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WipEout Sunburst

Chapter 17


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The antigravity ships are started their engines using the cosmic energy and the crew of all twelve racing teams have chatted with the pilots and they have responded to them quickly. In the futuristic dystopian city of Neo Oxgana. The speed class is still at phantom. One of the ships were at the racetrack and that is FEISAR Charlie Carlson was still strapped in and ready. The screen that is on top of the starting line is now and it then shows three, two, one as it appears GO the ship went off the starting line and onto the track itself. The speed pads are only used for the speed lap runs and then later the time trial runs next after this. Using the turbo pickup on each and every lap setting a lap record. The rest of the plots on other ag racing teams have done the speed lap runs as well. sentinel beings have now put the minds of humans.

All twelve of the anti-gravity racing teams are now in the new versions of the ships. still in the FX450 anti-gravity ships. The pilots are in the garage underneath the racetrack near the anti-gravity crafts are docked each row of the grid. The crew of the anti-gravity racing teams are still standing there waiting for the pilots that are doing the speed lap runs. The standings are still the same. The pilots are stood there near the anti-gravity alien ships. The pilots are climbing the main cockpits of the anti-gravity alien crafts and have strapped in and ready to go. The engines are fired up and ready. The single race mode is right now.

All eight of the anti-gravity crafts are at the starting line. The screen that is on top of the starting line shows three, two, one and it shows GO the ships went off the starting line and onto the racetrack itself. The speed pads and the weapon pads are used in the singe race runs. AG Systems fired rockets at Qirex Icaras used mines and was being placed on the track hitting Mirage taking damage. The ship’s energy went down in seconds. Piranha used missiles and fired at Harimau and its pilot was hit also taking damage of the crafts. EG-X use the shrunken weapon and hitting the other crafts taking damage. Radio chatter can be heard from the crew of the anti-gravity racing teams and the pilots have responded through the headsets that they have wore to the crew quickly. The ships went through every corner of the racetrack approaching the start/finish line as the second lap starts. Weapons are still fired against each other explosions can be seen on the racetrack.

FEISAR used a shield barrier and activated it. Pushing the max speed limits. The pilots are using weapons and fired against each other explosions can be seen on the racetrack itself. Radio chatter can still be heard from the crew of the teams and the pilots have responded to them quickly. Ships’ energy went down and is currently at seventy percent. The ships are approaching the third lap as the pilots are giving everything they can. Weapons continue to fire. “Fuck! I nearly had it.” One spoke. One of the ships used new weapons and fired towards Auricom and it was hit taking damage greater ship energy went down at thirty percent. “Damn It. What was that?” the Auricom crew groaned. However, something is threatening all of humanity. And its heading towards Earth. Parker Evans then took the controls of the main base of the racing team. He spoke to both pilots of Auricom.

The ships are approaching the third lap and the pilots are still pushing the max speed limits. “Eat this bitch!” he said as he fired rockets at Mirage. “Fuck! I had that.” One of the pilots said on the headset. The Mirage racing team groaned. The anti-gravity ship itself was taken damage from the rockets. Several of them were smoking in places. Assegai then used quake and sent down a path damaging the other anti-gravity ships. Then the anti-gravity ships went through every corner of the racetrack. Just as the fourth lap approaches. Weapons are continued to fire against each other explosions can be seen on the entire racetrack as the onlookers watch on from the balconies. Radio chatter can be heard from the crew of the racing teams and the pilots have responded to them quickly.

“Charlie. Whatever you do give everything you have got!” Casely Jackson said. “On it now. Copy that.” Charlie responded back to him. She then continued on racing on the FEISAR anti-gravity FX450 craft so that she even listens to its engine power through the back of the anti-gravity alien craft. The rest of the pilots on other racing teams are firing against each other instantly. the ships are approaching the fifth and final lap all eight of the pilots are using everything they have can. One by one the anti-gravity ships have crossed the finish line in seconds. The pilots have climbed out of the main cockpits of the ships even Charlie have climbed out of the main cockpit of FEISAR while the crew of all twelve teams have checked damage of the crafts.

The Fury ships are lined up and are in the eliminator mode is next. The pilots are strapped in and ready. the pilots are using the weapons are being shot down by the weapons are either eliminated or killed. Pilots continued racking up the points till the session is complete. The pilots climbed out of the cockpits of the ships and the crew have checked damage of the crafts all twelve of them. They will have to take days to fully repair.

Meanwhile the two racing teams Tigron and Van Uber have somehow appeared with their newly built crafts in 2222, a decade into the cosmic energy infusion. Bringing the total to fourteen of the anti-gravity racing teams. As Charlie headed to the city of Neo Oxgana she was still driving down using the futuristic car she had found. “Damn it. What now.” She spoke. Someone then spoke on the other side of the phone line. “Charlie you there?” one said. “Yeah, I’m here.” She spoke. Kyle Mcason then told her that the next race of the league won’t be available for about two weeks.

Will this be the final race of the season? That was the question on everyone’s minds. The pilots are strapped in the main cockpits of the ships. All fourteen of the ships are docked and lined on the grid. Ther engines are fired up and ready. after the speed lap and the time trial runs. The pilots are lined up for the singe race first then the elimination and the tournament itself. The speed class itself is now at phantom.

