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Mila and Her Two Dads

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By Monday, Stiles’ anger with his father had all but fizzled out. Probably because he realized he was being an insufferable dick. Or maybe it was because he had made a couple new friends. Scott had seen him struggling with his locker and after helping him, pretty much took him by the arm and declared them best bros. And with Scott came his girlfriend Allison. Those two were pretty much a package deal. The strangest was Lydia. Lydia was Allison’s best friend and more times than not, where one was, the other was as well. Lydia was beautiful and smart. Had Stiles not realized he was clearly gay, he would’ve tried to pursue her. But he didn’t mind being friends with her because with how smart she was, they clearly challenged each other. He liked the fact that he had someone on his same level of smarts. 

“So Stiles, what’s it like knowing your dad is the new sheriff?” Allison asked. They had gone to the local burger joint after school.

Stiles shrugged, “It's no different than when he was on the police force in New York. Except that now he’s the boss.”

“Well hopefully for him, Beacon Hills stays pretty quiet. Sure we do have our fair share of crime but nothing major.”

Lydia snorted. “Nothing major since the fire.”

“Fire?” Stiles and Allison both asked.

Lydia nodded, “Happened about ten years ago. There was this big fire that killed an entire family. The Hale family. Only two survivors were Derek Hale and his sister Laura who used to work at the sheriff’s department before she was put on maternity leave.”

“Wait, my dad told me about that,” Allison said. “He said they never found out who did it. Derek and Laura were too traumatized.”

Stiles' head lifted when the bell above the door rang signaling a customer and his mouth nearly dropped to the floor. Walking into the burger joint was only what he could classify as an adonis. Short, sort of spiky hair, had a little bit of a beard, sunglasses covered his eyes not that Stiles would be able to see them from here. Stiles swallowed as his eyes roamed the rest of the body. Adonis was clad in a pair of worn blue jeans which he wore snug around the hips, a regular t-shirt and a black leather jacket. 

“Stiles, hello! Earth to Stiles!” Scott shook his arm. 

“Huh, what?” He didn’t realize that he was so engrossed with the guy that he didn’t hear his friends calling his name.

Lydia rolled her eyes. Allison laughed. 


Derek sighed as he entered the burger place. All he wanted to do was go home. But no, Laura had asked him to pick up some food on his way home. Apparently she was craving cheeseburgers and whatever Laura wants, she gets. He told himself that it was only because she was pregnant and ready to pop. One of the reasons Derek hated coming to this place was all the smells and sounds. He frowned when he noticed someone’s heart was beating irregularly fast. Carefully, he looked around and he zeroed in on a teenager. And holy hell, Derek was ready to bust his knot just at the sight of the kid. He was full of creamy pale skin and moles covered the right side of his face and instantly Derek wondered if he  had moles anywhere else on his body. What the hell?! There was absolutely no way he should be thinking that about some kid he didn’t even know. Hell the fact that he was a kid should have Derek changing his thinking immediately. But damn...and those lips....

“Hey Derek.”

Derek blinked, taking his gaze off the kid and smiled at Erica. “Hey Erica.”

Erica grinned and handed him a bag of food. “Already have it ready for you and Laura. How’s she doing?”

“She’s ready to pop any minute. I’ll be glad because a pregnant Laura is a grouchy Laura.”

Erica laughed, “I’m sure. Give Laura my love and I’ll try and stop by after my shift.”

“Will do Erica. Thanks a lot,” Derek said. He chanced one more glance toward the kid before he left. 

Never in all his life had Derek want to pop his knot over a kid. Not with Paige and definitely not with Kate. So what the hell was it about this kid? He shook his head and put the kid out of his mind. Maybe it was just fluke. He furrowed his brow when his cell rang and saw it was Laura.

“Hey Laura, I just grabbed your food. I-”


“Laura?” Derek pressed on the gas. “What’s wrong? Is Damien there?”

“No. My water broke. Your niece is coming.”

“I’m on my way, did you call the doctor?”

“Yes,” She started to say more but was cut off by screaming. 

“Okay. Okay. I’m not far, I'll be right there.”


“Come on Stiles, don’t let the girls get to you,” Scott said as Stiles gave him a ride home. 

After Stiles had managed to steal his gaze away from the Adonis, the girls had been teasing him and it was making him sour. In fact, he was still sour about it.

“Seriously? You try not letting those two get under your skin.”

“You were looking at a dude. There’s no harm in it. There’s nothing wrong with being gay dude. I don’t think they were teasing you because of that. I think it was the way you were looking at him. I swear, I thought you were going to start drooling at one point.”

“Fuck you Scott. Who was that guy anyway?”

“Derek Hale.”

Stiles eyes widened, “The dude we were just talking about? What the hell! Why didn’t you tell me he looked like that?”

Scott shrugged, “I don’t know. I don’t see him much. From what I know he keeps most to himself.”

Stiles nodded as he pulled up to his friend’s house. Scott gestured, “You wanna come in and hang out? I got an Xbox.”

Stiles nodded, “Sure. Beats being home by myself.” He parked and the two went inside.


Derek frowned when he pulled up in front of the house. It was quiet. Too quiet. And there was blood. He could smell blood. Slowly he climbed from the car and looked around. He recognized the doctor’s car. He focused his hearing for heartbeats. He could hear Laura’s, but it was faint. He could hear the heartbeat of his niece and there was another heartbeat he didn’t recognize. He extended the claws of the hand that was not carrying the food and walked inside. 

“Laura?” He walked to the kitchen and placed the food on the table.


Derek walked toward the living room and stopped. On the floor was Laura’s doctor with her throat slashed. Next to her was Laura who looked to be hurt but alive.

“Laura!” He started to run to his sister.

“Ah ah, Derek, I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

Derek whirled around to see Damien with his newborn niece in his arms. Derek growled. 

“Your sister has been shot up by wolfsbane.”

“What the hell do you want you asshole?!” Derek was close to attacking him but not with his niece in his hands. 

“I want to be the alpha.” Damien snarled. “I want to be as powerful as she was. And I read that in order for her to give it to me, she had to die.”

Derek growled, claws extended, fangs dropped from his gums and he launched at Damien. He took his niece and placed her on her mother’s stomach before turning back to Damien. It was a quick fight seeing as Damien was human and Derek was a wolf. Once Damien was taken care of, Derek rushed to his sister’s side. 

“Laura hold on, I’ll call Deaton.”

“Derek, no. There’s nothing he could do for me.”

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

Laura lifted a hand and touched his face, “This wasn’t your fault. You take care of my baby, Derek. Just like you promised.”

Tears fell down his face faster and blurred his vision, “Laura, don’t leave me. I need you.”

Laura brought her brother’s face down and they touched foreheads, “I’ll always be with you little brother. Always. I need you to be strong. I need you to help my daughter grow up strong.”

Laura let go of his face and placed the now crying baby in her brother’s arms. As she took her final breath, Derek watched the red fade from her eyes. He expected it to go to her daughter so he was shocked when he felt the alpha powers coursing through him in the next moment. 

He stood and rocked the baby as he walked to the mirror and flashed his eyes to see the red in them. 

“It's going to be okay Mila,” he said. Mila was the name Laura had chosen for her child if she had a girl. 

“We’re going to be okay.”