Chapter Text
“Our God-Mother, Sylvian,
Grant me what I seek
A tender embrace
Warm and true
A consanguineal kiss
An amorous gaze
Gift to me what has been promised to me
Lacking what you, our God-Mother,
Had sworn to me before the beginning of man.”
Your body naked, bare, lacking any ornament conceived by man, offered yourself to her.
Mind, body, soul.
Love, lust, life.
Her aspects were ingrained into the human experience, into the human form. Sex, reproduction. The joining of two or more bodies in beautiful connubiality. You have dedicated yourself to her since before you were born. Human beings are designed to crave Sylvian’s embrace, her love and her gaze. You were no different. What child does not crave the love of their mother and their father? Sylvian was all to humanity, as she was to you.
You have never known the love of another, man or woman, romantic, platonic or familial. All there was your God-Mother, Sylvian. In her temple of old, you offered her not just your body, mind and soul, but your love as well. It wasn’t enough, it would never be enough for her, but you humbly offered yourself- No, no, not humbly. You were vain, selfish in your desires. You craved her affections, wishing and wanting of them for as long as you could remember. Would something as pure as God-Mother Sylvian accept such a meager offering such as yourself? Her priests and priestesses teach of how she loves everyone and all, in spite of her jealousy and hurt towards the shallowness of humanity’s capacity for fondness and adoration, but in the face of everything that all of humanity feels, ultimately what does the affections of one, singular person amount to?
The cave was dark and the air was cool on your skin. The effigy of Sylvian that was carved into the rocks was crude, as no being alive could ever hope to capture her true beauty with their mortal eyes or hands. The statue was phallic shaped, standing tall and partially chiseled into the cave’s ceiling, acting as a support of sorts. Over a dozen sets of teats adorn the statue, the shape of her many pairs of arms cut off as though broken by time, or perhaps defaced by creatures of the Dark. You run your hands over one pair of her breasts, sighing as you feel the chill of the rock seeping into your skin.
Mother, are you listening to me? Can you even hear me in this dark place?
Sacrifices weren’t uncommon to the Old Gods. Gro-Goroth, husband and other half of Sylvian, as well as their son Vinushka, were known to accept, even encourage, human sacrifices of a dark, violent kind. Sylvian only accepts sacrifices of love. Of the flesh, yes, but only when it is of love and indeed of lust too. Making love is the greatest pleasure that Sylvian has gifted to humanity, but some of her cult would only seek it from the God, herself.
Selfish, selfish little things… Not so unlike Sylvian, herself.
She was not here, but her traces would always remain, in everyone and everything, just as they did with all the Old Gods. Old monuments dedicated to the Gods held no specific importance to them, nor did they hold any amount of true power, but they would occasionally speak to their flocks through them, if only to exert their fleeting traces over them as they did in days of old.
Warmth began to creep underneath your palms, filling your cheek as you leaned it against another of Sylvian’s many teats. It was unlike anything that you had ever experienced before. Warmth exuding from stone? It pulsed subtly, as though it were alive, breasts swelling with gentle breath as the God, herself, sighed with longing under your touch.
“Sylvian… Oh, Mother… You really are here with me…”
Your entire body was alight with excitement. Heart pounding in your chest, you felt yourself becoming aroused just as you had done every time you’ve thought of your most holy God-Mother. Was this the touch of Sylvian, herself…? You caught yourself moaning in pleasure as you pressed your chest against her effigy. Would she take you? Would she? Was it so terrible of you to want such a thing?
A dull, green light tickled the back of your eyelids. You felt your heart slam against your ribs as the warmth from the stone seemed to permeate through your entire body. Is this her…? God-Mother…? You shuddered as something touched the back of your leg, gently caressing you as something came behind your head as though cradling it.
It was exhilarating. Euphoric. Everything that was Sylvian was surrounding you, entering every pore of your body, every orifice as she held you to her bosoms. She loves you… Sylvian, the God-Mother, truly loves you… It was so much more intense than any time you had touched yourself to her image, more than any time you had used your own, personal effigy that you had carved into her image inside of your body. You felt your body quake with pleasure, a shiver that ran up and down your spine in a perpetual motion that never seemed to end.
Everything that was Sylvian was within you, a love so warm that you no longer remembered what the cold felt like. You couldn’t remember what loneliness was, pain or strife, grief or hardship. There was nothing other than a mother’s love for her child, jealous and frightening but also all encompassing and beautiful. It was all you knew, and all you would know as you felt Sylvian pumping you full of her love and adoration.
You are no more.
Ending H- A Mother’s Love