Work Text:
“You two have been working out daily for a week,” Drift comments, “and you both know you need to take a rest day.”
Drift didn’t think Sunstreaker would agree rather than arguing how he can do whatever he wants. To both mechs’ surprise, Jamie is the one refusing to take a rest day. She goes back to her workout.
“That’s unusual,” Sunstreaker whispers, “even though she likes working out, she doesn’t daily.”
“Great, now we have to make her take a break,” Drift sighs
“I think this will be easy, without causing Jamie to feel forced. I know to be careful.”
Drift isn’t sure, but leaves the training room.
I worry about you, Drift. Sunstreaker sighs. You, Crosshairs, and Jamie.
He resumes his workout while trying to figure out how to get Jamie to rest.
Why is she pushing herself like this? He wonders. Jamie likes working out, but she never pushes herself like this.
“Ok, that’s enough for today,” Sunstreaker declares after thirty minutes. Jamie is not pleased but stops. He takes Jamie back to her room. Hoping to talk to Crosshairs.
“... I’m aware I don’t know everything, but Drift’s behavior is as concerning as how you keep quiet,” Sunstreaker explains.
“You know why. How am I helping him by saying the same as he says?”
The conversation is over when Drift opens the door. Not pleased Crosshairs and Sunstreaker are talking privately. He knows they’re talking about him and Jamie.
Sunstreaker worries the two will argue and brings up the idea of movie night. It’s not exactly what Drift meant by rest, but there’s no way they’d be allowed in the lounge room all day. They could choose to watch movies in either Crosshairs and Drift’s room or the twins’ room, but they’d be crammed.
The three mechs talk to Jamie when she walks out of the bathroom. Planning on watching her favorite movies. Jamie knows they won’t be watching movies for twelve hours. She’s told to pick two movies, but the three mechs joke about how they know what she’ll pick.
“Yup, I knew it,” Sunstreaker smiles, and leaves the room.
Sideswipe, Lily, and Lightning are informed about the plan.
“There you are,” a red-haired female comments as she walks towards Sunstreaker, “I have an idea for a painting project with Jamie.”
Lily shows Sunstreaker a photo she took while at Cade and Vivien’s home in Texas. She took a photo of the open yard at sunset with the woods in the background. Butterflies are in the center of the picture. Sunstreaker is amazed butterflies stayed long enough to be captured in a photo rather than flying away seeing Lily.
Sunstreaker realizes he forgot to show Lily the photo of the space painting. He waits since this is what Lily wants to work on. Lily knows Jamie might not join them.
Lily and Sunstreaker hate seeing Crosshairs and Drift having to encourage Jamie to join them. Hating the two mechs don’t think they can join the three in their art room.
Sunstreaker texts Drift once he and the two femmes are in their art room. Telling him he and Crosshairs could have joined them. Knowing they both worry about causing Jamie to feel like she’s being forced. Something he also worries about. Everyone knows they need to have Jamie do things, but with her mental state, she’s not interested in doing most of the things she loves to do.
Sunstreaker doesn’t have a large enough canvas for all three of them to work on a painting. He’s fine with working on a sketch in his sketchbook while the two femmes work on the painting.
It’s a nice two hours before it’s time to go to the cafeteria for dinner. Lily and Jamie finished the lines for the painting. Sunstreaker hoping tomorrow they’ll start painting. Knowing Lily won’t want to continue without Jamie.
“This is bad,” Lily comments once Jamie is out of the room, “are they not telling us Jamie is hurting herself?”
“As much as they’d hate telling anyone, they’d have to tell me along with Ratchet and Rung. We’re keeping her safe and trying to help her.”
“Can’t you put your gun and knife in your subspace? What if she actually tries to fight you?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
Sunstreaker knows Lily will continue to worry as do the Autobots and many soldiers.
After dinner, the friends get ready for their movie marathon. Deciding to get changed now before getting snacks. Drift gets his and Jamie’s tea, while Sunstreaker gets a gallon of milk from the fridge and some glasses. While Sunstreaker has said nothing, Drift suspects he went to Panera Bread. Sideswipe tries to get beer, but Sunstreaker argues he’s not drinking tonight.
Sunstreaker gets some of the chocolate chip cookies he bought to warm up after Drift leaves the kitchen, which Sideswipe questions.
Like it’s that big of a surprise. He thinks, watching his brother.
Sunstreaker puts cups in his subspace. Choosing to carry the plate of warm cookies and the gallon of milk.
Jamie watches Sunstreaker walk into the lounge room. His friends find it odd he’s carrying a gallon of milk. Even with the plate of cookies. They didn’t think he’d take a couple of boxes of cookies from his subspace.
“Ok, but still a gallon of milk?” Crosshairs asks.
Jamie and Lily laugh. Sideswipe keeps them laughing seeing Sunstreaker got Lily’s favorite cookie that Sideswipe hates, white chocolate macadamia nut.
The movie marathon starts once everyone has their snack. The four mechs still can’t believe Jamie can watch the two movies they're watching yet again, while this is Lily’s first time watching the movie. Finding it strange such movies have been made in Jamie’s dimension, yet humans there don’t know that the Transformers exist, and how Jamie can watch the movies repeatedly.
It’s eleven-thirty by the end of the second movie. Both femmes are half asleep, but refusing to go to bed.
“All right, I’m carrying you to bed,” Drift smiles and picks up Jamie. Lily didn’t think Sunstreaker would carry her.
The four mechs calling this a good night.