Work Text:
He rolled up his sleeves,
the Death Eater tattoo
It hadn't faded the way
some of the others had,
it hadn't disappeared,
it remained,
a constant reminder that the
wizard she loved,
the one who had her soul,
would always belong
to another,
his alligence would always be
the his former Master.
Luna toyed with the buttons on his
unbuttoning them,
sliding the white fabric sleeve
up his arm,
exposing his wrist,
with its narrow scars.
Some were from his time in
he didn't talk about those days,
not in words,
but in soundless screams
when he woke in the middle of the night,
when only Luna's touch seemed to
calm him,
comfort him,
remind him he was no longer locked
in that place,
that he still had his soul,
that no one was going take it,
no one was going to hurt him again.
She pushed it further up,
the bottom of the Mark showing,
she kissed it gently,
she didn't care that he was
Voldemort's most loyal follower,
Lord Voldemort was dead,
gone for good this time,
Barty needed someone else,
someone who had his best interests
in heart,
in mind,
in soul,
someone who would care for
the broken man,
the man who had lost part of himself,
following his Master,
the man who was lost without
someone to guide him,
Luna had found him
after it all ended,
not quite a husk,
the Kiss hadn't worked,
his soul still lingered,
tethered to his body,
she'd taken him,
nursed him back to health,
back to something more of a man,
less of a shell,
and for that,
he owed her his life,
but she'd fallen in love with him,
in love with the darkness
that still lived within him,
a constant reminder that no one
is every truly one thing,
never truly evil
never truly good,
in a world of greys,
of shadows,
Luna kissed him,
held him,
traced his Mark,
rolling up his sleeves to see it,
to remind him of everything he'd
of the life he'd chosen,
at one point,
and the life he had now,
not as different as one would think,
still with a master in a way,
still belonging to someone,
someone who would take his
undying loyalty,
his heart and soul,
but not to use him,
but because she loved him,
loved him