Work Text:
A little Legion x FemShep lovin! An absolute blast to draw and I'm so proud of Shep's expression here! This was such a fun piece <3
Cool_beanz_24_7, yeoldesinbin, Egglord68, TheChaoticQueer, Avasol, LoneSurvivor, rotschopf, Tom98, AlecTheWreck, somethingsareover, roSIAM, CryptidDater, softboiledfrog, Oyasumi_Asea, Infernas, Robot_simp99, Pandoras_Box1999, Retarded_Boy, Babadook, Power_Guido, CeciNestPa1Compte, FerindenCadash, Oyst, Yamiai44, merrcat, Alicerabbit001, Nautica_ex_Apolis, PoisonCupcakez13, Dragonvenom27, SmallRedSalamander, carefulcommander, DreamRx22, bowiesinspace, luxflora, EchoJulietNS, harryloveslucius, DarkAngel2581, Evanelle, DarkofNight, Aeonflux123, SaturdayPeople, AlyssAlenko, Shaterina, ShepardCommander, GemTheGinger, Kalliesa, Charlatron, erudite12, and Gefionne as well as 23 guests left kudos on this work!