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big boy with the skull face got me sweatin’

Chapter 6: Explosives

Chapter Text

Another middle-of-the-night job had Ghost lying down in some type of tree-covered clearing, watching through a scope as Soap ran around bounding over shipping containers. Ghost scanned back and forth through the harbour for any signs of movement. There wasn’t supposed to be anyone here (or anywhere) for the next couple of miles.

Soap was checking on the charges he set, which meant he would disappear briefly before popping up somewhere else. Ghost felt like he was playing a game of wack-a-mole (or maybe wack-a-mohawk would be more appropriate).

Eventually, he saw Soap looking for him in the tree line. Ghost flashed his scope a couple of times so Soap could find him. He gave Ghost a thumbs-up before disappearing again.

After a good 20 minutes, Soap appeared at his shoulder, roughly hitting the earth beside Ghost. When Ghost looked his way, he was smiling. Others might have found that concerning, considering this next part.

“Soap is in the clear,” Ghost broadcasted to the team.

“Alright, demolitions expert,” Price said, clearly speaking to Soap, “Blow the ship.”

Soap stilled (Ghost felt a headache coming on), “The ship?”

“It’s not rigged?” Price questioned.

“Oh, it’s rigged.” Soap responded, “Along with the rest of the harbour.”

“Excuse me?”

“You said harbour, sir.”

“Soap, I clearly meant the ships in the harbour, not the whole goddam fucking harbour.”

“Well, you should have specified.”  

Ghost could almost hear Price rolling his eyes, “Fuck it, blow the thing.”

“Ka-fricken-boom, Baby!” Soap exclaimed before smashing a comically big, red button.

The world seemed to still for half a second before it absolutely erupted. The ground rocked with what felt like the force of a thousand earthquakes. Even lying flat on the ground, Ghost felt like he was losing his balance. It was audible for only a moment before Ghost’s ears gave out completely. He had to look away as specks of debris started to rain down on them. When he looked back, the whole harbour was levelled. Ghost strained to hear as his radio crackled to life again.

“Right, so you’re all crazy,” Alejandro said.

“Well,” Gaz piped up, “Price adopted me after I fell out of a helicopter, so we know his decision-making skills are questionable at best.”

Adopted you?” Ghost could hear the confusion in Price’s voice, “And I take no responsibility for Soap’s actions. He came to us pre-calibrated for destruction.”

Ghost tuned them out just in time to hear Soap say, “Beautiful, isn’t it?”

Ghost looked at his awe-struck face as he peered down at the rubble.

“Yeah,” Ghost mumbled, “It is.”

He knew with all his heart he wasn’t talking about the explosion.


wow, I can't believe you made it this far

kudos, comments, etc. are loved and appreciated