reached for the cake. The picture showed Alder’s grimace at her daughter's dirty hands and cheeks but Tally laughing when she noticed the cake smothered all over them.
“I had a feeling something like this would happen on their first birthday, just glad the candles weren’t lit.”
The group nodded in agreement, falling into their own conversation. Tally and Alder threw a first birthday party for the twins and it was perfect. Tally didn’t want to spend too much money on their first birthday because the twins wouldn’t remember it but Alder wanted to go big but Tally overrode Alder as usual. Adil, Abigail, Raelle, Scylla, Nicte, and Izadora were the only ones who attended the party. Tally wanted to invite the Fosterlings but they weren’t exactly the twins’ “friends.” They had decorated the living room mostly, putting up decorations that were pink and purple everything. Balloons, streamers, and signs were all colored this way. They had put up a white sparkly background and a table in the center. Two big number-one balloons were at the sides and the twins’ cake was in the middle. It wasn’t the biggest party Tally had ever thrown but she hoped her daughters liked it.
“I need a refill,” Abigail slurred, putting her glass down on the small coffee table in the middle of the living room. “Where do you keep your wine again?”
“Allow me,” Tally said and stood up. “Sarah, come with?”
Alder nodded and stood up and followed Tally into the pantry where they keep their wine.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m… Great. I just, I’m still worried but thank you for making arrangements for the safe house.”
Alder nodded her head, “of course beloved.” Alder had bought a small house in the Cession after Tally expressed her concerns for the Camarilla. The safe house was on the Southern part of the Cession, a house in the middle of town. Highly undetectable. The house was stocked with the essentials for the twins and a very powerful locking sigil has been placed on it. Tally had felt her nerves release when Alder had told her about the house before the party started and never had the opportunity to thank her wife yet.
“Thank you for doing this, I know you care about them just as much as me, but I’m just- I’m grateful Sarah.”
“As I would do anything for you Tally, I would do anything for our daughters.”
Tally leaned in and kissed Alder sweetly on the lips. Alder cupped Tally’s chin to deepen it and Tally moaned instantly, opening her mouth for Alder’s tongue.
“Think we have time for a quickie?” Tally asked, breathless as Alder trailed kisses down her neck.
“I like to be thorough but I won’t for you,” Alder smirked and slid her hand underneath Tally’s skirt to find her wet heat.
“Tally! Sarah! Come quick, look at what your daughters are doing!”