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Three Days and Nights


Catherine takes some time off from work.


Title: Three Days and Nights
Fandom: Beauty and the Beast (1987)
Characters/Pairing: Vincent/Catherine Chandler
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 333
Summary: Catherine takes some time off from work.
A/N: written for 1_million_words

Work Text:

"Hey, Radcliffe. I’m glad you’re back." Joe ran out of his office a bunch of files piled high in his arms. "I need you to..."

Catherine threw her bag over her shoulder as she walked towards the door. "Sorry, Joe. I haven't been home in a week because of babysitting a witness so I'm taking off for a three day weekend." She didn’t give him a chance to respond as she all but ran out of the room. It had been too long since she'd seen Vincent, heard his sweet voice, felt safe wrapped in his arms she wasn't going to wait any longer.

Less than thirty minutes later Catherine climbed down the stairs from the basement to the tunnel entrance below. "Vincent." She murmured his name as she turned to find him waiting for her at the bottom of the steps. Within seconds she was wrapped tight in his arms. "I've missed you so much." Catherine confessed. "It's been...."

"Too long." Vincent finished for her. The last week without her had been hell. “How long do you have before you have to go home?”

“I’m not going home.” A happy smile spread across her face. “I’ve taken a long weekend, Vincent.” She snuggled into his embrace. “We have three days together.”

“And you’ll stay?” He couldn’t believe they were being gifted with this time. “Here? Three days?”

Catherine nodded against his chest. “And nights, Vincent. Don’t forget the nights.”

The nights alone in his chamber with Catherine. The thought ran through his mind bringing images of her accepting him, passionate… he could feel his heart begin to thunder in his chest. It was almost more than he could bear. “Catherine.” His voice was husky with emotion. “I…”

She leaned her face up to stare into his eyes. “Vincent.” It was only his name but everything that needed to be said passed between them in that moment.

Without another word Catherine took Vincent’s hand and let him lead her to his chambers below.