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When its sister told it that she was a girl, Taako launched at her and gave her a hug that lasted several minutes and ended with them both a little teary eyed -and then they proceeded to sneak into the nearest town and steal several dresses from a fairly fancy boutique. The two of them almost get caught but sneak away to the cave they were squatting in and had a fabulous fashion show and that is a memory that for as long as they both have it, would bring them joy in rough times to come.
During the second year on The Starblaster, Taako feels more like a girl than she had in a long time and when she told her sister, the two were excited for some girl time but they still didn't know the crew to well and trusting had never been their strong suit -and while these people would become both of their families, at the time this feeling wasn't something Taako felt like she could shout from the rooftops as much as she usually would like to. But about half-way through the year and Taako had been only flinching a little when Magnus would call her bro or Merle would suggest they have a guys night when Lucretia and Lup would be busy. It only takes that long for Taako to tell Lup that she wants to tell the crew and there was no chance Lup wouldn't be telling everyone alongside her sibling.
When traveling with Magnus & Merle, on the says where gender seemed so out of reach for xe that even the idea that it exists for xem in other people's brain seemed ludicrous, xeir umbrella would turn the colour silver, like it was showing the world this truth in a way that only made sense to Taako.