The screen that is on top of the starting line itself shows three, two, one as it the voice says GO the ships went off the starting line and onto the track itself. The speed pads and the weapon pads are used on the racetrack. AG Systems used and fired rockets at Qirex and it was hit taking damage. Van Uber then placed mines and placed on the racetrack hitting Piranha taking damage. Icaras then used the replusor weapon hitting the other anti-gravity crafts. The ship’s energy went down and is currently Iat seventy percent. Auricom used quake and sending down a path of destruction. The ships went through all five of the laps the crew of the teams have checked damage of the crafts repairing them.

The pilots of the teams are still waiting on the ships to get fully repaired. Then the eliminator is next the Fury ships are on docked and lined up on the grid. The speed class is still the same thing. The pilots are strapped and seated on the main cockpits of the ships, all fourteen of them. The engines are fired up and ready. the ships are at the starting line. The screen that is on top of the starting line itself shows three, two, one as the voice over says GO the anti-gravity alien ships went off the starting line and onto the track itself. The speed pads and the weapon pads are used. And the ship energy absorber is only at the start/finish line.

The pilots are began using the weapons and fired at each other ship energy went down in seconds. The crafts are damaged. The ship’s energy is now sixty percent. AG Systems used and fired rockets at Mirage and it was hit taking damage. “Damn It. Those rockets.” One spoke. Charlie looked at the main cockpit view of the screen. FEISAR anti-gravity ship began to shake, and its pilot began to see the cosmic being looking at her. The pilots continued to use weapons till it reaches zero one of the ships were eliminated and that is Icaras. Then it was placed back on the racetrack itself, and it continued going on. The pilots continued to rack up the points till the session is complete. The pilots then in the garage after climbing out of the main cockpits of the ships and Charlie climbed out of the cockpit of FEISAR. The medals were awarded to the top three players.

The pilots are in the garage underneath the racetrack in Manaka. Still in Hawaii the crew of the teams have repaired the anti-gravity alien ships still docked and lined up on the gird. The speed class is still at phantom. The highest speed class to date. Engines are fired up and ready for the final race of the league and the season. Cybernetics are in full power. The ships are at the starting line, one of the ships were at the speed lap and that is FEISAR itself. The screen that is on top of the starting line shows three, two, one as the voice over says GO the ship went off the starting line and onto the track itself. The speed pads are only used in the speed lap run.

Went through the corners of the entire racetrack using the turbo pickup on all of the laps setting a lap record. The rest of the pilots were on other racing teams AG Systems, Auricom, Qirex, Piranha, Icaras, Mirage, Assegai, Goteki 45, Triakis, EG-X and Harimau. And including Tigron and Van Uber have also set lap times as well. The anti-gravity ships went through the time trial run as well. The pilots were strapped in and ready in the singe race. The pilots are looking at the main cockpit view screens in front of the controls. They chatted with the crew of the anti-gravity racing teams and the crew have responded back to the pilots quickly.

All eight of the anti-gravity ships were at the starting line. crowds are packed into stands and whatever they can find on and cheered. The pilots spoke through the headsets. The screen that is on top of the starting line shows three, two, one as the voice over says GO the ships went off the starting line and onto the racetrack itself. The speed pads and the weapon pads are used in the single race. Radio chatter can be heard from the crew of the teams and the pilots have responded quickly.

AG Systems used and fired rockets at Qirex taking damage. “Fuck! I’m hit.” He spoke. “Damn it.” One of the crew said. The rest of the pilots are firing the weapons against each other explosions can be seen on the racetrack. The ships went through every corner of the racetrack. The maglock-strips are on the racetrack and the ships went on the maglock part of the track. Two laps have gone by, and weapons are fired against each other explosions are shown on the racetrack. “Plasma.” The ship’s computer said. “What the hell?” Her eyes are widened as the plasma was fired towards FEISAR and its was hit ship energy went down in seconds. Pushing the max speed limits.

Two more laps have gone by ands it’s the final lap. Weapons are fired against each other and explosions are shown on the entire racetrack. The crew of the anti-gravity racing teams seen damage of the crafts. One by one the anti-gravity alien ships have crossed the finish line seconds within each other. The pilots have climbed out of the main cockpits of the anti-gravity alien ships even Charlie have climbed out of the main cockpit of FEISAR while the crew of all anti-gravity racing teams have checked damage of the crafts and it can take days to fully repair.

Heading to the city of Neo Oxgana Charlie began hunting down the entity told her that it was now or never. Now she has a choice to make. After the final race of the season in 2224 a pilot has won the FX450 Anti-Gravity Racing League. The anti-gravity ships are now beginning to be upgraded to the much more powerful FX500 anti-gravity ships that replaced the FX400 ships. new racetracks are currently used in the new league.


And that is that. This one is history. Also, a complete original story.
Till next time later pilots.


What do you think of my original WipEout anime concept story? Hoped you enjoyed it.
until next time later pilots. Reviews will be great.